Exemplo n.º 1
def get_layer_holes(shape):
	'''Returns coordinates of all holes in all layers.'''
	# Clone shape, flood fill all triangles on the outline. The holes are all the coordinates without triangles.
	s = clone_shape(shape)
	# Fill layers.
	for z in range(s.size.z):
		for x in range(s.size.x//2):	# top
			if not s.triangles[z][0][x*2+1]:
		bottom = s.size.y - 1		# bottom
		for x in range(s.size.x//2):
			if not s.triangles[z][bottom][x*2]:
		for y in range(s.size.y//2):	# left
			if not s.triangles[z][y*2][0]:
		right = s.size.x - 1		# right
		for y in range(s.size.y//2):
			if not s.triangles[z][y*2+1][right]:
	holes = []
	for z,layer in enumerate(s.triangles):
		for y,row in enumerate(layer):
			for x,t in enumerate(row):
				if not t:
					holes += [vec3(x,y,z)]
	return holes
Exemplo n.º 2
def remove_redundant_boxes():
    global boxes,box_angles,hole_delimitors
    drop = defaultdict(int)
    for i,c in enumerate(boxes):
        ciq,cc,cs = c
        c1,c2,c3,c4 = _boxcoords(vec3(*cc),(vec3(*cs)/2).with_z(0))
        c5,c6,c7,c8 = _midcoords(c1,c3)
        for j,b in enumerate(boxes):
            biq,bc,bs = b
            if i == j or drop[j] == 0xff or ciq.q[0] != 1 or biq.q[0] != 1:
            b1,_,b2,_ = _boxcoords(vec3(*bc),vec3(*bs)/2)
            mask = mask_aabb_enclosed([c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8], b1,b2)
            if mask:
                drop[i] |= mask
    for i,mask in sorted(drop.items(), reverse=True):
        if mask == 0xff:
            print('dropping box', i)
            for j,a in list(box_angles.items()):
                if j > i:
                    del box_angles[j]
                    box_angles[j-1] = a
            for j in list(hole_delimitors.keys()):
                if j > i:
                    del hole_delimitors[j]
                    hole_delimitors[j-1] = True
            del boxes[i]
            del floors[i]
Exemplo n.º 3
def extrapolate(now, enemy_tanks):
    shoot = False
    # Extrapolate velocity. tank.et is time for extrapolation, tank.epos is extrapolated position.
    for tank in my_tanks+enemy_tanks:
        if hasattr(tank,'prev_pos') and tank.pos != tank.prev_pos:
            dt = now-tank.t
            prev_vel = tank.vel
            tank.vel = (tank.pos-tank.prev_pos)/dt
            tank.acc = ((tank.vel-prev_vel)/dt).with_z(0)
            tank.epos = tank.pos
            tank.prev_pos = tank.pos
            tank.t = tank.et = now
            if shoot_time and shoot_time-now <= 0:
                shoot = True
        elif hasattr(tank,'epos'):
            dt = now-tank.et
            tank.acc = tank.acc*0.9*dt - tank.epos.with_z(0).normalize()*dt
            tank.vel += tank.acc * dt
            tank.epos = tank.epos + tank.vel * dt
            tank.et = now
            tank.prev_pos = tank.pos
            tank.epos = tank.pos
            tank.vel = vec3()
            tank.acc = vec3()
            tank.t = tank.et = now
    return shoot
Exemplo n.º 4
def _get_longest_edges(f):
    lengths,straight_lengths = [],[]
    right,fwd = vec3(1,0,0),vec3(0,1,0)
    for i in range(0,len(f)):
        f1,f2 = f[i-1],f[i]
        p1,p2 = vec3(*f1),vec3(*f2)
        v = p2-p1
        lengths += [(v.length2(), v)]
        if not v*right and not v*fwd:
            straight_lengths += [(v.length2(), v)]
    sl = sorted(straight_lengths, key=lambda e:e[0])[-1][1] if straight_lengths else None
    return sorted(lengths, key=lambda e:e[0])[-1][1], sl
Exemplo n.º 5
def find_rotated_boxes():
    global floors,box_angles
    for i,f in enumerate(floors):
        if i in box_angles:
        longest_edge,longest_straight_edge = _get_longest_edges(f)
        if longest_edge*vec3(1,0,0) and longest_edge*vec3(0,1,0) and \
          (longest_straight_edge == None or longest_edge.length() > 1.4*longest_straight_edge.length()):
            #if abs(longest_edge.normalize()*vec3(1,0,0)) < 0.9 and abs(longest_edge.normalize()*vec3(0,1,0)) < 0.9:
            a = longest_edge.angle_z(vec3(1,0,0))
            print('Box %i is rotated %g degrees.' % (i,a*180/3.14159))
            box_angles[i] = a
Exemplo n.º 6
def load_shapes_from_file(f, crop):
	contains_specific = False
	char_shapes = []
	shape = []	# List of layers.
