Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, pose_backbone, pose_net, pose2feat, mesh_backbone,
                 mesh_net, param_regressor):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        self.pose_backbone = pose_backbone
        self.pose_net = pose_net
        self.pose2feat = pose2feat
        self.mesh_backbone = mesh_backbone
        self.mesh_net = mesh_net
        self.param_regressor = param_regressor

        if 'FreiHAND' in cfg.trainset_3d + cfg.trainset_2d + [cfg.testset]:
            self.human_model = MANO()
            self.human_model_layer = self.human_model.layer.cuda()
            self.human_model = SMPL()
            self.human_model_layer = self.human_model.layer['neutral'].cuda()
        self.root_joint_idx = self.human_model.root_joint_idx
        self.mesh_face = self.human_model.face
        self.joint_regressor = self.human_model.joint_regressor
        if cfg.stage == 'lixel':
            self.trainable_modules = [
                self.pose_backbone, self.pose_net, self.pose2feat,
                self.mesh_backbone, self.mesh_net
            self.trainable_modules = [self.param_regressor]

        self.coord_loss = CoordLoss()
        self.param_loss = ParamLoss()
        self.normal_loss = NormalVectorLoss(self.mesh_face)
        self.edge_loss = EdgeLengthLoss(self.mesh_face)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, transform, data_split):
        self.transform = transform
        self.data_split = data_split
        self.data_path = osp.join('..', 'data', 'FreiHAND', 'data')
        self.human_bbox_root_dir = osp.join('..', 'data', 'FreiHAND',

        # MANO joint set
        self.mano = MANO()
        self.face = self.mano.face
        self.joint_regressor = self.mano.joint_regressor
        self.vertex_num = self.mano.vertex_num
        self.joint_num = self.mano.joint_num
        self.joints_name = self.mano.joints_name
        self.skeleton = self.mano.skeleton
        self.root_joint_idx = self.mano.root_joint_idx

        self.datalist = self.load_data()
Exemplo n.º 3
class FreiHAND(torch.utils.data.Dataset):
    def __init__(self, transform, data_split):
        self.transform = transform
        self.data_split = data_split
        self.data_path = osp.join('..', 'data', 'FreiHAND', 'data')
        self.human_bbox_root_dir = osp.join('..', 'data', 'FreiHAND',

        # MANO joint set
        self.mano = MANO()
        self.face = self.mano.face
        self.joint_regressor = self.mano.joint_regressor
        self.vertex_num = self.mano.vertex_num
        self.joint_num = self.mano.joint_num
        self.joints_name = self.mano.joints_name
        self.skeleton = self.mano.skeleton
        self.root_joint_idx = self.mano.root_joint_idx

        self.datalist = self.load_data()

    def load_data(self):
        if self.data_split == 'train':
            db = COCO(osp.join(self.data_path, 'freihand_train_coco.json'))
            with open(osp.join(self.data_path,
                               'freihand_train_data.json')) as f:
                data = json.load(f)

            db = COCO(osp.join(self.data_path, 'freihand_eval_coco.json'))
            with open(osp.join(self.data_path,
                               'freihand_eval_data.json')) as f:
                data = json.load(f)
            print("Get bounding box and root from " + self.human_bbox_root_dir)
            bbox_root_result = {}
            with open(self.human_bbox_root_dir) as f:
                annot = json.load(f)
            for i in range(len(annot)):
                bbox_root_result[str(annot[i]['image_id'])] = {
                    'bbox': np.array(annot[i]['bbox']),
                    'root': np.array(annot[i]['root_cam'])

        datalist = []
        for aid in db.anns.keys():
            ann = db.anns[aid]
            image_id = ann['image_id']
            img = db.loadImgs(image_id)[0]
            img_path = osp.join(self.data_path, img['file_name'])
            img_shape = (img['height'], img['width'])
            db_idx = str(img['db_idx'])

            if self.data_split == 'train':
                cam_param, mano_param, joint_cam = data[db_idx][
                    'cam_param'], data[db_idx]['mano_param'], data[db_idx][
                joint_cam = np.array(joint_cam).reshape(-1, 3)
                bbox = process_bbox(np.array(ann['bbox']), img['width'],
                if bbox is None: continue
                root_joint_depth = joint_cam[self.root_joint_idx][2]

                cam_param, scale = data[db_idx]['cam_param'], data[db_idx][
                joint_cam = np.ones((self.joint_num, 3),
                                    dtype=np.float32)  # dummy
                mano_param = {
                    'pose': np.ones((48), dtype=np.float32),
                    'shape': np.ones((10), dtype=np.float32)
                bbox = bbox_root_result[str(
                )]['bbox']  # bbox should be aspect ratio preserved-extended. It is done in RootNet.
                root_joint_depth = bbox_root_result[str(image_id)]['root'][2]

