def create_dataset(list):
    filter = gflags.FLAGS.filter_dat
    if not filter:
        to_remove = []
        for s1 in list:
            for s2 in list:
                if s1 != s2 and s1[-1] != 'C' and \
                        utils.eucl_dist((float(s1[1]), float(s1[2])), (float(s2[1]), float(s2[2]))) <= 1.75 and \
                        utils.eucl_dist((float(s1[3]), float(s1[4])), (float(s2[3]), float(s2[4]))) <= 1.75:
                    if s1 not in to_remove:

        print len(list)
        print len(to_remove)

        data = [x for x in list if x not in to_remove]
        data = list

    dataset = []
    for s in data:
        new_data = SignalData()
        new_data.timestep = float(s[0])
        new_data.my_pos.pose.position.x = float(s[1])
        new_data.my_pos.pose.position.y = float(s[2])
        new_data.teammate_pos.pose.position.x = float(s[3])
        new_data.teammate_pos.pose.position.y = float(s[4])
        new_data.signal_strength = float(s[5])

    return dataset
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_dataset(data_list, set):
    if set == "pre_processing":
        to_remove = []
        for d1 in data_list:
            for d2 in data_list:
                if d1 != d2 and d1[-1] != 'C' and \
                        utils.eucl_dist((float(d1[1]), float(d1[2])), (float(d2[1]), float(d2[2]))) <= 2.0 and \
                        utils.eucl_dist((float(d1[3]), float(d1[4])), (float(d2[3]), float(d2[4]))) <= 2.0:

        data = [x for x in data_list if x not in to_remove]
        data = data_list

    dataset = []
    for s in data:
        new_data = SignalData()
        new_data.timestep = float(s[0])
        new_data.my_pos.pose.position.x = float(s[1])
        new_data.my_pos.pose.position.y = float(s[2])
        new_data.teammate_pos.pose.position.x = float(s[3])
        new_data.teammate_pos.pose.position.y = float(s[4])
        new_data.signal_strength = float(s[5])

    return dataset
    def pose_callback(self, msg):
        self.x = self.robots_pos[self.robot_id][0]
        self.y = self.robots_pos[self.robot_id][1]

        if self.last_x is not None:
            self.traveled_dist += utils.eucl_dist((self.x, self.y),(self.last_x, self.last_y))

        self.last_x = self.x
        self.last_y = self.y
Exemplo n.º 4
def assignLabels(pixel, K, centroids):
    min = 1000000
    index = -1
    for i in range(0, K, 1):
        temp = utils.eucl_dist(pixel, centroids[i])
        if temp < min:
            min = temp
            index = i

    return index
Exemplo n.º 5
def create_test(im_array, data_list, resize_factor=0.1):
    XTest = []
    YTest = []

    dimX = np.size(im_array, 1) * resize_factor
    dimY = np.size(im_array, 0) * resize_factor

    test_set = []
    for d1 in data_list:
        for d2 in data_list:
            if d1 != d2 and d1[-1] != 'C' and \
                    utils.eucl_dist((float(d1[1]), float(d1[2])), (float(d2[1]), float(d2[2]))) <= 2.0 and \
                    utils.eucl_dist((float(d1[3]), float(d1[4])), (float(d2[3]), float(d2[4]))) <= 2.0:

    print "Test Set length: " + str(len(test_set))

    for s in test_set:
        XTest.append((float(s[1]), float(s[2]), float(s[3]), float(s[4])))

    return dimX, dimY, XTest, YTest
Exemplo n.º 6
def grid_points_selection():
    global start
    global goal_config

    points = []
    for i in xrange(0, len(G_E.vs)):
        )  #creating a list of vertices of the graph (for legibility)

    #removing points that are too close to each other or too close to an obstacle
    too_close = []
    for p1 in points:
        if p1 in too_close: continue
        x1 = p1['x_coord']
        y1 = p1['y_coord']
        if not all_free(int(y1), int(x1), I, J, wall_dist):
            for p2 in points:
                if p1 == p2 or p2 in too_close: continue
                x2 = p2['x_coord']
                y2 = p2['y_coord']
                if eucl_dist((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) < coeff * sel_grid_size:

    points = [x for x in points if x not in too_close]

    for point in points:
        x1 = point['x_coord']
        y1 = point['y_coord']
        vertex_id = get_closest_vertex(x1, y1)
        vertex_id = check_vertex_dist_from_obstacle(vertex_id)
        if vertex_id and vertex_id not in goal_config:


    print 'Done. Number of points: ' + str(len(goal_config))
Exemplo n.º 7
def check_vertex_dist_from_obstacle(vertex_id):
    #fixing the vertices that are too close to an obstacle
    if env_name == 'open' and (G_E.vs[vertex_id]['x_coord'] < 60
                               or G_E.vs[vertex_id]['x_coord'] > 700):
        return None  #bad discretization of the environment

    if not all_free(int(G_E.vs[vertex_id]['y_coord']),
                    int(G_E.vs[vertex_id]['x_coord']), I, J, wall_dist):
        for vertex in G_E.vs:
            if vertex == vertex_id: continue
            x1 = G_E.vs[vertex_id]['x_coord']
            y1 = G_E.vs[vertex_id]['y_coord']
            x2 = vertex['x_coord']
            y2 = vertex['y_coord']
            if eucl_dist((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) <= sel_grid_size and all_free(
                    int(y2), int(x2), I, J, wall_dist):
                vertex_id = get_closest_vertex(x2, y2)
                return vertex_id

        return None  #if no fixing vertex is found, no vertex will be added in the goal set

    return vertex_id
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_average_variance_comm_region(self, center, env):
        """Calculate average of variance centered in center over comm_range.

