def patchLibs(libdir): """Make sure that libraries can by dynamically loaded. This is a brute force approach""" saveDir = os.getcwd() # fix libVitaCFilters.dylib dir = os.path.join( libdir, "python%s/site-packages/vitamind/analyticsLib/pipelineElements" % pythonVersion) os.chdir(dir) # Fix up library references in libVitaCFilters.dylib lib = "libVitaCFilters.dylib" utils.runCommand([ "install_name_tool", "-change", "/tmp/external.buildaccount/lib/libcv.1.dylib", "./libcv.1.dylib", lib ]) utils.runCommand([ "install_name_tool", "-change", "/tmp/external.buildaccount/lib/libcxcore.1.dylib", "./libcxcore.1.dylib", lib ]) for lib in ["libcv.1.dylib", "libcxcore.1.dylib"]: try: os.remove(lib) except: pass os.symlink("../../../opencv/%s" % lib, lib) os.chdir(saveDir)
def zipFasta(self): """ Compress the fasta file """ utils.log("zipping {} ...".format(self.fastaFileName)) cmd = "bgzip -f {}".format(self.fastaFileName) utils.runCommand(cmd)
def patchLibs(libdir): """Make sure that libraries can by dynamically loaded. This is a brute force approach""" saveDir = os.getcwd() # fix libVitaCFilters.dylib dir = os.path.join( libdir, "python%s/site-packages/vitamind/analyticsLib/pipelineElements" % pythonVersion) os.chdir(dir) # Fix up library references in libVitaCFilters.dylib lib = "libVitaCFilters.dylib" utils.runCommand(["install_name_tool", "-change", "/tmp/external.buildaccount/lib/libcv.1.dylib", "./libcv.1.dylib", lib]) utils.runCommand(["install_name_tool", "-change", "/tmp/external.buildaccount/lib/libcxcore.1.dylib", "./libcxcore.1.dylib", lib]) for lib in ["libcv.1.dylib", "libcxcore.1.dylib"]: try: os.remove(lib) except: pass os.symlink("../../../opencv/%s" % lib, lib) os.chdir(saveDir)
def _downloadFasta(self, chromosome): accession = self.accessions[chromosome] fileName = '{}.fa'.format(chromosome) minPos = 0 if self.excludeReferenceMin: minPos = self.chromMinMax.getMinPos(chromosome) maxPos = self.chromMinMax.getMaxPos(chromosome) with open(fileName, "w") as outFasta: print(">{}".format(chromosome), file=outFasta) sequence = _fetchSequence(accession, minPos, maxPos) for line in sequence: print(line, file=outFasta) utils.log("Compressing {}".format(fileName)) utils.runCommand("bgzip -f {}".format(fileName)) compressedFileName = fileName + '.gz' utils.log("Indexing {}".format(compressedFileName)) utils.runCommand("samtools faidx {}".format(compressedFileName)) # Assemble the metadata. metadata = { "md5checksum": getReferenceChecksum(compressedFileName), "sourceUri": None, "ncbiTaxonId": 9606, "isDerived": False, "sourceDivergence": None, "sourceAccessions": [accession + ".subset"], } metadataFilename = "{}.json".format(chromosome) dumpDictToFileAsJson(metadata, metadataFilename)
def postProcess(self, videos, videoFile): if len(videos) is 0: return # Merge all videos configPath = os.path.join(OutputPath.DATA_OUTPUT_PATH, 'video.txt') with open(configPath, 'w') as fp: for video in videos: fp.write('file \'{}\'\n'.format(video)) fp.write('file \'{}\'\n'.format(self.separatorPath)) fp.write('file \'{}\'\n'.format(self.separatorPath)) videoPath = os.path.join(OutputPath.DATA_OUTPUT_PATH, 'all.mp4') print('Merge all to', videoPath, 'from', configPath) cmd = 'ffmpeg -y -f concat -safe 0 -i {} -c copy {}'.format(configPath, videoPath) runCommand(cmd) # Add logo self.videoPath = videoFile if self.logo: print('Add logo to', self.videoPath) cmd = 'ffmpeg -y -i {} -i {} -max_muxing_queue_size 10240 -filter_complex "overlay=10:10" {}'.format(videoPath, self.logo, self.videoPath) else: print('Rename', videoPath, 'to', self.videoPath) cmd = 'mv {} {}'.format(videoPath, self.videoPath) runCommand(cmd)
