def is_object_in_bin(self): """Based on position of the bin and the object, calculates if the object is being held by the gripper. """ pos_bin = self.get_position(self.bin_handle) pos_cyl = self.get_position(self.cylinder_handle) return utility.distance(pos_bin, pos_cyl) < self.cylinder_bin_distance
def warning_detection(width, height, image, vp, left_lane, right_lane): """ Returns the distance between the edges of the warning box and the points of intersection with the lanes. :param width: Image's width :param height: Image's height :param image: The actual image :param vp: The coordinate representing the vanishing point :param left_lane: The left lane :param right_lane: The right lane :return: tuple (dm, ds) """ half_width = int(width / 2) half_height = int(height / 2) bottom_left = (vp[0] - half_width, vp[1] + half_height) bottom_right = (vp[0] + half_width, vp[1] + half_height) cv2.rectangle(image, (vp[0] - half_width, vp[1]), (vp[0] + half_width, vp[1] + half_height), (0, 0, 255), thickness=2) warning_y = (int(vp[0] + half_width / 2), int(vp[1] + half_height)) cv2.rectangle(image, (vp[0] - int(width / 4), vp[1]), warning_y, (244, 64, 130), thickness=2) m = line_intersection((bottom_left, bottom_right), left_lane) s = line_intersection((bottom_left, bottom_right), right_lane) if m is not None and s is not None: a_m = m[0] b_m = m[1] a_s = s[0] b_s = s[1] # Draw the left distance of the screen cv2.line(image, tuple(m), bottom_left, color=(66, 199, 244), thickness=4) # Draw the intersection, tuple(m), radius=4, color=(66, 199, 89), thickness=5) # Draw the right distance of the screen cv2.line(image, tuple(s), bottom_right, color=(66, 199, 244), thickness=4) # Draw the intersection, tuple(s), radius=4, color=(66, 199, 89), thickness=5) d_m = distance((a_m, b_m), bottom_left) d_s = distance((a_s, b_s), bottom_right) return d_m, d_s
def test_node_lookup(): target_id = utility.default_id n = Node(1000) n.load_kbucket('nodeA.csv') x = n._node_lookup(target_id) print('node lookup answer:', x) for triple in x: print(utility.distance(, target_id))
def bus_stop_generator(roads, inner_r, outer_r, k=10, seeds=None): """ Bus stop placement using the poisson-disc algorithm """ assert inner_r < outer_r if seeds is None: seeds = [] all_points = list(seeds) road_points_gen = _road_point_generator(roads) if not all_points: # Check if all_points is empty road = tuple(next(road_points_gen)) yield road all_points.append(road) # Seed point active_points = list( all_points) # Use a list because random.choice require a sequence def check_dist(p, test_points, limit=inner_r): """ Return true if any of the test_points is within the limit distance of P """ for test_point in test_points: if distance((p[0], p[1]), (test_point[0], test_point[1])) < limit: # p is within limit distance return True # p is not within the limit distance of of the test points return False while len(active_points) > 0: # Pick a random point from the set of active points to be the center of the poisson disc center = random.choice(active_points) # Limit the search to K points gen = firstn( k, filter( lambda point: inner_r <= distance( (center[0], center[1]), (point[0], point[1])) <= outer_r, road_points_gen)) # Search for candidate point try: # Search for a point, or raise StopIteration is none can be found point = next( filter(lambda p: not check_dist(p, iter(all_points)), gen)) assert not check_dist(point, all_points) # A new point was found active_points.append(point) all_points.append(tuple(point)) yield point except StopIteration: # No point was found, mark center as an inactive point active_points.remove(center)
def sample(self, pos: Tuple[float, float]) -> float: """ Samples the noise at the given position :param pos: the position to sample at :return: a float in the range [0,1) """ scale = 4 / self._radius noise01 = (noise.pnoise3(pos[0] * scale, pos[1] * scale, self._offset, octaves=self._octaves) + 1) / 2 gradient = (1 - (distance(pos, self._centre) / self._radius)) return (smoothstep(noise01) + gradient * self._centre_weight) / (1 + self._centre_weight)
