Exemplo n.º 1
def general_toposort(r_out, deps, debug_print=False):

        deps(i) should behave like a pure function (no funny business with internal state)

        deps(i) will be cached by this function (to be fast)

        The order of the return value list is determined by the order of nodes returned by the deps() function.
    deps_cache = {}

    def _deps(io):
        if io not in deps_cache:
            d = deps(io)
            if d:
                if not isinstance(d, (list, OrderedSet)):
                    raise TypeError("Non-deterministic collections here make"
                            " toposort non-deterministic.")
                deps_cache[io] = list(d)
                deps_cache[io] = d
            return d
            return deps_cache[io]

    assert isinstance(r_out, (tuple, list, deque))

    reachable, clients = stack_search(deque(r_out), _deps, 'dfs', True)
    sources = deque([r for r in reachable if not deps_cache.get(r, None)])

    rset = set()
    rlist = []
    while sources:
        node = sources.popleft()
        if node not in rset:
            for client in clients.get(node, []):
                deps_cache[client] = [a for a in deps_cache[client] if a is not node]
                if not deps_cache[client]:

    if len(rlist) != len(reachable):
        if debug_print:
            print ''
            print reachable
            print rlist
        raise ValueError('graph contains cycles')

    return rlist
Exemplo n.º 2
    def apply(self, env, start_from = None):
        if start_from is None: start_from = env.outputs
        q = deque(graph.io_toposort(env.inputs, start_from))
        def importer(node):
            if node is not current_node:
        def pruner(node):
            if node is not current_node:
                except ValueError:

        u = self.attach_updater(env, importer, pruner)
            while q:
                if self.order == 'out_to_in':
                    node = q.pop()
                    node = q.popleft()
                current_node = node
                self.process_node(env, node)
        except Exception:
            self.detach_updater(env, u)
        self.detach_updater(env, u)
Exemplo n.º 3
def list_of_nodes(inputs, outputs):
    """ Return the apply nodes of the graph between inputs and outputs """
    return stack_search(
            deque([o.owner for o in outputs]),
            lambda o: [inp.owner for inp in o.inputs
                           if inp.owner
                           and not any(i in inp.owner.outputs for i in inputs)])
Exemplo n.º 4
def variables_and_orphans(i, o):
    def expand(r):
        if r.owner and r not in i:
            l = list(r.owner.inputs) + list(r.owner.outputs)
            return l
    variables = stack_search(deque(o), expand, 'dfs')
    orphans = [r for r in variables if r.owner is None and r not in i]
    return variables, orphans
Exemplo n.º 5
 def distribute(self, value, indices, containers):
     rg = partial(numpy.random.RandomState(int(value)).randint, 2**30)
     elems = deque(zip(indices, containers))
     i = 0
     while elems:
         index, container = elems.popleft()
         while i <= index:
             curr = rg()
             i += 1
         rs = numpy.random.RandomState(int(curr))
         container.data = rs
Exemplo n.º 6
def ancestors(variable_list, blockers=None):
    """Return the variables that contribute to those in variable_list (inclusive).

    :type variable_list: list of `Variable` instances
    :param variable_list:
        output `Variable` instances from which to search backward through owners
    :rtype: list of `Variable` instances
        all input nodes, in the order found by a left-recursive depth-first search
        started at the nodes in `variable_list`.

    def expand(r):
        if r.owner and (not blockers or r not in blockers):
            return reversed(r.owner.inputs)
    dfs_variables = stack_search(deque(variable_list), expand, 'dfs')
    return dfs_variables
Exemplo n.º 7
def ancestors(variable_list, blockers=None):
    """Return the variables that contribute to those in variable_list (inclusive).

    :type variable_list: list of `Variable` instances
    :param variable_list:
        output `Variable` instances from which to search backward through owners
    :rtype: list of `Variable` instances
        all input nodes, in the order found by a left-recursive depth-first search
        started at the nodes in `variable_list`.

    def expand(r):
        if r.owner and (not blockers or r not in blockers):
            l = list(r.owner.inputs)
            return l

    dfs_variables = stack_search(deque(variable_list), expand, 'dfs')
    return dfs_variables
Exemplo n.º 8
def ancestors(variable_list, blockers=None):
    """Return the variables that contribute to those in variable_list

    :type variable_list: list of `Variable`, `In` or `Out` instances
    :param variable_list:
        `Variable` instances from which to search backward through owners
    :type blockers: same as variable_list
    :param blockers: stop the graph traversal at those Variable.
    :rtype: list of `Variable` instances
        all nodes, in the order found by a left-recursive depth-first search
        started at the nodes in `variable_list` (including them).

