Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
	ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
	ap.add_argument("-c", "--calib", type = str, required = True, 
					help = "Path to calibration files (camera matrix and distortion coefficient)")
	ap.add_argument("-i", "--input", type = str, required = True,
					help = "Path to input files")
	ap.add_argument("-o", "--output", type = str, default = "",
					help = "Path to output files (omit if same as input)")
	ap.add_argument("overlap", type = float,
					help = "Percentage of overlap in decimal")
	args = vars(ap.parse_args())

	calib_path = args["calib"]

	if not os.path.isdir(calib_path):
	    print('Invalid calibration path!')

	in_path = args["input"]
	if not os.path.isdir(in_path):
	    print('Invalid input path!')
	out_path = args["output"]
	if out_path == "":
	    out_path = os.path.join(in_path, 'undistort')
	if not os.path.isdir(out_path):

	overlap = args["overlap"]

	undistort.undistort(calib_path, in_path, out_path)
	mosaic(in_path, overlap)
def pipeline(img, s_thresh=(100, 255), sx_thresh=(15, 255)):
    img = undistort(img)
    img = np.copy(img)

    #Convert to HLS color space and separate the V channel
    hls = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HLS)
    l_channel = hls[:, :, 1]
    s_channel = hls[:, :, 2]
    h_channel = hls[:, :, 0]

    #Sobel x
    sobelx = cv2.Sobel(l_channel, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 1)  # Take the derivative in x
    abs_sobelx = np.absolute(
    )  # Absolute x derivative to accentuate lines away from horizontal
    scaled_sobel = np.uint8(255 * abs_sobelx / np.max(abs_sobelx))

    # Threshold x gradient
    sxbinary = np.zeros_like(scaled_sobel)
    sxbinary[(scaled_sobel >= sx_thresh[0])
             & (scaled_sobel <= sx_thresh[1])] = 1

    # Threshold color channel
    s_binary = np.zeros_like(s_channel)
    s_binary[(s_channel >= s_thresh[0]) & (s_channel <= s_thresh[1])] = 1

    color_binary = np.dstack(
        (np.zeros_like(sxbinary), sxbinary, s_binary)) * 255
    combined_binary = np.zeros_like(sxbinary)
    combined_binary[(s_binary == 1) | (sxbinary == 1)] = 1
    return combined_binary
Exemplo n.º 3
def process_image(oimg):
    uimg = undistort.undistort(oimg)
    _, _, _, timg = threshold.threshold(uimg)
    wimg = topview.warp(timg)
    left_fit, right_fit, roc, dfc, ly, lx, ry, rx = lane_finder.find(wimg)
    result = draw.draw(uimg, wimg, left_fit, right_fit, roc, dfc, 
            ly, lx, ry, rx, False)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _on_loop(self, policy):
        Logical loop
        if self.key == 'q':
        if self.key == 't':
            self.training = not self.training
            self.key = ''
        if self.key == 's':
            self._enable_auto_control = False
            self.key = ''
            self.training = False
            self.tele_twist.linear.x = 0
            self.tele_twist.angular.z = 0

        if self._enable_auto_control:
            if not self.intention:
                    print('estimate pose + goal....')
            elif self.intention == 'stop':
                self.tele_twist.linear.x = 0
                self.tele_twist.angular.z = 0
                if self._mode == 'DLM':
                    intention = Dataset.INTENTION_MAPPING[self.intention] # map intention str => int
                    print('intention: ',intention)
                if policy.input_frame == 'NORMAL': # 1 cam
                    # convert ros msg -> cv2
                    img = cv2.resize(undistort(self.bridge.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(self.left_img,desired_encoding='bgr8'),FRONT_CAMERA_INFO),(224,224))
                    pred_control = policy.predict_control(img, intention, self.speed)[0]
                    self.tele_twist.linear.x = pred_control[0]*Dataset.SCALE_VEL
                    self.tele_twist.angular.z = pred_control[1]*Dataset.SCALE_STEER
                elif policy.input_frame == 'MULTI':
                    # convert ros msg -> cv2 
                    # NOTE: Make sure the left camera is launched by mynteye_2.launch and right is run by mynteye_3.launch
                    left_img = cv2.resize(self.bridge.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(self.me3_left,desired_encoding='bgr8'),(224,224))
                    front_img = cv2.resize(self.bridge.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(self.left_img,desired_encoding='bgr8'),(224,224))
                    right_img = cv2.resize(self.bridge.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(self.me2_left,desired_encoding='bgr8'),(224,224))

