Exemplo n.º 1
    def _attach_report_to_sg_entity(self, entity, report_pdf, report_type=None):
        Potentially generic proc to attach reports to a given entity

        :param entity: Shotgun Entity to attach report pdf to
        :param report_pdf: File path to the report pdf to attach
        :param report_type: Optional string to set the new Attachment's sg_type to 
        # Make sure an id and type has been specified for the incoming Entity
        if not entity.get("id") or not entity.get("type"):

        e_id = entity["id"]
        e_type = entity["type"]

        # Best guess at a name for the entity. Only used for informative messages.
        e_name = entity.get("code") or entity.get("name") or entity.get("display_name") or e_id
        e_msg = "%s report for [%s]" % (e_type, e_name)

        # Verify the input pdf exists on disk
        if not os.path.isfile(report_pdf):
            msg = ("Cannot upload %s. Report pdf [%s] does not exist." %
                  (e_msg, report_pdf))
            update_details(self._thread, msg)

        # Attach the report to the specified entity and update the attachment
        # type if specified.
            ("Uploading %s pdf [%s] ..." % (e_msg, os.path.basename(report_pdf))))
        uploaded_id = self._app.shotgun.upload(e_type, e_id, report_pdf)
        if report_type and uploaded_id:
                ("Setting Attachment.sg_type to [%s] ..." % report_type))
            self._app.shotgun.update("Attachment", uploaded_id, {"sg_type": report_type})
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _build_standard_files(self, shots, turnover_type):
        Gathers relevant data from Shotgun and create a report for 
        each input Shot

        :param shots: List of Shot entities to generate Turnover reports for
        pdfs = []
        # Gather the relevant Entites from Shotgun
        update_details(self._thread, "Finding segments")
        update_details(self._thread, "Finding versions")
        update_details(self._thread, "Finding notes")
        # Build a PDF report file for each input Shot.
        for shot in shots:
            update_details(self._thread, "Building %s PDF" % shot["code"])

            # Determine the output file name for the PDF. Includes a time stamp
            # in the file name to prevent files from being overwritten.
            pdf_basename = "%s_%sTurnover_%s.pdf" % (
            shot_pdf = os.path.join(self._temp_dir, to_safe_file_name(pdf_basename))

            # Build the PDF with reportlab mojo
            self.buildShotPDF(shot_pdf, shot)

            # Upload the report to the Shot for future reference.
            self._attach_report_to_sg_entity(shot, shot_pdf, "Turnover PDF")

            # Update the progress bar the user is looking at right now.
            self.progress_ct += 1
            increment_progress(self._thread, self.progress_ct)
        return pdfs
Exemplo n.º 3
    def execute(self, app, thread, entity_type, entity_ids, progress_ct, 
                destination_dir, report_hook_config):
        Main procedure that gets called by the Toolkit Menu Action created for
        this report.

        :param app: This Toolkit Application instance
        :param thread: Current thread this Hook is running in
        :param entity_type: Entity type of the incoming list of entity ids
        :param entity_ids: List of selected entity ids to process
        :param progress_ct: Progress counter corresponding to the progress bar
                            displayed while this hook is running
        :param destination_dir: Output directory specified by the user when 
                                this hook was launched.
        :param report_hook_config: Settings dictionary for this report 

        :returns: List or path to .zip archive of the created PDF files 
        # Set some local variables used throughout the report generation
        # process. Similar to what would typically be set in __init__()
        self._downloaded_thumb_paths = {}
        self._segments_by_shot = {}
        self._versions_by_shot = {}
        self._notes_by_shot = {}
        self._app = app
        self._thread = thread
        self._destination_dir = destination_dir
        self._report_config = report_hook_config
        self._temp_dir = make_temp_dir()
        self._date_time_format_templ = self._app.sgtk.templates.get(
        self.progress_ct = progress_ct
        # Check to make sure this report can handle the selected entity type
        valid_types = self._report_config["valid_entity_types"]
        if entity_type not in valid_types:
            raise Exception, "Only %s entity type(s) are supported." % valid_types

        # Determine what type of turnover report this is
        turnover_type = str(report_hook_config.get("short_name")).split("_")[0]

        # grab shots
        update_details(self._thread, "Finding shots")
        shot_fields = [
        if turnover_type == "plate": 
        shots = find_entities_by_ids(self._app.shotgun, entity_type, entity_ids, shot_fields, [])
        # Load thumbnails to display in report, if ever requested.
        #update_details(self._thread, "Retrieving Shot thumbnails")
        #self._downloaded_thumb_paths["Shot"] = retrieve_thumbnails("Shot", shots, self._temp_dir)
        # Build the PDF files
        update_label(self._thread, "Building PDFs...")
        turnover_files = self._build_standard_files(shots, turnover_type)
        # Package them up 
        zip_files = self._report_config.get("zip_all_files") or False
        return package_reports(self._destination_dir, turnover_files, self._temp_dir,
                               create_zip=zip_files, zip_name="plate_turnovers.zip")