def distance_check(self): my_coordinates = (self.my_player.x, self.my_player.y) player_coordinates = (self.player.x, self.player.y) distance = utility.distance(my_coordinates, player_coordinates) is_in_range = self.player.x != 0 and distance <= configuration.maximal_enchant_distance if not is_in_range: packets.send_chat(configuration.enchant_range_error) return is_in_range
def find_closest_depot(pos): closest_depot = None closest_distance = -1 for i, depot in enumerate(depots): d = distance(depot.pos, pos) if closest_depot is None or d < closest_distance: closest_depot = (depot, i) closest_distance = d return closest_depot[0], closest_depot[1], closest_distance
def check_dist(p, test_points, limit=inner_r): """ Return true if any of the test_points is within the limit distance of P """ for test_point in test_points: if distance((p[0], p[1]), (test_point[0], test_point[1])) < limit: # p is within limit distance return True # p is not within the limit distance of of the test points return False
def __update_actionstate(self, action_id): """Caches various environment parameters. Used for reward calculation among other things. """ self.actionstate_curr['action_id'] = action_id self.actionstate_curr['current_state_id'] = self.get_current_state() self.actionstate_curr['state'] = self.states[ self.actionstate_curr['current_state_id']] self.actionstate_curr['cylinder_position'] = self.get_object_position() self.actionstate_curr['bin_position'] = self.get_destination_position() self.actionstate_curr['claw_position'] = self.get_arm_position() self.actionstate_curr['claw_cylinder_distance'] = utility.distance( self.actionstate_curr['claw_position'], self.actionstate_curr['cylinder_position']) self.actionstate_curr['bin_cylinder_distance'] = utility.distance( self.actionstate_curr['bin_position'], self.actionstate_curr['cylinder_position']) self.actionstate_curr['cylinder_in_bin'] = self.robot.is_object_in_bin( ) self.actionstate_curr['is_cylinder_held'] = self.robot.is_object_held()
def talk(self, player, network): nodes = utility.distance(player, network) if len(nodes) != 0: responder = random.choice(nodes) responder.stop = 1 responder.talking = 1 self.conversationManager.setText(responder.startDialog()) self.conversationManager.setPosFromTalkerRect(responder.rect) self.stop = 1 self.talkingwith = responder self.delay = 1
def vEarth(v,eCords): # d ex d ey # 2*ex * ---- + 2*ey * ---- # dt dt ex*vX + ey*vY # vEarth = --------------------------- = ------------------- # 2 * (ex^2 + ey^2)^0.5 (ex^2 + ey^2)^0.5 (vX,vY) = v (ex,ey) = eCords vEarth = (ex*vX + ey*vY) / utility.distance(ex,ey) return vEarth
def choose_action_explore(self, obs_dict, index): # maintain the data structure for map exploration area_x = int(obs_dict[index]['pos_x'] / SQUARE_SIZE) area_y = int(obs_dict[index]['pos_y'] / SQUARE_SIZE) explored_index = area_x * (self.size_y / SQUARE_SIZE) + area_y if explored_index >= (self.size_x / SQUARE_SIZE) * (self.size_y / SQUARE_SIZE): print('explored_index out of range!') explored_index = (self.size_x / SQUARE_SIZE) * (self.size_y / SQUARE_SIZE) - 1 if explored_index in self.to_explore_set: self.to_explore_set.remove(explored_index) if len(self.to_explore_set) == 0: self.to_explore_set = set( range( round((self.size_x / SQUARE_SIZE) * (self.size_y / SQUARE_SIZE)))) # if agent has a destination to explore if index in self.explore_destination_set: # delete the destination when getting close enough if ut.distance(obs_dict[index]['pos_x'], obs_dict[index]['pos_y'], self.explore_destination_set[index][0], self.explore_destination_set[index][1]) <= 5: # print('trying to delete the key') del self.explore_destination_set[index] # print('delete succesfully') # if the agent has no destination, randomly select a destination from the to_explore_set if index not in self.explore_destination_set: if len(self.to_explore_set) == 0: print('Error! to_explore_set is empty') selected_ele = random.sample(self.to_explore_set, 1) # print('selected_ele: ', selected_ele) ele_index_x = int(selected_ele[0] / (self.size_y / SQUARE_SIZE)) # print('ele_index_x: ', ele_index_x) ele_index_y = int(selected_ele[0] % (self.size_y / SQUARE_SIZE)) # print('ele_index_y', ele_index_y) ele_pos_x = int(ele_index_x * SQUARE_SIZE + SQUARE_SIZE / 2) ele_pos_y = int(ele_index_y * SQUARE_SIZE + SQUARE_SIZE / 2) # print('ele_pos_x: ', ele_pos_x, 'ele_pos_y', ele_pos_y) self.explore_destination_set[index] = (ele_pos_x, ele_pos_y) # print('self.explore_destination_set[index]: ', self.explore_destination_set[index]) # print('angle: ', # ut.angle(obs_dict[index]['pos_x'], obs_dict[index]['pos_y'], self.explore_destination_set[index][0], # self.explore_destination_set[index][1])) # navigating towards the explore destination return [ ut.angle(obs_dict[index]['pos_x'], obs_dict[index]['pos_y'], self.explore_destination_set[index][0], self.explore_destination_set[index][1]), 1, 0, 0 ]