	layer = []	# List of strings. One string per row.
	for line in f:
		line = line.rstrip() if crop else line.rstrip('\r\n')
		if '~~~' in line:
			shape += [layer]
			char_shapes += [shape]
			shape,layer = [],[]
		elif '---' in line:
			shape += [layer]
			layer = []
			contains_specific |= bool([1 for ch in '`´ltrb' if ch in line])
			layer += [line]
	shape += [layer]
	char_shapes += [shape]

	shapes = [Shape(unify_chars(shape,crop)) for shape in char_shapes]

	# Handle simplified ascii art, for instance '\' and '/' can mean either upper or lower triangle.
	if not contains_specific:
		for shape,char_shape in zip(shapes,char_shapes):
			for z,layer in enumerate(char_shape):
				for y,row in enumerate(layer):
					for _ in range(2): # Run two times to resolve.
						for x,ch in enumerate(row):
							if ch not in '/\\><^v':
							left   = boundtricnt(shape, vec3(x*2-1,y*2+1,z))
							right  = boundtricnt(shape, vec3(x*2+2,y*2+0,z))
							top    = boundtricnt(shape, vec3(x*2+0,y*2-1,z))
							bottom = boundtricnt(shape, vec3(x*2+1,y*2+2,z))
							sumtot = left+right+top+bottom
							no_neighbour_tris = (sumtot == 0)
							nch = '`´lrbt'[r'/\><^v'.index(ch)]
							if ch == '/' and (left+top > right+bottom or (no_neighbour_tris and row[x-1:x] == '\\')):
								ch = nch
							elif ch == '\\' and (right+top > left+bottom or (no_neighbour_tris and row[x+1:x+2] == '/')):
								ch = nch
							elif ch == '>' and top+right+bottom-1 > left:
								ch = nch
							elif ch == '<' and top+left+bottom-1 > right:
								ch = nch
							elif ch == '^' and left+top+right-1 > bottom:
								ch = nch
							elif ch == 'v' and left+bottom+right-1 > top:
								ch = nch
							shape.settris(ch, x, y, z)
	return shapes
Exemplo n.º 7
def set_box_heights():
    global boxes
    gx,gy,gz = lambda p:p.x, lambda p:p.y, lambda p:p.z
    for i,b in enumerate(boxes):
        q,c,s = b
        c,s = vec3(*c),vec3(*s)
        before = minz = c.z-s.z
        minz = lowest_neighbor(i, minz)
        if minz == before:
            minz -= 32
        s.z += before-minz
        c.z -= (before-minz)/2
        boxes[i] = (q,tuple(c),tuple(s))
Exemplo n.º 8
def boxify():
    global boxes
    gx,gy,gz = lambda p:p.x, lambda p:p.y, lambda p:p.z
    for i,f in enumerate(floors):
        q,iq = quat(),quat()
        if i in box_angles:
            q  =  q.rotate_z(+box_angles[i])
            iq = iq.rotate_z(-box_angles[i])