                    # stack left,right -> 3channel
                    left_img = np.stack((left_img,)*3,axis=-1)
                    right_img = np.stack((right_img,)*3,axis=-1)

                    pred_control= policy.predict_control([left_img,front_img,right_img],intention,self.speed)[0]
                    self.tele_twist.linear.x = pred_control[0]*Dataset.SCALE_VEL*0.7
                    self.tele_twist.angular.z = pred_control[1]*Dataset.SCALE_STEER*0.7
        # publish to /train/* topic to record data (if in training mode)
        if self.training:
        # self.pub_intention.publish(self.manual_intention)

        # publish control
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    calib_path = raw_input('Enter folder path for calibration parameters:\n')
    if not os.path.isdir(calib_path):
        print('Invalid path!')
    in_path = raw_input('Enter folder path for input images:\n')
    if not os.path.isdir(in_path):
        print('Invalid path!')
    out_path = raw_input('Enter folder path for output images:\n')
    if not os.path.isdir(out_path):
    undistort.undistort(calib_path, in_path, out_path)

    cluster.cluster(os.path.join(out_path, undistort), out_path)
    find_contour.find_contour(os.path.join(out_path, cluster), out_path)
def reproject2(depth, depth_intrinsic_mat, depth_intrinsic_undist_mat,
               rgb_intrinsic_mat, rgb_intrinsic_undist_mat, depth_dist_coeffs,
               rgb_dist_coeffs, rot_vec, t_vec, img_size):
    Perform reprojection of depth map.

    # depth = cv2.undistort(depth, depth_intrinsic_undist_mat, depth_dist_coeffs, None, None)
    depth = undistort(depth, depth_intrinsic_mat, depth_intrinsic_undist_mat,
    # plt.imshow(depth)
    # plt.show()

    xyd_list = depth2xyd_list(depth.copy()).astype(np.float32)
    # print("!", xyd_list.shape)
    # xyd_list = drop_zero_depths(xyd_list)

    # xyd_list = undistort_points(xyd_list, depth_intrinsic_mat, depth_dist_coeffs, depth_intrinsic_undist_mat)#, cv2.Rodrigues(rot_vec)[0], depth_intrinsic_undist_mat)

    # after = xyd_list2depthmap(xyd_list.copy(), depth.shape)
    # print("!", after.shape)
    # plt.subplot(131)
    # plt.title("after")
    # plt.imshow(after)
    # plt.subplot(132)
    # plt.title("before")
    # plt.imshow(depth)
    # plt.subplot(133)
    # diff = depth - after
    # print("LOL", np.amax(diff), np.amin(diff))
    # plt.imshow(diff / np.amax(diff))
    # plt.show()
    # cv2.imwrite("depth_undist.png",after)
    xyz3d_list = unproject_to_3d(xyd_list, depth_intrinsic_undist_mat)

    xyz3d_list = cv2.Rodrigues(rot_vec)[0] @ xyz3d_list + t_vec.reshape(
        (-1, 1))

    xyz3d_list = rgb_intrinsic_undist_mat @ xyz3d_list

    # xyz3d_list = undistort_points(xyz3d_list, depth_intrinsic_mat, depth_dist_coeffs, depth_intrinsic_undist_mat) #<<

    xy_list_reprojected = np.array(
        [xyz3d_list[0] / xyz3d_list[2], xyz3d_list[1] / xyz3d_list[2]])