def align2sam(command, reference, fastq_file, sai_fastq_file, fastq_metadata, output_dir): """ Convert alignments to SAM format. Turn bwa sai alignments into a sam file. It uses bwa samse commandline. """ (path, name, ext) = splitPath(sai_fastq_file) if ext != '.sai': sys.exit('align2Sam: alignment file %s does not have .sai extension' % sai_fastq_file) sam_file = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fastq_file))[0]) + '.sam' sample = fastq_metadata[os.path.basename(fastq_file)]['sample'] run_id = fastq_metadata[os.path.basename(fastq_file)]['run_id'] lane = fastq_metadata[os.path.basename(fastq_file)]['lane'] identifier = fastq_metadata[os.path.basename(fastq_file)]['identifier'] readgroup_metadata = {'PL': 'ILLUMINA', 'SM': sample, 'LB': '%s_%s_%s_Lane%s' % (identifier, sample, run_id, lane), 'ID': '%s_%s_%s_Lane%s' % (identifier, sample, run_id, lane) } metadata_str = make_metadata_string(readgroup_metadata) command = command % {'out': sam_file, 'ref': reference, 'align': sai_fastq_file, 'seq': fastq_file, 'meta': metadata_str} runCommand('bwa samse alignment from fastq: %s' % sample, command) return sam_file
def createSlider(self): self.imagePath = os.path.join(self.path, 'image.mp4') if self.imageCount is 0: print('Create slider to', self.imagePath, 'from', self.background) # TODO: Use background as image cmd = 'ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i {} -c:v libx264 -t {:.2f} -pix_fmt yuv420p {}'.format(self.background, self.length, self.imagePath) runCommand(cmd) return duration = self.length / self.imageCount videoMaker = None for index in range(self.imageCount): imagePath = os.path.join(self.path, '{}.jpg'.format(index)) if not os.path.exists(imagePath): continue imageVideoPath = '{}.mp4'.format(imagePath) VideoKit.createLoopVideo(imageVideoPath, imagePath, duration) videoMaker = VideoKit.appendVideo(imageVideoPath, videoMaker) videoMaker.merge(self.imagePath)
def fastqc(command, sequences, fastq_metadata, output_dir): ''' Run FastQC on each fastq file. ''' for fastq_file in sequences: command = command % {'outdir': output_dir, 'seq': fastq_file} runCommand('Checking fastq quality', command)
def align_with_mem(command, threads, reference, fastq_file, pair_file, fastq_metadata, output_dir): ''' Perform alignment on two paired-end fastq files to a reference genome to produce a sam file. ''' (path, name, ext) = splitPath(fastq_file) (pathP, nameP, extP) = splitPath(pair_file) if ext != '.fastq' or extP != '.fastq': sys.exit('align: one of the fastq file %s or %s does not have .fastq extension' % (fastq_file, pair_file)) sam_file = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fastq_file))[0]) + '.sam' sample = fastq_metadata[os.path.basename(fastq_file)]['sample'] run_id = fastq_metadata[os.path.basename(fastq_file)]['run_id'] lane = fastq_metadata[os.path.basename(fastq_file)]['lane'] identifier = fastq_metadata[os.path.basename(fastq_file)]['identifier'] readgroup_metadata = {'PL': 'ILLUMINA', 'SM': sample, 'LB': '%s_%s_%s_Lane%s' % (identifier, sample, run_id, lane), 'ID': '%s_%s_%s_Lane%s' % (identifier, sample, run_id, lane) } metadata_str = make_metadata_string(readgroup_metadata) command = command % {'threads': threads, 'meta': metadata_str, 'ref': reference, 'seq': fastq_file , 'pair': pair_file, 'out': sam_file} runCommand('bwa mem alignment from fastq: %s' % sample, command) return sam_file