        # Rotate and calculate size.
        sps = [q*vec3(*v) for v in f]
        g = lambda f,l: l(f(sps,key=l))
        minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz = g(min,gx), g(min,gy), g(min,gz), g(max,gx), g(max,gy), g(max,gz)
        s = maxx-minx, maxy-miny, maxz-minz
        c = iq * vec3((maxx+minx)/2, (maxy+miny)/2, (maxz+minz)/2)
        boxes += [(iq,c,s)]
Exemplo n.º 9
def createsphere(radius, latitude=8, longitude=12):
	v,i = [],[]
	def st(t,p):
		return p*longitude + t%longitude
	def sphere_triangles(t,p):
		if p >= latitude:
			return []
		return [st(t,p), st(t+1,p), st(t,p+1), st(t+1,p), st(t+1,p+1), st(t,p+1)]
	for phi_i in range(latitude+1):
		for theta_i in range(longitude):
			theta,phi = theta_i*2*pi/longitude,phi_i*pi/latitude
			waist = sin(phi)
			r = vec3(waist*cos(theta), -waist*sin(theta), cos(phi)) * radius
			i += sphere_triangles(theta_i,phi_i)
	return GfxMesh(quat(),vec3(),v,i),[PhysSphere(quat(),vec3(),radius)]
Exemplo n.º 10
def update(blips):
    enemy_tanks = [blip for blip in blips if blip.type == 'tank']

    # Extrapolate velocity. tank.et is time for extrapolation, tank.epos is extrapolated position.
    now = time()
    for tank in my_tanks+enemy_tanks:
        if hasattr(tank,'prev_pos') and tank.pos != tank.prev_pos:
            tank.vel = (tank.pos-tank.prev_pos)/(now-tank.t)
            tank.epos = tank.pos
            tank.prev_pos = tank.pos
            tank.t = tank.et = now
        elif hasattr(tank,'epos'):
            tank.epos = tank.epos + tank.vel * (now-tank.et)
            tank.et = now
            tank.prev_pos = tank.pos
            tank.epos = tank.pos
            tank.vel = vec3()
            tank.t = tank.et = now

    for tank in my_tanks:
        enemy = closest_tank(tank.pos, enemy_tanks)
        if enemy:
            # Drive towards enemy, but keep somewhat centered.
            tank.drive((enemy.epos+enemy.vel)/4 - (tank.pos+tank.vel))
            # Shoot at where enemy is assumed to be.
            ds = (enemy.epos+enemy.vel*2) - (tank.pos+tank.vel*2)
            yaw = -atan2(ds.x,ds.y)
            pitch = atan((0.15*ds.length()-2)/(ds.length()/2))
            tank.shoot(yaw, pitch, 'damage')
Exemplo n.º 11
def pickobjs(pos, direction, near, far):
	c = 'pick-objects %s %s %f %f' % (_args2str(pos,'0 0 0'), _args2str(direction,'0 0 0'), near, far)
	s = cmd(c, lambda s:s)
	if s:
		h = s.split(',')
		return [(int(h[i]),vec3(*[float(j) for j in h[i+1:i+4]])) for i in range(0,len(h),4)]
	return []
Exemplo n.º 12
def get_tri_pos(crd):
	cube = vec3(crd.x//2,crd.y//2,crd.z)
	px,py = crd.x%2,crd.y%2
	if px == 0 and py == 0: return W2E,cube
	if px == 1 and py == 0: return N2S,cube
	if px == 0 and py == 1: return S2N,cube
	if px == 1 and py == 1: return E2W,cube
Exemplo n.º 13
def getcrds(shape):
	crds = set()
	for z in range(shape.size.z):
		for y in range(shape.size.y):
			for x in range(shape.size.x):
				if shape.triangles[z][y][x]:
	return crds
Exemplo n.º 14
def _flip(i, f):
        ps = [vec3(*v) for v in f]
        z = 0
        for j in range(0,len(ps)):
            p1,p2,p3 = ps[j-2],ps[j-1],ps[j]
            z += -1 if (p2-p1).cross(p3-p2).z < 0 else +1
        if z < 0:
            print('flipping floor %i' % i)
            floors[i] = list(reversed(f))
Exemplo n.º 15
def get_normal(p,q):
	v = q-p
	if v.z > 0: return F2B
	if v.z < 0: return B2F
	if v == vec3(+1, 0,0): return SW2NE
	if v == vec3(-1, 0,0): return NE2SW
	if v == vec3( 0,+1,0): return NW2SE
	if v == vec3( 0,-1,0): return SE2NW
	if v == vec3(+1,+1,0) and p.x&1==0 and p.y&1==1: return N2S
	if v == vec3(-1,-1,0) and p.x&1==1 and p.y&1==0: return S2N
