Exemplo n.º 1
def showNetwork(bridge):
    _netinfo = NetInfo()
    if bridge not in _netinfo.networks:
        print "Bridge %r doesn't exist" % bridge

    nics, vlan, bonding = _netinfo.getNicsVlanAndBondingForNetwork(bridge)
    print "Bridge %s: vlan=%s, bonding=%s, nics=%s" % (bridge, vlan, bonding, nics)
Exemplo n.º 2
def delNetwork(network, force=False, configWriter=None, **options):
    _netinfo = NetInfo()

    if network not in networks().keys():
        raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_BRIDGE, "Cannot delete network %r: It doesn't exist" % network)
    nics, vlan, bonding = _netinfo.getNicsVlanAndBondingForNetwork(network)
    bridged = networks()[network]['bridged']

    logging.info("Removing network %s with vlan=%s, bonding=%s, nics=%s. options=%s"%(network, vlan, bonding, nics, options))

    if not utils.tobool(force):
        if bonding:
            if set(nics) != set(_netinfo.bondings[bonding]["slaves"]):
                raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_NIC, 'delNetwork: %s are not all nics enslaved to %s' % (nics, bonding))
        if vlan:
        if bridged:
            assertBridgeClean(network, vlan, bonding, nics)

    if configWriter is None:
        configWriter = ConfigWriter()

    if not utils.tobool(options.get('skipLibvirt', False)):

    if bridged:

    if network and bridged:
        subprocess.call([constants.EXT_BRCTL, 'delbr', network])
    if vlan:
        vlandev = (bonding or nics[0]) + '.' + vlan
        subprocess.call([constants.EXT_VCONFIG, 'rem', vlandev], stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        configWriter.removeVlan(vlan, bonding or nics[0])
    if bonding:
        if not bridged or not bondingOtherUsers(network, vlan, bonding):
        if not bridged or not bondingOtherUsers(network, vlan, bonding):
    for nic in nics:
        if not bridged or not nicOtherUsers(network, vlan, bonding, nic):
        if bridged and nicOtherUsers(network, vlan, bonding, nic):
Exemplo n.º 3
    def setNewMtu(self, bridge):
        Set new MTU value to bridge and its interfaces

        :param bridge: bridge name
        :type bridge: string

        Update MTU to devices (bridge, interfaces, bonds and vlans)
        Or added a new value,
        also set the bridge to the higher value if its under vlans or bond
        _netinfo = NetInfo()
        cf = self.NET_CONF_PREF + bridge
        currmtu = self._getConfigValue(cf, 'MTU')
        if currmtu is None:

        nics, delvlan, bonding = _netinfo.getNicsVlanAndBondingForNetwork(bridge)
        if delvlan is None:

        if bonding:
            _, vlans = _netinfo.getNetworksAndVlansForBonding(bonding)
            delvlan = bonding + '.' + delvlan
            vlans = _netinfo.getVlansForNic(nics[0])
            delvlan = nics[0] + '.' + delvlan

        newmtu = None
        for vlan in vlans:
            if vlan == delvlan:
            cf = self.NET_CONF_PREF + vlan
            mtu = self._getConfigValue(cf, 'MTU')
            newmtu = max(newmtu, mtu)

        if newmtu != currmtu:
            if bonding:
                slaves = NetInfo.slaves(bonding)
                for slave in slaves:
                    cf = self.NET_CONF_PREF + slave
                    self._updateConfigValue(cf, 'MTU', newmtu, newmtu is None)
                cf = self.NET_CONF_PREF + nics[0]
                self._updateConfigValue(cf, 'MTU', newmtu, newmtu is None)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _validateNetworkSetup(networks={}, bondings={}, explicitBonding=False):
    _netinfo = NetInfo()

    # Step 1: Initial validation (validate names, existence of params, etc.)
    for network, networkAttrs in networks.iteritems():

        if networkAttrs.get('remove', False):
            if set(networkAttrs) - set(['remove']):
                raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_PARAMS, "Cannot specify any attribute when removing")
            if network not in _netinfo.networks:
                raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_BRIDGE, 'Cannot remove bridge %s: Doesn\'t exist' % network)

        vlan = networkAttrs.get('vlan', None)
        ipaddr = networkAttrs.get('ipaddr', None)
        netmask = networkAttrs.get('netmask', None)
        gateway = networkAttrs.get('gateway', None)
        if vlan:

