Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, grid, param):
        for key in ['shape', 'incr', 'procs']:
            setattr(self, key, grid[key])

        for key in ['omega', 'ndeepest', 'myrank']:
            setattr(self, key, param[key])

        nh = 1
        procs0 = [i*p for i, p in zip(self.incr, self.procs)]
        # print("---------> procs0=", procs0, self.myrank)
        loc = topo.rank2loc(self.myrank, procs0)

        neighbours = topo.get_neighbours(loc, procs0, incr=self.incr)
        size, domainindices = topo.get_variable_shape(
            self.shape, neighbours, nh)
        N = np.prod(size)

        self.domainindices = domainindices
        self.size = size
        self.N = N
        self.nh = nh
        self.neighbours = neighbours

        self.x = np.zeros((self.N,))
        self.y = np.zeros((self.N,))
        self.b = np.zeros((self.N,))
        self.r = np.zeros((self.N,))

        self.msk = np.zeros(self.size)
        k0, k1, j0, j1, i0, i1 = self.domainindices
        self.msk[k0:k1, j0:j1, i0:i1] = 1.
        # self.xx = self.x
        # self.xx.shape = self.size
        # self.bb = self.b
        # self.bb.shape = self.size
        # self.rr = self.r
        # self.rr.shape = self.size

        # self.xx = self.x.reshape(self.size)
        # self.bb = self.b.reshape(self.size)
        # self.rr = self.r.reshape(self.size)

        # self.xx = np.reshape(self.x, self.size)
        # self.bb = np.reshape(self.b, self.size)
        # self.rr = np.reshape(self.r, self.size)

        # self.xx = np.zeros(self.size)
        # self.bb = np.zeros(self.size)
        # self.rr = np.zeros(self.size)

        # self.x = self.xx.ravel()
        # self.b = self.bb.ravel()
        # self.r = self.rr.ravel()

        self.halo = halo.Halo({"nh": nh, "size": size, "neighbours": neighbours,
                               "domainindices": domainindices, "shape": self.shape})
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, user_param):
        # Check, freeze, and get user parameters
        param = user_param.view_parameters()
        self.param = param
        npx = param["npx"]
        npy = param["npy"]
        npz = param["npz"]

        # Add parameters that are automatically set
        param["nx"] = param["global_nx"] // npx
        param["ny"] = param["global_ny"] // npy
        param["nz"] = param["global_nz"] // npz

        # Set up MPI
        topo.topology = param["geometry"]
        procs = [npz, npy, npx]
        myrank = mpitools.get_myrank(procs)
        loc = topo.rank2loc(myrank, procs)
        neighbours = topo.get_neighbours(loc, procs)
        param["procs"] = procs
        param["myrank"] = myrank
        param["neighbours"] = neighbours
        param["loc"] = loc
        self.myrank = myrank

        if self.myrank == 0:
            print("-" * 80)

        # Load the grid with the extended parameters
        self.grid = grid.Grid(param)

        # Load the IO; only the parameters modifiable by the user are saved
        self.IO = nylesIO.NylesIO(param)

        # redirect the x11 to output.txt
        #sys.stdout = Logger(self.IO.output_directory+'/output.txt')

        # save the param dictionary in a pkl file
        if self.myrank == 0:
            with open(self.IO.output_directory + "/param.pkl", "wb") as fid:
                pickle.dump(param, fid)

        # Initiate the model and needed variables
Exemplo n.º 3
        fid = open('%s/stats.pkl' % path, 'bw')
        pickle.dump(self.stats, fid)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import numpy as np
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    import topology as topo

    procs = [1, 1, 1]
    topo.topology = 'closed'
    myrank = 0
    nh = 2

    loc = topo.rank2loc(myrank, procs)
    neighbours = topo.get_neighbours(loc, procs)

    nz, ny, nx = 32, 32, 128
    Lx, Ly, Lz = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
    dx, dy, dz = Lx/nx, Ly/ny, Lz/nz
    param = {
        'nx': nx, 'ny': ny, 'nz': nz, 'nh': nh,
        'Lx': Lx, 'Ly': Ly, 'Lz': Lz,
        'neighbours': neighbours,
        # Choose a timestepping method
        'timestepping': 'LFAM3',
        # 'timestepping': 'EF',
        # Set the order of the upwind scheme
        'orderA': 5,
        # 'orderA': 3,
        # 'orderA': 1,
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_111_domain():
    topo.topology = 'perio_xyz'
    extension = 26
    nz = 1
    ny = 1
    nx = 1
    nh = 1

    loc = topo.rank2loc(myrank, procs)
    neighbours = topo.get_neighbours(loc, procs, extension=extension)

    param = {'nx': nx, 'ny': ny, 'nz': nz, 'nh': nh, 'neighbours': neighbours}

    state = var.get_state(param)

    b = state.get('b')
    # we can define the halo toolbox

    grid = {
        'shape': [nz, ny, nx],
        'size': b.size,
        'nh': nh,
        'neighbours': neighbours,
        'domainindices': b.domainindices,
        'extension': extension

    halo = Halo(grid)

