Exemplo n.º 1
def add_auto_convert(module: torch.nn.Module) -> torch.nn.Module:
    def convert_to_dispatch_proxy(x):
        if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
            return x.as_subclass(
                QuantizationConvertTensorProxy)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            return x

    module_id_to_fqn: Dict[int, str] = {}

    class QuantizationConvertTensorProxy(torch.Tensor):
        An override of `torch.Tensor` to enable dynamic dispatch for
        quantization inference.

        For each function with a `__torch_fuction__` override, this proxy does
        the following for functions which need quantization:

        1. calls `_auto_quant_state.validate_cur_op` to validate that
           the currently seen op is the same as what was recorded during tracing
        2. calls `_auto_quant_state.op_convert_before_hook`.
        3. executes the function, with target, args and kwargs possibly modified
           by (2)
        4. calls `_auto_quant_state.inference_function_after_hook`.
        5. calls `_auto_quant_state.mark_cur_op_complete` to increment
           the current op index in preparation for the next op

        Otherwise, calls the original function.
        def __torch_function__(cls, func, types, args=(), kwargs=None):
            # to prevent printing things from going into an infinite loop
            if func == torch.Tensor.__repr__:
                return super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)

            kwargs = kwargs if kwargs else {}
            # if we are in a function, the current module is always a parent
            parent_module = cur_module
            hook_type = get_torch_function_hook_type(parent_module, func)

            if enable_logging:
                with torch._C.DisableTorchFunction():
                        f"__torch_function__ {func} " +
                        f"hook_type {hook_type} " +
                        # f"arg_types {[type(arg) for arg in args]}) " +
                        f"arg_dtypes {[arg.dtype if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor) else None for arg in args]}"

            if hook_type is HookType.OP_HOOKS:
                assert parent_module is not None
                qstate = parent_module._auto_quant_state
                # before hooks
                func, args, kwargs = qstate.op_convert_before_hook(
                    func, args, kwargs, parent_module)

                # forward
                output = super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)
                # after hooks
                output = qstate.op_convert_after_hook(func, output)

            elif hook_type is HookType.ARG_DEQUANTS:
                # disabling torch function to prevent infinite recursion on
                # getset
                # TODO(future PR): handle more dtypes
                with torch._C.DisableTorchFunction():
                    new_args = []
                    for arg in args:
                        if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor) and arg.is_quantized:
                    args = tuple(new_args)
                output = super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)

            else:  # HookType.NONE
                output = super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)

            # TODO: is this right? Don't really understand this
            if output is NotImplemented:
                with torch._C.DisableTorchFunction():
                    output = func(
                assert output is not NotImplemented

            if enable_logging:
                out_dtype = None
                if isinstance(output, torch.Tensor):
                    out_dtype = output.dtype
                logger.debug(f"__torch_function__ {func} out {out_dtype} end")

            return output

        def __repr__(self):
            return f'QuantizationConvertTensorProxy({super().__repr__()})'

    cur_module = None
    module_stack: List[torch.nn.Module] = []

    assert len(module.__class__.__bases__) == 1

    class QuantizationDispatchModule(module.__class__.__bases__[0]
                                     ):  # type: ignore[name-defined]
        An override of user defined subclass of `nn.Module` to enable
        dynamic tracing for quantization, after model conversion
        to quantized domain.

        `cur_module` keeps track of the current module in the stack.

        Tensor arguments are converted to `QuantizationConvertTensorProxy`.

        We override the `__call__` function to do the following for each

        If the module is an op which needs quantization:

        1. calls `_auto_quant_state.validate_cur_op` to validate that
           the currently seen op is the same as what was recorded during tracing
        2. calls parent module's `._auto_quant_state.op_convert_before_hook`
        3. executes the original module forward
        4. calls parent module's `_auto_quant_state.op_convert_after_hook`
        5. calls `_auto_quant_state.mark_cur_op_complete` to increment
           the current op index in preparation for the next op

        If the module can contain children ops that need quantization:

        1. calls `_auto_quant_state.inputs_convert_hook` (not implemented yet)
        2. executes the original module forward
        3. calls `_auto_quant_state.outputs_convert_hook`