                'img_path': img_path,
                'img_shape': img_shape,
                'bbox': bbox,
                'joint_cam': joint_cam,
                'cam_param': cam_param,
                'mano_param': mano_param,
                'root_joint_depth': root_joint_depth

        return datalist

    def get_mano_coord(self, mano_param, cam_param):
        pose, shape, trans = mano_param['pose'], mano_param[
            'shape'], mano_param['trans']
        mano_pose = torch.FloatTensor(pose).view(1, -1)
        mano_shape = torch.FloatTensor(shape).view(1, -1)
        # mano parameters (pose: 48 dimension, shape: 10 dimension)
        mano_trans = torch.FloatTensor(trans).view(1, 3)  # translation vector

        # get mesh and joint coordinates
        mano_mesh_coord, mano_joint_coord = self.mano.layer(
            mano_pose, mano_shape, mano_trans)
        mano_mesh_coord = mano_mesh_coord.numpy().reshape(self.vertex_num, 3)
        mano_joint_coord = mano_joint_coord.numpy().reshape(self.joint_num, 3)

        # milimeter -> meter
        mano_mesh_coord /= 1000
        mano_joint_coord /= 1000
        return mano_mesh_coord, mano_joint_coord, mano_pose[0].numpy(
        ), mano_shape[0].numpy()

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.datalist)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        data = copy.deepcopy(self.datalist[idx])
        img_path, img_shape, bbox, joint_cam, cam_param, mano_param = data[
            'img_path'], data['img_shape'], data['bbox'], data[
                'joint_cam'], data['cam_param'], data['mano_param']

        # img
        img = load_img(img_path)
        img, img2bb_trans, bb2img_trans, rot, _ = augmentation(
            img, bbox, self.data_split, exclude_flip=True
        )  # FreiHAND dataset only contains right hands. do not perform flip aug.
        img = self.transform(img.astype(np.float32)) / 255.

        if self.data_split == 'train':
            # mano coordinates
            mano_mesh_cam, mano_joint_cam, mano_pose, mano_shape = self.get_mano_coord(
                mano_param, cam_param)
            mano_coord_cam = np.concatenate((mano_mesh_cam, mano_joint_cam))
            focal, princpt = cam_param['focal'], cam_param['princpt']
            mano_coord_img = cam2pixel(mano_coord_cam, focal, princpt)

            # affine transform x,y coordinates. root-relative depth
            mano_coord_img_xy1 = np.concatenate(
                (mano_coord_img[:, :2], np.ones_like(mano_coord_img[:, :1])),
            mano_coord_img[:, :2] = np.dot(img2bb_trans,
                                               1, 0)).transpose(1, 0)[:, :2]
            root_joint_depth = mano_coord_cam[self.vertex_num +
            mano_coord_img[:, 2] = mano_coord_img[:, 2] - root_joint_depth
            mano_coord_img[:, 0] = mano_coord_img[:, 0] / cfg.input_img_shape[
                1] * cfg.output_hm_shape[2]
            mano_coord_img[:, 1] = mano_coord_img[:, 1] / cfg.input_img_shape[
                0] * cfg.output_hm_shape[1]
            mano_coord_img[:, 2] = (mano_coord_img[:, 2] /
                                    (cfg.bbox_3d_size / 2) +
                                    1) / 2. * cfg.output_hm_shape[0]

            # check truncation
            mano_trunc = ((mano_coord_img[:,0] >= 0) * (mano_coord_img[:,0] < cfg.output_hm_shape[2]) * \
                        (mano_coord_img[:,1] >= 0) * (mano_coord_img[:,1] < cfg.output_hm_shape[1]) * \
                        (mano_coord_img[:,2] >= 0) * (mano_coord_img[:,2] < cfg.output_hm_shape[0])).reshape(-1,1).astype(np.float32)

            # split mesh and joint coordinates
            mano_mesh_img = mano_coord_img[:self.vertex_num]
            mano_joint_img = mano_coord_img[self.vertex_num:]
            mano_mesh_trunc = mano_trunc[:self.vertex_num]
            mano_joint_trunc = mano_trunc[self.vertex_num:]