def create_executable(trunk_dir, script_dir, work_dir, target): # Go to target dir and verify there is no executable yet os.chdir(work_dir) if os.path.exists('VisionToolkit.exe'): os.remove('VisionToolkit.exe') nsis = os.path.join(trunk_dir, 'external/win32/lib/buildtools/NSIS/makensis.exe') # Copy the NSIS script to work_dir because that's where it will execute shutil.copy(os.path.join(script_dir, 'vision_toolkit.nsi'), 'vision_toolkit.nsi') assert os.path.isfile(nsis) # Build the NSIS command line cmd = [nsis, 'vision_toolkit.nsi'] #print ' '.join(cmd) # Launch NSIS and verify that the final executable has been created import utils import logging # log level was earlier set to info. We want all output from this command logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) utils.runCommand(cmd) assert os.path.isfile('VisionToolkit.exe') # Rename to target name try: shutil.move('VisionToolkit.exe', target) except Exception, e: print e raise
def build_win32(srcdir, builddir, installdir, assertions, customerRelease):"build_win32: srcdir = '%s'", srcdir)"build_win32: builddir = '%s'", builddir)"build_win32: installdir = '%s'", installdir) # deprecated os.environ["NTA"] = installdir # These are what I would like to use. Currently only used by the test project os.environ["NTAX_INSTALL_DIR"] = installdir os.environ["NTAX_BUILD_DIR"] = builddir log.debug("build_win32: srcdir: '%s'", srcdir) log.debug("build_win32: installdir: '%s'", installdir) log.debug("build_win32: builddir: '%s'", builddir) # how to quote "Release|Win32" so that it doesn't cause an error? # command = ["vcbuild", "/logcommands", "/showenv", "/time", os.path.join(srcdir, "trunk.sln")] utils.changeDir(srcdir) if customerRelease: import glob solutionFiles = glob.glob("*.sln") if len(solutionFiles) == 0: raise Exception("Unable to find any solution files in customer source release") elif len(solutionFiles) > 1: raise Exception("More than one solution file found in customer source release: %s" % solutionFiles) command = 'vcbuild /logcommands /showenv /time %s "Release|Win32"' % solutionFiles[0] else: command = 'vcbuild /logcommands /showenv /time trunk.sln "Release|Win32"' utils.runCommand(command) postbuild_win32(srcdir, installdir)
def extract(self, runLogDir): if os.path.exists(self.extract_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.extract_dir) os.makedirs(self.extract_dir) utils.runCommand( 'tar xvf %s -C %s --strip-components=1 > %s/extract%s.log.txt 2>&1' % (self.tgz, self.extract_dir, runLogDir,
def run(configfile, name): OutputPath.init(configFile) thread = ThreadWritableObject(configFile, name) thread.start() sys.stdout = thread sys.errout = thread # XXX: Actually, it does NOT work try: db = Database(configFile, 'specials') db.initialize() evaluation = Evaluation(configFile, db) evaluation.updateOverdue() path = OutputPath.getSharePath() sharePath = getProperty(configFile, 'output-share-file') cmd = '/bin/rm -f {1} && /bin/ln -s {0} {1}'.format(path, sharePath) runCommand(cmd) data = evaluation.output() with open(path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(reprDict(data)) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception, e: print 'Error occurs at','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
def createMovie(encoder='ffmpeg'): """Create a movie from a saved sequence of images. encoder is one of: 'ffmpeg, mencoder, convert' """ if not multisave: pf.warning('You need to start multisave mode first!') return names,format,quality,window,border,hotkey,autosave,rootcrop = multisave glob = names.glob() ## if glob.split('.')[-1] != 'jpg': ## pf.warning("Currently you need to save in 'jpg' format to create movies") ## return if encoder == 'convert': cmd = "convert -delay 1 -colors 256 %s output.gif" % names.glob() elif encoder == 'mencoder': cmd = "mencoder -ovc lavc -fps 5 -o output.avi %s" % names.glob() elif encoder == 'mencoder1': cmd = "mencoder \"mf://%s\" -mf fps=10 -o output1.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vbitrate=800" % names.glob() else: cmd = "ffmpeg -qscale 1 -r 1 -i %s output.mp4" % names.glob() pf.debug(cmd) utils.runCommand(cmd)
