Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, region, tilex, tiley):
        """Create a tile based on the region and the tile's coordinates."""
        # NB: smart people check that files have been gotten.
        # today we assume that's already been done.
        # snag stuff from the region first
        self.name = region.name
        self.size = region.tilesize
        self.mapname = region.mapname
        self.tilex = int(tilex)
        self.tiley = int(tiley)
        self.tiles = region.tiles
        self.doOre = region.doOre
        self.doSchematics = region.doSchematics

        if (self.tilex < self.tiles['xmin']) or (self.tilex >= self.tiles['xmax']):
            raise AttributeError, "tilex (%d) must be between %d and %d" % (self.tilex, self.tiles['xmin'], self.tiles['xmax'])
        if (self.tiley < self.tiles['ymin']) or (self.tiley >= self.tiles['ymax']):
            raise AttributeError, "tiley (%d) must be between %d and %d" % (self.tiley, self.tiles['ymin'], self.tiles['ymax'])

        # create the tile directory if necessary
        self.tiledir = os.path.join(region.regiondir, 'Tiles', '%dx%d' % (self.tilex, self.tiley))
        self.skip = False
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.tiledir, 'Tile.yaml')):
            self.skip = True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, region, tilex, tiley):
        """Create a tile based on the region and the tile's coordinates."""
        # NB: smart people check that files have been gotten.
        # today we assume that's already been done.
        # snag stuff from the region first
        self.name = region.name
        self.size = region.tilesize
        self.mapfile = region.mapfile
        self.tilex = int(tilex)
        self.tiley = int(tiley)
        self.tiles = region.tiles
        self.doOre = region.doOre
        self.doSchematics = region.doSchematics

        if (self.tilex < self.tiles['xmin']) or (self.tilex >=
            raise AttributeError(
                'tilex (%d) must be between %d and %d' %
                (self.tilex, self.tiles['xmin'], self.tiles['xmax']))
        if (self.tiley < self.tiles['ymin']) or (self.tiley >=
            raise AttributeError(
                'tiley (%d) must be between %d and %d' %
                (self.tiley, self.tiles['ymin'], self.tiles['ymax']))

        # create the tile directory if necessary
        self.tiledir = os.path.join(region.regiondir, 'Tiles',
                                    '%dx%d' % (self.tilex, self.tiley))
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    """The main routine."""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Builds c10t maps for regions.')
                        help='name of region to be mapped')
                        help='generate Google Maps')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    print "Building %smaps for %s..." % ('Google ' if args.gmaps else '',

    (centerx, centerz) = center(args.name)

    if args.gmaps:
        cleanmkdir(os.path.join('maps', args.name))
        command = 'C10T=../c10t/build/c10t ../c10t/scripts/google-api/google-api.sh -w worlds/%s -o maps/%s -O "-M 2048 -z --center %d,%d"' % (
            args.name, args.name, centerx, centerz)
        command = '../c10t/build/c10t -M 2048 -z -w worlds/%s -o maps/%s.png --center %d,%d' % (
            args.name, args.name, centerx, centerz)

Exemplo n.º 4
    def buildvrts(self):
        """Extracts image files and merges as necessary."""

        layerIDs = [ name for name in os.listdir(self.mapsdir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.mapsdir, name)) ]
        if layerIDs == []:
            raise IOError, 'No files found'
        for layerID in layerIDs:
            (pType, iType, mType, cType) = self.decodeLayerID(layerID)
            filesuffix = cType.lower()
            layerdir = os.path.join(self.mapsdir, layerID)
            compfiles = [ name for name in os.listdir(layerdir) if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(layerdir, name)) and name.endswith(filesuffix)) ]
            for compfile in compfiles:
                (compbase, compext) = os.path.splitext(compfile)
                fullfile = os.path.join(layerdir, compfile)
                datasubdir = os.path.join(layerdir, compbase)
                compfile = '%s.%s' % (compbase, iType)
                # tar (at least) expects Unix pathnames
                compimage = '/'.join([compbase, compfile])
                if (Region.zipfileBroken == False):
                    if (cType == "tgz"):
                        cFile = tarfile.open(fullfile)
                    elif (cType == "zip"):
                        cFile = zipfile.ZipFile(fullfile)
                    cFile.extract(compimage, layerdir)
                    if (cType == "tgz"):
                        cFile = tarfile.open(fullfile)
                        cFile.extract(compimage, layerdir)
                    elif (cType == "zip"):
                        omfgcompimage = os.path.join(compbase, compfile)
                        os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(datasubdir, compimage)))
                        cFile = zipfile.ZipFile(fullfile)
                        cFile.extract(omfgcompimage, datasubdir)
                        os.rename(os.path.join(datasubdir, omfgcompimage), os.path.join(layerdir, compimage))
                # convert tif to good SRS
                rawfile = os.path.join(layerdir, compbase, compfile)
                goodfile = os.path.join(layerdir, compbase, "%s.good%s" % (compbase, iType))
                warpcmd = 'gdalwarp -q -multi -t_srs "%s" %s %s' % (Region.t_srs, rawfile, goodfile)
                os.system('%s' % warpcmd)