            # 3D data rotation augmentation
            rot_aug_mat = np.array(
                [[np.cos(np.deg2rad(-rot)), -np.sin(np.deg2rad(-rot)), 0],
                  np.cos(np.deg2rad(-rot)), 0], [0, 0, 1]],
            # parameter
            mano_pose = mano_pose.reshape(-1, 3)
            root_pose = mano_pose[self.root_joint_idx, :]
            root_pose, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(root_pose)
            root_pose, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(np.dot(rot_aug_mat, root_pose))
            mano_pose[self.root_joint_idx] = root_pose.reshape(3)
            mano_pose = mano_pose.reshape(-1)
            # mano coordinate
            mano_joint_cam = mano_joint_cam - mano_joint_cam[
                self.root_joint_idx, None]  # root-relative
            mano_joint_cam = np.dot(rot_aug_mat, mano_joint_cam.transpose(
                1, 0)).transpose(1, 0)

            orig_joint_img = np.zeros((self.joint_num, 3),
                                      dtype=np.float32)  # dummy
            orig_joint_cam = np.zeros((self.joint_num, 3),
                                      dtype=np.float32)  # dummy
            orig_joint_valid = np.zeros((self.joint_num, 1),
                                        dtype=np.float32)  # dummy
            orig_joint_trunc = np.zeros((self.joint_num, 1),
                                        dtype=np.float32)  # dummy

            inputs = {'img': img}
            targets = {
                'orig_joint_img': orig_joint_img,
                'fit_joint_img': mano_joint_img,
                'fit_mesh_img': mano_mesh_img,
                'orig_joint_cam': orig_joint_cam,
                'fit_joint_cam': mano_joint_cam,
                'pose_param': mano_pose,
                'shape_param': mano_shape
            meta_info = {
                'orig_joint_valid': orig_joint_valid,
                'orig_joint_trunc': orig_joint_trunc,
                'fit_joint_trunc': mano_joint_trunc,
                'fit_mesh_trunc': mano_mesh_trunc,
                'is_valid_fit': float(True),
                'is_3D': float(True)
            inputs = {'img': img}
            targets = {}
            meta_info = {'bb2img_trans': bb2img_trans}

        return inputs, targets, meta_info

    def evaluate(self, outs, cur_sample_idx):

        annots = self.datalist
        sample_num = len(outs)
        eval_result = {'joint_out': [], 'mesh_out': []}
        for n in range(sample_num):
            annot = annots[cur_sample_idx + n]
            out = outs[n]

            # x,y: resize to input image space and perform bbox to image affine transform
            mesh_out_img = out['mesh_coord_img']
            mesh_out_img[:, 0] = mesh_out_img[:, 0] / cfg.output_hm_shape[
                2] * cfg.input_img_shape[1]
            mesh_out_img[:, 1] = mesh_out_img[:, 1] / cfg.output_hm_shape[
                1] * cfg.input_img_shape[0]
            mesh_out_img_xy1 = np.concatenate(
                (mesh_out_img[:, :2], np.ones_like(mesh_out_img[:, :1])), 1)
            mesh_out_img[:, :2] = np.dot(out['bb2img_trans'],
                                             1, 0)).transpose(1, 0)[:, :2]

            # z: devoxelize and translate to absolute depth
            root_joint_depth = annot['root_joint_depth']
                         2] = (mesh_out_img[:, 2] / cfg.output_hm_shape[0] * 2.
                               - 1) * (cfg.bbox_3d_size / 2)
            mesh_out_img[:, 2] = mesh_out_img[:, 2] + root_joint_depth

            # camera back-projection
            cam_param = annot['cam_param']
            focal, princpt = cam_param['focal'], cam_param['princpt']
            mesh_out_cam = pixel2cam(mesh_out_img, focal, princpt)

            if cfg.stage == 'param':
                mesh_out_cam = out['mesh_coord_cam']
            joint_out_cam = np.dot(self.joint_regressor, mesh_out_cam)


            vis = False
            if vis:
                filename = annot['img_path'].split('/')[-1][:-4]

                img = load_img(annot['img_path'])[:, :, ::-1]
                img = vis_mesh(img, mesh_out_img, 0.5)
                cv2.imwrite(filename + '.jpg', img)

                save_obj(mesh_out_cam, self.mano.face, filename + '.obj')

        return eval_result

    def print_eval_result(self, eval_result):
        output_save_path = osp.join(cfg.result_dir, 'pred.json')
        with open(output_save_path, 'w') as f:
            json.dump([eval_result['joint_out'], eval_result['mesh_out']], f)
        print('Saved at ' + output_save_path)