Exemplo n.º 1
from thefuck.archlinux import archlinux_env, get_pkgfile
from thefuck import shells

def match(command, settings):
    return 'not found' in command.stderr and get_pkgfile(command.script)

def get_new_command(command, settings):
    packages = get_pkgfile(command.script)

    formatme = shells.and_('{} -S {}', '{}')
    return [formatme.format(pacman, package, command.script)
            for package in packages]

enabled_by_default, pacman = archlinux_env()
Exemplo n.º 2
from thefuck.archlinux import archlinux_env, get_pkgfile
from thefuck import shells

def match(command, settings):
    return 'not found' in command.stderr and get_pkgfile(command.script)

def get_new_command(command, settings):
    packages = get_pkgfile(command.script)

    formatme = shells.and_('{} -S {}', '{}')
    return [
        formatme.format(pacman, package, command.script)
        for package in packages

enabled_by_default, pacman = archlinux_env()
Exemplo n.º 3
""" Fixes wrong package names with pacman or yaourt.

For example the `llc` program is in package `llvm` so this:
    yaourt -S llc
should be:
    yaourt -S llvm

from thefuck.utils import replace_command
from thefuck.archlinux import archlinux_env, get_pkgfile

def match(command, settings):
    return (command.script.startswith(('pacman', 'sudo pacman', 'yaourt'))
            and 'error: target not found:' in command.stderr)

def get_new_command(command, settings):
    pgr = command.script.split()[-1]

    return replace_command(command, pgr, get_pkgfile(pgr))

enabled_by_default, _ = archlinux_env()