Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, sess, env, seed, n_agent=0):
        print("Initialising agent %02d... \n" % n_agent)

        self.sess = sess
        self.n_agent = n_agent

        # Create environment
        if env == 'Pendulum-v0':
            self.env_wrapper = PendulumWrapper(env)
        elif env == 'LunarLanderContinuous-v2':
            self.env_wrapper = LunarLanderContinuousWrapper(env)
        elif env == 'Ant-v2':
            self.env_wrapper = AntWrapper(env)
        elif env == 'BipedalWalker-v2':
            self.env_wrapper = BipedalWalkerWrapper(env)
        elif env == 'HalfCheetah-v2':
            self.env_wrapper = CheetahWrapper(env)
        elif env == 'Reacher-v2':
            self.env_wrapper = ReacherWrapper(env)
        elif env == 'Hopper-v2':
            self.env_wrapper = HopperWrapper(env)
        elif env == 'Swimmer-v2':
            self.env_wrapper = SwimmerWrapper(env)
        elif env == 'Walker2d-v2':
            self.env_wrapper = Walker2dWrapper(env)
        elif env == 'InvertedPendulum-v2':
            self.env_wrapper = InvertedPendulumWrapper(env)
        elif env == 'Humanoid-v2':
            self.env_wrapper = InvertedPendulumWrapper(env)
            raise Exception(
                'Chosen environment does not have an environment wrapper defined. Please choose an environment with an environment wrapper defined, or create a wrapper for this environment in utils.env_wrapper.py'
        self.env_wrapper.set_random_seed(seed * (n_agent + 1))
Exemplo n.º 2
class train_params:
    # Environment parameters
    ENV = 'Pendulum-v0'                     # Environment to use (must have low dimensional state space (i.e. not image) and continuous action space)
    RENDER = False                          # Whether or not to display the environment on the screen during training
    RANDOM_SEED = 99999999                  # Random seed for reproducability
    NUM_AGENTS = 4                          # Number of distributed agents to run simultaneously
    # Create dummy environment to get all environment params
    if ENV == 'Pendulum-v0':
        dummy_env = PendulumWrapper()
    elif ENV == 'LunarLanderContinuous-v2':
        dummy_env = LunarLanderContinuousWrapper()
    elif ENV == 'BipedalWalker-v2':
        dummy_env = BipedalWalkerWrapper()
    elif ENV == 'BipedalWalkerHardcore-v2':
        dummy_env = BipedalWalkerWrapper(hardcore=True)
        raise Exception('Chosen environment does not have an environment wrapper defined. Please choose an environment with an environment wrapper defined, or create a wrapper for this environment in utils.env_wrapper.py')
    STATE_DIMS = dummy_env.get_state_dims()
    STATE_BOUND_LOW, STATE_BOUND_HIGH = dummy_env.get_state_bounds()
    ACTION_DIMS = dummy_env.get_action_dims()
    ACTION_BOUND_LOW, ACTION_BOUND_HIGH = dummy_env.get_action_bounds()
    V_MIN = dummy_env.v_min
    V_MAX = dummy_env.v_max
    del dummy_env
    # Training parameters
    BATCH_SIZE = 256
    NUM_STEPS_TRAIN = 1000000       # Number of steps to train for
    MAX_EP_LENGTH = 10000           # Maximum number of steps per episode
    REPLAY_MEM_SIZE = 1000000       # Soft maximum capacity of replay memory
    REPLAY_MEM_REMOVE_STEP = 200    # Check replay memory every REPLAY_MEM_REMOVE_STEP training steps and remove samples over REPLAY_MEM_SIZE capacity
    PRIORITY_ALPHA = 0.6            # Controls the randomness vs prioritisation of the prioritised sampling (0.0 = Uniform sampling, 1.0 = Greedy prioritisation)
    PRIORITY_BETA_START = 0.4       # Starting value of beta - controls to what degree IS weights influence the gradient updates to correct for the bias introduced by priority sampling (0 - no correction, 1 - full correction)
    PRIORITY_BETA_END = 1.0         # Beta will be linearly annealed from its start value to this value throughout training
    PRIORITY_EPSILON = 0.00001      # Small value to be added to updated priorities to ensure no sample has a probability of 0 of being chosen
    NOISE_SCALE = 0.3               # Scaling to apply to Gaussian noise
    NOISE_DECAY = 0.9999            # Decay noise throughout training by scaling by noise_decay**training_step
    DISCOUNT_RATE = 0.99            # Discount rate (gamma) for future rewards
    N_STEP_RETURNS = 5              # Number of future steps to collect experiences for N-step returns
    UPDATE_AGENT_EP = 10            # Agent gets latest parameters from learner every update_agent_ep episodes
    # Network parameters
    CRITIC_L2_LAMBDA = 0.0          # Coefficient for L2 weight regularisation in critic - if 0, no regularisation is performed
    DENSE1_SIZE = 400               # Size of first hidden layer in networks
    DENSE2_SIZE = 300               # Size of second hidden layer in networks
    FINAL_LAYER_INIT = 0.003        # Initialise networks' final layer weights in range +/-final_layer_init
    NUM_ATOMS = 51                  # Number of atoms in output layer of distributional critic
    TAU = 0.001                     # Parameter for soft target network updates
    USE_BATCH_NORM = False          # Whether or not to use batch normalisation in the networks
    # Files/Directories
    SAVE_CKPT_STEP = 10000                  # Save checkpoint every save_ckpt_step training steps
    CKPT_DIR = './ckpts/' + ENV             # Directory for saving/loading checkpoints
    CKPT_FILE = None                        # Checkpoint file to load and resume training from (if None, train from scratch)
    LOG_DIR = './logs/train/' + ENV         # Directory for saving Tensorboard logs (if None, do not save logs)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, sess, env, seed, n_agent=0):
     print("Initialising agent %02d... \n" % n_agent)
     self.sess = sess        
     self.n_agent = n_agent
     # Create environment    
     if env == 'Pendulum-v0':
         self.env_wrapper = PendulumWrapper(env)
     elif env == 'LunarLanderContinuous-v2':
         self.env_wrapper = LunarLanderContinuousWrapper(env)
     elif env == 'BipedalWalker-v2':
         self.env_wrapper = BipedalWalkerWrapper(env)
         raise Exception('Chosen environment does not have an environment wrapper defined. Please choose an environment with an environment wrapper defined, or create a wrapper for this environment in utils.env_wrapper.py')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, PER_memory, run_agent_event, stop_agent_event):
        self.PER_memory = PER_memory
        self.run_agent_event = run_agent_event
        self.stop_agent_event = stop_agent_event

