Exemplo n.º 1
def manual_nodev(parcel_rejections, parcels):
    df1 = parcels.to_frame(['x', 'y']).dropna(subset=['x', 'y'])
    df2 = parcel_rejections.to_frame(['lng', 'lat'])
    df2 = df2[parcel_rejections.state == "denied"]
    df2 = df2[["lng", "lat"]]  # need to change the order
    ind = nearest_neighbor(df1, df2)

    s = pd.Series(False, parcels.index)
    s.loc[ind.flatten()] = True
    return s.astype('int')
def manual_nodev(parcel_rejections, parcels):
    df1 = parcels.to_frame(['x', 'y']).dropna(subset=['x', 'y'])
    df2 = parcel_rejections.to_frame(['lng', 'lat'])
    df2 = df2[parcel_rejections.state == "denied"]
    df2 = df2[["lng", "lat"]]  # need to change the order
    ind = nearest_neighbor(df1, df2)

    col = pd.Series(False, parcels.index)
    col.loc[ind.flatten()] = True
    return col.astype('int')
Exemplo n.º 3
def costar(store, parcels):
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(misc.data_dir(), '2015_08_29_costar.csv'))
    df["PropertyType"] = df.PropertyType.replace("General Retail", "Retail")
    df = df[df.PropertyType.isin(["Office", "Retail", "Industrial"])]
    df["costar_rent"] = df["Average Weighted Rent"].astype('float')
    df["year_built"] = df["Year Built"].fillna(1980)
    df = df.dropna(subset=["costar_rent", "Latitude", "Longitude"])

    # now assign parcel id
    df["parcel_id"] = nearest_neighbor(
        parcels.to_frame(['x', 'y']).dropna(subset=['x', 'y']),
        df[['Longitude', 'Latitude']])

    return df
Exemplo n.º 4
def costar(store, parcels):
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(misc.data_dir(), '2015_08_29_costar.csv'))
    df["PropertyType"] = df.PropertyType.replace("General Retail", "Retail")
    df = df[df.PropertyType.isin(["Office", "Retail", "Industrial"])]
    df["costar_rent"] = df["Average Weighted Rent"].astype('float')
    df["year_built"] = df["Year Built"].fillna(1980)
    df = df.dropna(subset=["costar_rent", "Latitude", "Longitude"])

    # now assign parcel id
    df["parcel_id"] = nearest_neighbor(
        parcels.to_frame(['x', 'y']).dropna(subset=['x', 'y']),
        df[['Longitude', 'Latitude']]

    return df
Exemplo n.º 5
def icp(A, B, max_iterations=10000, tolerance=0.001):

    assert A.shape == B.shape

    n = A.shape[1]

    # 构造齐次坐标
    src = np.ones((n+1,A.shape[0]))
    dst = np.ones((n+1,B.shape[0]))
    src[:n,:] = np.copy(A.T)
    dst[:n,:] = np.copy(B.T)

    error = 0

    for i in range(max_iterations):
        distances, indices = nearest_neighbor(src[:n,:].T, dst[:n,:].T)

        # print('icp distances', distances.shape[0])
        T,_,_ = register_by_SVD(src[:n,:].T, dst[:n,indices].T)

        # dst = dst[:,indices]
        # print('icp distances', distances.shape[0])
        # T,_,_ = register_by_SVD(src[:n,:].T, dst[:n,:].T)

        # 变换矩阵作用于齐次坐标
        src = np.dot(T, src)

        # check error
        new_error = np.mean(distances)
        if np.abs(error - new_error) < tolerance:
        error = new_error

    # calculate final transformation
    T,_,_ = register_by_SVD(A, src[:n,:].T)

    return T, distances, i
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_rough_fit(self):
        total_time = 0

        for i in range(TESTS_NUM):

            # ax2=fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d')
            # ax2.scatter(z2,x2,y2,c='b',marker='.',s=2,linewidth=0,alpha=1,cmap='spectral')
            # #ax.set_facecolor((0,0,0))
            # ax2.axis('scaled')
            # # ax.xaxis.set_visible(False)
            # # ax.yaxis.set_visible(False)
            # ax2.set_xlabel('X Label')
            # ax2.set_ylabel('Y Label')
            # ax2.set_zlabel('Z Label')

            start = time.time()
            T, R1, t1 = register_by_SVD(self.B, self.A)
            total_time += time.time() - start

