Exemplo n.º 1
	def plot_performance_metrics(self):
		algo_performance = dict()

		env = Environment(n = 20,
						  p = self.probability_of_obstacles,
						  fire = self.fire)

		# env.generate_maze()
		# env.create_graph_from_maze()

		for n in np.arange(10, 100, 10):

			for algo in ["astar"]:
				for heuristic in ["euclid", "manhattan"]:
					print(algo, heuristic)

					if (algo + "_" + heuristic) not in algo_performance:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)] = dict()
					if algo not in algo_performance:
						algo_performance[algo] = dict()
					env.algorithm = algo
					path_finder = PathFinderAlgorithm(environment = env,
													  algorithm = algo,
													  visual = self.visual,
													  heuristic = self.heuristic)
					performances = path_finder.performance_dict
					if "path_length" not in algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]["path_length"] = []

					if "maximum_fringe_size" not in algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]["maximum_fringe_size"] = []

					if "number_of_nodes_expanded" not in algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]["number_of_nodes_expanded"] = []

					algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]['path_length'].append(performances['path_length'])
					algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]['maximum_fringe_size'].append(performances['maximum_fringe_size'])
					algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]['number_of_nodes_expanded'].append(performances['number_of_nodes_expanded'])

			for algo in ["astar", "thin_astar"]:
				for heuristic in ["euclid", "manhattan"]:
					print(algo, heuristic)

					if (algo + "_" + heuristic) not in algo_performance:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)] = dict()

					env.algorithm = algo

					path_finder = PathFinderAlgorithm(environment = env,
													  algorithm = algo,
													  q = q,
													  visual = self.visual,
													  heuristic = heuristic)
					performances = path_finder.performance_dict

					if "path_length" not in algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]["path_length"] = []

					if "maximum_fringe_size" not in algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]["maximum_fringe_size"] = []

					if "number_of_nodes_expanded" not in algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]["number_of_nodes_expanded"] = []

					algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]['path_length'].append(performances['path_length'])
					algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]['maximum_fringe_size'].append(performances['maximum_fringe_size'])
					algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]['number_of_nodes_expanded'].append(performances['number_of_nodes_expanded'])

		return algo_performance
Exemplo n.º 2
class MazeRunner():

	def __init__(self, maze_dimension, probability_of_obstacles, algorithm, visual, heuristic, fire):
		self.algorithm = algorithm
		self.maze_dimension = maze_dimension
		self.probability_of_obstacles = probability_of_obstacles
		self.visual = visual
		self.heuristic = heuristic
		self.fire = fire

	def create_environment(self, new_maze = None):

		# Create the maze
		self.env = Environment(algorithm = self.algorithm, n = self.maze_dimension, p = self.probability_of_obstacles, fire = self.fire)
		self.env.generate_maze(new_maze = new_maze)

		# Generate graph from the maze

	def run(self):

		# Run the path finding algorithm on the graph
		self.path_finder = PathFinderAlgorithm(environment = self.env,
											   algorithm = self.algorithm,
											   visual = self.visual,
											   heuristic = self.heuristic)

	def find_solvable_map_size(self):
		dim_list = range(10, 250, 10)
		runtimes = dict()
		for dim in dim_list:
			print("Dim = " + str(dim))

			self.maze_dimension = dim

			start = time()
			end = time() - start
			runtimes[dim] = end
			del self.path_finder

		plt.plot(dim_list, runtimes.values(), marker = "o")

	def plot_performance_metrics(self):
		algo_performance = dict()

		env = Environment(n = 20,
						  p = self.probability_of_obstacles,
						  fire = self.fire)

		# env.generate_maze()
		# env.create_graph_from_maze()

		for n in np.arange(10, 100, 10):

			for algo in ["astar"]:
				for heuristic in ["euclid", "manhattan"]:
					print(algo, heuristic)

					if (algo + "_" + heuristic) not in algo_performance:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)] = dict()
					if algo not in algo_performance:
						algo_performance[algo] = dict()
					env.algorithm = algo
					path_finder = PathFinderAlgorithm(environment = env,
													  algorithm = algo,
													  visual = self.visual,
													  heuristic = self.heuristic)
					performances = path_finder.performance_dict
					if "path_length" not in algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]["path_length"] = []

					if "maximum_fringe_size" not in algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]["maximum_fringe_size"] = []

					if "number_of_nodes_expanded" not in algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]["number_of_nodes_expanded"] = []

					algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]['path_length'].append(performances['path_length'])
					algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]['maximum_fringe_size'].append(performances['maximum_fringe_size'])
					algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]['number_of_nodes_expanded'].append(performances['number_of_nodes_expanded'])

			for algo in ["astar", "thin_astar"]:
				for heuristic in ["euclid", "manhattan"]:
					print(algo, heuristic)

					if (algo + "_" + heuristic) not in algo_performance:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)] = dict()

					env.algorithm = algo

					path_finder = PathFinderAlgorithm(environment = env,
													  algorithm = algo,
													  q = q,
													  visual = self.visual,
													  heuristic = heuristic)
					performances = path_finder.performance_dict

					if "path_length" not in algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]["path_length"] = []

					if "maximum_fringe_size" not in algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]["maximum_fringe_size"] = []

					if "number_of_nodes_expanded" not in algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]:
						algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]["number_of_nodes_expanded"] = []

					algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]['path_length'].append(performances['path_length'])
					algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]['maximum_fringe_size'].append(performances['maximum_fringe_size'])
					algo_performance[(algo + "_" + heuristic)]['number_of_nodes_expanded'].append(performances['number_of_nodes_expanded'])

		return algo_performance