	if v == vec3(+1,-1,0) and p.x&1==1 and p.y&1==1: return W2E
	if v == vec3(-1,+1,0) and p.x&1==0 and p.y&1==0: return E2W
	raise ValueError('%s and %s are not neighbours?!' % (p,q))
Exemplo n.º 16
def merge_shapes(from_shape, to_shape):
	for z in range(from_shape.size.z):
		for y in range(from_shape.size.y):
			for x in range(from_shape.size.x):
				if from_shape.triangles[z][y][x]:
					if to_shape.triangles[z][y][x]:
						raise ValueError('Trying to merge, but overlaps in %s!' % vec3(x,y,z))
					to_shape.triangles[z][y][x] = True
					to_shape.tricnt += 1
Exemplo n.º 17
def createcapsule(radius, length, latitude=8, longitude=12):
	latitude_odd = latitude if latitude&1 else latitude+1
	latitude = latitude_odd-1
	latitude_half = latitude/2
	v,i,l2 = [],[],length/2
	def st(t,p):
		return p*longitude + t%longitude
	def capsule_triangles(t,p):
		if p >= latitude_odd:
			return []
		return [st(t,p), st(t+1,p), st(t,p+1), st(t+1,p), st(t+1,p+1), st(t,p+1)]
	for phi_i in range(latitude_odd+1):
		phi_j,offz = (phi_i-1,-l2) if phi_i > latitude_half else (phi_i,l2)
		for theta_i in range(longitude):
			theta,phi = theta_i*2*pi/longitude,phi_j*pi/latitude
			waist = sin(phi)
			r = vec3(waist*cos(theta), -waist*sin(theta), cos(phi)) * radius
			r.z += offz
			i += capsule_triangles(theta_i,phi_i)
	return GfxMesh(quat(),vec3(),v,i),[PhysCapsule(quat(),vec3(),radius,length)]
Exemplo n.º 18
def pick_enemy(now, pos, enemy_tanks):
    # Pick one enemy to gather around.
    move2pos = [vec3()]*len(my_tanks)
    global enemy_tank,angle,angle_t
    enemy_tank = enemy_tank if enemy_tank in enemy_tanks else None
    if not enemy_tank and my_tanks:
        enemy_tank = closest_tank(pos, enemy_tanks)
    if enemy_tank:
        center_vec = -enemy_tank.epos.with_z(0).normalize(60)
        angle = 0#sin(now*0.1)*0.4
        move2pos = [quat().rotate_z(angle+pi*i/(len(my_tanks)+8))*center_vec+enemy_tank.epos for i in range(-1,len(my_tanks)-1)]
    return move2pos, enemy_tank
Exemplo n.º 19
def getsetoidcmd(name, oid, *args):
	l = []
	if args != (None,):
		for arg in args:
			l += [str(a) for a in arg if a != None]
	result = cmd('%s %s %s' % (name, oid, ' '.join(l)))
	if not l and result:
		result = [float(r) for r in result.split()]
		if len(result) == 1:
			return result[0]
		if len(result) == 3:
			return vec3(*result)
		if len(result) == 4:
			return quat(*result)
		return result
Exemplo n.º 20
def convexify():
    global floors,sector_linedefs
    i = 0
    while i < len(floors):
        f = floors[i]
        for j in range(0,len(f)):
            f1,f2,f3 = f[j-2],f[j-1],f[j]
            p1,p2,p3 = vec3(*f1),vec3(*f2),vec3(*f3)
            if (p2-p1).cross((p3-p2)).z < 0:
                assert len(f) > 3
                a,b = _vsplice(f, j-1)
                floors[i] = a
                floors += [b]
                sector_linedefs += [sector_linedefs[i]]
                assert len(floors[i]) >= 3 and len(floors[-1]) >= 3
                _flip(i, a)
                _flip(len(floors)-1, b)
                if i in box_angles:
                    box_angles[len(floors)-1] = box_angles[i]
                if i in hole_delimitors:
                    hole_delimitors[len(floors)-1] = True
                i -= 1
        i += 1
Exemplo n.º 21
def create_floor_holes():
    global floors,box_angles,sector_linedefs,sectors
    sidxes = find_holes()
    print('Adding %i holes.' % len(sidxes))
    for lo_sidx,hi_sidx in sidxes:
        lo,hi = sectors[hi_sidx]
        floor = [(v[0],v[1],lo) for v in floors[lo_sidx]]
        center = sum((vec3(*f) for f in floors[lo_sidx]), vec3()) / len(floors[lo_sidx])