            vrtfile = os.path.join(layerdir, '%s.vrt' % layerID)
            buildvrtcmd = 'gdalbuildvrt %s %s' % (vrtfile, ' '.join(['"%s"' % x for x in locate('*.good*', root=layerdir)]))
            os.system('%s' % buildvrtcmd)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    """The main routine."""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Builds c10t maps for regions.')
    parser.add_argument('--name', required=True, type=str, help='name of region to be mapped')
    parser.add_argument('--gmaps', action='store_true', help='generate Google Maps')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    print "Building %smaps for %s..." % ('Google ' if args.gmaps else '', args.name)

    (centerx, centerz) = center(args.name)

    if args.gmaps:
        cleanmkdir(os.path.join('maps', args.name))
        command = 'C10T=../c10t/build/c10t ../c10t/scripts/google-api/google-api.sh -w worlds/%s -o maps/%s -O "-M 2048 -z --center %d,%d"' % (args.name, args.name, centerx, centerz)
        command = '../c10t/build/c10t -M 2048 -z -w worlds/%s -o maps/%s.png --center %d,%d' % (args.name, args.name, centerx, centerz)

Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, name, xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin, tilesize=None, scale=None, vscale=None, trim=None, sealevel=None, maxdepth=None, oiIDs=None, lcIDs=None, elIDs=None, doOre=True, doSchematics=False):
        """Create a region based on lat-longs and other parameters."""
        # NB: smart people check names
        self.name = name

        # Zone computation for UTM
        lat_center = (ymax + ymin) / 2.
        lon_center = (xmax + xmin) / 2.
        zone_num = utmll.latlon_to_zone_number(lat_center, lon_center)
        self.utm = utmll.latlon_to_zone_identifier(lat_center, lon_center)
        self.t_srs = self.t_srs % zone_num

        # tile must be an even multiple of chunk width
        # chunkWidth not defined in pymclevel but is hardcoded everywhere
        if tilesize == None:
            tilesize = Region.tilesize
            if (tilesize % 16 != 0):
                raise AttributeError, 'bad tilesize %s' % tilesize
        self.tilesize = tilesize

        # scale can be any positive integer
        if scale == None:
            scale = Region.scale
            if (scale > 0):
                self.scale = int(scale)
                raise AttributeError, 'bad scale %s' % scale

        # sealevel and maxdepth are not checked until after files are retrieved
        if sealevel == None:
            sealevel = Region.sealevel
            self.sealevel = sealevel

        if maxdepth == None:
            maxdepth = Region.maxdepth
            self.maxdepth = maxdepth

        # trim and vscale are not checked until after files are retrieved
        if trim == None:
            trim = Region.trim
            self.trim = trim

        if vscale == None:
            vscale = Region.vscale
            self.vscale = vscale

        # disable overly dense elevation products
        self.productIDs = Region.productIDs
        # NB: ND9 no longer supported
        # if (scale > 5):
        #     self.productIDs['elevation'].remove('ND9')
        if (scale > 15):

        # specified IDs must be in region list
        if oiIDs == None:
            orthoIDs = self.productIDs['ortho']
            orthoIDs = [ ID for ID in oiIDs if ID in self.productIDs['ortho'] ]
            if orthoIDs == []:
                raise AttributeError, 'invalid ortho ID'

        if lcIDs == None:
            landcoverIDs = self.productIDs['landcover']
            landcoverIDs = [ ID for ID in lcIDs if ID in self.productIDs['landcover'] ]
            if landcoverIDs == []:
                raise AttributeError, 'invalid landcover ID'

        if elIDs == None:
            elevationIDs = self.productIDs['elevation']
            elevationIDs = [ ID for ID in elIDs if ID in self.productIDs['elevation'] ]
            if elevationIDs == []:
                raise AttributeError, 'invalid elevation ID'