        Otherwise, calls the original module forward.
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            new_args = map_aggregate(args, convert_to_dispatch_proxy)
            new_kwargs = map_aggregate(kwargs, convert_to_dispatch_proxy)
            orig_module_call = torch.nn.Module.__call__
            orig_nn_sequential_forward = torch.nn.Sequential.forward

            def _patched_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs):
                if enable_logging:
                    fqn = module_id_to_fqn.get(id(self), None)
                    logger.debug(f"\nstarting fqn {fqn}")

                nonlocal cur_module
                old_module = cur_module
                cur_module = self
                    parent_module = module_stack[-1] if len(
                        module_stack) else None
                    hook_type = get_module_hook_type(parent_module, cur_module)
                    if enable_logging:
                            f"_patched_module_call {type(self)} " +
                            # f"arg_types {[type(arg) for arg in args]} " +
                            f"arg_dtypes {[arg.dtype if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor) else None for arg in args]} "
                            + f"hook_type {hook_type}")

                    if hook_type is HookType.OP_HOOKS:
                        # before hooks
                        assert parent_module is not None
                        assert isinstance(parent_module._auto_quant_state,
                        qstate = parent_module._auto_quant_state
                        if enable_logging:
                        _, args, kwargs = qstate.op_convert_before_hook(
                            cur_module, args, kwargs, cur_module)
                        # forward
                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)
                        # after hooks
                        output = qstate.op_convert_after_hook(
                            cur_module, output)

                    elif hook_type is HookType.MODULE_IO_HOOKS:
                        cur_qstate = cur_module._auto_quant_state
                        if enable_logging:


                        # before hooks (TODO)
                        # forward
                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)
                        # after hooks
                        assert isinstance(cur_qstate, AutoQuantizationState)
                        output = cur_qstate.outputs_convert_hook(output)

                    elif hook_type is HookType.ARG_DEQUANTS:
                        # disabling torch function to prevent infinite recursion on
                        # getset
                        # TODO(future PR): handle more dtypes
                        with torch._C.DisableTorchFunction():
                            new_args = []
                            for arg in args:
                                if isinstance(
                                        torch.Tensor) and arg.is_quantized:
                                    dequant = arg.dequantize().as_subclass(
                                    )  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                            args = tuple(new_args)
                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)

                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)

                    if enable_logging:
                            f"_patched_module_call {type(self)} " +
                            # f"out {type(output)} " +
                            f"dtype {output.dtype if isinstance(output, torch.Tensor) else None} "
                            + "end")
                        logger.debug(f"ending fqn {fqn}\n")
                    return output
                    cur_module = old_module

            torch.nn.Module.__call__ = _patched_module_call
            torch.nn.Sequential.forward = _nn_sequential_patched_forward  # type: ignore[assignment]

                for k, v in self.named_modules():
                    module_id_to_fqn[id(v)] = k
                    if hasattr(v, '_auto_quant_state'):

                needs_io_hooks = hasattr(self, '_auto_quant_state')

                # handle module input dtype conversions
                # TODO(implement)

                output = super().__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)

                # handle module output dtype conversions
                if needs_io_hooks:
                    qstate = self._auto_quant_state
                    assert isinstance(qstate, AutoQuantizationState)
                    output = qstate.outputs_convert_hook(output)

                def unwrap_proxy(a):
                    if isinstance(a, QuantizationConvertTensorProxy):
                        a.__class__ = torch.Tensor  # type: ignore[assignment]
                    return a

                output = map_aggregate(output, unwrap_proxy)
                return output
                torch.nn.Module.__call__ = orig_module_call
                torch.nn.Sequential.forward = orig_nn_sequential_forward  # type: ignore[assignment]

        def rewrite_for_scripting(self):
            return auto_trace_rewriter.rewrite_for_scripting(self)

    module.__class__ = QuantizationDispatchModule

    return module
Exemplo n.º 2
def add_auto_observation(
        model: torch.nn.Module,
        example_inputs: Tuple[Any],
        input_dtypes: Any = (
            torch.float, ),  # must be same structure as model inputs
        output_dtypes: Any = (
            torch.float, ),  # must be same structure as model outputs
) -> torch.nn.Module:
    def convert_to_interception_proxy(x):
        if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
            return x.as_subclass(
                QuantizationPrepareTensorProxy)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            return x

    cur_module = None
    first_call = True
    module_stack: List[torch.nn.Module] = []
    # Counter for tensor IDs, will be modified inplace by quant state.
    # This is used to track tensors from output ops to input ops. For example,
    # if op_n had a tensor output with id=1, and op_n+2 had a tensor input with
    # id=1, we know that the output of op_n is the input to op_n+2. Note,
    # this is a list because it needs to incremented inplace.
    qtensor_id = [0]
    module_id_to_fqn: Dict[int, str] = {}

    class QuantizationPrepareTensorProxy(torch.Tensor):
        An override of `torch.Tensor` to enable dynamic tracing for

        For each function with a `__torch_function__` override, this proxy does
        the following for functions which need quantization:

        1. calls `_auto_quant_state.validate_cur_op` to validate that
           the currently seen op is the same as what was recorded during tracing
        2. calls `_auto_quant_state.op_prepare_before_hook`
        3. executes the original function
        4. calls `_auto_quant_state.op_prepare_after_hook`
        5. calls `_auto_quant_state.mark_cur_op_complete` to increment
           the current op index in preparation for the next op

