Exemplo n.º 1
def read_amira_spatialGraph(filename=None, resolution=1.0, lUnit='um', 
    """Reads an AMIRA spatial graph file (AmiraMesh 3D ASCII 2.0 format) and 
    constructs the corresponding vascular graph from it.
    INPUT: filename: AMIRA spatial graph file (including path). If not 
                     provided, a graphical file-selection dialog will display.
           resolution: The resolution of the srXTM scan, i.e. voxel size 
                       (isotropic resolution is assumend). The default is 1.0.
           lUnit: The unit of length properties in the spatialGraph (i.e. 
                  radii, and position vectors). The default is microns.
           defaultUnits: The defaultUnits of the VascularGraph created (see 
                         __init__ of the VascularGraph class for details).        
    OUTPUT: G: Vascular graph in iGraph format. 

    #if filename is None:
    #    filename = guiTools.uigetfile('Select Amira spatialGraph (.am) file')
    f = open(filename,'r')

    def advanceToToken(token,searchdepth=2):
        done = False
        while not done:
            l = f.readline()
            if l == '': # eof
            if l[0:searchdepth] == token:
                done = True
                log.debug('Found ' + token)
                return l
    # Get file statistics
    l = advanceToToken('define VERTEX',13)
    n_vertices = int(l.split()[-1])
    l = advanceToToken('define EDGE',11)
    n_edges = int(l.split()[-1])
    l = advanceToToken('define POINT',12)
    n_points = int(l.split()[-1])
    log.info("Vertices: " + str(n_vertices))
    log.info("Edges: "    + str(n_edges))
    log.info("Points: "   + str(n_points))
    # Create VascularGraph and compute scaling factor
    G = VascularGraph(n_vertices, **kwargs)
    sf = units.scaling_factor_du(lUnit, G['defaultUnits'])
    # Add vertices
    log.info("reading and adding vertices")
    edgeConnectivity     = []
    numEdgePoints        = []
    r = [[] for i in xrange(n_vertices)]    
    for i in xrange(n_vertices):
        l = f.readline()
        l = l.split()
        r[i] = sp.array([float(l[0]),float(l[1]),float(l[2])]) * resolution * sf   
    G.vs['r'] = r
    # Read connectivity information
    log.info("reading connectivity information")
    for i in xrange(n_edges):
        l = f.readline()
        l = l.split()
    # Read number of edge points
    log.info("reading number of edge points")
    for i in xrange(n_edges):
        l = f.readline()
    # Read edge point coordinates
    # Compute length
    log.info("reading point coordinates")
    l_edge = []
    edgepoints = []
    for edge in xrange(n_edges):
        tmppoints = sp.zeros([numEdgePoints[edge],3])
        for point in xrange(numEdgePoints[edge]):
            l = f.readline() 
            tmppoints[point] = map(float, l.split())
        l_edge.append([ np.linalg.norm(tmppoints[i]-tmppoints[i+1]) 
                        for i in xrange(len(tmppoints)-1) ])
        l_edge[edge].insert(0, 0.0)
        l_edge[edge] = [(l_edge[edge][i-1] + l_edge[edge][i]) / 2.0 
                        for i in xrange(1,len(l_edge[edge]))]        
        # iGraph, unlike Amira orders edge vertices by index. Make sure that
        # this is reflected in the points that make up the edge:
        if edgeConnectivity[edge][0] > edgeConnectivity[edge][1]:
            tmppoints = tmppoints[::-1,:]        
        if sp.mod(edge+1,sp.floor(n_edges/10)) == 0:
            log.info(str(10*(edge+1)/sp.floor(n_edges/10)) + "%")