        # enable or disable ore and schematics
        self.doOre = doOre
        self.doSchematics = doSchematics

        # crazy directory fun
        self.regiondir = os.path.join(Region.regiontop, self.name)

        self.mapsdir = os.path.join(self.regiondir, 'Datasets')

        self.mapname = os.path.join(self.regiondir, 'Map.tif')

        # these are the latlong values
        self.llextents = { 'xmax': max(xmax, xmin), 'xmin': min(xmax, xmin), 'ymax': max(ymax, ymin), 'ymin': min(ymax, ymin) }

        # access the web service
        # NB: raise hell if it is inaccessible
        wsdlConv = "http://extract.cr.usgs.gov/XMLWebServices/Coordinate_Conversion_Service.asmx?WSDL"
        clientConv = suds.client.Client(wsdlConv)
        # This web service returns suds.sax.text.Text not XML sigh
        Convre = "<X Coordinate>(.*?)</X Coordinate > <Y Coordinate>(.*?)</Y Coordinate >"

        # convert from WGS84 to Albers
        ULdict = {'X_Value': self.llextents['xmin'], 'Y_Value': self.llextents['ymin'], 'Current_Coordinate_System': Region.wgs84, 'Target_Coordinate_System': Region.utm}
        (ULx, ULy) = re.findall(Convre, clientConv.service.getCoordinates(**ULdict))[0]
        URdict = {'X_Value': self.llextents['xmax'], 'Y_Value': self.llextents['ymin'], 'Current_Coordinate_System': Region.wgs84, 'Target_Coordinate_System': Region.utm}
        (URx, URy) = re.findall(Convre, clientConv.service.getCoordinates(**URdict))[0]
        LLdict = {'X_Value': self.llextents['xmin'], 'Y_Value': self.llextents['ymax'], 'Current_Coordinate_System': Region.wgs84, 'Target_Coordinate_System': Region.utm}
        (LLx, LLy) = re.findall(Convre, clientConv.service.getCoordinates(**LLdict))[0]
        LRdict = {'X_Value': self.llextents['xmax'], 'Y_Value': self.llextents['ymax'], 'Current_Coordinate_System': Region.wgs84, 'Target_Coordinate_System': Region.utm}
        (LRx, LRy) = re.findall(Convre, clientConv.service.getCoordinates(**LRdict))[0]

        # select maximum values for landcover extents
        xfloat = [float(x) for x in [ULx, URx, LLx, LRx]]
        yfloat = [float(y) for y in [ULy, URy, LLy, LRy]]
        mxmax = max(xfloat)
        mxmin = min(xfloat)
        mymax = max(yfloat)
        mymin = min(yfloat)

        # calculate tile edges
        realsize = self.scale * self.tilesize
        self.tiles = { 'xmax': int(ceil(mxmax / realsize)), 'xmin': int(floor(mxmin / realsize)), 'ymax': int(ceil(mymax / realsize)), 'ymin': int(floor(mymin / realsize)) }

        self.utmextents = { 'ortho': dict(), 'landcover': dict(), 'elevation': dict() }
        self.wgs84extents = { 'ortho': dict(), 'landcover': dict(), 'elevation': dict() }

        # landcover has a maxdepth-sized border
        self.utmextents['elevation'] = { 'xmax': self.tiles['xmax'] * realsize, 'xmin': self.tiles['xmin'] * realsize, 'ymax': self.tiles['ymax'] * realsize, 'ymin': self.tiles['ymin'] * realsize }
        borderwidth = self.maxdepth * self.scale
        self.utmextents['landcover'] = { 'xmax': self.utmextents['elevation']['xmax'] + borderwidth, 'xmin': self.utmextents['elevation']['xmin'] - borderwidth, 'ymax': self.utmextents['elevation']['ymax'] + borderwidth, 'ymin': self.utmextents['elevation']['ymin'] - borderwidth }
        self.utmextents['ortho'] = { 'xmax': self.tiles['xmax'] * realsize, 'xmin': self.tiles['xmin'] * realsize, 'ymax': self.tiles['ymax'] * realsize, 'ymin': self.tiles['ymin'] * realsize }