def createVrtForAOI(fvrt, year, area): verbose = CONFIG.get('verbose', False) # temp file to write doqqs into fvrtin = fvrt + '.in' # temp file for intermeadiate vrt fvrtvrt = fvrt + '.vrt' # get a list of doqqs the intersect our area of interest # and write them to a temp file files = getDoqqsForArea(year, area) fh = open(fvrtin, 'wb') for f in files: fh.write(f + "\n") fh.close() # create the intermeadiate vrt file cmd = ['gdalbuildvrt', '-input_file_list', fvrtin, fvrtvrt] runCommand(cmd, verbose) # create the final vrt file with appropriate mask band defined cmd = [ 'gdal_translate', '-b', '1', '-b', '2', '-b', '3', '-b', '5', '-mask', '4', '-of', 'VRT', fvrtvrt, fvrt ] runCommand(cmd, verbose)
def create_executable(trunk_dir, script_dir, work_dir, target): # Go to target dir and verify there is no executable yet os.chdir(work_dir) if os.path.exists('VisionDemo.exe'): os.remove('VisionDemo.exe') nsis = os.path.join(trunk_dir, 'external/win32/lib/buildtools/NSIS/makensis.exe') # Copy the NSIS script to work_dir because that's where it will execute shutil.copy(os.path.join(script_dir, 'demo.nsi'), 'demo.nsi') assert os.path.isfile(nsis) # Build the NSIS command line cmd = [nsis, 'demo.nsi'] #print ' '.join(cmd) # Launch NSIS and verify that the final executable has been created import utils import logging # log level was earlier set to info. We want all output from this command logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) utils.runCommand(cmd) assert os.path.isfile('VisionDemo.exe') # Rename to target name try: shutil.move('VisionDemo.exe', target) except Exception, e: print e print
def setLogLevel(self, level): """Sets the module log level.""" if level != Defaults.vdoLogLevel: runCommand(string.split("echo" + level + " > /sys/" + self._name + "/log_level"), shell=True, noThrow=True)
def execute(self, args): #pylint: disable=R0201 conf = Configuration(self.confFile, readonly=False) if not args.all = True try: print(_("VDO status:")) print(_(" Node: ") + runCommand(['uname', '-n'], noThrow=True, strip=True)) print(_(" Date: ") + runCommand(['date', '--rfc-3339=seconds'], noThrow=True, strip=True)) if os.getuid() != 0: print(_(" Note: not running as root," + " some status may be unavailable")) print(os.linesep.join(VDOKernelModuleService().status(""))) print(os.linesep.join(conf.status(""))) print(_("VDOs: ")) for vdo in self.getVdoServices(args, conf): print(os.linesep.join(vdo.status(" "))) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() except IOError as ex: self.log.debug("exception ignored: {0}".format(ex))
def runPlayer(path): #runCommand("export DISPLAY=:0;sudo -u dima vlc -f \"%s\" &" % path) #runCommand("sudo -u dima totem --fullscreen --display=:0 \"%s\"" % path) #runCommand("export DISPLAY=:0; sudo -u dima mplayer --fs \"%s\"" % path) #runCommand(r'"c:\Program Files (x86)\vlc-2.2.0\vlc.exe" -f "%s"' % path) runCommand( r'"c:\Program Files (x86)\K-Lite Codec Pack\MPC-HC64\mpc-hc64.exe" /fullscreen "%s"' % path)
def cleanNoPysvn(dir, doCleanup=True): if doCleanup == False: utils.runCommand("svn status --no-ignore %s" % dir) else: # Delete everythiung svn doesn't know about *except* for the top level directory, since svn can # reports the top level directory as "!" (missing") if a sub-directory is missing. # Use the xml format to avoid problems with spaces in filenames utils.runCommand("svn status --no-ignore --xml %s | grep -A1 entry | grep path= | awk -F= '{print $2}' | sed 's/>//' | grep -v \\\"%s\\\" | xargs rm -rvf" % (dir, dir), logOutputOnlyOnFailure=False)
