def linearRegression_2(inputs, outputs):
    Computers the least squares estimator (LSE) B_hat that minimises the sum of the
    squared errors.

    Computes B_hat as B_hat = X^+ . y
    with X^+ the pseudoinverse of matrix X.

        inputs: Matrix of inputs (X) (nxp matrix)
                format: [[observation_1], ..., [observation_n]]
        outputs: Column vector (Matrix) of outputs y (nx1 matrix)
                 format: [[y_1], ... , [y_n]]
        B_hat: Column vector (Matrix) of fitted slopes (px1 matrix)
               format: [[b_0], ... , [b_{p-1}]]
    X = T.dmatrix('X')
    y = T.dcol('y')
    # MatrixPinv is the class.
    # pinv is the method based upon the MatrixPinv class.
    # B_hat = X^+ . y
    B_hat =,y)
    lse = function([X, y], B_hat)
    b = lse(inputs, outputs)
    return b
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_pseudoinverse_correctness():
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
    d1 = rng.randint(4) + 2
    d2 = rng.randint(4) + 2
    r = rng.randn(d1, d2).astype(theano.config.floatX)

    x = tensor.matrix()
    xi = pinv(x)

    ri = function([x], xi)(r)
    assert ri.shape[0] == r.shape[1]
    assert ri.shape[1] == r.shape[0]
    assert ri.dtype == r.dtype
    # Note that pseudoinverse can be quite unprecise so I prefer to compare
    # the result with what numpy.linalg returns
    assert _allclose(ri, numpy.linalg.pinv(r))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_pseudoinverse_correctness():
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
    d1 = rng.randint(4) + 2
    d2 = rng.randint(4) + 2
    r = rng.randn(d1, d2).astype(theano.config.floatX)

    x = tensor.matrix()
    xi = pinv(x)

    ri = function([x], xi)(r)
    assert ri.shape[0] == r.shape[1]
    assert ri.shape[1] == r.shape[0]
    assert ri.dtype == r.dtype
    # Note that pseudoinverse can be quite unprecise so I prefer to compare
    # the result with what numpy.linalg returns
    assert _allclose(ri, numpy.linalg.pinv(r))