        # now convert back from Albers to WGS84
        for maptype in ['ortho', 'landcover', 'elevation']:
            ULdict = {'X_Value': self.utmextents[maptype]['xmin'], \
                      'Y_Value': self.utmextents[maptype]['ymin'], \
                      'Current_Coordinate_System': Region.utm, \
                      'Target_Coordinate_System': Region.wgs84}
            (ULx, ULy) = re.findall(Convre, clientConv.service.getCoordinates(**ULdict))[0]
            URdict = {'X_Value': self.utmextents[maptype]['xmax'], \
                      'Y_Value': self.utmextents[maptype]['ymin'], \
                      'Current_Coordinate_System': Region.utm, \
                      'Target_Coordinate_System': Region.wgs84}
            (URx, URy) = re.findall(Convre, clientConv.service.getCoordinates(**URdict))[0]
            LLdict = {'X_Value': self.utmextents[maptype]['xmin'], \
                      'Y_Value': self.utmextents[maptype]['ymax'], \
                      'Current_Coordinate_System': Region.utm, \
                      'Target_Coordinate_System': Region.wgs84}
            (LLx, LLy) = re.findall(Convre, clientConv.service.getCoordinates(**LLdict))[0]
            LRdict = {'X_Value': self.utmextents[maptype]['xmax'], \
                      'Y_Value': self.utmextents[maptype]['ymax'], \
                      'Current_Coordinate_System': Region.utm, \
                      'Target_Coordinate_System': Region.wgs84}
            (LRx, LRy) = re.findall(Convre, clientConv.service.getCoordinates(**LRdict))[0]

            # select maximum values
            xfloat = [float(x) for x in [ULx, URx, LLx, LRx]]
            yfloat = [float(y) for y in [ULy, URy, LLy, LRy]]
            self.wgs84extents[maptype] = { 'xmax': max(xfloat), 'xmin': min(xfloat), 'ymax': max(yfloat), 'ymin': min(yfloat) }

        # check availability of product IDs and identify specific layer IDs
        self.oilayer = self.checkavail(orthoIDs, 'ortho')
        self.lclayer = self.checkavail(landcoverIDs, 'landcover')
        self.ellayer = self.checkavail(elevationIDs, 'elevation')

        # write the values to the file
        stream = file(os.path.join(self.regiondir, 'Region.yaml'), 'w')
        yaml.dump(self, stream)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a region based on lat-longs and other parameters."""
        # NB: smart people check names
        self.name = name

        # tile must be an even multiple of chunk width
        # chunkWidth not defined in pymclevel but is hardcoded everywhere
        if tilesize is None:
            tilesize = Region.tilesize
            if tilesize % 16 != 0:
                raise AttributeError('bad tilesize %s' % tilesize)
        self.tilesize = tilesize

        # scale can be any positive integer
        if scale is None:
            scale = Region.scale
            if scale > 0:
                self.scale = int(scale)
                raise AttributeError('bad scale %s' % scale)

        # sealevel and maxdepth are not checked until after files are retrieved
        if sealevel is None:
            sealevel = Region.sealevel
            self.sealevel = sealevel

        if maxdepth is None:
            maxdepth = Region.maxdepth
            self.maxdepth = maxdepth

        # trim and vscale are not checked until after files are retrieved
        if trim is None:
            trim = Region.trim
            self.trim = trim

        if vscale is None:
            vscale = Region.vscale
            self.vscale = vscale

        # disable overly dense elevation products
        self.productIDs = Region.productIDs
        # NB: ND9 no longer supported
        # if scale > 5:
        #     self.productIDs['elevation'].remove('ND9')
        if scale > 15:

        # specified IDs must be in region list
        if lcIDs is None:
            landcoverIDs = self.productIDs['landcover']
            landcoverIDs = [
                ID for ID in lcIDs if ID in self.productIDs['landcover']
            if landcoverIDs == []:
                raise AttributeError('invalid landcover ID')

        if elIDs is None:
            elevationIDs = self.productIDs['elevation']
            elevationIDs = [
                ID for ID in elIDs if ID in self.productIDs['elevation']
            if elevationIDs == []:
                raise AttributeError('invalid elevation ID')

        # enable or disable ore and schematics
        self.doOre = doOre
        self.doSchematics = doSchematics

        # crazy directory fun

        # these are the latlong values
        self.llextents = {
            'xmax': max(xmax, xmin),
            'xmin': min(xmax, xmin),
            'ymax': max(ymax, ymin),
            'ymin': min(ymax, ymin)