        Otherwise, calls the original function.
        def __torch_function__(cls, func, types, args=(), kwargs=None):
            # to prevent printing things from going into an infinite loop
            if func == torch.Tensor.__repr__:
                return super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)
            if enable_logging:
                    f'__torch_function__ {str(func)} len_args {len(args)}')

            nonlocal qtensor_id
            nonlocal cur_module
            kwargs = kwargs if kwargs else {}
            # if we are in a function, the current module is always a parent
            parent_module = cur_module
            hook_type = get_torch_function_hook_type(parent_module, func)

            if hook_type is HookType.OP_HOOKS:
                assert parent_module is not None
                qstate = parent_module._auto_quant_state
                fqn = module_id_to_fqn[id(
                    parent_module)] if parent_module else None
                if not first_call:
                # run "before" hook
                args, kwargs = qstate.op_prepare_before_hook(
                    func, args, kwargs, first_call, qtensor_id, fqn,
                # forward
                output = super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)
                # run "after" hook
                output = qstate.op_prepare_after_hook(func, output, args,
                                                      first_call, qtensor_id,
                output = super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)

            # TODO: is this right? Don't really understand this
            if output is NotImplemented:
                with torch._C.DisableTorchFunction():
                    output = func(
                assert output is not NotImplemented

            return output

        def __repr__(self):
            return f'QuantizationPrepareTensorProxy({super().__repr__()})'

        # TODO(future PR): add other math overrides

    class QuantizationInterceptionModule(type(model)):  # type: ignore[misc]
        An override of user defined subclass of `nn.Module` to enable
        dynamic tracing for quantization.

        `cur_module` keeps track of the current module in the stack.

        During the fist call, an `AutoQuantizationState` object is created and
        attached to each non-leaf modules which we need to check for
        quantizeable operations.

        We override the `__call__` function to do the following for each

        If the module is an op which needs quantization:

        1. calls `_auto_quant_state.validate_cur_op` to validate that
           the currently seen op is the same as what was recorded during tracing
        2. calls parent module's `._auto_quant_state.op_prepare_before_hook`
        3. executes the original module forward
        4. calls parent module's `_auto_quant_state.op_prepare_after_hook`
        5. calls `_auto_quant_state.mark_cur_op_complete` to increment
           the current op index in preparation for the next op

        If the module can contain children ops that need quantization:

        1. calls `_auto_quant_state.inputs_prepare_hook` (not implemented yet)
        2. executes the original module forward
        3. calls `_auto_quant_state.outputs_prepare_hook`

        Otherwise, calls the original module forward.
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            new_args = map_aggregate(args, convert_to_interception_proxy)
            new_kwargs = map_aggregate(kwargs, convert_to_interception_proxy)
            orig_module_call = torch.nn.Module.__call__
            orig_nn_sequential_forward = torch.nn.Sequential.forward

            def _patched_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs):

                if enable_logging:
                    logger.debug(f"_patched_module_call: {type(self)}")

                nonlocal cur_module
                old_module = cur_module
                cur_module = self
                    parent_module = module_stack[-1] if len(
                        module_stack) else None
                    fqn = module_id_to_fqn.get(id(self), None)

                    if enable_logging:
                        fqn = module_id_to_fqn.get(id(self), None)
                        logger.debug(f"\nstarting fqn {fqn}")

                    hook_type = get_module_hook_type(parent_module, cur_module)

                    if hook_type is HookType.OP_HOOKS:
                        assert parent_module is not None
                        parent_qstate = parent_module._auto_quant_state
                        assert isinstance(parent_qstate, AutoQuantizationState)
                        # before hooks
                        if not first_call:
                        args, kwargs = parent_qstate.op_prepare_before_hook(
                            cur_module, args, kwargs, first_call, qtensor_id,
                            fqn, cur_module)

                        # original forward
                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)

                        # after hooks
                        # TODO is it correct to call_cur_module twice here?
                        output = parent_qstate.op_prepare_after_hook(
                            cur_module, output, args, first_call, qtensor_id,

                    elif hook_type is HookType.MODULE_IO_HOOKS:
                        # TODO(future PR): add inputs io hook

                        cur_qstate = cur_module._auto_quant_state

                        # original forward
                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)

                        # after hooks
                        assert isinstance(cur_qstate, AutoQuantizationState)
                        output = cur_qstate.outputs_prepare_hook(
                            output, first_call, qtensor_id)

                    elif hook_type is HookType.ARG_DEQUANTS:
                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)
                        # if this fp32 was inplace, make sure to set the output dtype
                        # back to torch.float
                        if hasattr(output, '_qtensor_info'):
                            del output._qtensor_info

                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)

                    if enable_logging:
                        fqn = module_id_to_fqn.get(id(self), None)
                        logger.debug(f"\nending fqn {fqn}")

                    return output
                    cur_module = old_module

            torch.nn.Module.__call__ = _patched_module_call
            torch.nn.Sequential.forward = _nn_sequential_patched_forward  # type: ignore[assignment]
            nonlocal first_call
                # Create a list before iterating because we are adding new
                # named modules inside the loop.
                named_modules = list(self.named_modules())
                for k, v in named_modules:

                    # k is the global FQN, i.e. 'foo.bar.baz'
                    # v is the module instance
                    # we need to associate the global FQN with SeenOp
                    # for modules, this is the module FQN
                    # for functions, this is the parent module FQN
                    module_id_to_fqn[id(v)] = k

                    has_qconfig = hasattr(v,
                                          'qconfig') and v.qconfig is not None
                    if has_qconfig and not is_leaf(v):
                        if first_call:
                            if v is self:
                                # for the top level module only, specify input
                                # and output dtypes
                                v._auto_quant_state = AutoQuantizationState(
                                    v.qconfig, input_dtypes, output_dtypes)
                                v._auto_quant_state = AutoQuantizationState(
                            if not isinstance(v, AutoQuantizationState):
                                assert hasattr(v, '_auto_quant_state')

                output = super().__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
                return output
                torch.nn.Module.__call__ = orig_module_call
                torch.nn.Sequential.forward = orig_nn_sequential_forward  # type: ignore[assignment]
                first_call = False

    model.__class__ = QuantizationInterceptionModule
    # create the graph
    trace_with_inputs(model, example_inputs)
    return model
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_auto_convert(module: torch.nn.Module) -> torch.nn.Module:
    def convert_to_dispatch_proxy(x):
        if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
            return x.as_subclass(
                QuantizationConvertTensorProxy)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            return x

    module_id_to_fqn: Dict[int, str] = {}
    # Counter for global quantizeable ops, useful for intermediate activation
    # logging.
    global_op_idx = [0]

    global_disable_torch_function_override = False

    class QuantizationConvertTensorProxy(torch.Tensor):
        An override of `torch.Tensor` to enable dynamic dispatch for
        quantization inference.

        For each function with a `__torch_fuction__` override, this proxy does
        the following for functions which need quantization:

        1. calls `_auto_quant_state.validate_cur_op` to validate that
           the currently seen op is the same as what was recorded during tracing
        2. calls `_auto_quant_state.op_convert_before_hook`.
        3. executes the function, with target, args and kwargs possibly modified
           by (2)
        4. calls `_auto_quant_state.inference_function_after_hook`.
        5. calls `_auto_quant_state.mark_cur_op_complete` to increment
           the current op index in preparation for the next op

        Otherwise, calls the original function.
        def __torch_function__(cls, func, types, args=(), kwargs=None):
            nonlocal global_disable_torch_function_override
            if (
                    # global override means disable the override here
                    global_disable_torch_function_override or
                    # to prevent printing things from going into an infinite loop
                    func == torch.Tensor.__repr__ or
                    # we don't need to override getters in this framework
                    func.__name__ == '__get__'):
                return super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)

            kwargs = kwargs if kwargs else {}
            # if we are in a function, the current module is always a parent
            parent_module = cur_module
            hook_type = get_torch_function_hook_type(parent_module, func)

            if enable_logging:
                fqn_for_logging = module_id_to_fqn.get(
                    id(parent_module), 'unknown') if parent_module else None
                    f" fqn:{fqn_for_logging} _tf_ {func} " +
                    f"hook_type {hook_type} " +
                    # f"arg_types {[type(arg) for arg in args]}) " +
                    f"arg_dtypes {[arg.dtype if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor) else None for arg in args]}"

            if hook_type is HookType.OP_HOOKS:
                qstate: AutoQuantizationState = parent_module._auto_quant_state  # type: ignore[union-attr]
                # before hooks
                func, args, kwargs = qstate.op_convert_before_hook(
                    func, args, kwargs,
                    parent_module)  # type: ignore[arg-type]

                # forward
                output = super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)
                # after hooks
                output = qstate.op_convert_after_hook(func, output,

            elif hook_type is HookType.ARG_DEQUANTS:
                # TODO(future PR): handle more dtypes
                new_args = []
                for arg in args:
                    if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor) and arg.is_quantized:
                args = tuple(new_args)
                output = super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)

            else:  # HookType.NONE
                output = super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)

            # TODO: is this right? Don't really understand this
            if output is NotImplemented:
                with torch._C.DisableTorchFunction():
                    output = func(
                assert output is not NotImplemented

            if enable_logging:
                fqn_for_logging = module_id_to_fqn.get(
                    id(parent_module), 'unknown') if parent_module else None
                out_dtype = None
                if isinstance(output, torch.Tensor):
                    out_dtype = output.dtype
                    f" fqn:{fqn_for_logging} _tf_ {func} out {out_dtype} end")

            return output

        def __repr__(self):
            return f'QuantizationConvertTensorProxy({super().__repr__()})'

    cur_module = None
    module_stack: List[torch.nn.Module] = []

    assert len(module.__class__.__bases__) == 1

    class QuantizationDispatchModule(module.__class__.__bases__[0]
                                     ):  # type: ignore[name-defined]
        An override of user defined subclass of `nn.Module` to enable
        dynamic tracing for quantization, after model conversion
        to quantized domain.