    # Read edge radii
    log.info("reading radii")
    d_edge = []
    for edge in xrange(n_edges):
        tmpdiameters = []
        for point in xrange(numEdgePoints[edge]):
            l = f.readline()
            tmpdiameters.append(float(l)*2.0) # conversion radius to diameter
    # Add edges
    log.info("adding edges")
    d_edge = [sp.array(d_edge[i],dtype=float) * resolution * sf
              for i in xrange(n_edges)]
    l_edge = [sp.array(l_edge[i],dtype=float) * resolution * sf
              for i in xrange(n_edges)]               
    G.es['diameters'] = d_edge
    G.es['points'] = [p * resolution * sf for p in edgepoints]
    # Compute average diameter, weighted by length:
    # - volume = pi * d**2 /4 * length
    # - morphologically representative because of length-weighting
    # - individual diameters scale with identical factors as average diameter
    G.es['diameter'] = [np.sqrt(np.average(d_edge[i]**2, weights=l_edge[i])) 
                        for i in xrange(n_edges)]
    G.es['lengths'] = l_edge
    G.es['length'] = [sum(l) for l in l_edge]
    return G
Exemplo n.º 2
def read_amira_spatialGraph(filename=None,
    """Reads an AMIRA spatial graph file (AmiraMesh 3D ASCII 2.0 format) and 
    constructs the corresponding vascular graph from it.
    INPUT: filename: AMIRA spatial graph file (including path). If not 
                     provided, a graphical file-selection dialog will display.
           resolution: The resolution of the srXTM scan, i.e. voxel size 
                       (isotropic resolution is assumend). The default is 1.0.
           lUnit: The unit of length properties in the spatialGraph (i.e. 
                  radii, and position vectors). The default is microns.
           defaultUnits: The defaultUnits of the VascularGraph created (see 
                         __init__ of the VascularGraph class for details).        
    OUTPUT: G: Vascular graph in iGraph format. 

    #if filename is None:
    #    filename = guiTools.uigetfile('Select Amira spatialGraph (.am) file')

    f = open(filename, 'r')

    def advanceToToken(token, searchdepth=2):
        done = False
        while not done:
            l = f.readline()
            if l == '':  # eof
            if l[0:searchdepth] == token:
                done = True
                log.debug('Found ' + token)
                return l

    # Get file statistics
    l = advanceToToken('define VERTEX', 13)
    n_vertices = int(l.split()[-1])
    l = advanceToToken('define EDGE', 11)
    n_edges = int(l.split()[-1])
    l = advanceToToken('define POINT', 12)
    n_points = int(l.split()[-1])
    log.info("Vertices: " + str(n_vertices))
    log.info("Edges: " + str(n_edges))
    log.info("Points: " + str(n_points))

    # Create VascularGraph and compute scaling factor
    G = VascularGraph(n_vertices, **kwargs)
    sf = units.scaling_factor_du(lUnit, G['defaultUnits'])

    # Add vertices
    log.info("reading and adding vertices")
    edgeConnectivity = []
    numEdgePoints = []
    r = [[] for i in xrange(n_vertices)]
    for i in xrange(n_vertices):
        l = f.readline()
        l = l.split()
        r[i] = sp.array([float(l[0]), float(l[1]),
                         float(l[2])]) * resolution * sf

    G.vs['r'] = r

    # Read connectivity information
    log.info("reading connectivity information")
    for i in xrange(n_edges):
        l = f.readline()
        l = l.split()
        edgeConnectivity.append((int(l[0]), int(l[1])))

    # Read number of edge points
    log.info("reading number of edge points")
    for i in xrange(n_edges):
        l = f.readline()

    # Read edge point coordinates
    # Compute length
    log.info("reading point coordinates")
    l_edge = []
    edgepoints = []
    for edge in xrange(n_edges):
        tmppoints = sp.zeros([numEdgePoints[edge], 3])
        for point in xrange(numEdgePoints[edge]):
            l = f.readline()
            tmppoints[point] = map(float, l.split())
            np.linalg.norm(tmppoints[i] - tmppoints[i + 1])
            for i in xrange(len(tmppoints) - 1)
        l_edge[edge].insert(0, 0.0)
        l_edge[edge] = [(l_edge[edge][i - 1] + l_edge[edge][i]) / 2.0
                        for i in xrange(1, len(l_edge[edge]))]

        # iGraph, unlike Amira orders edge vertices by index. Make sure that
        # this is reflected in the points that make up the edge:
        if edgeConnectivity[edge][0] > edgeConnectivity[edge][1]:
            tmppoints = tmppoints[::-1, :]
        if sp.mod(edge + 1, sp.floor(n_edges / 10)) == 0:
            log.info(str(10 * (edge + 1) / sp.floor(n_edges / 10)) + "%")

    # Read edge radii
    log.info("reading radii")
    d_edge = []
    for edge in xrange(n_edges):
        tmpdiameters = []
        for point in xrange(numEdgePoints[edge]):
            l = f.readline()
            tmpdiameters.append(float(l) *
                                2.0)  # conversion radius to diameter