    if blockers is None:
        blockers = ()
        bb = []
        for b in blockers:
            if isinstance(b, (theano.In, theano.Out)):
        blockers = bb

    var_list = []
    for var in variable_list:
        if isinstance(var, (theano.In, theano.Out)):

    def expand(r):
        if r.owner and (not blockers or r not in blockers):
            return reversed(r.owner.inputs)
    dfs_variables = stack_search(deque(var_list), expand, 'dfs')
    return dfs_variables
Exemplo n.º 9
def _contains_cycle(fgraph, orderings):

    fgraph  - the FunctionGraph to check for cycles

    orderings - dictionary specifying extra dependencies besides
                 those encoded in Variable.owner / Apply.inputs

                If orderings[my_apply] == dependencies,

                then my_apply is an Apply instance,
                dependencies is a set of Apply instances,
                and every member of dependencies must be executed
                before my_apply.

                The dependencies are typically used to prevent
                inplace apply nodes from destroying their input before
                other apply nodes with the same input access it.

    Returns True if the graph contains a cycle, False otherwise.

    # These are lists of Variable instances
    inputs = fgraph.inputs
    outputs = fgraph.outputs

    # this is hard-coded reimplementation of functions from graph.py
    # reason: go faster, prepare for port to C.
    # specifically, it could be replaced with a wrapper
    # around graph.io_toposort that returns True iff io_toposort raises
    # a ValueError containing the substring 'cycle'.
    # This implementation is optimized for the destroyhandler and runs
    # slightly faster than io_toposort.

    # this is performance-critical code. it is the largest single-function
    # bottleneck when compiling large graphs.
    assert isinstance(outputs, (tuple, list, deque))

    # TODO: For more speed - use a defaultdict for the orderings
    # (defaultdict runs faster than dict in the case where the key
    # is not in the dictionary, at least in CPython)

    iset = set(inputs)

    # IG: I tried converting parent_counts to use an id for the key,
    # so that the dict would do reference counting on its keys.
    # This caused a slowdown.
    # Separate benchmark tests showed that calling id is about
    # half as expensive as a dictionary access, and that the
    # dictionary also runs slower when storing ids than when
    # storing objects.

    # dict mapping an Apply or Variable instance to the number
    # of its parents (including parents imposed by orderings)
    # that haven't been visited yet
    parent_counts = {}
    # dict mapping an Apply or Variable instance to its children
    node_to_children = {}

    # visitable: A container holding all Variable and Apply instances
    # that can currently be visited according to the graph topology
    # (ie, whose parents have already been visited)
    # TODO: visitable is a fifo_queue. could this run faster if we
    # implement it as a stack rather than a deque?
    # TODO: visitable need not be a fifo_queue, any kind of container
    # that we can throw things into and take things out of quickly will
    # work. is there another kind of container that could run faster?
    # we don't care about the traversal order here as much as we do
    # in io_toposort because we aren't trying to generate an ordering
    # on the nodes
    visitable = deque()

    # IG: visitable could in principle be initialized to fgraph.inputs
    #     + fgraph.orphans... if there were an fgraph.orphans structure.
    #     I tried making one and maintaining it caused a huge slowdown.
    #     This may be because I made it a list, so it would have a
    #     deterministic iteration order, in hopes of using it to speed
    #     up toposort as well.
    #     I think since we need to scan through all variables and nodes
    #     to make parent_counts anyway, it's cheap enough to always
    #     detect orphans at cycle detection / toposort time

    # Pass through all the nodes to build visitable, parent_count, and
    # node_to_children
    for var in fgraph.variables:

        # this is faster than calling get_parents
        owner = var.owner
        if owner:
            parents = [owner]
            parents = []

        # variables don't appear in orderings, so we don't need to worry
        # about that here

        if parents:
            for parent in parents:
                # insert node in node_to_children[r]
                # (if r is not already in node_to_children,
                # intialize it to [])
                node_to_children.setdefault(parent, []).append(var)
            parent_counts[var] = len(parents)
            parent_counts[var] = 0

    for a_n in fgraph.apply_nodes:
        parents = list(a_n.inputs)
        # This is faster than conditionally extending
        # IG: I tried using a shared empty_list = [] constructed
        # outside of the for loop to avoid constructing multiple
        # lists, but this was not any faster.
        parents.extend(orderings.get(a_n, []))

        if parents:
            for parent in parents:
                # insert node in node_to_children[r]
                # (if r is not already in node_to_children,
                # intialize it to [])
                node_to_children.setdefault(parent, []).append(a_n)
            parent_counts[a_n] = len(parents)
            # an Apply with no inputs would be a weird case, but I'm
            # not sure we forbid it
            parent_counts[a_n] = 0