        `cur_module` keeps track of the current module in the stack.

        Tensor arguments are converted to `QuantizationConvertTensorProxy`.

        We override the `__call__` function to do the following for each

        If the module is an op which needs quantization:

        1. calls `_auto_quant_state.validate_cur_op` to validate that
           the currently seen op is the same as what was recorded during tracing
        2. calls parent module's `._auto_quant_state.op_convert_before_hook`
        3. executes the original module forward
        4. calls parent module's `_auto_quant_state.op_convert_after_hook`
        5. calls `_auto_quant_state.mark_cur_op_complete` to increment
           the current op index in preparation for the next op

        If the module can contain children ops that need quantization:

        1. calls `_auto_quant_state.inputs_convert_hook` (not implemented yet)
        2. executes the original module forward
        3. calls `_auto_quant_state.outputs_convert_hook`

        Otherwise, calls the original module forward.
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            new_args = map_aggregate(args, convert_to_dispatch_proxy)
            new_kwargs = map_aggregate(kwargs, convert_to_dispatch_proxy)
            orig_module_call = torch.nn.Module.__call__
            orig_nn_sequential_forward = torch.nn.Sequential.forward

            def _patched_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs):
                nonlocal cur_module
                old_module = cur_module
                cur_module = self
                nonlocal global_disable_torch_function_override
                    parent_module = module_stack[-1] if len(
                        module_stack) else None
                    hook_type = get_module_hook_type(parent_module, cur_module)
                    if enable_logging:
                        fqn_for_logging = module_id_to_fqn.get(id(self), None)
                            f" fqn: {fqn_for_logging} " +
                            f"_cl_ {type(self)} " +
                            f"arg_dtypes {[arg.dtype if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor) else None for arg in args]} "
                            + f"hook_type {hook_type}")

                    if hook_type is HookType.OP_HOOKS:
                        # before hooks
                        qstate: AutoQuantizationState = \
                            parent_module._auto_quant_state  # type: ignore[union-attr, assignment]

                        # If we are in this hook, `cur_module` is a leaf module.
                        # Therefore, we do not need to override any of its
                        # children. Disabling the overrides for performance.
                        old_global_disable_torch_function_override = \
                        global_disable_torch_function_override = True

                        _, args, kwargs = qstate.op_convert_before_hook(
                            cur_module, args, kwargs, cur_module)
                        # forward
                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)
                        # after hooks
                        output = qstate.op_convert_after_hook(
                            cur_module, output, global_op_idx)

                        # Re-enable the override.
                        global_disable_torch_function_override = \


                    elif hook_type is HookType.MODULE_IO_HOOKS:
                        cur_qstate: AutoQuantizationState = cur_module._auto_quant_state


                        # before hooks (TODO)
                        # forward
                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)
                        # after hooks

                        # For the sake of performance, we assume no overrides
                        # are needed for quantizing/dequantizing things
                        old_global_disable_torch_function_override = \
                        global_disable_torch_function_override = True

                        output = cur_qstate.outputs_convert_hook(output)

                        global_disable_torch_function_override = \


                    elif hook_type is HookType.ARG_DEQUANTS:
                        # TODO(future PR): handle more dtypes
                        new_args = []
                        for arg in args:
                            if isinstance(arg,
                                          torch.Tensor) and arg.is_quantized:
                                dequant = arg.dequantize().as_subclass(
                                )  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                        args = tuple(new_args)
                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)

                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)

                    if enable_logging:
                        fqn_for_logging = module_id_to_fqn.get(id(self), None)
                            f" fqn: {fqn_for_logging} " +
                            f"_cl_ {type(self)} " +
                            f"dtype {output.dtype if isinstance(output, torch.Tensor) else None} "
                            + "end")
                    return output
                    cur_module = old_module

            torch.nn.Module.__call__ = _patched_module_call
            torch.nn.Sequential.forward = _nn_sequential_patched_forward  # type: ignore[assignment]

                global_op_idx[0] = 0
                output = super().__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)

                def unwrap_proxy(a):
                    if isinstance(a, QuantizationConvertTensorProxy):
                        a.__class__ = torch.Tensor  # type: ignore[assignment]
                    return a

                output = map_aggregate(output, unwrap_proxy)
                return output
                torch.nn.Module.__call__ = orig_module_call
                torch.nn.Sequential.forward = orig_nn_sequential_forward  # type: ignore[assignment]

        def rewrite_for_scripting(self):
            return auto_trace_rewriter.rewrite_for_scripting(self)