        # Convert from WGS84 to Albers.
        [mxmax, mxmin, mymax,
         mymin] = Region.get_corners(Region.wgs84, Region.albers, xmax, xmin,
                                     ymax, ymin)

        # calculate tile edges
        realsize = self.scale * self.tilesize
        self.tiles = {
            'xmax': int(ceil(mxmax / realsize)),
            'xmin': int(floor(mxmin / realsize)),
            'ymax': int(ceil(mymax / realsize)),
            'ymin': int(floor(mymin / realsize))

        self.albersextents = {'landcover': dict(), 'elevation': dict()}
        self.wgs84extents = {'landcover': dict(), 'elevation': dict()}

        # Landcover needs a maxdepth-sized border for bathy calculations.
        self.albersextents['elevation'] = {
            'xmax': self.tiles['xmax'] * realsize,
            'xmin': self.tiles['xmin'] * realsize,
            'ymax': self.tiles['ymax'] * realsize,
            'ymin': self.tiles['ymin'] * realsize
        borderwidth = self.maxdepth * self.scale
        self.albersextents['landcover'] = {
            'xmax': self.albersextents['elevation']['xmax'] + borderwidth,
            'xmin': self.albersextents['elevation']['xmin'] - borderwidth,
            'ymax': self.albersextents['elevation']['ymax'] + borderwidth,
            'ymin': self.albersextents['elevation']['ymin'] - borderwidth

        # Now convert back from Albers to WGS84.
        for maptype in ['landcover', 'elevation']:
            [wxmax, wxmin, wymax,
             wymin] = Region.get_corners(Region.albers, Region.wgs84,
            self.wgs84extents[maptype] = {
                'xmax': wxmax,
                'xmin': wxmin,
                'ymax': wymax,
                'ymin': wymin

        # check availability of product IDs and identify specific layer IDs
        self.lclayer = self.check_availability(landcoverIDs, 'landcover')
        self.ellayer = self.check_availability(elevationIDs, 'elevation')

        # write the values to the file
        stream = file(os.path.join(self.regionfile), 'w')
        yaml.dump(self, stream)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, name, xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin, tilesize=None, scale=None, vscale=None, trim=None, sealevel=None, maxdepth=None, lcIDs=None, elIDs=None, doOre=True, doSchematics=False):
        """Create a region based on lat-longs and other parameters."""
        # NB: smart people check names
        self.name = name

        # tile must be an even multiple of chunk width
        # chunkWidth not defined in pymclevel but is hardcoded everywhere
        if tilesize is None:
            tilesize = Region.tilesize
            if tilesize % 16 != 0:
                raise AttributeError('bad tilesize %s' % tilesize)
        self.tilesize = tilesize

        # scale can be any positive integer
        if scale is None:
            scale = Region.scale
            if scale > 0:
                self.scale = int(scale)
                raise AttributeError('bad scale %s' % scale)

        # sealevel and maxdepth are not checked until after files are retrieved
        if sealevel is None:
            sealevel = Region.sealevel
            self.sealevel = sealevel

        if maxdepth is None:
            maxdepth = Region.maxdepth
            self.maxdepth = maxdepth

        # trim and vscale are not checked until after files are retrieved
        if trim is None:
            trim = Region.trim
            self.trim = trim

        if vscale is None:
            vscale = Region.vscale
            self.vscale = vscale

        # disable overly dense elevation products
        self.productIDs = Region.productIDs
        # NB: ND9 no longer supported
        # if scale > 5:
        #     self.productIDs['elevation'].remove('ND9')
        if scale > 15:

        # specified IDs must be in region list
        if lcIDs is None:
            landcoverIDs = self.productIDs['landcover']
            landcoverIDs = [ID for ID in lcIDs if ID in self.productIDs['landcover']]
            if landcoverIDs == []:
                raise AttributeError('invalid landcover ID')

        if elIDs is None:
            elevationIDs = self.productIDs['elevation']
            elevationIDs = [ID for ID in elIDs if ID in self.productIDs['elevation']]
            if elevationIDs == []:
                raise AttributeError('invalid elevation ID')