def merge(dstVideoPath, srcVideoPath, srcAudioPath): print('Merge', srcVideoPath, 'and', srcAudioPath, 'to', dstVideoPath) cmd = 'ffmpeg -y -i {} -i {} -c copy -map \'0:v:0\' -map \'1:a:0\' {}'.format( srcVideoPath, srcAudioPath, dstVideoPath) runCommand(cmd)
def indexFasta(self): """ Create index on the fasta file """ zipFileName = "{}.gz".format(self.fastaFileName) utils.log("indexing {} ...".format(zipFileName)) cmd = "samtools faidx {}".format(zipFileName) utils.runCommand(cmd)
def compressSplits(splitFileNames): compressedFileNames = [] for splitFileName in splitFileNames: utils.log("Compressing {}".format(splitFileName)) cmd = "bgzip {}".format(splitFileName) utils.runCommand(cmd) compressedFileName = "{}.gz".format(splitFileName) compressedFileNames.append(compressedFileName) return compressedFileNames
def decompressFasta(args): fastaFileName = args.fastaFile filename, extension = os.path.splitext(fastaFileName) if extension == '.gz': utils.log("Decompressing {}".format(fastaFileName)) cmd = "gunzip {}".format(fastaFileName) utils.runCommand(cmd) fastaFileName = filename return fastaFileName
def ZipDir(zipFile, directory): if HOST_OS == 'win': cmd = os.path.normpath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../../third_party/lzma_sdk/Executable/7za.exe')) options = ['a', '-r', '-tzip'] else: cmd = 'zip' options = ['-yr'] utils.runCommand([cmd] + options + [zipFile, directory])
def applyRules(rule): print 'applying rule %s' % rule if runCommand(rule): print 'command <%s> execute failed' % rule return False rule = 'iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables' if runCommand(rule): print 'command <%s> execute failed' % rule return False return True
def run_protocol(self): #print("data",self.alignerList[0]) #if not os.path.exists("indexes"): # os.mkdir("indexes") #os.chdir("indexes") #for genome in self.inputfile: for aligner in self.alignersList: #if os.path.exists(dir): # continue #os.mkdir(dir) #os.chdir(dir) if aligner.upper() == "HISAT": objhisat = hisat(inputfile=self.inputfile, workingpath="aligners/HISAT") if (self.parameters[0]['build_index']): runCommand( objhisat.build_command ) #go to the specific directory and run the build command print("Building index file completed.") deleteFile(os.path.join( "/workingpath/", "abc")) #delete the inputfile to save the space #print("if 1",aligner.upper()) #print(cmd) elif aligner.upper() == "HISAT2": objhisat2 = hisat2(inputfile=self.inputfile, workingpath="aligners/HISAT2") if (self.parameters[1]['build_index']): runCommand(objhisat2.build_command) print("Building index file completed.") deleteFile(os.path.join( "/workingpath/", "abc")) #delete the inputfile to save the space elif aligner == "BOWTIE": cmd = "bowtie-build ../data/%s %s" % (self.inputfile, self.inputfile) elif aligner == "STAR": cmd = "../../aligners/bin/STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir . --genomeFastaFiles ../../data/%s.fa" % ( self.inputfile) elif aligner == "GSNAP": cmd = "../../aligners/bin/gmap_build -B ../../aligners/bin -D . -d %s ../../data/%s.fa" % ( self.inputfile, self.inputfile) else: print("Aligner:", aligner, " does not exist.") assert False
def install_vitamind(target_dir): """Run the script Installs ffmpeg, scipy and vitamind obfuscated pipeline to the target dir """ print 'install_vitamind() into', target_dir save_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.join(trunk_dir, 'external/src/python_modules/vitamind')) utils.runCommand(['python', '', target_dir]) os.chdir(save_dir)