    # xy_list_reprojected = cv2.projectPoints(xyz3d_list, rot_vec, t_vec, rgb_intrinsic_undist_mat, np.array([]))[0][:, 0, :].T#, rgb_dist_coeffs)[0][:, 0, :].T

    xyd_list_reprojected = np.vstack((xy_list_reprojected, xyz3d_list[2]))
    print("!!!", xyd_list_reprojected.shape)
    new_depth = xyd_list2depthmap(xyd_list_reprojected, img_size)
    print("!!!", new_depth.shape)
    return new_depth  #xyz3d_list
def image_pipeline(image):

    if (os.path.exists("./param/calibration_param.npz")):
        data = np.load("./param/calibration_param.npz")
        mxt = data["mxt"]
        dist = data["dist"]
        # Camera calibration
        mxt, dist = calibrate_camera("../camera_cal/calibration*.jpg")

    # undistortion
    undist = undistort(image, mxt, dist)
    h, w = undist.shape[:2]

    # perspective
    src = np.float32([(575, 464), (707, 464), (258, 682), (1049, 682)])
    dst = np.float32([(450, 0), (w - 450, 0), (450, h), (w - 450, h)])
    undist, M, Minv = transform(undist, src, dst)

    warped = color_grad(undist)

    leftx, lefty, rightx, righty = find_lane_pixels(warped)

    left_fit, right_fit = fit_polynomial(leftx, lefty, rightx, righty)

    left_cur, right_cur = get_curve_real(lefty, righty, left_fit, right_fit)

    # Create an image to draw the lines on
    warp_zero = np.zeros_like(warped).astype(np.uint8)
    color_warp = np.dstack((warp_zero, warp_zero, warp_zero))

    # Recast the x and y points into usable format for cv2.fillPoly()
    ploty = np.linspace(0, 719, num=720)  # to cover same y-range as image
    pts_left = np.array(
        [np.transpose(np.vstack([helper(left_fit, lefty), lefty]))])
    pts_right = np.array([
        np.flipud(np.transpose(np.vstack([helper(right_fit, righty), righty])))
    pts = np.hstack((pts_left, pts_right))

    # Draw the lane onto the warped blank image
    cv2.fillPoly(color_warp, np.int_([pts]), (0, 255, 0))

    # Warp the blank back to original image space using inverse perspective matrix (Minv)
    newwarp = cv2.warpPerspective(color_warp, Minv,
                                  (image.shape[1], image.shape[0]))
    # Combine the result with the original image
    result = cv2.addWeighted(image, 1, newwarp, 0.3, 0)

    return result
Exemplo n.º 8
def pipelineSingleFrameDetection(image):
    image = undistort(image)
    listOfAllBoxes = []
    for scale in scales:
        foundCars, allSquares, listOfBoxes = find_cars(image,
        listOfAllBoxes += listOfBoxes

    allFoundCars = draw_boxes(image, listOfAllBoxes)

    return allFoundCars
Exemplo n.º 9
def debug_image(oimg):
    uimg = undistort.undistort(oimg)
    _, _, _, timg = threshold.threshold(uimg)
    wimg = topview.warp(timg)
    #result = np.dstack((timg, timg, timg))
    result = np.dstack((wimg, wimg, wimg))
    left_fit, right_fit, roc, dfc, ly, lx, ry, rx = lane_finder.find(wimg)

    #ploty = np.linspace(0, wimg.shape[0]-1, wimg.shape[0]).astype(int)
    #left_fitx = left_fit[0]*ploty**2 + left_fit[1]*ploty + left_fit[2]
    #right_fitx = right_fit[0]*ploty**2 + right_fit[1]*ploty + right_fit[2]
    #result = np.dstack((wimg, wimg, wimg))
    result[ly, lx] = [255, 0, 0]
    result[ry, rx] = [255, 0, 0]
    #result[ploty, left_fitx.astype(int)] = [255, 255, 0]
    #result[ploty, right_fitx.astype(int)] = [255, 255, 0]
    return result
Exemplo n.º 10
def getFrame(thresh):
    global frame
    global gray

