Exemplo n.º 1
def saveelts( part, filename):
    env.history.message( "save main part element symbols -- no, atomic numbers -- to file: " + filename )
    def doit():
        atoms = atom_array_of_part(part)
        ## elts = [atm.element.symbol for atm in atoms]
        elts = [atm.element.eltnum for atm in atoms]
        env.history.message( "%d element nums, first few are %r" % (len(elts), elts[:5] ) )
        thing = array(elts)
        save_obj(thing, filename)
    call_func_with_timing_histmsg( doit)
Exemplo n.º 2
def savebtypes( part, filename):
    env.history.message( "save main part bond type v6 ints to file: " + filename )
    def doit():
        atoms = atom_array_of_part(part)
        res = []
        for atm in atoms:
            for b in atm.bonds:
                # don't worry for now about hitting each bond twice... well, do, and see if this makes it slower, as i guess.
                if b.atom1 is atm:
                    res.append(b.v6) # a small int
        env.history.message( "%d btype ints, first few are %r" % (len(res), res[:5] ) )
        thing = array(res, UnsignedInt8) # tell it to use a smaller type; see numpy.pdf page 14 on typecodes.
            # update, bruce 070612: we still use Numeric Python (not numarray or numpy). I am not sure what URL
            # is referred to by "numpy.pdf" above, but it is probably (and should be) about Numeric Python.
        save_obj(thing, filename)
    call_func_with_timing_histmsg( doit)
Exemplo n.º 3
def count_bonds_cmd( target):
    win = target.topLevelWidget()
    assy = win.assy
    part = assy.tree.part
    mols = part.molecules
    env.history.message( "count bonds (twice each) in %d mols:" % len(mols) ) 
    def doit():
        return nbonds(mols)
    nb = call_func_with_timing_histmsg( doit)
    env.history.message("count was %d, half that is %d" % (nb, nb/2) )
Exemplo n.º 4
def count_bonds_cmd( target):
    win = target.topLevelWidget()
    assy = win.assy
    part = assy.tree.part
    mols = part.molecules
    env.history.message( "count bonds (twice each) in %d mols:" % len(mols) ) 
    def doit():
        return nbonds(mols)
    nb = call_func_with_timing_histmsg( doit)
    env.history.message("count was %d, half that is %d" % (nb, nb/2) )
Exemplo n.º 5
def blerg_cmd( target):
    win = target.topLevelWidget()
    assy = win.assy
    part = assy.tree.part
    mols = part.molecules
    env.history.message( "blorg in %d mols:" % len(mols) )
    def doit():
        return blerg(mols)
    na, nb = call_func_with_timing_histmsg( doit)
    env.history.message("count was %d, %d" % (na,nb,) )
Exemplo n.º 6
def loadposns( part, filename): # doesn't move atoms (just a file-reading speed test, for now)
    env.history.message( "load atom posns from file (discards them, doesn't move atoms): " + filename )
    def doit():
        return load_obj(filename)
    posns = call_func_with_timing_histmsg( doit)
Exemplo n.º 7
def saveposns(part, filename):
    env.history.message( "save main part atom posns to file: " + filename )
    def doit():
        save_atpos_list(part, filename)
    call_func_with_timing_histmsg( doit)