def installVitamind(trunkDir, installDir): """Run the script Installs ffmpeg, scipy and vitamind obfuscated pipeline to the install dir """ print 'installVitamind()' saveDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.join(trunkDir, 'external/src/python_modules/vitamind')) utils.runCommand(['python', '', "--force", installDir]) os.chdir(saveDir)
def runTests(self): testCommands = self.parseTestCommands() for command in testCommands: expandedCommand = self.expandCommand(command) self.log('Running: "{0}"'.format(expandedCommand)) try: utils.runCommand(expandedCommand) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self.log('ERROR') return self.log('SUCCESS')
def createLoopVideo(dstVideoPath, srcImagePath, videoLength): print('Create video to', dstVideoPath, 'from', srcImagePath, 'with length', videoLength) cmd = 'ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i {} -c:v libx264 -t {:.2f} -pix_fmt yuv420p {}'.format( srcImagePath, videoLength, dstVideoPath) runCommand(cmd) return dstVideoPath
def running(self, wait=True): """Returns True if the module is loaded and DM target is available.""" retries = 20 if wait else 1 try: runCommand(string.split("lsmod | grep -q '" + self._name + "'"), shell=True, retries=retries) runCommand(string.split("dmsetup targets | grep -q " + Defaults.vdoTargetName), shell=True, retries=retries) return True except CommandError: return False
def _fsyncDirectory(self): """Open and issue an fsync on the directory containing the config file. """ dirname = os.path.dirname(self.filepath) if Command.noRunMode(): runCommand(['fsync', dirname]) return fd =, os.O_RDONLY) try: os.fsync(fd) finally: os.close(fd)
def read_gambit_neutral(fn): """Read a triangular surface mesh in Gambit neutral format. The .neu file nodes are numbered from 1! Returns a nodes,elems tuple. """ runCommand("%s/external/gambit-neu '%s'" % (GD.cfg['pyformexdir'],fn)) nodesf = changeExt(fn,'.nodes') elemsf = changeExt(fn,'.elems') nodes = fromfile(nodesf,sep=' ',dtype=Float).reshape((-1,3)) elems = fromfile(elemsf,sep=' ',dtype=int32).reshape((-1,3)) return nodes, elems-1
def annotate(command, annovar_dir, annovar_file, output_dir): ''' Annotate vcf using Annovar variant caller. ''' (path, name, ext) = splitPath(annovar_file) if ext != '.avinput': sys.exit('Annotating vcf: vcf file %s does not have .avinput extension' % annovar_file) out_prefix = os.path.join(output_dir, name) command = command % {'out': out_prefix, 'annovarfile': annovar_file, 'annovardir': annovar_dir} runCommand('Annotating with Annovar', command) return out_prefix
def convert2annovar(command, annovar_dir, vcf, output_dir): ''' Convert vcf file to Annovar variant caller .annovar ''' (path, name, ext) = splitPath(vcf) if ext != '.vcf': sys.exit('Converting to .annovar: vcf file %s does not have .vcf extension' % vcf) out_prefix = os.path.join(output_dir, name.split('.')[0]) command = command % {'out': out_prefix, 'vcf': vcf, 'annovardir': annovar_dir} runCommand('Coverting to .annovar format', command) return '.'.join([out_prefix, name.split('.')[0], 'avinput'])
def make_reference_database(command, algorithm, reference): ''' Create reference database ''' ref_database = reference + '.bwt' if os.path.exists(ref_database): print('Reference database already exists: using %s' % ref_database) else: command = command % {'algorithm': algorithm, 'prefix': reference, 'seq': reference + '.fasta'} runCommand('Creating Reference Database', command) return ref_database
def align(command, threads, reference, sequence, fastq_metadata, output_dir): ''' Align sequence reads to the reference genome. This is the bwa's first stage, bwa aln. ''' (path, name, ext) = splitPath(sequence) if ext != '.fastq': sys.exit('align: sequence file %s does not have .fastq extension' % sequence) alignment_file = os.path.join(output_dir, name + '.sai') command = command % {'out': alignment_file, 'threads': int(threads), 'ref': reference, 'seq': sequence, 'encodingflag': ''} runCommand('Running Alignment', command) return alignment_file