        center (tuple of float): x, y position, in meters.
        env (Environment): environment used.
        """minX = max(0, center[0] - self.comm_range)
        maxX = min(self.dimX, center[0] + self.comm_range)

        minY = max(0, center[1] - self.comm_range)
        maxY = min(self.dimY, center[1] + self.comm_range)

        X = np.arange(minX, maxX, 2.0)
        Y = np.arange(minY, maxY, 2.0)"""

        data = []

        for x, y in env.free_positions:
            if eucl_dist(center, (x, y)) <= self.comm_range:
                data.append((center[0], center[1], x, y))
                data.append((x, y, center[0], center[1]))
        for x in X:
            for y in Y:
                # Only for free cell and within communication range
                # calculate variance.
                ii, jj, = grid_map_cells[conv_to_hash(x, y)]
                if(env.all_free(ii, jj, env.I, env.J) and 
                    eucl_dist(center, (x,y)) <= self.comm_range):
                    data.append((center[0], center[1], x, y))
                    data.append((x, y, center[0], center[1]))

        variances = map(lambda x: x[1], self.predict(data))
        return np.mean(variances)
Exemplo n.º 9
def create_test_set(im_array,
    def all_free(ii, jj, I, J, border=None):
        if (im_array[ii][jj] == 0): return False

        if border is None: return True

        for k in xrange(ii - border, ii + border + 1):
            if k < 0 or k >= I: return False
            for w in xrange(jj - border, jj + border + 1):
                if w < 0 or w >= J: return False
                if (im_array[k][w] == 0): return False

        return True

    XTest = []
    YTest = []

    dimX = np.size(im_array, 1) * resize_factor
    dimY = np.size(im_array, 0) * resize_factor

    I = np.size(im_array, 0)
    J = np.size(im_array, 1)

    items = 0
    while items < test_set_size:
        while True:
            x1 = dimX * random.random()
            y1 = dimY * random.random()
            i1 = I - int(y1 / resize_factor)
            j1 = int(x1 / resize_factor)
            if i1 >= I or j1 >= J: continue
            if all_free(i1, j1, I, J, environment.WALL_DIST):

        while True:
            x2 = dimX * random.random()
            y2 = dimY * random.random()
            if (utils.eucl_dist((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) < comm_model.MIN_DIST
                    or utils.eucl_dist((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) >
                    comm_model.COMM_RANGE):  #gflags.FLAGS.comm_range_exp):

            i2 = I - int(y2 / resize_factor)
            j2 = int(x2 / resize_factor)
            if i2 >= I or j2 >= J: continue
            if all_free(i2, j2, I, J, environment.WALL_DIST):

        num_obstacles = numObstaclesBetweenRobots(im_array, I, (x1, y1),
                                                  (x2, y2), resize_factor)
        signal_strength = (
            comm_model.REF_SIGNAL - 10 * comm_model.PATH_LOSS * math.log10(
                utils.eucl_dist((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) / comm_model.REF_DIST) -
            min(comm_model.MAX_WALL, num_obstacles) * comm_model.WALL_ATT)

        noise = np.random.normal(0, comm_model.VAR_NOISE)
        signal_strength += noise

        #otherwise the robot has not measured it
        if signal_strength < comm_model.CUTOFF_SAFE: continue

        XTest.append((x1, y1, x2, y2))

        items += 1

    if normalized:
        print "Normalizing the test set..."
        YTest = [YTest]
        YTest_norm = preprocessing.normalize(YTest)
        YTest = YTest_norm[0]

    return dimX, dimY, XTest, YTest
Exemplo n.º 10
def voronoi_points_selection():
    global start
    global goal_config

    graph = environment_discretization()

    graph_points = []
    for vertex in graph:
        x = vertex['x_coord']
        y = vertex['y_coord']
        graph_points.append((x, y))

    vertices = []
    for vertex in G_E.vs:
        x = vertex['x_coord']
        y = vertex['y_coord']
        vertices.append((x, y))

    #Calculating Voronoi skeleton by keeping max_min distance points from the obstacles
    too_close = []
    for p1 in vertices:
        if p1 in too_close: continue
        min_dist = eucl_dist((p1[0], p1[1]),
                             (graph_points[0][0], graph_points[0][1]))
        min_coords = graph_points[0]

        for p2 in graph_points:
            dist = eucl_dist((p1[0], p1[1]), (p2[0], p2[1]))
            if dist < min_dist:
                min_dist = dist
                min_coords = p2

        for p3 in vertices:
            if p1 == p3 or p3 in too_close: continue
            if eucl_dist((p3[0], p3[1]),
                         (min_coords[0], min_coords[1])) < min_dist:

    points = [x for x in vertices if x not in too_close]

    # removing points that are too close to an obstacle
    to_remove = []
    for point in points:
        if not all_free(int(point[1]), int(point[0]), I, J, wall_dist):

    points = [x for x in points if x not in to_remove]

    # removing points that too close to each other
    cluster = []
    for p1 in points:
        if p1 in cluster: continue
        for p2 in points:
            if p1 == p2: continue
            if eucl_dist((p1[0], p1[1]),
                         (p2[0], p2[1])) < coeff * sel_grid_size:
                if p2 not in too_close:

    points = [x for x in points if x not in cluster]

    for point in points:
        vertex_id = get_closest_vertex(point[0], point[1])
        vertex_id = check_vertex_dist_from_obstacle(vertex_id)
        if vertex_id and vertex_id not in goal_config:


    print 'Done. Number of points: ' + str(len(goal_config))