def schedule_route(route): if not len(route): return route new_route = [] prev_cust = random.choice(route) route.remove(prev_cust) new_route.append(prev_cust) while len(route): prev_cust = min(route, key=lambda x: distance(customers[x - 1].pos, customers[ prev_cust - 1].pos)) route.remove(prev_cust) new_route.append(prev_cust) return new_route
def update_for_in_trap(self, t, traps): #****** """ Update simulation for flies in traps. * If flies are in traps. If so record trap info and time. """ sources = traps.param['source_locations'] #Of format [(0,0),] for trap_num, trap_loc in enumerate(sources): dist_vals = distance((self.x_position, self.y_position), trap_loc) mask_trapped = dist_vals < traps.param['trap_radius'] self.mode[mask_trapped] = self.Mode_Trapped self.trap_num[mask_trapped] = trap_num self.x_trap_loc[mask_trapped] = trap_loc[0] self.y_trap_loc[mask_trapped] = trap_loc[1] self.x_velocity[mask_trapped] = 0.0 self.y_velocity[mask_trapped] = 0.0 # Get time stamp for newly trapped flies mask_newly_trapped = mask_trapped & (self.t_in_trap == scipy.inf) self.t_in_trap[mask_newly_trapped] = t
def is_consistent_route(route, depot, include_reason=False): route_load = 0 route_duration = 0 last_pos = depot.pos for c in route: customer = customers[c - 1] route_load += customer.demand route_duration += distance(last_pos, customer.pos) + customer.service_duration last_pos = customer.pos route_duration += find_closest_depot(last_pos)[2] if include_reason: if route_load > depot.max_load: return False, 1 if depot.max_duration != 0 and route_duration > depot.max_duration: return False, 2 return True, 0 return route_load <= depot.max_load and ( depot.max_duration == 0 or route_duration <= depot.max_duration)
def evaluate_route(route, depot, return_load=False): if len(route) == 0: if return_load: return 0, 0 return 0 route_load = 0 route_length = 0 customer = None last_pos = depot.pos for cid in route: customer = customers[cid - 1] route_load += customer.demand route_length += distance(last_pos, customer.pos) route_length += customer.service_duration last_pos = customer.pos route_length += find_closest_depot(customer.pos)[1] if return_load: return route_length, route_load return route_length
def obs_construct(self, obs_raw_dict): # self.obs_dict = copy.deepcopy(obs_raw_dict) for i in range(self.fighter_num): self.obs_dict[i] = obs_raw_dict['fighter_obs_list'][i] self.obs_dict['strike_list'] = obs_raw_dict['joint_obs_dict'][ 'strike_list'] # continue if the fighter is dead if not self.obs_dict[i]['alive']: continue detected_enemy_list = [] myself_pos_x = self.obs_dict[i]['pos_x'] myself_pos_y = self.obs_dict[i]['pos_y'] for j in range(len(self.obs_dict[i]['r_visible_list'])): enemy_dict = self.obs_dict[i]['r_visible_list'][j] enemy_pos_x = enemy_dict['pos_x'] enemy_pos_y = enemy_dict['pos_y'] enemy_dict['distance'] = ut.distance(myself_pos_x, myself_pos_y, enemy_pos_x, enemy_pos_y) enemy_dict['angle'] = ut.angle(myself_pos_x, myself_pos_y, enemy_pos_x, enemy_pos_y) detected_enemy_list.append(enemy_dict) ####commented by liyuan. ''' for j in range(len(self.obs_dict[i]['j_recv_list'])): enemy_dict = self.obs_dict[i]['j_recv_list'][j] enemy_pos_x = enemy_dict['pos_x'] enemy_pos_y = enemy_dict['pos_y'] enemy_dict['distance'] = ut.distance(myself_pos_x, myself_pos_y, enemy_pos_x, enemy_pos_y) enemy_dict['angle'] = ut.angle(myself_pos_x, myself_pos_y, enemy_pos_x, enemy_pos_y) detected_enemy_list.append(enemy_dict) ''' if len(detected_enemy_list) > 0: detected_enemy_list = sorted(detected_enemy_list, key=lambda k: k['distance']) self.obs_dict[i]['target_list'] = detected_enemy_list return self.obs_dict
