Exemplo n.º 1
    def create_db(self):
        ''' Create dataset pickles from avi files
    Each pickle is a tupple : (video_nparray, video_labels) 
    where  video_nparray is an array of 500 items 
    each item is a video sequence composed by 15 frames (3s at 5fps)'''
        f = os.listdir(self.avi_dir)[0]
        vid = video.asvideo(os.path.join(self.avi_dir, f)).V
        # 500 samples of 3sec videos
        ds_data = np.ndarray((500, 15) + vid.shape[1:], dtype='int8')
        ds_labels = np.ndarray((500, 3), dtype='uint8')

        # Divide dataset into x files
        idx = 0
        for f in os.listdir(self.avi_dir):
            # print(f)
            if ".avi" in f:
                vid = video.asvideo(os.path.join(self.avi_dir, f)).V
                for idx2 in range(int(len(vid) / 15) - 1):
                    ds_data[(idx) % 500] = vid[idx2 * 15:(idx2 + 1) * 15] - 125
                    ds_labels[(idx) % 500, 0] = int(re.findall(r'\d+', f)[0])
                    ds_labels[(idx) % 500, 1] = int(re.findall(r'\d+', f)[1])
                    ds_labels[(idx) % 500, 2] = self.labels.index(
                        re.findall(r'_(.*)_d+', f)[0])
                    if idx % 500 == 0 and idx > 0:
                        # Save subset in a file
                        print(idx, " saving to ", self.db_path(int(idx / 500)))
                        self.write_db(int(idx / 500), ds_data, ds_labels)
                    idx += 1
Exemplo n.º 2
 def create_db(self):
   ''' Create dataset pickles from avi files
   Each pickle is a tupple : (video_nparray, video_labels) 
   where  video_nparray is an array of 500 items 
   each item is a video sequence composed by 15 frames (3s at 5fps)'''
   f = os.listdir(self.avi_dir)[0]
   vid = video.asvideo(os.path.join(self.avi_dir,f)).V
   # 500 samples of 3sec videos
   ds_data   = np.ndarray( (500,15)+vid.shape[1:] , dtype='int8')
   ds_labels = np.ndarray( (500,3), dtype='uint8')
   # Divide dataset into x files
   # there is a mistake at (idx+idx2)%500 with overlap possibilities at 501 == 1
   idx = 0
   for f in os.listdir(self.avi_dir):
     # print(f)
     if ".avi" in f:
       vid = video.asvideo(os.path.join(self.avi_dir,f)).V
       for idx2 in range(int(len(vid)/15)-1):
         ds_data[(idx)%500] = vid[idx2*15 : (idx2+1)*15 ]-125
         ds_labels[(idx)%500,0] = int(re.findall(r'\d+', f)[0])
         ds_labels[(idx)%500,1] = int(re.findall(r'\d+', f)[1])
         ds_labels[(idx)%500,2] = self.labels.index( re.findall(r'_(.*)_d+', f)[0] )
         if idx % 500 == 0 and idx > 0: 
           # Save subset in a file
           print(idx," saving to ", self.db_path(int(idx/500)))
           self.write_db(int(idx/500), ds_data, ds_labels)
         idx += 1
Exemplo n.º 3
def match_ncc(T,A):
	''' Implements normalized cross-correlation of the template to the search video A

        Will do weighting of the template inside here...
	szT   = T.shape
	szA   = A.shape

	# leave this in here if you want to weight the template
	W = 1 - T[:,:,:,6] - T[:,:,:,4]
	T = T*W.reshape([szT[0],szT[1],szT[2],1])


	M = np.zeros([szA[0],szA[1],szA[2]],dtype=np.float32)

	for i in range(7):
		if i==4 or i==6:

		t = np.squeeze(T[:,:,:,i])

		# need to zero-mean the template per the normxcorr3d function below
		t = t - t.mean()
		M = M + normxcorr3d(t,np.squeeze(A[:,:,:,i]))

	M = M / 5

	return M
Exemplo n.º 4
def featurize_video(vid_in,factor=1,maxcols=None,lock=None):
      Takes a video, converts it into its 5 dim of "pure" oriented energy.
      This is a slight deviation from the original Action Spotting method, which uses 
      all 7 dimensions.  We found the extra two dimensions (static and lack of structure) 
      to decrease performance and sharpen the other 5 motion energies when used to remove

      Input: vid_in is either a numpy video array or a path to a video file
        lock is a multiprocessing.Lock that is needed if this is being called
              from multiple threads.
    # Converting video to video object (if needed)
    if type(vid_in) is video.Video:
        svid_obj = vid_in

    if svid_obj.V.shape[3] > 1:

    # Calculating and storing the 7D feature videos for the search video

    # Compressing all search feature videos to a single 7D array.

    #do not force a downsampling.  

    # Taking away static and structure features and normalising again
    fin = normalize(takeaway(linstretch(search_final)))

    return fin
Exemplo n.º 5
def split(V):
	''' split a N-band image into a 1-band image side-by-side, like pretty

	sz = np.asarray(V.shape)

	n      = sz[3]
	sz[3]  = 1
	w      = sz[2]
	sz[2] *= n

	A = np.zeros(sz,dtype=np.float32)

	for i in np.arange(n):
		A[:,:,i*w:(i+1)*w,0] = V[:,:,:,i]

	return video.asvideo(A)
Exemplo n.º 6
def human_detection(video_filename, output_file, downsample_factor, threshold):
    ''' This function does video processing (background subtraction) then
        does human detection on raw video and maps its output to
        background subtracted video using the input argument threshold.''' 
    global video_file
    global downsampling_factor
    video_file = video_filename
    downsampling_factor = downsample_factor

    if os.path.isfile(video_file)==False:
        raise IOError(video_file + ' not found')

    vid = video.asvideo(video_file, downsampling_factor)
    # Do Background Subtraction
    W = bs.remove_background(vid)
    human_detection_processing(vid, W, output_file, threshold)

