Exemplo n.º 1
def generalIntOverMassFn(beta, mExponent, extra_integrand, h, whichp = 0):
    """       beta
    Computes I (k) (as in Cooray & Hu (2001)), integrating over the halo mass function.

    beta: order of bias coefficient (b_beta in the integrand)
    mExponent: additional (over the power of m from the logarithmic integration)
                mass exponent (put mu here)
    extra_integrand: e.g. halo density profiles
    h: halo model instance

    e.g. i11[k] = integralOverMassFn(1,1, g.int(h.fthp[k,:,:]),h)
     where the two : indices in h.fthp are for mass and concentration parameter;
     g.int integrates over concentration parameter, so g.int(h.fthp[k,:,:]) is an array
     for each mass.
    if whichp == 0:
        whichp == h.p.whichp
    if whichp == 'gg':
        integrand = h.b[beta,:]*h.m*hodMoment(mExponent,h)*h.nmz * extra_integrand

    elif whichp == 'mm':
        integrand = h.b[beta,:]*h.m*h.m**(mExponent)*h.nmz * extra_integrand
    ans = utils.simpsonRule(integrand, h.dlogm)
    return ans
Exemplo n.º 2
def intOverMassFn(beta, mExponent, karrayunnumed, h, whichp = 0, plot = 0, show = 0,colstr = ''):
    Get an integral of, e.g., halo density profiles over the mass function.
    More automatic than generalIntOverMassFn.
    Computes I (k) (as in Cooray & Hu (2001)), integrating over the halo mass function.
    beta: order of bias coefficient (b_beta in the integrand)
    mExponent: additional (over the power of m from the logarithmic integration)
                mass exponent (put mu here).
    karrayunnumed: Array of k indices to evaluate Fourier-transformed halo density profile
    h: halo model instance
    whichp: for now, 'gg' -> galaxy statistics.
                     'mm' -> matter stats.   Default: h.p.whichp

    if whichp == 0:
        whichp = h.p.whichp

    karray = M.array(karrayunnumed)

    if len(karray) != mExponent:
        print "Warning! Different number of k indices than mExponent!"
    g = utils.HGQ(5) # 5-pt Hermite-Gauss quadrature class

    uM = h.fthp[0,:,:]*0. + 1.
    g_integrand = h.fthp[0,:,:]*0. + 1.
    if whichp == 'gg':
        Right now, we've only implemented the Kravtsov-style 'satellite' halo occupation distribution,
        i.e. the HOD excluding the central galaxy.  For example, in Smith, Watts & Sheth 2006, sect. 5.4, the
        halo integrands simplify in the case of a satellite HOD in eq. 72 (one-halo P_gg) to
        <Ns(Ns-1)> |u(k)|^2 + 2 <Ns> u(k).  This second term includes the contribution of the central galaxy.
        In general, using SWS's notation, the n-galaxy convolution kernel (e.g. eq. 76) is

        W^ng(k_0, ..., k_n) = <Ns(Ns-1)...(Ns-n)> u(k_0)...u(k_n) + Sum_i <Ns...(Ns-(n-1))> u(k_0)...u(k_n)/u(k_i).
        hodNsMomentM = M.outer(hodNsMoment(mExponent,h),1.*M.ones(5))
        hodNsMomentMminus1 = M.outer(hodNsMoment(mExponent-1,h),1.*M.ones(5))
        # Leading term in mExponent; fthp(k)^mExponent
        for ki in karray:
            uM *= h.fthp[ki,:,:]

        g_integrand = hodNsMomentM*uM*1.
        #mExponent * fthp^(mExponent-1) term
        for ki in karray:
            g_integrand += hodNsMomentMminus1 * uM/h.fthp[ki,:,:]
        extra_integrand = g.int(g_integrand)

    elif whichp == 'mm':
        for ki in karray:
            g_integrand *= h.fthp[ki,:,:]
        extra_integrand = h.m**(mExponent)* g.int(g_integrand)

    integrand = h.b[beta,:]*h.m*h.nmz * extra_integrand

    if plot == 1:

    if show == 1:
    ans = utils.simpsonRule(integrand[:h.integratetoindex], h.dlogm)
    if whichp == 'gg':
        ans /= h.ngalbar**mExponent
    return ans