    # Since eager mode convert could have changed the IDs of some modules,
    # populate the FQN map again
    for k, v in module.named_modules():
        module_id_to_fqn[id(v)] = k

    module.__class__ = QuantizationDispatchModule

    return module
Exemplo n.º 4
def add_auto_observation(
    model: torch.nn.Module,
    qconfig_dict: Dict[str, Any],
    example_inputs: Tuple[Any],
    input_dtypes: Any = (
        torch.float, ),  # must be same structure as model inputs
    prepare_custom_config_dict: Dict[str, Any] = None,
) -> torch.nn.Module:
    if prepare_custom_config_dict is None:
        prepare_custom_config_dict = {}
    output_dtypes = prepare_custom_config_dict.get('output_dtypes',
                                                   (torch.float, ))

    def convert_to_interception_proxy(x):
        if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
            return x.as_subclass(
                QuantizationPrepareTensorProxy)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            return x

    cur_module = None
    first_call = True
    module_stack: List[torch.nn.Module] = []
    # Counter for tensor IDs, will be modified inplace by quant state.
    # This is used to track tensors from output ops to input ops. For example,
    # if op_n had a tensor output with id=1, and op_n+2 had a tensor input with
    # id=1, we know that the output of op_n is the input to op_n+2. Note,
    # this is a list because it needs to incremented inplace.
    qtensor_id = [0]
    module_id_to_fqn: Dict[int, str] = {}

    # Counter for global quantizeable ops, useful for intermediate activation
    # logging.
    global_op_idx = [0]

    global_disable_torch_function_override = False

    class QuantizationPrepareTensorProxy(torch.Tensor):
        An override of `torch.Tensor` to enable dynamic tracing for

        For each function with a `__torch_function__` override, this proxy does
        the following for functions which need quantization:

        1. calls `_auto_quant_state.validate_cur_op` to validate that
           the currently seen op is the same as what was recorded during tracing
        2. calls `_auto_quant_state.op_prepare_before_hook`
        3. executes the original function
        4. calls `_auto_quant_state.op_prepare_after_hook`
        5. calls `_auto_quant_state.mark_cur_op_complete` to increment
           the current op index in preparation for the next op

        Otherwise, calls the original function.
        def __torch_function__(cls, func, types, args=(), kwargs=None):
            nonlocal global_disable_torch_function_override
            if (
                    # global override means disable the override here
                    global_disable_torch_function_override or
                    # to prevent printing things from going into an infinite loop
                    func == torch.Tensor.__repr__ or
                    # we don't need to override getters in this framework
                    func.__name__ == '__get__'):
                return super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)

            # if we are in a function, the current module is always a parent
            nonlocal cur_module
            parent_module = cur_module
            if enable_logging:
                if not is_activation_post_process(parent_module):
                    # logging for insides of obs/fq is not useful for this framework

                    # fqn map does not contain observers, which is why we
                    # cannot always assume that FQN exists
                    fqn_for_logging = module_id_to_fqn.get(
                        'unknown') if parent_module else None
                        f' fqn:{fqn_for_logging} _tf_ {str(func)} len_args {len(args)}'

            nonlocal qtensor_id
            kwargs = kwargs if kwargs else {}
            hook_type = get_torch_function_hook_type(parent_module, func)

            if hook_type is HookType.OP_HOOKS:
                fqn = module_id_to_fqn[id(
                    parent_module)] if parent_module else None
                qstate = parent_module._auto_quant_state  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
                if not first_call:
                # run "before" hook
                if first_call:
                    args, kwargs = qstate.first_call_op_prepare_before_hook(
                        func, args, kwargs, qtensor_id, fqn, parent_module,
                    args, kwargs = qstate.op_prepare_before_hook(
                        func, args, kwargs)
                # forward
                output = super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)
                # run "after" hook
                if first_call:
                    output = qstate.first_call_op_prepare_after_hook(
                        func, output, args, qtensor_id,
                    output = qstate.op_prepare_after_hook(
                        func, output, args, global_op_idx)
                # Hook type is not HookType.OP_HOOKS, if first_call is True we
                # record the DAG of non-quantizeable ops.

                if first_call:
                    qstate = getattr(parent_module, '_auto_quant_state', None)
                    if qstate:
                        fqn = module_id_to_fqn.get(id(parent_module), None) \
                            if parent_module else None
                        args, kwargs = qstate.first_call_op_prepare_before_hook(
                            func, args, kwargs, qtensor_id, fqn, parent_module,

                output = super().__torch_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)

                if first_call:
                    qstate = getattr(parent_module, '_auto_quant_state', None)
                    if qstate:
                        output = qstate.first_call_op_prepare_after_hook(
                            func, output, args, qtensor_id,

            # TODO: is this right? Don't really understand this
            if output is NotImplemented:
                with torch._C.DisableTorchFunction():
                    output = func(
                assert output is not NotImplemented

            return output

        def __repr__(self):
            return f'QuantizationPrepareTensorProxy({super().__repr__()})'

        # TODO(future PR): add other math overrides

    class QuantizationInterceptionModule(type(model)):  # type: ignore[misc]
        An override of user defined subclass of `nn.Module` to enable
        dynamic tracing for quantization.