    # at this point,
    # parent_counts.keys() == fgraph.apply_nodes + fgraph.variables

    # Now we actually check for cycles
    # As long as there are nodes that can be visited while respecting
    # the topology, we keep visiting nodes
    # If we run out of visitable nodes and we haven't visited all nodes,
    # then there was a cycle. It blocked the traversal because some
    # node couldn't be visited until one of its descendants had been
    # visited too.
    # This is a standard cycle detection algorithm.

    visited = 0
    while visitable:
        # Since each node is inserted into the visitable queue exactly
        # once, it comes out of the queue exactly once
        # That means we can decrement its children's unvisited parent count
        # and increment the visited node count without double-counting
        node = visitable.popleft()
        visited += 1
        for client in node_to_children.get(node, []):
            parent_counts[client] -= 1
            # If all of a node's parents have been visited,
            # it may now be visited too
            if not parent_counts[client]:

    return visited != len(parent_counts)
Exemplo n.º 10
def _dfs_toposort(i, r_out, orderings):
    i - list of inputs
    o - list of outputs
    orderings - dict of additions to the normal inputs and outputs

    Returns nothing.  Raises exception for graph with cycles
    #this is hard-coded reimplementation of functions  from graph.py
    # reason: go faster, prepare for port to C.

    assert isinstance(r_out, (tuple, list, deque))

    # TODO: For more speed - use a defaultdict for the orderings

    iset = set(i)

    if 0:
        def expand(obj):
            rval = []
            if obj not in iset:
                if isinstance(obj, graph.Variable):
                    if obj.owner:
                        rval = [obj.owner]
                if isinstance(obj, graph.Apply):
                    rval = list(obj.inputs)
                rval.extend(orderings.get(obj, []))
                assert not orderings.get(obj, [])
            return rval

    expand_cache = {}
    # reachable, clients = stack_search( deque(r_out), deps, 'dfs', True)
    rval_set = set()
    rval_list = list()
    expand_inv = {}
    sources = deque()
    while start:
        l = start.pop()# this makes the search dfs
        if id(l) not in rval_set:
            if l in iset:
                assert not orderings.get(l, [])
                expand_l = []
                    if l.owner:
                        expand_l = [l.owner]
                        expand_l = []
                except AttributeError:
                    expand_l = list(l.inputs)
                expand_l.extend(orderings.get(l, []))
            if expand_l:
                for r in expand_l:
                    expand_inv.setdefault(r, []).append(l)
            expand_cache[l] = expand_l
    assert len(rval_list) == len(rval_set)-1

    rset = set()
    rlist = []
    while sources:
        node = sources.popleft()
        if node not in rset:
            for client in expand_inv.get(node, []):
                expand_cache[client] = [a for a in expand_cache[client] if a is not node]
                if not expand_cache[client]:

    if len(rlist) != len(rval_list):
        raise ValueError('graph contains cycles')
Exemplo n.º 11
    def apply(self, env, start_from=None):
        if start_from is None:
            start_from = env.outputs
        changed = True
        max_use_abort = False
        opt_name = None
        process_count = {}

        while changed and not max_use_abort:
            changed = False

            #apply global optimizer
            for gopt in self.global_optimizers:
            if env.change_tracker.changed:
                changed = True

            #apply local optimizer
            for node in start_from:
                assert node in env.outputs

            q = deque(graph.io_toposort(env.inputs, start_from))

            max_use = len(q) * self.max_use_ratio

            def importer(node):
                if node is not current_node:

            def pruner(node):
                if node is not current_node:
                    except ValueError:

            u = self.attach_updater(env, importer, pruner)
                while q:
                    node = q.pop()
                    current_node = node
                    for lopt in self.local_optimizers:
                        process_count.setdefault(lopt, 0)
                        if process_count[lopt] > max_use:
                            max_use_abort = True
                            opt_name = (getattr(lopt, "name", None)
                                        or getattr(lopt, "__name__", None)
                                        or "")
                            lopt_change = self.process_node(env, node, lopt)
                            if lopt_change:
                                process_count[lopt] += 1
                                changed = True
                                if node not in env.nodes:
                                    break  # go to next node
                self.detach_updater(env, u)
                env, u)  #TODO: erase this line, it's redundant at best
        if max_use_abort:
            _logger.error("EquilibriumOptimizer max'ed out by '%s'" %
                          opt_name +
                          ". You can safely raise the current threshold of " +
                          "%f with the theano flag 'optdb.max_use_ratio'." %
Exemplo n.º 12
    def apply(self, env, start_from = None):
        if start_from is None:
            start_from = env.outputs
        changed = True
        max_use_abort = False
        opt_name = None
        process_count = {}
        max_nb_nodes = 0

        while changed and not max_use_abort:
            changed = False

            #apply global optimizer
            for gopt in self.global_optimizers:
            if env.change_tracker.changed:
                changed = True