    # for r, buf in halo.rbuf.items():
    #     if r in neighbours.keys():
    #         buf[:] = neighbours[r]*1.

    #     else:
    #         buf[:] = -1.

    # set the field equal to myrank
    # making clear that the halo is wrong
    b.activeview = 'i'
    # if myrank == 0:
    #     b.view('i')[:, :, :] = 999
    # else:
    #     b.view('i')[:, :, :] = 0.
    x = b.view('i')

    x[:, :, :] = myrank

    # now in the halo we'd have the rank of the neighbour

    y = np.asarray(x.copy(), dtype=int)
    msg = 'pb withneighbours'
    for direc, yourrank in neighbours.items():
        dk, dj, di = direc
        assert (y[1 + dk, 1 + dj, 1 + di] == yourrank), msg
    if myrank == 0:
        print('fill halo of Scalar is okay')

    l = nz + 2 * nh
    m = ny + 2 * nh
    n = nx + 2 * nh
    x = np.zeros((l, m, n))

    grid = {
        'shape': [nz, ny, nx],
        'size': np.shape(x),
        'nh': nh,
        'neighbours': neighbours,
        'domainindices': b.domainindices,
        'extension': extension

    halox = Halo(grid)
    x[:] = myrank
    y = np.asarray(x.copy(), dtype=int)
    for direc, yourrank in neighbours.items():
        dk, dj, di = direc
        #print(myrank, y[1+dk, 1+dj, 1+di] , yourrank)
        assert (y[1 + dk, 1 + dj, 1 + di] == yourrank), msg
    if myrank == 0:
        print('fill halo of ndarray is okay')
Exemplo n.º 5
    procs = [1, 3, 3]

    msg = 'use mpirun -np %i python ' % np.prod(procs) + ' '.join(sys.argv)
    assert comm.Get_size() == np.prod(procs), msg


    topo.topology = 'closed'
    extension = 18
    nz, ny, nx = 1, 2, 2
    shape = [nz, ny, nx]
    nh = 2
    loc = topo.rank2loc(myrank, procs)
    print('myrank=%i / loc=' % myrank, loc)
    neighbours = topo.get_neighbours(loc, procs, extension=extension)
    size, domainindices = topo.get_variable_shape([nz, ny, nx], neighbours, nh)
    grid = {
        'shape': [nz, ny, nx],
        'size': size,
        'nh': nh,
        'neighbours': neighbours,
        'domainindices': domainindices,
        'extension': extension
    check_halo_width(procs, shape, nh)
    halox = Halo(grid)
    x = np.zeros(size)
    x[:] = myrank
Exemplo n.º 6
def set_subdomains(allgrids):
    grid = allgrids[0]
    procs = grid['procs'].copy()
    procs0 = procs.copy()
    incr = [1, 1, 1]
    nprocs = np.prod(procs)
    ranks = np.arange(nprocs)
    loc = topo.rank2loc(ranks, procs)
    loc0 = loc.copy()
    k0, j0, i0 = loc0
    gathers = []
    doms = []
    first = True
    tags = ranks * 0
    subdom_partition = []

    for lev, grid in enumerate(allgrids):
        c = grid['coarsen']
        keys = c.keys()
        if any(['g' in k for k in keys]) or lev == 0:
            g = []
            levs = [lev]
            for n, direc in enumerate('kji'):
                if 'g' + direc in keys:
                    factor = 2 * c['g' + direc]
                    incr[n] *= factor
                    procs[n] //= factor
                    loc[n] //= factor
                    g += [direc]
            if g != '':
                gathers += [g]

            k, j, i = loc

            nz, ny, nx = procs0
            incz, incy, incx = incr
            dom = [0] * nprocs
            for r in ranks:
                l = [k[r], j[r], i[r]]
                # d is the index of the subdomain
                # rank with same d do the same computation
                d = topo.myloc(l, incr, [0, 0, 0], procs0)
                dom[r] = d

            doms += [dom]
            dd = set(dom)
            neighbours = [{}] * len(ranks)
            domloc = {}
            glued = {}
            for d in dd:
                family = [r for r in ranks if dom[r] == d]
                # in a family, all ranks have the same loc
                # because they all compute the same subdomain
                locs = [(k0[r], j0[r], i0[r]) for r in family]

                # tags is defined from the previous domain decomposition
                fam = family[0]
                glued[d] = [[r for r in family if tags[r] == t]
                            for t in set(tags[family])]
                if len(glued[d]) == 1:
                    glued[d] = glued[d][0]