        if train_params.ENV == 'Pendulum-v0':
            self.eval_env = PendulumWrapper()
        elif train_params.ENV == 'LunarLanderContinuous-v2':
            self.eval_env = LunarLanderContinuousWrapper()
        elif train_params.ENV == 'BipedalWalker-v2':
            self.eval_env = BipedalWalkerWrapper()
        elif train_params.ENV == 'BipedalWalkerHardcore-v2':
            self.eval_env = BipedalWalkerWrapper(hardcore=True)
            raise Exception('Chosen environment does not have an environment wrapper defined. Please choose an environment with an environment wrapper defined, or create a wrapper for this environment in utils.env_wrapper.py')

        self.summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(train_params.LOG_DIR + '/eval/')
Exemplo n.º 5
class play_params:
    ALGO = 'D4PG_2'
    ENV = 'BipedalWalker-v2'
    CKPT = '99000'

    # Create dummy environment to get all environment params
    if ENV == 'Pendulum-v0':
        dummy_env = PendulumWrapper()
    elif ENV == 'LunarLanderContinuous-v2':
        dummy_env = LunarLanderContinuousWrapper()
    elif ENV == 'BipedalWalker-v2':
        dummy_env = BipedalWalkerWrapper()
    elif ENV == 'BipedalWalkerHardcore-v2':
        dummy_env = BipedalWalkerWrapper(hardcore=True)
        raise Exception(
            'Chosen environment does not have an environment wrapper defined. Please choose an environment with an environment wrapper defined, or create a wrapper for this environment in utils.env_wrapper.py'

    STATE_DIMS = dummy_env.get_state_dims()
    STATE_BOUND_LOW, STATE_BOUND_HIGH = dummy_env.get_state_bounds()
    ACTION_DIMS = dummy_env.get_action_dims()
    ACTION_BOUND_LOW, ACTION_BOUND_HIGH = dummy_env.get_action_bounds()
    V_MIN = dummy_env.v_min
    V_MAX = dummy_env.v_max
    del dummy_env

    import os
    ACTOR_MODEL_DIR = os.getcwd(
    ) + '/data/' + ENV + '/' + ALGO + '/eval/actor_' + CKPT
    CRITIC_MODEL_DIR = os.getcwd(
    ) + '/data/' + ENV + '/' + ALGO + '/eval/critic_' + CKPT
    RECORD_DIR = os.getcwd(
    ) + '/data/' + ENV + '/' + ALGO + '/eval/video_' + CKPT

    # Play parameters
    NUM_EPS_PLAY = 1  # Number of episodes to play for
    MAX_EP_LENGTH = 10000  # Maximum number of steps per episode
Exemplo n.º 6
def play():

    if play_params.ENV == 'Pendulum-v0':
        play_env = PendulumWrapper()
    elif play_params.ENV == 'LunarLanderContinuous-v2':
        play_env = LunarLanderContinuousWrapper()
    elif play_params.ENV == 'BipedalWalker-v2':
        play_env = BipedalWalkerWrapper()
    elif play_params.ENV == 'BipedalWalkerHardcore-v2':
        play_env = BipedalWalkerWrapper(hardcore=True)
        raise Exception(
            'Chosen environment does not have an environment wrapper defined. Please choose an environment with an environment wrapper defined, or create a wrapper for this environment in utils.env_wrapper.py'

    actor_net = Actor(play_params.STATE_DIMS,
    critic_net = Critic(play_params.STATE_DIMS,


    if not os.path.exists(play_params.RECORD_DIR):

    for ep in tqdm(range(1, play_params.NUM_EPS_PLAY + 1), desc='playing'):
        state = play_env.reset()
        state = play_env.normalise_state(state)
        step = 0
        ep_done = False

        while not ep_done:
            frame = play_env.render()
            if play_params.RECORD_DIR is not None:
                filepath = play_params.RECORD_DIR + '/Ep%03d_Step%04d.jpg' % (
                    ep, step)
                cv2.imwrite(filepath, frame)
            action = actor_net(np.expand_dims(state.astype(np.float32), 0))[0]
            state, _, terminal = play_env.step(action)
            state = play_env.normalise_state(state)

            step += 1

            # Episode can finish either by reaching terminal state or max episode steps
            if terminal or step == play_params.MAX_EP_LENGTH:
                ep_done = True

    # Convert saved frames to gif
    if play_params.RECORD_DIR is not None:
        images = []
        for file in tqdm(sorted(os.listdir(play_params.RECORD_DIR)),
                         desc='converting to gif'):
            # Load image
            filename = play_params.RECORD_DIR + '/' + file
            im = cv2.imread(filename)
            # Delete static image once loaded

        # Save as gif
        print("Saving to ", play_params.RECORD_DIR)
        imageio.mimsave(play_params.RECORD_DIR + '/%s.gif' % play_params.ENV,