            #apply local optimizer
            for node in start_from:
                assert node in env.outputs

            q = deque(graph.io_toposort(env.inputs, start_from))

            max_nb_nodes = max(max_nb_nodes, len(q))
            max_use = max_nb_nodes * self.max_use_ratio
            def importer(node):
                if node is not current_node:
            def pruner(node):
                if node is not current_node:
                    except ValueError:

            u = self.attach_updater(env, importer, pruner)
                while q:
                    node = q.pop()
                    current_node = node
                    for lopt in self.local_optimizers:
                        process_count.setdefault(lopt, 0)
                        lopt_change = self.process_node(env, node, lopt)
                        if lopt_change:
                            process_count[lopt] += 1
                            changed = True
                            if process_count[lopt] > max_use:
                                max_use_abort = True
                                opt_name = (getattr(lopt, "name", None)
                                            or getattr(lopt, "__name__", ""))
                            if node not in env.nodes:
                                break # go to next node
                self.detach_updater(env, u)
            self.detach_updater(env, u) #TODO: erase this line, it's redundant at best
        if max_use_abort:
            _logger.error("EquilibriumOptimizer max'ed out by '%s'" % opt_name
                          + ". You can safely raise the current threshold of "
                          + "%f with the theano flag 'optdb.max_use_ratio'." %
Exemplo n.º 13
def _dfs_toposort(i, r_out, orderings):
    i - list of inputs
    o - list of outputs
    orderings - dict of additions to the normal inputs and outputs

    Returns nothing.  Raises exception for graph with cycles
    #this is hard-coded reimplementation of functions  from graph.py
    # reason: go faster, prepare for port to C.

    assert isinstance(r_out, (tuple, list, deque))

    # TODO: For more speed - use a defaultdict for the orderings

    iset = set(i)

    if 0:

        def expand(obj):
            rval = []
            if obj not in iset:
                if isinstance(obj, graph.Variable):
                    if obj.owner:
                        rval = [obj.owner]
                if isinstance(obj, graph.Apply):
                    rval = list(obj.inputs)
                rval.extend(orderings.get(obj, []))
                assert not orderings.get(obj, [])
            return rval

    expand_cache = {}
    # reachable, clients = stack_search( deque(r_out), deps, 'dfs', True)
    start = deque(r_out)
    rval_set = set()
    rval_list = list()
    expand_inv = {}
    sources = deque()
    while start:
        l = start.pop()  # this makes the search dfs
        if id(l) not in rval_set:
            if l in iset:
                assert not orderings.get(l, [])
                expand_l = []
                    if l.owner:
                        expand_l = [l.owner]
                        expand_l = []
                except AttributeError:
                    expand_l = list(l.inputs)
                expand_l.extend(orderings.get(l, []))
            if expand_l:
                for r in expand_l:
                    expand_inv.setdefault(r, []).append(l)
            expand_cache[l] = expand_l
    assert len(rval_list) == len(rval_set) - 1

    rset = set()
    rlist = []
    while sources:
        node = sources.popleft()
        if node not in rset:
            for client in expand_inv.get(node, []):
                expand_cache[client] = [
                    a for a in expand_cache[client] if a is not node
                if not expand_cache[client]:

    if len(rlist) != len(rval_list):
        raise ValueError('graph contains cycles')
Exemplo n.º 14
def _contains_cycle(fgraph, orderings):

    fgraph  - the FunctionGraph to check for cycles

    orderings - dictionary specifying extra dependencies besides
                 those encoded in Variable.owner / Apply.inputs

                If orderings[my_apply] == dependencies,

                then my_apply is an Apply instance,
                dependencies is a set of Apply instances,
                and every member of dependencies must be executed
                before my_apply.

                The dependencies are typically used to prevent
                inplace apply nodes from destroying their input before
                other apply nodes with the same input access it.

    Returns True if the graph contains a cycle, False otherwise.