    # Add edges
    log.info("adding edges")
    d_edge = [
        sp.array(d_edge[i], dtype=float) * resolution * sf
        for i in xrange(n_edges)
    l_edge = [
        sp.array(l_edge[i], dtype=float) * resolution * sf
        for i in xrange(n_edges)
    G.es['diameters'] = d_edge
    G.es['points'] = [p * resolution * sf for p in edgepoints]
    # Compute average diameter, weighted by length:
    # - volume = pi * d**2 /4 * length
    # - morphologically representative because of length-weighting
    # - individual diameters scale with identical factors as average diameter
    G.es['diameter'] = [
        np.sqrt(np.average(d_edge[i]**2, weights=l_edge[i]))
        for i in xrange(n_edges)
    G.es['lengths'] = l_edge
    G.es['length'] = [sum(l) for l in l_edge]

    return G
Exemplo n.º 3
def read_amira_spatialGraph_v2(filename=None, resolution=1.0, lUnit='um', 
    """Reads an AMIRA spatial graph file (AmiraMesh 3D ASCII 2.0 format) and 
    constructs the corresponding vascular graph from it. This version accounts
    for the fact that some spatialGraph files have colocalized vertices, which 
    are actually identical (this happens especially after conversion from an
    mv3d file).
    INPUT: filename: AMIRA spatial graph file (including path). If not 
                     provided, a graphical file-selection dialog will display.
           resolution: The resolution of the srXTM scan, i.e. voxel size 
                       (isotropic resolution is assumend). The default is 1.0.   
           lUnit: The unit of length properties in the spatialGraph (i.e. 
                  radii, and position vectors). The default is microns.
           defaultUnits: The defaultUnits of the VascularGraph created (see 
                         __init__ of the VascularGraph class for details).
    OUTPUT: G: Vascular graph in iGraph format. 
    #if filename is None:
    #    filename = guiTools.uigetfile('Select Amira spatialGraph (.am) file')
    f = open(filename,'r')

    def advanceToToken(token,searchdepth=2):
        done = False
        while not done:
            l = f.readline()
            if l == '': # eof
            if l[0:searchdepth] == token:
                done = True
                log.debug('Found ' + token)
                return l
    # Get file statistics
    l = advanceToToken('define VERTEX',13)
    n_vertices = int(l.split()[-1])
    l = advanceToToken('define EDGE',11)
    n_edges = int(l.split()[-1])
    l = advanceToToken('define POINT',12)
    n_points = int(l.split()[-1])
    log.info("Vertices: " + str(n_vertices))
    log.info("Edges: "    + str(n_edges))
    log.info("Points: "   + str(n_points))
    log.info("reading and adding vertices")
    # Add vertices            
    edgeConnectivity     = []
    numEdgePoints        = []

    rDict = {} # relates coordinates to first vertex occurence
    vDict = {} # relates later vertex occurences to first one
    vCounter = 0
    for i in xrange(n_vertices):
        l = f.readline()
        l = l.split()
        rTmp = (float(l[0]),float(l[1]),float(l[2]))
        if rDict.has_key(rTmp):
            vDict[i] = rDict[rTmp]
            rDict[rTmp] = vCounter
            vDict[i] = vCounter
            vCounter += 1
    # Create VascularGraph and compute scaling factor                
    G = VascularGraph(len(rDict), **kwargs) # len(rDict) <= n_vertices
    sf = units.scaling_factor_du(lUnit, G['defaultUnits'])
    # sort r by vertex number and scale with 'resolution' and 'sf':   
    G.vs['r'] = sp.array([x[0] for x in sorted(rDict.items(),
                         key=itemgetter(1))]) * resolution * sf

    # Read connectivity information
    log.info("reading connectivity information")
    for i in xrange(n_edges):
        l = f.readline()
        l = l.split()
    # Read number of edge points
    log.info("reading number of edge points")
    for i in xrange(n_edges):
        l = f.readline()
    # Read edge point coordinates
    # Compute length
    log.info("reading point coordinates")
    # Assign a length to each point (i.e.: #lengths == #points):
    l_edge = []
    edgepoints = []
    for edge in xrange(n_edges):
        tmppoints = sp.zeros([numEdgePoints[edge],3])
        for point in xrange(numEdgePoints[edge]):
            l = f.readline() 
            tmppoints[point] = map(float, l.split())
        l_edge.append([ np.linalg.norm(tmppoints[i]-tmppoints[i+1]) 
                        for i in xrange(len(tmppoints)-1) ])
        l_edge[edge].insert(0, 0.0)
        l_edge[edge] = [(l_edge[edge][i-1] + l_edge[edge][i]) / 2.0 
                        for i in xrange(1,len(l_edge[edge]))]
        # iGraph, unlike Amira orders edge vertices by index. Make sure that
        # this is reflected in the points that make up the edge:
        if edgeConnectivity[edge][0] > edgeConnectivity[edge][1]:
            tmppoints = tmppoints[::-1,:]
        if sp.mod(edge+1,sp.floor(n_edges/10)) == 0:
            log.info(str(10*(edge+1)/sp.floor(n_edges/10)) + "%")