        `cur_module` keeps track of the current module in the stack.

        During the fist call, an `AutoQuantizationState` object is created and
        attached to each non-leaf modules which we need to check for
        quantizeable operations.

        We override the `__call__` function to do the following for each

        If the module is an op which needs quantization:

        1. calls `_auto_quant_state.validate_cur_op` to validate that
           the currently seen op is the same as what was recorded during tracing
        2. calls parent module's `._auto_quant_state.op_prepare_before_hook`
        3. executes the original module forward
        4. calls parent module's `_auto_quant_state.op_prepare_after_hook`
        5. calls `_auto_quant_state.mark_cur_op_complete` to increment
           the current op index in preparation for the next op

        If the module can contain children ops that need quantization:

        1. calls `_auto_quant_state.inputs_prepare_hook` (not implemented yet)
        2. executes the original module forward
        3. calls `_auto_quant_state.outputs_prepare_hook`

        Otherwise, calls the original module forward.
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            new_args = map_aggregate(args, convert_to_interception_proxy)
            new_kwargs = map_aggregate(kwargs, convert_to_interception_proxy)
            orig_module_call = torch.nn.Module.__call__
            orig_nn_sequential_forward = torch.nn.Sequential.forward

            def _patched_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs):

                if enable_logging:
                    fqn = module_id_to_fqn.get(id(self), None)
                    logger.debug(f" fqn:{fqn} _cl_: {type(self)} start")

                nonlocal cur_module
                old_module = cur_module
                cur_module = self
                    parent_module = module_stack[-1] if len(
                        module_stack) else None
                    fqn = module_id_to_fqn.get(id(self), None)

                    hook_type = get_module_hook_type(parent_module, cur_module)

                    if hook_type is HookType.OP_HOOKS:
                        parent_qstate: AutoQuantizationState = \
                            parent_module._auto_quant_state  # type: ignore[union-attr, assignment]
                        # before hooks
                        if not first_call:

                        # If we are in this hook, `cur_module` is a leaf module.
                        # Therefore, we do not need to override any of its
                        # children. Disabling the overrides for performance.
                        nonlocal global_disable_torch_function_override
                        old_global_disable_torch_function_override = \
                        global_disable_torch_function_override = True

                        if first_call:
                            # mypy ignore is used instead of assert because this
                            # runs on every forward and assert has a performance cost
                            args, kwargs = parent_qstate.first_call_op_prepare_before_hook(
                                cur_module,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                            # mypy ignore is used instead of assert because this
                            # runs on every forward and assert has a performance cost
                            args, kwargs = parent_qstate.op_prepare_before_hook(
                                cur_module, args,
                                kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type]

                        # original forward
                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)

                        # Re-enable the overrides.
                        global_disable_torch_function_override = \

                        # after hooks
                        if first_call:
                            output = parent_qstate.first_call_op_prepare_after_hook(
                                cur_module, output, args, qtensor_id,
                            output = parent_qstate.op_prepare_after_hook(
                                cur_module, output, args, global_op_idx)

                    elif hook_type is HookType.MODULE_IO_HOOKS:
                        # TODO(future PR): add inputs io hook

                        cur_qstate = cur_module._auto_quant_state

                        # original forward
                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)

                        # after hooks
                        if first_call:
                            output = cur_qstate.first_call_outputs_prepare_hook(
                                output, qtensor_id)
                            output = cur_qstate.outputs_prepare_hook(output)


                    elif hook_type is HookType.ARG_DEQUANTS:
                        if first_call and parent_module is not None:
                            parent_qstate_fc = getattr(parent_module,
                            if parent_qstate_fc:
                                args, kwargs = \
                                        cur_module, args, kwargs, qtensor_id, fqn,

                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)
                        # if this fp32 was inplace, make sure to set the output dtype
                        # back to torch.float
                        if hasattr(output, '_qtensor_info'):
                            del output._qtensor_info

                        if first_call and parent_module is not None:
                            parent_qstate_fc = getattr(parent_module,
                            if parent_qstate_fc:
                                output = \
                                        cur_module, output, args, qtensor_id,

                        output = orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)

                    if enable_logging:
                        fqn = module_id_to_fqn.get(id(self), None)
                        logger.debug(f" fqn:{fqn} _cl_: {type(self)} end")

                    return output
                    cur_module = old_module

            torch.nn.Module.__call__ = _patched_module_call
            torch.nn.Sequential.forward = _nn_sequential_patched_forward  # type: ignore[assignment]
            nonlocal first_call
                if first_call:
                    # Create a list before iterating because we are adding new
                    # named modules inside the loop.
                    named_modules = list(self.named_modules())