    # These are lists of Variable instances
    inputs = fgraph.inputs
    outputs = fgraph.outputs

    # this is hard-coded reimplementation of functions from graph.py
    # reason: go faster, prepare for port to C.
    # specifically, it could be replaced with a wrapper
    # around graph.io_toposort that returns True iff io_toposort raises
    # a ValueError containing the substring 'cycle'.
    # This implementation is optimized for the destroyhandler and runs
    # slightly faster than io_toposort.

    # this is performance-critical code. it is the largest single-function
    # bottleneck when compiling large graphs.

    assert isinstance(outputs, (tuple, list, deque))

    # TODO: For more speed - use a defaultdict for the orderings
    # (defaultdict runs faster than dict in the case where the key
    # is not in the dictionary, at least in CPython)

    iset = set(inputs)

    # IG: I tried converting parent_counts to use an id for the key,
    # so that the dict would do reference counting on its keys.
    # This caused a slowdown.
    # Separate benchmark tests showed that calling id is about
    # half as expensive as a dictionary access, and that the
    # dictionary also runs slower when storing ids than when
    # storing objects.

    # dict mapping an Apply or Variable instance to the number
    # of its parents (including parents imposed by orderings)
    # that haven't been visited yet
    parent_counts = {}
    # dict mapping an Apply or Variable instance to its children
    node_to_children = {}

    # visitable: A container holding all Variable and Apply instances
    # that can currently be visited according to the graph topology
    # (ie, whose parents have already been visited)
    # TODO: visitable is a fifo_queue. could this run faster if we
    # implement it as a stack rather than a deque?
    # TODO: visitable need not be a fifo_queue, any kind of container
    # that we can throw things into and take things out of quickly will
    # work. is there another kind of container that could run faster?
    # we don't care about the traversal order here as much as we do
    # in io_toposort because we aren't trying to generate an ordering
    # on the nodes
    visitable = deque()

    # IG: visitable could in principle be initialized to fgraph.inputs
    #     + fgraph.orphans... if there were an fgraph.orphans structure.
    #     I tried making one and maintaining it caused a huge slowdown.
    #     This may be because I made it a list, so it would have a
    #     deterministic iteration order, in hopes of using it to speed
    #     up toposort as well.
    #     I think since we need to scan through all variables and nodes
    #     to make parent_counts anyway, it's cheap enough to always
    #     detect orphans at cycle detection / toposort time

    # Pass through all the nodes to build visitable, parent_count, and
    # node_to_children
    for var in fgraph.variables:

        # this is faster than calling get_parents
        owner = var.owner
        if owner:
            parents = [ owner ]
            parents = []

        # variables don't appear in orderings, so we don't need to worry
        # about that here

        if parents:
            for parent in parents:
                # insert node in node_to_children[r]
                # (if r is not already in node_to_children,
                # intialize it to [])
                node_to_children.setdefault(parent, []).append(var)
            parent_counts[var] = len(parents)
            parent_counts[var] = 0

    for a_n in fgraph.apply_nodes:
        parents = list(a_n.inputs)
        # This is faster than conditionally extending
        # IG: I tried using a shared empty_list = [] constructed
        # outside of the for loop to avoid constructing multiple
        # lists, but this was not any faster.
        parents.extend(orderings.get(a_n, []))

        if parents:
            for parent in parents:
                # insert node in node_to_children[r]
                # (if r is not already in node_to_children,
                # intialize it to [])
                node_to_children.setdefault(parent, []).append(a_n)
            parent_counts[a_n] = len(parents)
            # an Apply with no inputs would be a weird case, but I'm
            # not sure we forbid it
            parent_counts[a_n] = 0

    # at this point,
    # parent_counts.keys() == fgraph.apply_nodes + fgraph.variables

    # Now we actually check for cycles
    # As long as there are nodes that can be visited while respecting
    # the topology, we keep visiting nodes
    # If we run out of visitable nodes and we haven't visited all nodes,
    # then there was a cycle. It blocked the traversal because some
    # node couldn't be visited until one of its descendants had been
    # visited too.
    # This is a standard cycle detection algorithm.

    visited = 0
    while visitable:
        # Since each node is inserted into the visitable queue exactly
        # once, it comes out of the queue exactly once
        # That means we can decrement its children's unvisited parent count
        # and increment the visited node count without double-counting
        node = visitable.popleft()
        visited += 1
        for client in node_to_children.get(node,[]):
            parent_counts[client] -= 1
            # If all of a node's parents have been visited,
            # it may now be visited too
            if not parent_counts[client]:

    return visited != len(parent_counts)