        # enable or disable ore and schematics
        self.doOre = doOre
        self.doSchematics = doSchematics

        # crazy directory fun

        # these are the latlong values
        self.llextents = {'xmax': max(xmax, xmin), 'xmin': min(xmax, xmin), 'ymax': max(ymax, ymin), 'ymin': min(ymax, ymin)}

        # Convert from WGS84 to Albers.
        [mxmax, mxmin, mymax, mymin] = Region.get_corners(Region.wgs84, Region.albers, xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin)

        # calculate tile edges
        realsize = self.scale * self.tilesize
        self.tiles = {'xmax': int(ceil(mxmax / realsize)), 'xmin': int(floor(mxmin / realsize)), 'ymax': int(ceil(mymax / realsize)), 'ymin': int(floor(mymin / realsize))}

        self.albersextents = {'landcover': dict(), 'elevation': dict()}
        self.wgs84extents = {'landcover': dict(), 'elevation': dict()}

        # Landcover needs a maxdepth-sized border for bathy calculations.
        self.albersextents['elevation'] = {'xmax': self.tiles['xmax'] * realsize,
                                           'xmin': self.tiles['xmin'] * realsize,
                                           'ymax': self.tiles['ymax'] * realsize,
                                           'ymin': self.tiles['ymin'] * realsize}
        borderwidth = self.maxdepth * self.scale
        self.albersextents['landcover'] = {'xmax': self.albersextents['elevation']['xmax'] + borderwidth,
                                           'xmin': self.albersextents['elevation']['xmin'] - borderwidth,
                                           'ymax': self.albersextents['elevation']['ymax'] + borderwidth,
                                           'ymin': self.albersextents['elevation']['ymin'] - borderwidth}

        # Now convert back from Albers to WGS84.
        for maptype in ['landcover', 'elevation']:
            [wxmax, wxmin, wymax, wymin] = Region.get_corners(Region.albers, Region.wgs84, self.albersextents[maptype]['xmax'], self.albersextents[maptype]['xmin'], self.albersextents[maptype]['ymax'], self.albersextents[maptype]['ymin'])
            self.wgs84extents[maptype] = {'xmax': wxmax, 'xmin': wxmin, 'ymax': wymax, 'ymin': wymin}

        # check availability of product IDs and identify specific layer IDs
        self.lclayer = self.check_availability(landcoverIDs, 'landcover')
        self.ellayer = self.check_availability(elevationIDs, 'elevation')

        # write the values to the file
        stream = file(os.path.join(self.regionfile), 'w')
        yaml.dump(self, stream)
Exemplo n.º 9
def main():
    """Builds a region."""
    # example:
    # ./BuildRegion.py --name BlockIsland

    # parse options and get results
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Builds Minecraft worlds from regions.')
    parser.add_argument('--name', required=True, type=str, \
                        help='name of the region to be built')
    parser.add_argument('--single', action='store_true', \
                        help='enable single-threaded mode for debugging or profiling')
    parser.add_argument('--safemerge', action='store_true', \
                        help='use \"safer\" method of merging tiles together')
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", action="count", \
                        help="increase output verbosity")
    parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", \
                        help="suppress informational output")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # set up logging
    log_level = klog_levels.LOG_INFO
    if args.quiet:
        log_level = klog_levels.LOG_ERROR
    if args.verbosity:
        # v=1 is DEBUG 1, v=2 is DEBUG 2, and so on
        log_level += args.verbosity
    log = klogger(log_level)

    # build the region
    log.log_info("Building region %s..." % args.name)
    yamlfile = file(os.path.join('Regions', args.name, 'Region.yaml'))
    myRegion = yaml.load(yamlfile)

    # exit if map does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(myRegion.mapname):
        log.log_fatal("No map file exists!")

    # tree and ore variables
    treeobjs = dict([(tree.name, tree) for tree in treeObjs])
    trees = dict([(name, list()) for name in treeobjs])
    oreobjs = dict([(ore.name, ore) for ore in oreObjs])
    ores = dict([(name, list()) for name in oreobjs])

    # generate overall world
    worlddir = os.path.join('Worlds', args.name)
    world = mclevel.MCInfdevOldLevel(worlddir, create=True)
    peak = [0, 0, 0]
    world = None

    # generate individual tiles
    tilexrange = xrange(myRegion.tiles['xmin'], myRegion.tiles['xmax'])
    tileyrange = xrange(myRegion.tiles['ymin'], myRegion.tiles['ymax'])
    name = myRegion.name
    tiles = [(log, name, x, y) for x, y in product(tilexrange, tileyrange)]
    if args.single:
        # single process version
        log.log_warn("Single-threaded region merge")
        for tile in tiles:
        # multi-process version
        pool = Pool()
        rs = pool.map_async(buildtile, tiles)
        while not(rs.ready()):
            remaining = rs._number_left
            log.log_info("Waiting for %s buildtile tasks to complete..." %
        pool.join()        # Just as a precaution.

