Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,

        self.factory = factory
        from units_utils import UnitsRemover
        self._unitsRemover = UnitsRemover(
 def __init__(
     self, factory,
     length_unit = units.length.meter,
     angle_unit = units.angle.degree ):
     self.factory = factory
     from units_utils import UnitsRemover
     self._unitsRemover = UnitsRemover(
         length_unit = length_unit,
         angle_unit = angle_unit,
class ShapeComputationEngineRenderer:

    '''render computation engine of a shape representation

    def __init__(
        self, factory,
        length_unit = units.length.meter,
        angle_unit = units.angle.degree ):
        self.factory = factory
        from units_utils import UnitsRemover
        self._unitsRemover = UnitsRemover(
            length_unit = length_unit,
            angle_unit = angle_unit,

    def render(self, shape):
        return shape.identify(self)

    # 1. for operations
    def onUnion(self, union):
        factory = self.factory
        shapes = union.shapes
        cshapes = factory.shapecontainer( )
        for shape in shapes: cshapes.append( shape.identify(self) )
        return factory.unite( cshapes )

    def onIntersection(self, intersection):
        factory = self.factory
        shapes = intersection.shapes
        cshapes = factory.shapecontainer( )
        for shape in shapes: cshapes.append( shape.identify(self) )
        return factory.intersect( cshapes )

    def onDifference(self, difference):
        factory = self.factory
        op1 = difference.op1        
        op2 = difference.op2
        cshape1 = op1.identify(self)
        cshape2 = op2.identify(self)
        return factory.subtract( cshape1, cshape2 )

    def onDilation(self, dilation):
        factory = self.factory
        body = dilation.body
        cshape = body.identify(self)
        return factory.dilate( cshape, dilation.scale)

    def onRotation(self, rotation):
        factory = self.factory
        body = rotation.body
        cshape = body.identify(self)
        angles = self._remove_angle_unit( rotation.angles )
        rotmat = factory.orientation( angles )
        return factory.rotate( cshape, rotmat )

    def onTranslation(self, translation):
        factory = self.factory
        body = translation.body
        cshape = body.identify(self)
        vector = self._remove_length_unit( translation.vector )
        offset = factory.position( vector )
        return factory.translate( cshape, offset )

    # 2. for primitives
    def onBlock(self, block):
        diagonal = block.diagonal
        diagonal = self._remove_length_unit( diagonal )
        return self.factory.block( diagonal )

    def onSphere(self, sphere):
        r = self._remove_length_unit(sphere.radius)
        return self.factory.sphere( r )

    def onCylinder(self, cylinder):
        p = self._remove_length_unit( (cylinder.radius, cylinder.height) )
        return self.factory.cylinder( *p )

    # helpers
    def _remove_length_unit(self, t):
        return self._unitsRemover.remove_length_unit( t )
    def _remove_angle_unit(self, t):
        return self._unitsRemover.remove_angle_unit( t )
    pass # end of ShapeComputationEngineRenderer
Exemplo n.º 4
class ShapeComputationEngineRenderer:
    '''render computation engine of a shape representation
    def __init__(self,

        self.factory = factory
        from units_utils import UnitsRemover
        self._unitsRemover = UnitsRemover(

    def render(self, shape):
        return shape.identify(self)


    # 1. for operations
    def onUnion(self, union):
        factory = self.factory
        shapes = union.shapes
        cshapes = factory.shapecontainer()
        for shape in shapes:
        return factory.unite(cshapes)

    def onIntersection(self, intersection):
        factory = self.factory
        shapes = intersection.shapes
        cshapes = factory.shapecontainer()
        for shape in shapes:
        return factory.intersect(cshapes)

    def onDifference(self, difference):
        factory = self.factory
        op1 = difference.op1
        op2 = difference.op2
        cshape1 = op1.identify(self)
        cshape2 = op2.identify(self)
        return factory.subtract(cshape1, cshape2)

    def onDilation(self, dilation):
        factory = self.factory
        body = dilation.body
        cshape = body.identify(self)
        return factory.dilate(cshape, dilation.scale)

    def onRotation(self, rotation):
        factory = self.factory
        body = rotation.body
        cshape = body.identify(self)
        angles = self._remove_angle_unit(rotation.angles)
        rotmat = factory.orientation(angles)
        return factory.rotate(cshape, rotmat)

    def onTranslation(self, translation):
        factory = self.factory
        body = translation.body
        cshape = body.identify(self)
        vector = self._remove_length_unit(translation.vector)
        offset = factory.position(vector)
        return factory.translate(cshape, offset)

    # 2. for primitives
    def onBlock(self, block):
        diagonal = block.diagonal
        diagonal = self._remove_length_unit(diagonal)
        return self.factory.block(diagonal)

    def onSphere(self, sphere):
        r = self._remove_length_unit(sphere.radius)
        return self.factory.sphere(r)

    def onCylinder(self, cylinder):
        p = self._remove_length_unit((cylinder.radius, cylinder.height))
        return self.factory.cylinder(*p)

    # helpers
    def _remove_length_unit(self, t):
        return self._unitsRemover.remove_length_unit(t)

    def _remove_angle_unit(self, t):
        return self._unitsRemover.remove_angle_unit(t)

    pass  # end of ShapeComputationEngineRenderer