                    # Record module instances which are leaves or children of leaves
                    leaves = set()
                    for fqn, child in named_modules:
                        if is_leaf(child, prepare_custom_config_dict):
                            for _, child_child in child.named_modules():

                    self._fqn_to_auto_quant_state_map = AutoQuantizationStateModuleDict(

                    for fqn, v in named_modules:

                        # fqn is the global FQN, i.e. 'foo.bar.baz'
                        # v is the module instance
                        # we need to associate the global FQN with SeenOp
                        # for modules, this is the module FQN
                        # for functions, this is the parent module FQN
                        module_id_to_fqn[id(v)] = fqn

                        if v in leaves:

                        if v is self:
                            # for the top level module only, specify input
                            # and output dtypes
                            auto_quant_state = AutoQuantizationState(
                                qconfig_dict, fqn, input_dtypes, output_dtypes)
                            auto_quant_state = AutoQuantizationState(
                                qconfig_dict, fqn)

                        # The code below registers the auto_quant_state object
                        # of the child in the module hierarchy of the parent,
                        # and adds the auto_quant_state object to the child
                        # with a raw __setattr__, without registering it in
                        # the module hierarchy of the child.
                        # This is solving the problem of both storing extra state
                        # (observers) as well as not modifying the meaning of user
                        # code in child modules which iterates over all module
                        # children.
                        # This narrows down the issue of dynamically adding
                        # children to only affect the top level module and not
                        # the children.

                        # On the parent, register this module in the FQN map
                        fqn_to_use_for_key = \
                        self._fqn_to_auto_quant_state_map[fqn_to_use_for_key] = \
                        # On the child, manually set the attribute without
                        # going through the `torch.nn.Module.__setattr__`
                        # function, to prevent this object from appearing in
                        # the child's module hierarchy.
                        object.__setattr__(v, '_auto_quant_state',

                global_op_idx[0] = 0

                output = super().__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)

                if first_call:
                    for _, v in self.named_modules():
                        if hasattr(v, '_auto_quant_state'):

                return output
                torch.nn.Module.__call__ = orig_module_call
                torch.nn.Sequential.forward = orig_nn_sequential_forward  # type: ignore[assignment]
                first_call = False

    model.__class__ = QuantizationInterceptionModule
    # create the graph
    trace_with_inputs(model, example_inputs)
    return model
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_fqn_to_example_inputs(
        model: torch.nn.Module,
        example_inputs: Tuple[Any, ...]) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Any, ...]]:
    """ Given a model and its example inputs, return a dictionary from
    fully qualified name of submodules to example_inputs for that submodule,
    e.g. {"linear1": (tensor1,), "linear2": (tensor2,), "sub": (tensor3,),
          "sub.linear1": (tensor4,), ...}

    Used to make quantizing submodules easier now that FX Graph Mode Quantization requries
    example inputs.

    Also works for keyword arguments with default values, we would flatten keyword
    arguments as positional arguments and fill in the missing keyword args with default
    values, e.g. if we have a forward function:
    def forward(self, x, key1=3, key2=3):

    and we call it with self.submodule(x, key2=6)
    we'll get example_inputs: (x, 3, 6)

    user can also override `key1` with positional arguments as well:
    for self.submodule(x, 5, key2=6)
    we'll get: (x, 5, 6)

    variable positional arguments and variable positional keyword arguments in forward
    function are not supported currently, so please make sure no submodules is using
    root = model
    fqn_to_example_inputs = {}

    class InterceptionModule(type(model)):  # type: ignore[misc]
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            orig_module_call = torch.nn.Module.__call__

            def _patched_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs):
                submodule_example_inputs = list(args).copy()
                normalized_kwargs = _normalize_kwargs(self.forward, kwargs)
                # minus 1 to skipping counting `self`
                num_args = _get_num_pos_args(self.forward) - 1
                num_to_pop = num_args - len(submodule_example_inputs)
                while num_to_pop and normalized_kwargs:
                    num_to_pop -= 1
                submodule_example_inputs_tuple = tuple(
                fqn = _get_path_of_module(root, self)
                if fqn is not None:
                    fqn_to_example_inputs[fqn] = submodule_example_inputs_tuple
                return orig_module_call(self, *args, **kwargs)

            torch.nn.Module.__call__ = _patched_module_call
            super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
            torch.nn.Module.__call__ = orig_module_call

    original_class = model.__class__
    model.__class__ = InterceptionModule
    model.__class__ = original_class

    return fqn_to_example_inputs
Exemplo n.º 6
def add_nncf_functionality_to_user_module(module: torch.nn.Module):
    user_class = module.__class__
    assert user_class.__name__ in UNWRAPPED_USER_MODULES.registry_dict
    module.__class__ = NNCF_WRAPPED_USER_MODULES_DICT[user_class]
    return module