Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):

        #we need to stitch together three tables. Note that prem_withQ has a wider range, so we cut
        #away rows at the top and bottom. Interpolation is not necessary, because all tables
        #where generated with at the same depths

        table = tools.read_table("data/prem_withQ.txt")#data is: radius pressure density V_p V_s Q_K Q_mu
        table = np.array(table)
        table[:,0] = table[:,0] / 1e3 #convert to km 
        table2 = tools.read_table("data/swave_fast.txt")
        table2 = np.array(table2)
        table3 = tools.read_table("data/pwave_fast.txt")
        table3 = np.array(table3)

        min_radius = self.earth_radius-max(table2[:,0])/1e3
        max_radius = self.earth_radius-min(table2[:,0])/1e3
        table=np.array(filter(lambda x: (x[0]>=min_radius and x[0]<=max_radius), table))

        assert(len(table) == len(table2))
        assert(len(table) == len(table3))

        self.table_radius = table[:,0]
        self.table_pressure = table[:,1] * 1e9
        self.table_density = table[:,2]
        self.table_vp = table3[:,1] / 1e3
        self.table_vs = table2[:,1] / 1e3
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):

        table = tools.read_table(
        )  #data is: radius pressure density V_p V_s Q_K Q_G
        table = np.array(table)
        table[:, 0] = table[:, 0]
        table2 = tools.read_table("input_seismic/swave_fast.txt")
        table2 = np.array(table2)
        table3 = tools.read_table("input_seismic/pwave_fast.txt")
        table3 = np.array(table3)

        min_radius = self.earth_radius - max(table2[:, 0])
        max_radius = self.earth_radius - min(table2[:, 0])

        table = np.array(
            filter(lambda x: (x[0] >= min_radius and x[0] <= max_radius),

        assert (len(table) == len(table2))
        assert (len(table) == len(table3))

        self.table_radius = table[:, 0]
        self.table_pressure = table[:, 1]
        self.table_density = table[:, 2]
        self.table_vp = table3[:, 1]
        self.table_vs = table2[:, 1]
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
     table = tools.read_table("input_seismic/prem_table.txt") # radius, pressure, density, v_p, v_s
     table = np.array(table)
     self.table_radius = table[:,0]
     self.table_pressure = table[:,1]
     self.table_density = table[:,2]
     self.table_vp = table[:,3]
     self.table_vs = table[:,4]
     # read in gravity data
     table = tools.read_table("input_seismic/grav_for_PREM.txt") # radius, g
     table = np.array(table)
     self.table_radiusgravity = table[:,0]
     self.table_gravity = table[:,1]
Exemplo n.º 4
 def grav(self, depths):
     table = tools.read_table(
         "input_seismic/grav_for_PREM.txt")  # radius, g
     table = np.array(table)
     table_rad = table[:, 0]
     table_g = table[:, 1]
     return np.interp(self.earth_radius - depths, table_rad, table_g)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     table = tools.read_table("input_seismic/iasp91.txt")  # radius, pressure, density, v_p, v_s
     table = np.array(table)
     self.table_depth = table[:, 0]
     self.table_radius = table[:, 1]
     self.table_vp = table[:, 2]
     self.table_vs = table[:, 3]
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
     table = tools.read_table("data/prem_table.txt") # radius, pressure, density, v_p, v_s
     table = np.array(table)
     self.table_radius = table[:,0]
     self.table_pressure = table[:,1] * 0.1 * 1e9 # convert kbar to GPa to Pa
     self.table_density = table[:,2]
     self.table_vp = table[:,3]
     self.table_vs = table[:,4]
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self):
     table = tools.read_table("input_seismic/prem_table.txt") # radius, pressure, density, v_p, v_s
     table = np.array(table)
     self.table_radius = table[:,0]
     self.table_pressure = table[:,1] 
     self.table_density = table[:,2]
     self.table_vp = table[:,3]
     self.table_vs = table[:,4]
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self):
     table = tools.read_table("input_seismic/prem_table.txt"
                              )  # radius, pressure, density, v_p, v_s
     table = np.array(table)
     self.table_radius = table[:, 0]
     self.table_pressure = table[:, 1]
     self.table_density = table[:, 2]
     self.table_vp = table[:, 3]
     self.table_vs = table[:, 4]
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self):

        table = tools.read_table("data/prem_withQ.txt")#data is: radius pressure density V_p V_s Q_K Q_mu
        table = np.array(table)
        self.table_radius = table[:,0] / 1e3 #convert to km 
        self.table_pressure = table[:,1] * 1e9
        self.table_density = table[:,2]
        self.table_vp = table[:,3] / 1e3
        self.table_vs = table[:,4] / 1e3
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):

        table = tools.read_table("input_seismic/prem_lowermantle.txt")#data is: radius pressure density V_p V_s Q_K Q_G
        table = np.array(table)
        self.table_radius = table[:,0]   
        self.table_pressure = table[:,1] 
        self.table_density = table[:,2]
        self.table_vp = table[:,3] 
        self.table_vs = table[:,4] 
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self):

        table = tools.read_table(
        )  #data is: radius pressure density V_p V_s Q_K Q_G
        table = np.array(table)
        self.table_radius = table[:, 0]
        self.table_pressure = table[:, 1]
        self.table_density = table[:, 2]
        self.table_vp = table[:, 3]
        self.table_vs = table[:, 4]
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self):

        table = tools.read_table("input_seismic/prem.txt")  # data is: radius pressure density V_p V_s Q_K Q_G
        table = np.array(table)
        table2 = tools.read_table("input_seismic/swave_fast.txt")
        table2 = np.array(table2)
        table3 = tools.read_table("input_seismic/pwave_fast.txt")
        table3 = np.array(table3)