    _, frame = vs.read()
    frame = cv2.rotate(frame,
                       cv2.ROTATE_180)  #!!!! UNTESTEDDDDDD TODO rotation
    frame = undistort.undistort(frame)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # if thresh parameter is true, use thresholded image
    if (thresh):
        #threshold to clean up blooming from light from retroreflector
        _, frame = cv2.threshold(gray, thresh_min, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        frame = cv2.cvtColor(
            frame, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)  #aruco detection only works with color

    return (frame, gray)
Exemplo n.º 11
def pipeline(image):
    image = undistort(image)
    listOfAllBoxes = []
    for scale in scales:
        foundCars, allSquares, listOfBoxes = find_cars(image,
        listOfAllBoxes += listOfBoxes

    global heatmap
    heatmap *= (historyFactor-1)
    heatmap = add_heat(heatmap, listOfAllBoxes)
    heatmap /= historyFactor

    labels = label(apply_threshold(heatmap, threshold))

    allFoundCars = draw_labeled_bboxes(image, labels)

    return allFoundCars
Exemplo n.º 12
import cv2
from undistort import undistort

img = cv2.imread('test_imgs/test3.jpg')
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
dst = undistort(img)

#Visualize distortion
cv2.imshow('img', img)
cv2.imshow('dst', dst)

Exemplo n.º 13
import cv2
import os
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from undistort import undistort
from udacityCode import find_cars, draw_boxes

pathToTestImages = "../test_images"
outputFolder = "../output_images"

listTestImages = os.listdir(pathToTestImages)

image = cv2.imread("../camera_cal/calibration1.jpg")
undistortedImage = undistort(image)
cv2.imwrite(outputFolder + "/" + "undist-chessboard.jpg", undistortedImage)

#This dict describes the different scales that will be used and also on which subset of the image it will be used.
scales = {
    0.5: {
        'y': (410, 455),
        'x': (300, 1280 - 300)
    0.75: {
        'y': (410, 474),
        'x': (200, 1280 - 200)
    1: {
        'y': (400, 485),
        'x': (0, 1280)
    1.5: {
Exemplo n.º 14
        plt.xlim(0, 1280)
        plt.ylim(720, 0)
        # Save visualization
        if save_image:
            plt.savefig('./output_images/vis_area.png', bbox_inches='tight')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    polyfit = Polyfit()
    perspective = Perspective()

    image_file = 'test_images/test2.jpg'
    image = mpimg.imread(image_file)
    undistorted = undistort(image)
    # Create binary outputs
    abs_thresh, mag_thresh, dir_thresh, hls_thresh, hsv_thresh, combined_output = combined_threshold(
    plt.imshow(combined_output, cmap='gray')
    warped = perspective.warp(combined_output)
    plt.imshow(warped, cmap='gray')
    # Find lanes
    left_fit, right_fit, vars = polyfit.poly_fit_skip(warped)
    left_curve_rad, right_curve_rad = polyfit.curvature()
    position = polyfit.vehicle_position(warped)
    print('curvature: {:.2f}m'.format((left_curve_rad + right_curve_rad) / 2))
    print('vehicle position: {:.2f}m from center'.format(position))
    # Visualize lane finding
    polyfit.visualize_window(warped, vars, save_image=True)
    polyfit.visualize_area(warped, vars, save_image=True)
Exemplo n.º 15
def pipeline(image,
             s_thresh=(170, 255),
             l_thresh=(220, 255),
             sx_thresh=(50, 150),
    img_o = np.copy(image)

    img = dist.undistort(img_o)

    img_s = saturation(img)
    binary_s = binary_threshold(img_s, s_thresh)

    # Only white, non obscured lines
    img_l = lightness(img)
    binary_l = binary_threshold(img_l, l_thresh)

    # obscured lines
    add_sobel = False
    img_sobel = sobel(img_l)
    binary_sobel = binary_threshold(img_sobel, sx_thresh)

    # Combine the two binary thresholds
    combined_binary = np.zeros_like(binary_s)
    #combined_binary[(binary_s == 1) | (binary_sobel == 1)] = 1
    combined_binary[(binary_s == 1) | (binary_l == 1)] = 1
    if add_sobel:
        combined_binary[(binary_sobel == 1)] = 1

    warped_binary = birdseye(combined_binary, src, dst)

    if previous_lanes[-1] is not None:
        lane = sliding_window(warped_binary, previous_lane=previous_lanes[-1])
        lane.previous = previous_lanes
        lane = sliding_window(warped_binary, previous_lane=None)
        #lane.previous = previous_lanes