            # Make C a homogeneous representation of B
            C = np.ones((self.A.shape[0], 4))
            C[:, 0:3] = self.B

            # Transform C
            C = np.dot(T, C.T).T

            # view_numpy_data(self.A, C)
            print(np.mean(nearest_neighbor(self.A.T, C.T))[0])
            assert np.allclose(C[:, 0:3], self.A, atol=6 *
                               NOISE_SIGMA)  # T should transform B (or C) to A
            assert np.allclose(-t1, self.t, atol=6 *
                               NOISE_SIGMA)  # t and t1 should be inverses
            assert np.allclose(R1.T, self.R, atol=6 *
                               NOISE_SIGMA)  # R and R1 should be inverses

        print('rough fit time: {:.3}'.format(total_time / TESTS_NUM))

Exemplo n.º 7
def dis_icp(A, B, max_iterations=10000, tolerance=0.001):

    assert A.shape == B.shape

    n = A.shape[1]
    # print(A)
    # print(n)

    # 构造齐次坐标
    src = np.ones((n + 1, A.shape[0]))
    dst = np.ones((n + 1, B.shape[0]))
    src[:n, :] = np.copy(A.T)
    dst[:n, :] = np.copy(B.T)

    s = src[:n, :]
    d = dst[:n, :]
    error = 0
    match_l = []

    for i in range(max_iterations):
        # distances, indices = nearest_neighbor(src[:n,:].T, dst[:n,:].T)
        distances, indices = nearest_neighbor(s.T, d.T)
        print('indices', indices)
        c = Counter(indices)
        # print(c)
        # print('d', distances.shape[0])
        # d = d[:, indices]
        max_distance = np.max(distances)
        min_distance = np.min(distances)
        diff = max_distance - min_distance
        threshold = min_distance + diff / 2

        # match_l = []
        # 剔除过大值
        while True:
            # print(distances, threshold)
            nomatch_indices = np.where(distances > threshold)[0]
            print('nomatch_indices', nomatch_indices)
            # break
            # available_indices = []
            # for m in match_indices:
            #     print(m)
            #     if Counter(m) == 1:
            #         available_indices.append(m)
            # print('available_indices', available_indices)
            # available_indices = np.array(available_indices)
            # match_indices = np.array([i[0] for i in np.argwhere(distances<threshold)])
            # print('match_indices', match_indices)
            # match_l.append(match_indices)
            # break
            # print(match_indices)
            # match_distances = np.minimum(distances, threshold)
            if distances.shape[0] * 0.8 < nomatch_indices.shape[0]:
                # print(1)
                threshold += (max_distance - threshold) / 2
                # distances = distances[match_indices]
            # else:
            #     threshold = (max_distance+threshold)/2

        # match_l.append(match_indices)

        # for d in match_distances:
        #     np.where()
        # print('min_distance', min_distance)
        # print('max_distance', max_distance)
        # print('match_indices', match_indices)
        # print('src[:n,:]', src[:n,:].shape[1], src[:n,:])
        # print('threshold', threshold)
        # s = src[:n, :]
        # d = dst[:n, indices]
        # print('match_l', len(match_l))
        # for m in match_l:
        #     print(m.shape, m)
        #     distances = distances[m]

        # for m in match_l:
        #    print(s.shape, m.shape, )
        #    s = s[:, m]
        #    d = d[:, m]
        # s = s[:, match_indices]
        # d = d[:, match_indices]
        # distances = distances[match_indices]
        # print(s.shape[1])
        # print('src[:n,:][match_indices]', s.shape[1], s)
        # print('dst[:n,indices]', dst[:n,indices])
        # print('distances', distances)
        T, _, _ = register_by_SVD(s[:, match_indices].T,
                                  d[:, indices][:, match_indices].T)
        # T,_,_ = register_by_SVD(src[:n,:].T, dst[:n,indices].T)
        # print('T', T)
        # 变换矩阵作用于齐次坐标
        src = np.dot(T, src)
        # print('before', distances)
        print('distances', distances.shape[0])
        # print('after', distances)

        # check error

        new_error = np.mean(distances)
        if np.abs(error - new_error) < tolerance:
        error = new_error

    # calculate final transformation
    T, _, _ = register_by_SVD(A, src[:n, :].T)

    return T, distances, i