def read_gambit_neutral(fn): """Read a triangular surface mesh in Gambit neutral format. The .neu file nodes are numbered from 1! Returns a nodes,elems tuple. """ scr = os.path.join(pf.cfg['bindir'], 'gambit-neu ') utils.runCommand("%s '%s'" % (scr, fn)) nodesf = utils.changeExt(fn, '.nodes') elemsf = utils.changeExt(fn, '.elems') nodes = fromfile(nodesf, sep=' ', dtype=Float).reshape((-1, 3)) elems = fromfile(elemsf, sep=' ', dtype=int32).reshape((-1, 3)) return nodes, elems - 1
def summarize(command, annovar_dir, annovar_file, ver1000g, veresp, verdbsnp, genetype, buildver, output_dir): ''' Summarize information with Annovar. ''' (path, name, ext) = splitPath(annovar_file) if ext != '.avinput': sys.exit('Summarizing annotations: vcf file %s does not have .avinput extension' % annovar_file) out_prefix = os.path.join(output_dir, name) command = command % {'out': out_prefix, 'annovarfile': annovar_file, 'annovardir': annovar_dir, 'ver1000g': ver1000g, 'veresp': veresp, 'verdbsnp': verdbsnp, 'genetype': genetype, 'buildver': buildver} runCommand('Summarizing with Annovar', command) return out_prefix
def read_gambit_neutral(fn): """Read a triangular surface mesh in Gambit neutral format. The .neu file nodes are numbered from 1! Returns a nodes,elems tuple. """ scr = os.path.join(pf.cfg['bindir'],'gambit-neu ') utils.runCommand("%s '%s'" % (scr,fn)) nodesf = utils.changeExt(fn,'.nodes') elemsf = utils.changeExt(fn,'.elems') nodes = fromfile(nodesf,sep=' ',dtype=Float).reshape((-1,3)) elems = fromfile(elemsf,sep=' ',dtype=int32).reshape((-1,3)) return nodes, elems-1
def stl_to_off(stlname,offname=None,sanitize=True): """Transform an .stl file to .off format.""" if not offname: offname = changeExt(stlname,'.off') if sanitize: options = '' else: # admesh always wants to perform some actions on the STL. The -c flag # to suppress all actions makes admesh hang. Therefore we include the # action -d (fix normal directions) as the default. options = '-d' runCommand("admesh %s --write-off '%s' '%s'" % (options,offname,stlname)) return offname
def read_ascii_large(fn,dtype=Float): """Read an ascii .stl file into an [n,3,3] float array. This is an alternative for read_ascii, which is a lot faster on large STL models. It requires the 'awk' command though, so is probably only useful on Linux/UNIX. It works by first transforming the input file to a .nodes file and then reading it through numpy's fromfile() function. """ tmp = '%s.nodes' % fn runCommand("awk '/^[ ]*vertex[ ]+/{print $2,$3,$4}' '%s' | d2u > '%s'" % (fn,tmp)) nodes = fromfile(tmp,sep=' ',dtype=dtype).reshape((-1,3,3)) return nodes
def execute(self, args): #pylint: disable=R0201 conf = Configuration(self.confFile, readonly=False) if not args.all = True try: # To be consistent with previous output we must present each section as # its own rather than organizing them into one structure to dump. # Also, we gather all the info before printing it out to avoid # interspersing command info when run in verbose mode. values = {} vdoStatus = {_("VDO status"): values} values[_("Node")] = runCommand(['uname', '-n'], noThrow=True, strip=True) values[_("Date")] = runCommand(['date', '--rfc-3339=seconds'], noThrow=True, strip=True) if os.getuid() != 0: values[_("Note")] = _("Not running as root," + " some status may be unavailable") kernelStatus = { _("Kernel module"): VDOKernelModuleService().status() } confStatus = {_("Configuration"): conf.status()} vdos = {} perVdoStatus = {_("VDOs"): vdos} for vdo in self.getVdoServices(args, conf): import time start_time = time.time() try: vdos[vdo.getName()] = vdo.status() except VDOServiceError as ex: vdos[vdo.getName()] = str(ex) print "time use: {}'s".format(time.time() - start_time) # YAML adds a newline at the end. To maintain consistency with the # previous output we need to eliminate that. # print(yaml.dump(vdoStatus, default_flow_style = False)[:-1]) # print(yaml.dump(kernelStatus, default_flow_style = False)[:-1]) # print(yaml.dump(confStatus, default_flow_style = False)[:-1]) # print(yaml.dump(perVdoStatus, default_flow_style = False)[:-1]) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() except IOError as ex: self.log.debug("exception ignored: {0}".format(ex))
def filter_snps(command, command_options, gatk_dir, reference, vcf, filter_expression, output_dir): ''' Use GATK VariantFiltration to filter raw SNP calls. ''' (path, name, ext) = splitPath(vcf) command_options = command_options[1] if ext != '.vcf': sys.exit('filtering SNPs: vcf file %s does not have .vcf extension' % vcf) out_vcf = os.path.join(output_dir, name + '.filtered.vcf') command = command % {'jvmoptions': command_options, 'out': out_vcf, 'vcf': vcf, 'gatkdir': gatk_dir, 'ref': reference + '.fasta', 'expression': filter_expression} runCommand('Calling snps', command) return out_vcf
def base_qual_recal_tabulate(command, command_options, gatk_dir, reference, recal_file, alignment, output_dir): ''' GATK TableRecalibration: recalibrate base quality scores using the output of CountCovariates. ''' (path, name, ext) = splitPath(alignment) command_options = command_options[1] if ext != '.bam': sys.exit('table recalibration: alignment file %s does not have .bam extension' % alignment) recal_bam = os.path.join(output_dir, name + '.recal.bam') command = command % {'jvmoptions': command_options, 'out': recal_bam, 'recalfile': recal_file, 'bam': alignment, 'gatkdir': gatk_dir, 'ref': reference + '.fasta'} runCommand('recalibrate base quality scores', command) return recal_bam
def read_gambit_neutral_hex(fn): """Read an hexahedral mesh in Gambit neutral format. The .neu file nodes are numbered from 1! Returns a nodes,elems tuple. """ scr = os.path.join(pf.cfg['bindir'], 'gambit-neu-hex ') pf.message("%s '%s'" % (scr, fn)) utils.runCommand("%s '%s'" % (scr, fn)) nodesf = utils.changeExt(fn, '.nodes') elemsf = utils.changeExt(fn, '.elems') nodes = fromfile(nodesf, sep=' ', dtype=Float).reshape((-1, 3)) elems = fromfile(fn_e, sep=' ', dtype=int32).reshape((-1, 8)) elems = elems[:, (0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6)] return nodes, elems - 1
def voiceOut(self, stringContent): result = self.aipSpeech.synthesis(stringContent, 'zh', 1, { 'vol': 15, 'per': 0 }) if not isinstance(result, dict): path = OutputPath.getDataPath('voice', 'wav') with open(path, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(result) cmd = 'mplayer {}'.format(path) runCommand(cmd)
def remesh(self, edgelen=None): """Remesh a TriSurface. edgelen is the suggested edge length """ if edgelen is None: self.getElemEdges() E = Mesh(self.coords, self.edges, eltype='line2') edgelen = E.lengths().mean() tmp = utils.tempFile(suffix='.stl').name tmp1 = utils.tempFile(suffix='.stl').name pf.message("Writing temp file %s" % tmp) self.write(tmp, 'stl') pf.message("Remeshing using VMTK (edge length = %s)" % edgelen) cmd = "vmtk vmtksurfaceremeshing -ifile %s -ofile %s -edgelength %s" % ( tmp, tmp1, edgelen) sta, out = utils.runCommand(cmd) os.remove(tmp) if sta: pf.message("An error occurred during the remeshing.") pf.message(out) return None S = os.remove(tmp1) return S