    # Image returned for the video stream
    if previous_lanes[-1] is not None:
        if lane.detected and lane.sanity:
            result_img = cv2.addWeighted(
                img, 1, lane.warp_lane(Minv, method='incl_previous'), 0.3, 0)
            print('Reset lane detection')
            lane = sliding_window(warped_binary, previous_lane=None)
            lane.previous = previous_lanes
            if lane.detected and lane.sanity:
                result_img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 1, lane.warp_lane(Minv), 0.3,
                    'Lane could not be detected. Keep the detection from frame before'
                    #### ToDo: Instead of rolling back; just use an average of the 5 previous detections
                    lane = previous_lanes[-1]
                    lane.previous = previous_lanes
                    result_img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 1, lane.warp_lane(Minv),
                                                 0.3, 0)
                except TypeError:
                    print('No previous lanes available for roll-back.')
                    result_img = img

    elif lane.detected and lane.sanity:
        result_img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 1, lane.warp_lane(Minv), 0.3, 0)
        print('Lane was not detected and no previous images are available')
        result_img = img

    if show:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(12, 8))
        #fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = .1, wspace=.1)
        #plt.subplots_adjust(left=0., right=1, top=0.9, bottom=0.)
        axs = axs.ravel()
        axs[0].set_title('Original image')
        axs[1].set_title('Undistorted image')
        img_e = copy.copy(img)
        img_e = draw_roi(img_e, SRC)

        axs[2].set_title('Result image')
        undist_with_lane = cv2.addWeighted(img, 1, lane.warp_lane(Minv), 0.3,
        undist_with_lane = draw_roi(undist_with_lane, SRC)

        axs[3].set_title('Lightness channel')
        axs[3].imshow(img_l, cmap='Greys_r')
        axs[4].set_title('Lightness channel thresholded')
        axs[4].imshow(binary_l, cmap='Greys_r')
        axs[5].set_title('Sobel of lightness channel')
        axs[5].imshow(img_sobel, cmap='Greys_r')

        axs[6].set_title('Saturation channel')  # thresholded')
        #s = image.shape
        #binary_s_color = np.zeros((s[0], s[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        axs[6].imshow(img_s, cmap='Greys_r')
        #axs[6].imshow(binary_s, cmap='Greys_r')
        axs[7].set_title('Binary result')
        axs[7].imshow(combined_binary, cmap='Greys_r')
        axs[8].set_title('Birdseye view')
        axs[8].imshow(warped_binary, cmap='Greys_r')
        axs[8].set_title('Lightness channel thresholded')#Saturation channel')
        #axs[2].imshow(img_s, cmap='Greys_r')
        axs[8].imshow(binary_l, cmap='Greys_r')
        axs[3].set_title('Saturation channel thresholded')
        #s = image.shape
        #binary_s_color = np.zeros((s[0], s[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        axs[3].imshow(binary_s, cmap='Greys_r')
        axs[4].set_title('Sobel of lightness channel')
        axs[4].imshow(img_sobel, cmap='Greys_r')
        axs[5].set_title('Sobel thresholded')
        axs[5].imshow(binary_sobel, cmap='Greys_r')
        axs[6].set_title('Binary result')
        axs[6].imshow(combined_binary, cmap='Greys_r')
        axs[7].set_title('Birdseye view')
        axs[7].imshow(warped_binary, cmap='Greys_r')
        for i in range(9):


    return lane, result_img
Exemplo n.º 16
#! /usr/bin/env python

import cv2
import numpy as np
import sys

from undistort import undistort

total = 0
for f in sys.argv[1:]:
    img = cv2.imread(f,0)
    img = undistort("../share/table_calib_640x480.yml", img)
    img = cv2.resize(img, (320,240))
    #img = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,\
    #                            cv2.THRESH_BINARY,15,2)