        min_radius = self.earth_radius - max(table2[:, 0])
        max_radius = self.earth_radius - min(table2[:, 0])

        table = np.array(filter(lambda x: (x[1] >= min_radius and x[1] <= max_radius), table))

        self.table_depth = table[:, 0]
        self.table_radius = table[:, 1]
        self.table_pressure = table[:, 2]
        self.table_density = table[:, 4]
        self.table_vp = np.interp(self.table_depth, table3[:, 0][::-1], table3[:, 1][::-1])
        self.table_vs = np.interp(self.table_depth, table2[:, 0][::-1], table2[:, 1][::-1])
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self):

        table = tools.read_table("input_seismic/prem_lowermantle.txt")#data is: radius pressure density V_p V_s Q_K Q_G
        table = np.array(table)
        table[:,0] = table[:,0]  
        table2 = tools.read_table("input_seismic/swave_fast.txt")
        table2 = np.array(table2)
        table3 = tools.read_table("input_seismic/pwave_fast.txt")
        table3 = np.array(table3)

        min_radius = self.earth_radius-max(table2[:,0])
        max_radius = self.earth_radius-min(table2[:,0])
        table=np.array(filter(lambda x: (x[0]>=min_radius and x[0]<=max_radius), table))

        assert(len(table) == len(table2))
        assert(len(table) == len(table3))

        self.table_radius = table[:,0]
        self.table_pressure = table[:,1] 
        self.table_density = table[:,2]
        self.table_vp = table3[:,1] 
        self.table_vs = table2[:,1] 
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self):
        table = tools.read_table("input_seismic/STW105.txt")  # radius, pressure, density, v_p, v_s
        table = np.array(table)
        self.table_radius = table[:, 0][::-1]
        self.table_density = table[:, 1][::-1]
        self.table_vpv = table[:, 2][::-1]
        self.table_vsv = table[:, 3][::-1]
        self.table_QK = table[:, 4][::-1]
        self.table_QG = table[:, 5][::-1]
        self.table_vph = table[:, 6][::-1]
        self.table_vsh = table[:, 7][::-1]

        self.table_depth = self.earth_radius - self.table_radius

        # Voigt averages for Vs and Vp
        self.table_vs = np.sqrt((2.0 * self.table_vsv * self.table_vsv + self.table_vsh * self.table_vsh) / 3.0)
        self.table_vp = np.sqrt((self.table_vpv * self.table_vpv + 4.0 * self.table_vph * self.table_vph) / 5.0)
Exemplo n.º 15
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tools

LBOL_SUN = 3.844e33 # in erg/s (from Bahcall et al 1995, Girardi used this value)
MBOL_SUN = 4.77 # (from Bahcall et al 1995, Girardi used this value)
LOG_G = 4.5 # for M37
DISTANCE = 1490. # In parsec for M37
DISTANCE_SD = 120. # In parsec for M37
EXTINCTIONr = 0.518695 # A_r from Schlafly11 tables (Rv=3.1, E(B-V)=0.227; Av / E(B-V)=2.285)
EXTINCTIONg = 0.749781 # from Schlafly11 tables  (Rv=3.1, E(B-V)=0.227)
EXTINCTIONi = 0.385446 # from Schlafly11 tables  (Rv=3.1, E(B-V)=0.227)
pc_to_cm = 3.08567758e18

# Read SEDs table (Adam's table) ----------------------------------------------
kh = tools.read_table(FOLDER_DATA + KHTABLE5, raw=True)
coltemp = np.array(kh[10])
gmag = np.array(kh[2])
rmag = np.array(kh[3])
imag = np.array(kh[4])
numrows = len(rmag)
gfunc = interp1d(gmag, coltemp, kind='linear')
rfunc = interp1d(rmag, coltemp, kind='linear')
ifunc = interp1d(imag, coltemp, kind='linear')
slopes = np.zeros((numrows - 1, 3))
for ir in range(numrows):
    if ir == numrows - 1: continue
    slopes[ir, 0] = np.abs((coltemp[ir+1] - coltemp[ir]) / (gmag[ir+1] - gmag[ir]))
    slopes[ir, 1] = np.abs((coltemp[ir+1] - coltemp[ir]) / (rmag[ir+1] - rmag[ir]))
    slopes[ir, 2] = np.abs((coltemp[ir+1] - coltemp[ir]) / (imag[ir+1] - imag[ir]))
magranges = [[-0.39,20.98], [-0.04,18.48], [0.34,15.85]] # gri; outside of these, func not valid!
Exemplo n.º 16
        Material for which we compute dT/dP.

        dT/dP : float
          Adiabatic temperature gradient for the composite at a given temperature and pressure. :math:`[K/Pa]` 
    top = 0
    bottom = 0
    rock.set_state(pressure, temperature)
    (fractions,minerals) = rock.unroll()
    for (fr,mineral) in zip(fractions,minerals):
        gr = mineral.grueneisen_parameter()
        K_s = mineral.adiabatic_bulk_modulus()
        C_p = mineral.heat_capacity_p()

        top += fr*gr*C_p/K_s
        bottom += fr*C_p

    return temperature*top/bottom

table_brown = tools.read_table("input_geotherm/brown_81.txt")
table_brown_depth = np.array(table_brown)[:,0]
table_brown_temperature = np.array(table_brown)[:,1]

table_anderson = tools.read_table("input_geotherm/anderson_82.txt")
table_anderson_depth = np.array(table_anderson)[:,0]
table_anderson_temperature = np.array(table_anderson)[:,1]

Exemplo n.º 17
 def grav(self,depths):
     table = tools.read_table("input_seismic/grav_for_PREM.txt") # radius, g
     table = np.array(table)
     table_rad = table[:,0]
     table_g = table[:,1]
     return np.interp(self.earth_radius-depths, table_rad,table_g)