                # print(' - subdomain : ', set([d]))
                # print('     located at ', locs[0])
                # print('     computed by ' % d, family)
                # if not(first):
                #     print('     obtained by gluing ranks:', glued)
                # here is the list of neighbours
                # the print has been discarded to lighten the output
                # but clearly this information is very important
                # note that the neighbours relationships for a given
                # rank depends on the subdomain decomposition
                # the neighbours get further and further as
                # subdomains are glued. This is accounted by
                # 'incr'.  incr == 1 on the finest grid, then
                # whenever there is gluing in one direction
                # incr is doubled in that direction, until
                # the point where the is only one subdomain is that
                # direction. Each rank is then neighbour with itself
                # print('     neighbours:')
                for r in family:
                    l = [k0[r], j0[r], i0[r]]
                    nghbs = topo.get_neighbours(l,
                    ngbs = fixneighbours(nghbs, r, d)
                    # print('rank : %i / ' % r, ngbs)
                    neighbours[r] = ngbs

                r0 = d  # family[0]
                domloc[d] = [loc0[0][r0], loc0[1][r0], loc0[2][r0]]

#                print('domain: %i' % d, domloc[d])
            localpartition = {
                'procs': procs.copy(),
                'incr': incr.copy(),
                'gluing': g.copy(),
                'glued': glued.copy(),
                'domloc': domloc.copy(),
                'dom': dom.copy(),
                'levels': levs,
                'allneighbours': neighbours.copy()
            #            print(levs, domloc)
            #            if not(first):
            localpartition['tags'] = tags.copy()
            subdom_partition += [localpartition]

            # tags is used to identify which ranks are glued together
            # glued ranks had identical tag in the previous
            # subdomain decomposition
            for d in dd:
                family = [r for r in ranks if dom[r] == d]
                for k, r in enumerate(family):
                    tags[r] = k
            first = False
            levs += [lev]

    return subdom_partition
Exemplo n.º 7
def join(param):
    outfile = "%s.nc" % varname
    procs = param["procs"]
    nh = param["nh"]
    nx = param["nx"]
    ny = param["ny"]
    nz = param["nz"]

    topo.topology = param["geometry"]

    global_nx = param["global_nx"]
    global_ny = param["global_ny"]
    global_nz = param["global_nz"]
    size = [nz, ny, nx]

    template = param["expname"]+"_%02i_hist.nc"
    with nc.Dataset(outfile, "w") as fid, nc.Dataset(template % 0, "r") as fin:
        nt = len(fin.dimensions["t"])
        dims = fin.dimensions
        var = fin.variables
        assert varname in var

        fid.createDimension("t", nt)
        fid.createDimension("x", global_nx)
        fid.createDimension("y", global_ny)
        fid.createDimension("z", global_nz)

        v = fid.createVariable(varname, "f", ("t", "z", "y", "x"))
        v.long_name = var[varname].long_name
        v.units = var[varname].units

        for d in dims:
            v = fid.createVariable(d, "f", (d, ))
            v.long_name = var[d].long_name
            v.units = var[d].units

    nranks = np.prod(procs)
    print("subdomains partition :", procs)
    print("found %i snapshots" % nt)
    print("start joining '%s'" % varname)

    with nc.Dataset(outfile, "r+") as fid:
        with nc.Dataset(template % 0, "r") as fin:
            for kt in range(nt):
                fid["t"][kt] = fin["t"][kt]

        for k in range(procs[0]):
            j, i = 0, 0
            loc = [k, j, i]
            r = topo.loc2rank(loc, procs)
            ngs = topo.get_neighbours(loc, procs)
            shape, domainindices = topo.get_variable_shape(
                size, ngs, nh)
            k0, k1, j0, j1, i0, i1 = domainindices
            ka, kb = k*nz, (k+1)*nz
            with nc.Dataset(template % r, "r") as fin:
                fid["z"][ka:kb] = fin["z"][k0:k1]

        for j in range(procs[1]):
            k, i = 0, 0
            loc = [k, j, i]
            r = topo.loc2rank(loc, procs)
            ngs = topo.get_neighbours(loc, procs)
            shape, domainindices = topo.get_variable_shape(
                size, ngs, nh)
            k0, k1, j0, j1, i0, i1 = domainindices
            ja, jb = j*ny, (j+1)*ny
            with nc.Dataset(template % r, "r") as fin:
                fid["y"][ja:jb] = fin["y"][j0:j1]

        for i in range(procs[2]):
            k, j = 0, 0
            loc = [k, j, i]
            r = topo.loc2rank(loc, procs)
            ngs = topo.get_neighbours(loc, procs)
            shape, domainindices = topo.get_variable_shape(
                size, ngs, nh)
            k0, k1, j0, j1, i0, i1 = domainindices
            ia, ib = i*nx, (i+1)*nx
            with nc.Dataset(template % r, "r") as fin:
                fid["x"][ia:ib] = fin["x"][i0:i1]