    # Read edge radii
    log.info("reading radii")
    d_edge = []
    for edge in xrange(n_edges):
        tmpdiameters = []
        for point in xrange(numEdgePoints[edge]):
            l = f.readline()
            tmpdiameters.append(float(l)*2.0) # conversion radius to diameter

    # Add edges:
    log.info("adding edges")
    d_edge = [sp.array(d_edge[i],dtype=float) * resolution * sf
              for i in xrange(n_edges)]    
    l_edge = [sp.array(l_edge[i],dtype=float) * resolution * sf
              for i in xrange(n_edges)]    
    # Compute average diameter, weighted by length:
    # - volume = pi * d**2 /4 * length
    # - morphologically representative because of length-weighting
    # - individual diameters scale with identical (multiplicative) factors as 
    #   the average diameter
        G.es['diameter'] = [np.sqrt(np.average(d_edge[i]**2, weights=l_edge[i])) 
                            for i in xrange(n_edges)]
        # Length-weighting is not possible for zero-length edges. These
        # pathological edges need to be removed:
        length = [sum(l) for l in l_edge]    
        zeroLength = np.nonzero(np.array(length) == 0.0)[0]
        nonzeroLength = np.nonzero(np.array(length) != 0.0)[0]
        d_edge = [x for i,x in enumerate(d_edge) if i in nonzeroLength]
        l_edge = [x for i,x in enumerate(l_edge) if i in nonzeroLength]
        edgepoints = [x for i,x in enumerate(edgepoints) if i in nonzeroLength]
        n_edges = G.ecount()
        log.warning('%i zero-length edges were removed. %i edges remaining' % \
                   (len(zeroLength), n_edges))
        G.es['diameter'] = [np.sqrt(np.average(d_edge[i]**2, weights=l_edge[i])) 
                            for i in xrange(n_edges)]

    G.es['diameters'] = d_edge
    G.es['points'] = [p * resolution * sf for p in edgepoints]        
    G.es['lengths'] = l_edge
    G.es['length'] = [sum(l) for l in l_edge]               

    return G
Exemplo n.º 4
def read_amira_spatialGraph_v2(filename=None,
    """Reads an AMIRA spatial graph file (AmiraMesh 3D ASCII 2.0 format) and 
    constructs the corresponding vascular graph from it. This version accounts
    for the fact that some spatialGraph files have colocalized vertices, which 
    are actually identical (this happens especially after conversion from an
    mv3d file).
    INPUT: filename: AMIRA spatial graph file (including path). If not 
                     provided, a graphical file-selection dialog will display.
           resolution: The resolution of the srXTM scan, i.e. voxel size 
                       (isotropic resolution is assumend). The default is 1.0.   
           lUnit: The unit of length properties in the spatialGraph (i.e. 
                  radii, and position vectors). The default is microns.
           defaultUnits: The defaultUnits of the VascularGraph created (see 
                         __init__ of the VascularGraph class for details).
    OUTPUT: G: Vascular graph in iGraph format. 

    #if filename is None:
    #    filename = guiTools.uigetfile('Select Amira spatialGraph (.am) file')

    f = open(filename, 'r')

    def advanceToToken(token, searchdepth=2):
        done = False
        while not done:
            l = f.readline()
            if l == '':  # eof
            if l[0:searchdepth] == token:
                done = True
                log.debug('Found ' + token)
                return l

    # Get file statistics
    l = advanceToToken('define VERTEX', 13)
    n_vertices = int(l.split()[-1])
    l = advanceToToken('define EDGE', 11)
    n_edges = int(l.split()[-1])
    l = advanceToToken('define POINT', 12)
    n_points = int(l.split()[-1])
    log.info("Vertices: " + str(n_vertices))
    log.info("Edges: " + str(n_edges))
    log.info("Points: " + str(n_points))
    log.info("reading and adding vertices")