        # Create convex polygons emanating from the hole.
        up = vec3(0,0,1)
        for i in range(0,len(floor)):
            f1,f2 = floor[i-1],floor[i]
            p1,p2 = vec3(*f1),vec3(*f2)
            out = (p2-p1).cross(up)
            if out*((p1+p2)/2-center) < 0:
                out = -out
            box_angles[len(floors)] = out.angle_z(vec3(0,1,0))
            hole_delimitors[len(floors)] = True
            fvs = [vec3(*f) for f in floors[hi_sidx]]
            including = [f for f,p in zip(floors[hi_sidx],fvs) if (p-p1)*out>0]
            floors += [including+[f2,f1]]    # Reverse f order!
            sector_linedefs += [sector_linedefs[lo_sidx]]
            sector_linedefs[hi_sidx] += [(0,0,len(sector_linedefs)-1,-1)]
            sectors += [sectors[lo_sidx]]
            # Drop used vertices.
            drop = including
            if len(drop) > 3:
                if i == 0:  # Exclude extremities on first split.
                    drop.remove(max([(vec3(*f),f) for f in drop], key=lambda vf:(vf[0]-p1).length2())[1])
                    drop.remove(max([(vec3(*f),f) for f in drop], key=lambda vf:(vf[0]-p2).length2())[1])
                for d in drop:
        if len(floors[hi_sidx]) < 3:
            assert False
            floors[hi_sidx] = floors[-1]
            floors = floors[:-1]
            box_angles[hi_sidx] = box_angles[len(floors)]
            del box_angles[len(floors)]
Exemplo n.º 22
	def __init__(self,original):
		if hasattr(original,'triangles'):
			self.size = original.size
			self.tricnt = original.tricnt
			self.triangles = deepcopy(original.triangles)
			chars = original
			self.size = vec3(len(chars[0][0])*2,len(chars[0])*2,len(chars))
			self.tricnt = 0
			self.triangles = []
			for z,layer in enumerate(chars):
				tlayer = []
				for y,row in enumerate(layer):
					tlayer += [[False]*self.size.x,[False]*self.size.x]	# Add two triangle rows per char row.
					for x,ch in enumerate(row):
						self.tricnt += _ch2tricnt(ch)
Exemplo n.º 23
def createcube(side):
	s = side*0.5
	v = [(+s.x,-s.y,+s.z), (-s.x,-s.y,+s.z), (+s.x,-s.y,-s.z), (-s.x,-s.y,-s.z), (+s.x,+s.y,+s.z), (-s.x,+s.y,+s.z), (+s.x,+s.y,-s.z), (-s.x,+s.y,-s.z)]
	i = [0,1,2, 1,3,2, 1,5,3, 5,7,3, 4,0,6, 0,2,6, 5,4,7, 4,6,7, 4,5,0, 5,1,0, 2,3,6, 3,7,6]
	return GfxMesh(quat(),vec3(),[tovec3(c) for c in v],i),[PhysBox(quat(),vec3(),side)]
Exemplo n.º 24
def shrink_rotated_boxes():
    global boxes
    shortened_count = 0
    drop = defaultdict(int)
    for i,c in enumerate(boxes):
        ciq,cc,cs = c
        if ciq.q[0] == 1:
        #cq = ciq.inverse()
        cc,cs = vec3(*cc),vec3(*cs)
        c1,c2,c3,c4 = _boxcoords(cc,(cs/2).with_z(0), ciq)
        ## cminx,cmaxx = min([c1,c2,c3,c4], key=lambda c:c.x), max([c1,c2,c3,c4], key=lambda c:c.x)
        cminy,cmaxy = min([c1,c2,c3,c4], key=lambda c:c.y), max([c1,c2,c3,c4], key=lambda c:c.y)