    # Necessary for tile-welding -> regions
    cleanmkdir(os.path.join(worlddir, 'region'))

    # Generate regions
    if not(args.safemerge):
        regionsize = 32 * 16
        regionxrange = xrange(int(floor(myRegion.tiles['xmin'] * (myRegion.tilesize / float(regionsize)))), \
                              int(ceil(myRegion.tiles['xmax'] * (myRegion.tilesize / float(regionsize)))))
        regionyrange = xrange(int(floor(myRegion.tiles['ymin'] * (myRegion.tilesize / float(regionsize)))), \
                              int(ceil(myRegion.tiles['ymax'] * (myRegion.tilesize / float(regionsize)))))
        regions = [(log, name, x, y) for x, y in product(regionxrange, regionyrange)]
        # merge individual tiles into regions
        log.log_info("Merging %d tiles into one world..." % len(tiles))
        for tile in tiles:
            (dummy, name, x, y) = tile
            tiledir = os.path.join('Regions', name, 'Tiles', '%dx%d' % (x, y))
            if not(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tiledir, 'Tile.yaml'))):
                log.log_fatal("The following tile is missing. Please re-run this script:\n%s" % \
                      os.path.join(tiledir, 'Tile.yaml'))

        if args.single:
            # single process version
            log.log_warn("Single-threaded region merge")
            for region in regions:
            # multi-process version
            pool = Pool()
            rs = pool.map_async(buildregion, regions)
            while not(rs.ready()):
                remaining = rs._number_left
                log.log_info("Waiting for %s buildregion tasks to complete..." %
            pool.join()        # Just as a precaution.

    world = mclevel.MCInfdevOldLevel(worlddir, create=True)
    if not(args.safemerge):
        mcoffsetx = myRegion.tiles['xmin'] * myRegion.tilesize
        mcoffsetz = myRegion.tiles['ymin'] * myRegion.tilesize
        mcsizex   = (myRegion.tiles['xmax'] - myRegion.tiles['xmin']) * myRegion.tilesize
        mcsizez   = (myRegion.tiles['ymax'] - myRegion.tiles['ymin']) * myRegion.tilesize
        tilebox = box.BoundingBox((mcoffsetx, 0, mcoffsetz), (mcsizex, world.Height, mcsizez))

    for tile in tiles:
        (dummy, name, x, y) = tile
        tiledir = os.path.join('Regions', name, 'Tiles', '%dx%d' % (x, y))
        tilefile = file(os.path.join(tiledir, 'Tile.yaml'))
        newtile = yaml.load(tilefile)
        if (newtile.peak[1] > peak[1]):
            peak = newtile.peak
        for treetype in newtile.trees:
            trees.setdefault(treetype, []).extend(newtile.trees[treetype])
        if myRegion.doOre:
            for oretype in newtile.ores:
                ores.setdefault(oretype, []).extend(newtile.ores[oretype])
        if args.safemerge:
            tileworld = mclevel.MCInfdevOldLevel(tiledir, create=False)
            world.copyBlocksFrom(tileworld, tileworld.bounds, tileworld.bounds.origin)
            tileworld = False

    # plant trees in our world
    log.log_info("Planting %d trees at the region level..." % \
                 sum([len(trees[treetype]) for treetype in trees]))
    Tree.placetreesinregion(trees, treeobjs, world)

    # deposit ores in our world
    if myRegion.doOre:
        log.log_info("Depositing %d ores at the region level..." % \
                     sum([len(ores[oretype]) for oretype in ores]))
        Ore.placeoreinregion(ores, oreobjs, world)

    # tie up loose ends
    setspawnandsave(world, peak)
    oldyamlpath = os.path.join('Regions', args.name, 'Region.yaml')
    newyamlpath = os.path.join('Worlds', args.name, 'Region.yaml')
    shutil.copy(oldyamlpath, newyamlpath)
    shutil.rmtree(os.path.join('Regions', name, 'Tiles'))