    # Add vertices
    edgeConnectivity = []
    numEdgePoints = []

    rDict = {}  # relates coordinates to first vertex occurence
    vDict = {}  # relates later vertex occurences to first one
    vCounter = 0
    for i in xrange(n_vertices):
        l = f.readline()
        l = l.split()
        rTmp = (float(l[0]), float(l[1]), float(l[2]))
        if rDict.has_key(rTmp):
            vDict[i] = rDict[rTmp]
            rDict[rTmp] = vCounter
            vDict[i] = vCounter
            vCounter += 1

    # Create VascularGraph and compute scaling factor
    G = VascularGraph(len(rDict), **kwargs)  # len(rDict) <= n_vertices
    sf = units.scaling_factor_du(lUnit, G['defaultUnits'])

    # sort r by vertex number and scale with 'resolution' and 'sf':
    G.vs['r'] = sp.array(
         for x in sorted(rDict.items(), key=itemgetter(1))]) * resolution * sf

    # Read connectivity information
    log.info("reading connectivity information")
    for i in xrange(n_edges):
        l = f.readline()
        l = l.split()
        edgeConnectivity.append((vDict[int(l[0])], vDict[int(l[1])]))

    # Read number of edge points
    log.info("reading number of edge points")
    for i in xrange(n_edges):
        l = f.readline()

    # Read edge point coordinates
    # Compute length
    log.info("reading point coordinates")
    # Assign a length to each point (i.e.: #lengths == #points):
    l_edge = []
    edgepoints = []
    for edge in xrange(n_edges):
        tmppoints = sp.zeros([numEdgePoints[edge], 3])
        for point in xrange(numEdgePoints[edge]):
            l = f.readline()
            tmppoints[point] = map(float, l.split())
            np.linalg.norm(tmppoints[i] - tmppoints[i + 1])
            for i in xrange(len(tmppoints) - 1)
        l_edge[edge].insert(0, 0.0)
        l_edge[edge] = [(l_edge[edge][i - 1] + l_edge[edge][i]) / 2.0
                        for i in xrange(1, len(l_edge[edge]))]

        # iGraph, unlike Amira orders edge vertices by index. Make sure that
        # this is reflected in the points that make up the edge:
        if edgeConnectivity[edge][0] > edgeConnectivity[edge][1]:
            tmppoints = tmppoints[::-1, :]
        if sp.mod(edge + 1, sp.floor(n_edges / 10)) == 0:
            log.info(str(10 * (edge + 1) / sp.floor(n_edges / 10)) + "%")

    # Read edge radii
    log.info("reading radii")
    d_edge = []
    for edge in xrange(n_edges):
        tmpdiameters = []
        for point in xrange(numEdgePoints[edge]):
            l = f.readline()
            tmpdiameters.append(float(l) *
                                2.0)  # conversion radius to diameter

    # Add edges:
    log.info("adding edges")
    d_edge = [
        sp.array(d_edge[i], dtype=float) * resolution * sf
        for i in xrange(n_edges)
    l_edge = [
        sp.array(l_edge[i], dtype=float) * resolution * sf
        for i in xrange(n_edges)
    # Compute average diameter, weighted by length:
    # - volume = pi * d**2 /4 * length
    # - morphologically representative because of length-weighting
    # - individual diameters scale with identical (multiplicative) factors as
    #   the average diameter
        G.es['diameter'] = [
            np.sqrt(np.average(d_edge[i]**2, weights=l_edge[i]))
            for i in xrange(n_edges)
        # Length-weighting is not possible for zero-length edges. These
        # pathological edges need to be removed:
        length = [sum(l) for l in l_edge]
        zeroLength = np.nonzero(np.array(length) == 0.0)[0]
        nonzeroLength = np.nonzero(np.array(length) != 0.0)[0]
        d_edge = [x for i, x in enumerate(d_edge) if i in nonzeroLength]
        l_edge = [x for i, x in enumerate(l_edge) if i in nonzeroLength]
        edgepoints = [
            x for i, x in enumerate(edgepoints) if i in nonzeroLength
        n_edges = G.ecount()
        log.warning('%i zero-length edges were removed. %i edges remaining' % \
                   (len(zeroLength), n_edges))
        G.es['diameter'] = [
            np.sqrt(np.average(d_edge[i]**2, weights=l_edge[i]))
            for i in xrange(n_edges)

    G.es['diameters'] = d_edge
    G.es['points'] = [p * resolution * sf for p in edgepoints]
    G.es['lengths'] = l_edge
    G.es['length'] = [sum(l) for l in l_edge]

    return G