Exemplo n.º 1
    def apply(self, interface, testing=False):
        if testing:
            return RESULT_SUCCESS

        if self.loginPage.loginPageVerify():
            return RESULT_FAILURE

        ret = self.loginPage.loginPageApply()
        if self.loginPage.go_to_finish:
            interface.moveToPage(moduleTitle=_("Finish Updates Setup"))
            return RESULT_JUMP
        if ret:
            return RESULT_FAILURE

        # We should try to activate hardware, even if no EUS in firstboot

        # populate capability - needef for EUSsupported
        s = rhnserver.RhnServer()

        if rhnregGui.ChooseChannelPage().chooseChannelShouldBeShown():
            return RESULT_SUCCESS
            interface.moveToPage(moduleTitle=_("Create Profile"))
            return RESULT_JUMP
Exemplo n.º 2
    def apply(self, *args):
        """Returns None to stay on the same page. Anything else will cause
        firstboot to advance but True is generally used. This is different from
        the gnome druid in rhn_register.

        if self.doDebug:
            print("applying rhn_login_gui")

        # This is a hack. This function will get called if they click next on
        # the login page (the else) or when they create an account (the if). In
        # that case we don't want to do the normal logging in stuff.
        if self.goingNextFromNewAccountDialog:
            assert rhnregGui.newAccount is True
            if self.loginPageVerify():
                return None

            assert rhnregGui.newAccount is False

            if self.loginPageApply():
                return None

        # We should try to activate hardware, even if no EUS in firstboot

        return True
Exemplo n.º 3
    def apply(self, interface, testing=False):
        if testing:
            return RESULT_SUCCESS

        if self.loginPage.loginPageVerify():
            return RESULT_FAILURE

        ret = self.loginPage.loginPageApply()
        if self.loginPage.go_to_finish:
            interface.moveToPage(moduleTitle=_("Finish Updates Setup"))
            return RESULT_JUMP
        if ret:
            return RESULT_FAILURE

        # We should try to activate hardware, even if no EUS in firstboot

        # populate capability - needef for EUSsupported
        s = rhnserver.RhnServer()

        if rhnregGui.ChooseChannelPage().chooseChannelShouldBeShown():
            return RESULT_SUCCESS
            interface.moveToPage(moduleTitle=_("Create Profile"))
            return RESULT_JUMP
Exemplo n.º 4
    def apply(self, *args):
        """Returns None to stay on the same page. Anything else will cause
        firstboot to advance but True is generally used. This is different from
        the gnome druid in rhn_register.

        if self.doDebug:
            print("applying rhn_login_gui")

        # This is a hack. This function will get called if they click next on
        # the login page (the else) or when they create an account (the if). In
        # that case we don't want to do the normal logging in stuff.
        if self.goingNextFromNewAccountDialog:
            assert rhnregGui.newAccount is True
            if self.loginPageVerify():
                return None

            assert rhnregGui.newAccount is False

            if self.loginPageApply():
                return None

        # We should try to activate hardware, even if no EUS in firstboot

        return True
Exemplo n.º 5
    def apply(self, interface, testing=False):
        if testing:
            return RESULT_SUCCESS

        if self.loginPage.loginPageVerify():
            return RESULT_FAILURE

        ret = self.loginPage.loginPageApply()
        if self.loginPage.go_to_finish:
            interface.moveToPage(moduleTitle=_("Finish Updates Setup"))
            return RESULT_JUMP
        if ret:
            return RESULT_FAILURE

        # We should try to activate hardware, even if no EUS in firstboot

        return RESULT_SUCCESS