        for j,b in enumerate(boxes):
            biq,bc,bs = b
            bc,bs = vec3(*bc),vec3(*bs)/2
            if biq.q[0] != 1 or not almosteq(cc.z+cs.z/2,bc.z+bs.z):
            bmin,bmax = bc-bs,bc+bs
            ## if cminx.x<bmin.x and cmaxx.x>bmax.x:
                ## bminy,bmaxy = min(bmin.y,bmax.y),max(bmin.y,bmax.y)
                ## mincloser = (abs(cminx.x-bc.x) < abs(cmaxx.x-bc.x))
                ## print('OUT HERE!', i, cminx, cmaxx, bmin, bmax, mincloser, abs(cmaxx.y-bminy), abs(cmaxx.y-bmaxy), (not mincloser and abs(cmaxx.y-bminy)<cutlimit and abs(cmaxx.y-bmaxy)<cutlimit))
                ## if mincloser and abs(cminx.y-bminy)<cutlimit and abs(cminx.y-bmaxy)<cutlimit:
                    ## d = bmin.x-cminx.x
                    ## if d > 0.1:
                        ## print('HERE MIN X!', d)
                        ## if cs.x > cs.y:
                            ## a = vec3(1,0,0).angle_z(cq*vec3(1,0,0))
                            ## v = cq*vec3(d/cos(a),0,0)
                            ## print('vector is:', v, v.length(), cq*vec3(1,0,0))
                            ## cs.x -= v.length()
                            ## cc -= v/2
                            ## print('SHOTENED 1!', i, boxes[i])
                            ## boxes[i] = ciq,tuple(cc),tuple(cs)
                            ## print('SHOTENED 2!', i, boxes[i])
                            ## shortened_count += 1
                        ## break
                ## elif not mincloser and abs(cmaxx.y-bminy)<cutlimit and abs(cmaxx.y-bmaxy)<cutlimit:
                    ## d = cmaxx.x-bmax.x
                    ## if d > 0.1:
                        ## print('HERE MAX X!', d)
                        ## if cs.x > cs.y:
                            ## a = vec3(1,0,0).angle_z(cq*vec3(1,0,0))
                            ## v = cq*vec3(d/cos(a),0,0)
                            ## print('vector is:', v, v.length(), cq*vec3(1,0,0))
                            ## cs.x -= v.length()
                            ## cc -= v/2
                            ## print('SHOTENED 3!', i, boxes[i])
                            ## boxes[i] = ciq,tuple(cc),tuple(cs)
                            ## print('SHOTENED 4!', i, boxes[i])
                            ## print('shortener was', j)
                            ## shortened_count += 1
                        ## break
            if cminy.y<bmin.y and cmaxy.y>bmax.y:
                bminx,bmaxx = min(bmin.x,bmax.x),max(bmin.x,bmax.x)
                mincloser = (abs(cminy.y-bc.y) < abs(cmaxy.y-bc.y))
                print('OUT HERE!', i, j, cminy, cmaxy, bmin, bmax, mincloser, abs(cmaxy.x-bminx), abs(cmaxy.x-bmaxx), (not mincloser and abs(cmaxy.x-bminx)<cutlimit and abs(cmaxy.x-bmaxx)<cutlimit))
                if mincloser and cminy.x-bminx>-cutlimit and cminy.x-bmaxx<cutlimit:
                    # Don't cut on the wrong side of a hole-delimitor.
                    fy1,fy2 = vec3(*floors[i][-1]),vec3(*floors[i][-2])
                    if i in hole_delimitors and ((cminy-fy1).length2()<(bmin-fy1).length2() or (cminy-fy2).length2()<(bmin-fy2).length2()):
                        print('SKIPPING %i due to hole_delimitor.' % i)
                    print('NOT HOLE DELIMITOR:', hole_delimitors, fy1,fy2)
                    d = bmin.y-cminy.y
                    if d > 0.1:
                        print('HERE MIN Y!', d)
                        if cs.x > cs.y:
                            a = vec3(0,1,0).angle_z(ciq*vec3(1,0,0))
                            v = ciq*vec3(d/cos(a),0,0)
                            print('vector is:', v, v.length(), ciq*vec3(1,0,0), d, a, cos(a))
                            cs.x -= v.length()
                            cc += v/2
                            print('SHOTENED 1!', i, boxes[i])
                            boxes[i] = ciq,tuple(cc),tuple(cs)
                            print('SHOTENED 2!', i, boxes[i])
                            print('shortener was', j)
                            shortened_count += 1
                ## elif not mincloser and cmaxy.x-bminx>-cutlimit and cmaxy.x-bmaxx<cutlimit:
                    ## d = cmaxy.y-bmax.y
                    ## if d > 0.1:
                        ## print('HERE MAX Y!', d)
                        ## if cs.x > cs.y:
                            ## a = vec3(0,1,0).angle_z(ciq*vec3(1,0,0))
                            ## v = ciq*vec3(d/cos(a),0,0)
                            ## print('vector is:', v, v.length(), ciq*vec3(1,0,0))
                            ## cs.x -= v.length()
                            ## cc -= v/2
                            ## print('SHOTENED 3!', i, boxes[i])
                            ## boxes[i] = ciq,tuple(cc),tuple(cs)
                            ## print('SHOTENED 4!', i, boxes[i])
                            ## print('shortener was', j)
                            ## shortened_count += 1
                        ## break
    return shortened_count
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_neighbour_crds(shape,crds,isset=True,allowz=True):
	crds = crds if hasattr(crds,'__contains__') else [crds]
	ns = set()
	for crd in crds:
		if crd.x&1 == 0 and crd.y&1 == 0:	# Left triangle (0).
			neighbours = [vec3(+1, 0,0),vec3( 0,+1,0),vec3(-1,+1,0)]
		elif crd.x&1 == 1 and crd.y&1 == 0:	# Top triangle (1).
			neighbours = [vec3(-1, 0,0),vec3( 0,+1,0),vec3(-1,-1,0)]
		elif crd.x&1 == 1 and crd.y&1 == 1:	# Right triangle (2).
			neighbours = [vec3( 0,-1,0),vec3(-1, 0,0),vec3(+1,-1,0)]
		else:					# Bottom triangle (3).
			neighbours = [vec3( 0,-1,0),vec3(+1, 0,0),vec3(+1,+1,0)]
		if allowz:
			neighbours += [vec3(0,0,-1),vec3(0,0,+1)]
		neighbours = [crd+d for d in neighbours]
		neighbours = [c for c in neighbours if _validcrd(shape,c) and c not in ns]
		ns.update([c for c in neighbours if hastri(shape,c)==isset])
	return ns
Exemplo n.º 26
def _midcoords(p1,p2):
    z = (p1.z+p2.z)/2
    s,t = vec3(p1).with_z(z),vec3(p2).with_z(z)
    return s.with_x((s.x+t.x)/2), s.with_y((s.y+t.y)/2), t.with_x((s.x+t.x)/2), t.with_y((s.y+t.y)/2)
Exemplo n.º 27
def createmesh(vertices,triangles):
	return GfxMesh(quat(),vec3(),vertices,triangles),[PhysMesh(quat(),vec3(),vertices[:],triangles[:])]
Exemplo n.º 28
def get_tri_crds(shape):
	for z,layer in enumerate(shape.triangles):
		for y,row in enumerate(layer):
			for x,t in enumerate(row):
				if t:
					yield vec3(x,y,z)
Exemplo n.º 29
def idx2crd(size,idx):
	z = idx//(size.x*size.y)
	idx %= size.x*size.y
	y = idx//size.x
	x = idx%size.x
	return vec3(x,y,z)
Exemplo n.º 30
def get_topmost_tri(shape):
	for z,layer in enumerate(shape.triangles):
		for y,row in enumerate(layer):
			for x,t in enumerate(row):
				if t:
					return vec3(x,y,z)