    #img = cv2.medianBlur(img,5)
    cimg = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

    circles = cv2.HoughCircles(img,cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT,1,20,

    if circles == None:
        #print (f + ": No circles!")
        #cv2.imshow('detected circles',cimg)
        total += len(circles[0,:])
import undistort
import pickle
import cv2
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.path import Path
import matplotlib.patches as patches

img = mpimg.imread(
uimg = undistort.undistort(img)

src = np.float32([
    [600, 450],  #top left
    [680, 450],  #top right
    [1100, 720],  #bottom right
    [200, 720]
])  #bottom left

dst = np.float32([[250, 0], [950, 0], [950, 720], [250, 720]])

M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst)
Minv = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(dst, src)

warped = cv2.warpPerspective(uimg,
                             M, (uimg.shape[1], uimg.shape[0]),

codes = [
from undistort import undistort

# Read in the saved objpoints and imgpoints
calibration_pickle = pickle.load( open( "calibration_pickle.p", "rb" ) )
cameraMatrix = calibration_pickle["cameraMatrix"]
distCoeffs = calibration_pickle["distCoeffs"]

# Collect images for undistortion
#test_images = glob.glob('test_images/straight_lines*.jpg')
test_images = glob.glob('test_images/test*.jpg')

for index, filename in enumerate(test_images):
    print('processing image: ', filename)
    image = undistort(filename, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)

    # Choose a Sobel kernel size
    ksize = 13 # Choose a larger odd number to smooth gradient measurements

    # Apply each of the thresholding functions
    gradx = abs_sobel_thresh(image, orient='x', sobel_kernel=ksize, thresh_min=20, thresh_max=200)
    grady = abs_sobel_thresh(image, orient='y', sobel_kernel=ksize, thresh_min=50, thresh_max=200)
    mag_binary = mag_thresh(image, sobel_kernel=ksize, mag_thresh=(60, 130))
    dir_binary = dir_threshold(image, sobel_kernel=ksize, thresh=(0.7, 1.3))
    c_binary = color_threshold(image, sthreshold=(90,255), vthreshold=(90,255))

    combined = np.zeros_like(image[:,:,0])
    #combined[((gradx == 1) & (grady == 1) ) | ((mag_binary == 1) & (dir_binary == 1)) ] = 255 #
    combined[((gradx == 1) & (grady == 1)) | ((mag_binary == 1) & (dir_binary == 1)) | (c_binary == 1) ] = 255 #
    #combined[((gradx == 1) & (grady == 1)) ] = 1
Exemplo n.º 19
 def cb_lpe_intention(self, msg):
     self.intention = cv2.resize(
         undistort(CvBridge().imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, desired_encoding='bgr8')),
         (224, 224))
Exemplo n.º 20
def dist_from_center(binary_warped, left_fit, right_fit):
    # assuming lane center should be at center of image
    xm_per_pix = 3.7 / 700  # meters per pixel in x dimension

    y = binary_warped.shape[0] - 1
    xl = left_fit[0] * y**2 + left_fit[1] * y + left_fit[2]
    xr = right_fit[0] * y**2 + right_fit[1] * y + right_fit[2]
    lane_center = (xl + xr) / 2
    img_center = binary_warped.shape[1] / 2
    return (lane_center - img_center) * xm_per_pix

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # open an image
    oimg = mpimg.imread('../CarND-Advanced-Lane-Lines/test_images/test2.jpg')
    img = undistort.undistort(oimg)
    _, _, _, img = threshold.threshold(img)
    binary_warped = topview.warp(img)

    leftx, lefty, rightx, righty = sliding_window(binary_warped)

    # Fit a second order polynomial to each
    left_fit = np.polyfit(lefty, leftx, 2)
    right_fit = np.polyfit(righty, rightx, 2)

    left_curverad, right_curverad = roc(binary_warped.shape[0] - 1, left_fit,
    print(left_curverad, 'm', right_curverad, 'm')

    nonzero = binary_warped.nonzero()
    nonzeroy = np.array(nonzero[0])