def create_random_chromosome(groups): routes = [] for d in range(len(groups)): depot = depots[d] group = groups[d][:] random.shuffle(group) routes.append([[]]) r = 0 route_cost = 0 route_load = 0 last_pos = depot.pos for c in group: customer = customers[c - 1] cost = distance( last_pos, customer.pos) + customer.service_duration + find_closest_depot( customer.pos)[2] if route_cost + cost > depot.max_duration or route_load + customer.demand > depot.max_load: r += 1 routes[d].append([]) routes[d][r].append(c) return encode(routes)
pos[2] = utility.rnd(0.10) ra.goto_position(pos) status("After lifting", ra) pos = ra.get_position(ra.bin_handle) status("After getting position of bin", ra) pos[2] = utility.rnd(0.10) ra.goto_position(pos) status("After going to bin top", ra) ra.enable_grip(False) status("After releasing", ra) dist = utility.distance(ra.bin_position, ra.get_position(ra.bin_handle)) print(dist) if dist > config.TOLERANCE: print("Bin is not in position") else: print("Bin is in position") print("Reset ==================================================") ra.restart_sim() pos = ra.get_position(ra.cylinder_handle) print(pos) ra.goto_position(pos) pos = ra.get_position(ra.cylinder_handle) print(pos) """
def create_heuristic_chromosome(groups): # Group customers in routes according to savings routes = [[] for i in range(len(depots))] missing_customers = list(map(lambda x:, customers)) for d in range(len(groups)): depot = depots[d] savings = [] for i in range(len(groups[d])): ci = customers[groups[d][i] - 1] savings.append([]) for j in range(len(groups[d])): if j <= i: savings[i].append(0) else: cj = customers[groups[d][j] - 1] savings[i].append( distance(depot.pos, ci.pos) + distance(depot.pos, cj.pos) - distance(ci.pos, cj.pos)) savings = np.array(savings) order = np.flip(np.argsort(savings, axis=None), 0) for saving in order: i = saving // len(groups[d]) j = saving % len(groups[d]) ci = groups[d][i] cj = groups[d][j] ri = -1 rj = -1 for r, route in enumerate(routes[d]): if ci in route: ri = r if cj in route: rj = r route = None if ri == -1 and rj == -1: if len(routes[d]) < depot.max_vehicles: route = [ci, cj] elif ri != -1 and rj == -1: if routes[d][ri].index(ci) in (0, len(routes[d][ri]) - 1): route = routes[d][ri] + [cj] elif ri == -1 and rj != -1: if routes[d][rj].index(cj) in (0, len(routes[d][rj]) - 1): route = routes[d][rj] + [ci] elif ri != rj: route = routes[d][ri] + routes[d][rj] if route: if is_consistent_route(route, depot, True)[1] == 2: route = schedule_route(route) if is_consistent_route(route, depot): if ri == -1 and rj == -1: routes[d].append(route) missing_customers.remove(ci) if ci != cj: missing_customers.remove(cj) elif ri != -1 and rj == -1: routes[d][ri] = route missing_customers.remove(cj) elif ri == -1 and rj != -1: routes[d][rj] = route missing_customers.remove(ci) elif ri != -1 and rj != -1: if ri > rj: routes[d].pop(ri) routes[d].pop(rj) else: routes[d].pop(rj) routes[d].pop(ri) routes[d].append(route) # Order customers within routes for i, depot_routes in enumerate(routes): for j, route in enumerate(depot_routes): new_route = schedule_route(route) routes[i][j] = new_route chromosome = encode(routes) chromosome.extend(missing_customers) return chromosome
pos[2] = utility.rnd(0.10) ra.goto_position(pos) status("After lifting", ra) pos = ra.get_position(ra.bin_handle) status("After getting position of bin", ra) pos[2] = utility.rnd(0.10) ra.goto_position(pos) status("After going to bin top", ra) ra.enable_grip(False) status("After releasing", ra) dist = utility.distance(ra.bin_position, ra.get_position(ra.bin_handle)) print(dist) if dist > config.TOLERANCE: print("Bin is not in position") else: print("Bin is in position") print("Reset ==================================================") ra.restart_sim() pos = ra.get_position(ra.cylinder_handle) print(pos) ra.goto_position(pos) pos = ra.get_position(ra.cylinder_handle) print(pos)
def is_bin_inplace(env): if utility.distance( env.robot.bin_position, env.actionstate_curr['bin_position']) > config.TOLERANCE_FINER: return False return True
def is_bin_inplace(env): if utility.distance(env.robot.bin_position, env.actionstate_curr['bin_position']) > config.TOLERANCE_FINER: return False return True