        # Check ip, netmask, gateway
        if ipaddr:
            if not netmask:
                raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_ADDR, "Must specify netmask to configure ip for bridge")
            if gateway:
            if netmask or gateway:
                raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_ADDR, "Specified netmask or gateway but not ip")

        # check nic or bonding
        nic = networkAttrs.get('nic', None)
        bonding = networkAttrs.get('bonding', None)

        if nic and bonding:
            raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_PARAMS, "Don't specify both nic and bonding")
        if not nic and not bonding:
            raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_PARAMS, "Must specify either nic or bonding")

        if nic and nic not in _netinfo.nics:
            raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_NIC, "unknown nic: %r"%nic)

    for bonding, bondingAttrs in bondings.iteritems():
        if 'options' in bondingAttrs:
            validateBondingOptions(bonding, bondingAttrs['options'])

        if bondingAttrs.get('remove', False):
            if bonding not in _netinfo.bondings:
                raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_BONDING, 'Cannot remove bonding %s: Doesn\'t exist' % bonding)

        nics = bondingAttrs.get('nics', None)
        if not nics:
            raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_PARAMS, "Must specify nics for bonding")
        if not set(nics).issubset(set(_netinfo.nics)):
            raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_NIC, "Unknown nics in: %r"%list(nics))

    # Step 2: Make sure we have complete information about the Setup, more validation
    # (if explicitBonding==False we complete the missing information ourselves, else we raise an exception)
    nics = defaultdict(lambda: {'networks':[], 'bonding':None})
    for network, networkAttrs in networks.iteritems():
        if networkAttrs.get('remove', False):

        if 'bonding' in networkAttrs:
            assert 'nic' not in networkAttrs

            bonding = networkAttrs['bonding']
            if bonding not in bondings:
                if explicitBonding:
                    raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_PARAMS, "Network %s requires unspecified bonding %s"%(
                                             network, bonding))

                # fill in bonding info
                bondings[bonding] =  {'nics':_netinfo.bondings[bonding]['slaves']}

            if '_networks' not in bondings[bonding]:
                bondings[bonding]['_networks'] = []
            bondings[bonding]['_networks'].append( network )
            assert 'nic' in networkAttrs

            nics[networkAttrs['nic']]['networks'].append( network )

    for bonding, bondingAttrs in bondings.iteritems():
        if bondingAttrs.get('remove', False):
        connectedNetworks = _netinfo.getNetworksForNic(bonding)

        for network in connectedNetworks:
            if network not in networks:
                if explicitBonding:
                    raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_PARAMS, "Bonding %s is associated with unspecified network %s"%(
                                             bonding, network))
                # fill in network info
                _, vlan, bonding2 = _netinfo.getNicsVlanAndBondingForNetwork(network)
                assert bonding == bonding2
                networks[network] = {'bonding': bonding, 'vlan':vlan}

        for nic in bondingAttrs['nics']:
            if nics[nic]['bonding']:
                raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_BONDING, "Nic %s is attached to two different bondings in setup: %s, %s"%(
                                         nic, bonding, nics[nic]['bonding']))
            nics[nic]['bonding'] = bonding

    # At this point the state may be contradictory.

    # Step 3: Apply removals (We're not iterating because we change the dictionary size)
    queue = []
    for network, networkAttrs in networks.items():
        if networkAttrs.get('remove', False):
            del networks[network]
            queue.append(('network', network, networkAttrs))
    for bonding, bondingAttrs in bondings.items():
        if bondingAttrs.get('remove', False):
            del bondings[bonding]
            queue.append(('bonding', bonding, bondingAttrs))

    # Step 4: Verify Setup
    for nic, nicAttrs in nics.iteritems():
        networks = nicAttrs['networks']
        if networks and nicAttrs['bonding']:
            raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_USED_NIC, "Setup attached both network and bonding to nic %s"%(nic))
        if len(networks) > 1:
            for network, networkAttrs in networks.iteritems():
                if not networkAttrs.get('vlan', None):
                    raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_USED_NIC,
                            "Setup attached more than one network to nic %s, some of which aren't vlans"%(nic))

    for bonding, bondingAttrs in bondings.iteritems():
        networks = bondingAttrs['_networks']
        if len(networks) > 1:
            for network, networkAttrs in networks.iteritems():
                if not networkAttrs.get('vlan', None):
                    raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_BONDING,
                            "Setup attached more than one network to bonding %s, some of which aren't vlans"%(bonding))