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 7
def pretty(*args):
    Takes the argument videos, assumes they are all the same size, and drops them into
    one monster video, row-wise.

    n  = len(args)
    if type(args[0]) is video.Video:
        sz = np.asarray(args[0].V.shape)
    else:  # assumed it is a numpy.ndarray
        sz = np.asarray(args[0].shape)
    w  = sz[2]
    sz[2] *= n

    A = np.zeros(sz,dtype=np.float32)

    if type(args[0]) is video.Video:
        for i in np.arange(n):
            A[:,:,i*w:(i+1)*w,:] = args[i].V
    else:  #assumed it is a numpy.ndarray
        for i in np.arange(n):
            A[:,:,i*w:(i+1)*w,:] = args[i]

    return video.asvideo(A)
Exemplo n.º 8
def ret_7D_video_objs(V):
	return [(video.asvideo(V[:,:,:,0]),video.asvideo(V[:,:,:,0]),video.asvideo(V[:,:,:,0]),video.asvideo(V[:,:,:,0]),video.asvideo(V[:,:,:,0]),video.asvideo(V[:,:,:,0]),video.asvideo(V[:,:,:,0]),video.asvideo(V[:,:,:,0]))]
Exemplo n.º 9
def calc_spatio_temporal_energies(vid):
    This function returns a 7 Feature per pixel video corresponding to 7 energies oriented towards the left, right, up, down, flicker, static and 'lack of structure' 	  spatio-temporal energies.

    JJC:  Returned as a list of seven grayscale-videos
    #print 'Generating G3 basis Filters.. Function definition in G3H3_helpers.py'
    ,G3j_img) = imgInit3DG3(vid)

    #'Unit normals for each spatio-temporal direction. Used in eq 3 of paper'
    root2 = 1.41421356
    leftn_hat    =  ([-1/root2, 0,      1/root2])
    rightn_hat   =	([1/root2,  0,      1/root2])
    downn_hat    =	([0,        1/root2,1/root2])
    upn_hat      =	([0,       -1/root2,1/root2])
    flickern_hat =	([0,        0,      1      ])
    staticn_hat  =	([1/root2,  1/root2,0      ])

    e_axis = ([0,1,0])

    #print('Calculating Left Oriented Energy')	
    energy_left= calc_total_energy(leftn_hat,e_axis,G3a_img,G3b_img,G3c_img,G3d_img,G3e_img,G3f_img,G3g_img,G3h_img,G3i_img,G3j_img)

    #print('Calculating Right Oriented Energy')	
    energy_right= calc_total_energy(rightn_hat,e_axis,G3a_img,G3b_img,G3c_img,G3d_img,G3e_img,G3f_img,G3g_img,G3h_img,G3i_img,G3j_img)

    #print('Calculating Up Oriented Energy')	
    energy_up= calc_total_energy(upn_hat,e_axis,G3a_img,G3b_img,G3c_img,G3d_img,G3e_img,G3f_img,G3g_img,G3h_img,G3i_img,G3j_img)

    #print('Calculating Down Oriented Energy')	
    energy_down= calc_total_energy(downn_hat,e_axis,G3a_img,G3b_img,G3c_img,G3d_img,G3e_img,G3f_img,G3g_img,G3h_img,G3i_img,G3j_img)

    #print('Calculating Static Oriented Energy')
    energy_static= calc_total_energy(staticn_hat,e_axis,G3a_img,G3b_img,G3c_img,G3d_img,G3e_img,G3f_img,G3g_img,G3h_img,G3i_img,G3j_img)

    #print('Calculating Flicker Oriented Energy')
    energy_flicker= calc_total_energy(flickern_hat,e_axis,G3a_img,G3b_img,G3c_img,G3d_img,G3e_img,G3f_img,G3g_img,G3h_img,G3i_img,G3j_img)
    #print 'Normalising Energies'

    #print ("normalize with c %d" %c)

    # norm_energy is the sum of the consort planar energies. c is the epsillon value in eq5
    norm_energy = 		  energy_left    \
                        + energy_right   \
                + energy_up      \
                + energy_down    \
                + energy_static  \
                + energy_flicker \
                + c

    # Normalisation with consort planar energy
    vid_left_out     = video.asvideo( energy_left    / ( norm_energy ))
    vid_right_out    = video.asvideo( energy_right   / ( norm_energy ))
    vid_up_out       = video.asvideo( energy_up      / ( norm_energy ))
    vid_down_out     = video.asvideo( energy_down    / ( norm_energy ))
    vid_static_out   = video.asvideo( energy_flicker / ( norm_energy ))
    vid_flicker_out  = video.asvideo( energy_static  / ( norm_energy ))
    vid_structure_out= video.asvideo( c              / ( norm_energy ))

    #print 'Done'
    print str((te-ts)) + ' Seconds to execution (calculating energies)'
    return   vid_left_out      \
            ,vid_right_out     \
            ,vid_up_out        \
            ,vid_down_out      \
            ,vid_static_out    \
            ,vid_flicker_out   \
Exemplo n.º 10
def random_video(factor=4):
    '''Gets a random istare video filename'''
    ind = random.randrange(0, len(video_fnames))
    vid = video.asvideo(video_fnames[ind], factor)
    return vid
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_video(fname_part, factor=4, frames=None):
    '''Can specify all or part of the file name. Note that the video ID is the 
    first set of hex code in the file name. frames is a list of frames to get 
    with default to get all frames.'''
    return video.asvideo(get_video_path(fname_part), factor, frames)