        for k in range(procs[0]):
            for j in range(procs[1]):
                for i in range(procs[2]):
                    loc = [k, j, i]
                    rank = topo.loc2rank(loc, procs)
                    ncfile = template % rank
                    ngs = topo.get_neighbours(loc, procs)
                    shape, domainindices = topo.get_variable_shape(
                        size, ngs, nh)
                    k0, k1, j0, j1, i0, i1 = domainindices
                    ka, kb = k*nz, (k+1)*nz
                    ja, jb = j*ny, (j+1)*ny
                    ia, ib = i*nx, (i+1)*nx
                    #print(rank, i0, i1, ia, ib, ngs)
                    with nc.Dataset(ncfile, "r") as fin:
                        for kt in range(nt):
                            print("\r %3i/%3i - %3i/%3i"
                                  % (rank, nranks-1, kt, nt-1), end="")
                            var = fin[varname][kt][:, :, :]
                            z2d = var[k0:k1, j0:j1, i0:i1]
                            fid[varname][kt, ka:kb, ja:jb, ia:ib] = z2d
    print("%s has been joined into '%s'" % (varname, outfile))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __getitem__(self, elem=slice(None)):
        varname = self.varname
        sizes = self.infos["sizes"]
        dims = self.infos["dims"]
        halow = self.infos["halow"]
        tiles = self.infos["tiles"]
        nctemplate = self.infos["nctemplate"]
        missing = self.infos["missing"]

        if elem == slice(None):
            # read all
            outdims = dims
            iidx = [slice(None)] * len(dims)

        elif isinstance(elem, int):
            # assume it's time
            outdims = dims[1:]
            iidx = [slice(None)] * len(dims)
            iidx[0] = elem

            raise ValueError("pb with the slice")

        shape = [sizes[d] for d in outdims]

        multiple_files = any([isinstance(s, list) for s in shape])
        varshape = shape_from_sizes(sizes, outdims, halow)
        var = np.zeros(varshape)
        oidx = [slice(None)] * len(varshape)

        if multiple_files:
            oidx[-1] = slice(halow, -halow)
            oidx[-2] = slice(halow, -halow)
            if debug:

            j0 = halow
            ny = shape[-2]
            nx = shape[-1]
            for j in range(len(ny)):
                i0 = halow
                for i in range(len(nx)):
                    if missing[j, i]:
                        tile = tiles[j, i]
                        ncfile = getncfile(
                            nctemplate, tile, **self.kwargs
                        )  #nctemplate(tile)#.format(tile=tile, **self.kwargs)
                        oidx[-1] = slice(i0, i0 + nx[i])
                        oidx[-2] = slice(j0, j0 + ny[j])
                        with Dataset(ncfile) as nc:
                            var[tuple(oidx)] = nc.variables[varname][iidx]
                    i0 += nx[i]
                j0 += ny[j]

            tile = get_one_tile(tiles, missing)
            ncfile = getncfile(
                nctemplate, tile, **self.kwargs
            )  #nctemplate(tile)#.format(tile=tile, **self.kwargs)
            with Dataset(ncfile) as nc:
                var[tuple(oidx)] = nc.variables[varname][iidx]

        if (halow > 0) and multiple_files:
            # fill the halo
            partition = self.infos["blocks"]["partition"]
            npy = len(ny)
            npx = len(nx)
            for j in range(npy):
                for i in range(npx):
                    tile0 = tiles[j, i]
                    neighbours = topo.get_neighbours(tile0, partition)
                    direc = []
                    # loop over directions
                    for neighb in neighbours.keys():
                        dj, di = neighb
                        # check if there is a halo to be filled
                        # in this direction
                        if (0 <= (j + dj) < npy) and (0 <= (i + di) < npx):
                            # this neighbour is an interior tile
                            direc += [(dj, di)]
                    if debug:
                        print(f"{tile} directions to use {direc}")

                    for dj, di in direc:
                        shape = (ny[j], nx[i])
                        tile, hiidx, hoidx = topo.get_haloinfos(
                            tile0, partition, shape, halow, (dj, di))
                        hoidx = (shiftslice(hoidx[0], sum(ny[:j])),
                                 shiftslice(hoidx[1], sum(nx[:i])))
                        ncfile = getncfile(nctemplate, tile, **self.kwargs)
                        if os.path.isfile(ncfile):
                            with Dataset(ncfile) as nc:
                                oidx[-2:] = hoidx
                                iidx[-2:] = hiidx
                                if debug:
                                    print(tile0, tile, hoidx, hiidx, oidx,
                                          iidx, var.shape)
                                var[tuple(oidx)] = nc.variables[varname][tuple(
        return var