def spawnManager(self):
     cameras = []
     for cameraId in range(5):
         cam = DistributedElectionCameraAI(simbase.air)
         cam.setState('Waiting', globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime(), 31, -5, 8, -80, -5, 0)
         cam.b_setPosHpr(0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0)
 def spawnManager(self):
     cameras = []
     for cameraId in range(5):
         cam = DistributedElectionCameraAI(simbase.air)
         cam.setState('Waiting', globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime(), 31, -5, 8, -80, -5, 0)
         cam.b_setPosHpr(0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
def cameras(cmd, args=''):
    if not hasattr(simbase.air, 'cameraManager') and cmd != 'spawn':
        return 'There is no Camera Manager!'
    if cmd == 'spawn':
        if hasattr(simbase.air, 'cameraManager'):
            return 'A Camera Manager already exists!'
        camMgr = DistributedElectionCameraManagerAI(simbase.air)
        return 'Camera Manager has been spawned successfully.'
    args = args.split()
    camMgr = simbase.air.cameraManager
    if cmd == 'gib':
        if len(args) != 1:
            return 'I need to know how many cameras to gib!'
        num = int(args[0])
        if num <= 0:
            return "I can't gib you less than 1 camera."
        cameras = camMgr.ids
        for i in range(num):
            cam = DistributedElectionCameraAI(simbase.air)
            cam.setState('Waiting', globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime(), 0,
                         0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            cam.b_setPosHpr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        return 'I gib %d cameras to you.' % num
    if cmd == 'move':
        if len(args) < 2:
            return "You haven't specified enough parameters!"
        camId = int(args[0])
        if not 0 <= camId <= len(camMgr.ids):
            return 'Invalid Camera ID specified.'
        cam = simbase.air.doId2do.get(camMgr.ids[camId], None)
        if not cam:
            return 'Could not locate camera in the AIR doId2do table.'
        if args[1] == 'here':
            av = spellbook.getTarget()
            cam._moveTo(av.getX(), av.getY(), av.getZ() + 3.0, av.getH(), 0)
            return 'Camera %d is moving to %s.' % (camId, av.getName())
        if args[1] == 'to':
            if len(args) < 7:
                return "You haven't specified enough position parameters! (x, y, z, h, p)"
            cam._moveTo(float(args[2]), float(args[3]), float(args[4]),
                        float(args[5]), float(args[6]))
            return 'Camera %d is moving to the specified location.' % camId
        return "Invalid arguments for 'move' specified. (to, here valid)"
    if cmd == 'follow':
        if len(args) < 2:
            return "You haven't specified enough parameters!"
        camId = int(args[0])
        if not 0 <= camId <= len(camMgr.ids):
            return 'Invalid Camera ID specified.'
        cam = simbase.air.doId2do.get(camMgr.ids[camId], None)
        if not cam:
            return 'Could not locate camera in the AIR doId2do table.'
        if args[1] == 'behind':
            return 'Camera %d is now stalking target from behind.' % camId
        if args[1] == 'front':
            return 'Camera %d is now stalking target from the front.' % camId
        return "Invalid arguments for 'follow' specified. (behind, front)"
    if cmd == 'setmain':
        camId = int(args[0])
        if not 0 <= camId <= len(camMgr.ids):
            return 'Invalid Camera ID specified.'
        return 'Camera %d is now main camera.' % camId
    return "That command doesn't exist. (try setmain, follow, or move)"
def cameras(cmd, args=''):
    if not hasattr(simbase.air, 'cameraManager') and cmd != 'spawn':
        return "There is no Camera Manager!"
    if cmd == 'spawn':
        if hasattr(simbase.air, 'cameraManager'):
            return "A Camera Manager already exists!"
        camMgr = DistributedElectionCameraManagerAI(simbase.air)
        return "Camera Manager has been spawned successfully."
    args = args.split()
    camMgr = simbase.air.cameraManager
    if cmd == 'gib':
        if len(args) != 1:
            return 'I need to know how many cameras to gib!'
        num = int(args[0])
        if num <= 0:
            return 'I can\'t gib you less than 1 camera.'
        cameras = camMgr.ids
        for i in range(num):
            cam = DistributedElectionCameraAI(simbase.air)
            cam.setState('Waiting', globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            cam.b_setPosHpr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        return 'I gib %d cameras to you.' % num

    if cmd == 'move':
        # A bunch of sanity checks...
        if len(args) < 2:
            return "You haven't specified enough parameters!"
        camId = int(args[0])
        if not 0 <= camId <= len(camMgr.ids):
            return "Invalid Camera ID specified."
        cam = simbase.air.doId2do.get(camMgr.ids[camId], None)
        if not cam:
            return "Could not locate camera in the AIR doId2do table."
        # Lets move the camera somewhere...
        if args[1] == 'here':
            av = spellbook.getTarget()
            cam._moveTo(av.getX(), av.getY(), av.getZ() + 3.0, av.getH(), 0)
            return "Camera %d is moving to %s." % (camId, av.getName())
        if args[1] == 'to':
            # This is fun...
            if len(args) < 7:
                return "You haven't specified enough position parameters! (x, y, z, h, p)"
            cam._moveTo(float(args[2]), float(args[3]), float(args[4]), float(args[5]), float(args[6]))
            return "Camera %d is moving to the specified location." % camId
        return "Invalid arguments for 'move' specified. (to, here valid)"
    if cmd == 'follow':
        if len(args) < 2:
            return "You haven't specified enough parameters!"
        camId = int(args[0])
        if not 0 <= camId <= len(camMgr.ids):
            return "Invalid Camera ID specified."
        cam = simbase.air.doId2do.get(camMgr.ids[camId], None)
        if not cam:
            return "Could not locate camera in the AIR doId2do table."
        if args[1] == 'behind':
            return "Camera %d is now stalking target from behind." % camId
        elif args[1] == 'front':
            return "Camera %d is now stalking target from the front." % camId
        return "Invalid arguments for 'follow' specified. (behind, front)"
    if cmd == 'setmain':
        camId = int(args[0])
        if not 0 <= camId <= len(camMgr.ids):
            return "Invalid Camera ID specified."
        return 'Camera %d is now main camera.' % camId
    return 'That command doesn\'t exist. (try setmain, follow, or move)'