Exemplo n.º 1
def change_password(step, password):
    step("### Changing password to \"%s\" ###\n" % password)
    switch = switches[0]
    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp1_asn)
    cfg_array.append("neighbor %s password %s" % (bgp1_neighbor, password))
    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)
Exemplo n.º 2
def verify_routes_received(step):
    step("### Verifying routes received... ###\n")

    switch = switches[0]

    # Network of BGP2 should be permitted by BGP1
    network = ""
    next_hop = ""

    step("### Verifying route for switch %s ###\n" % switch.name)
    step("### Network: %s, Next-hop: %s - Should exist... ###\n" %
         (network, next_hop))

    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop)

    assert found, "Route %s -> %s exists on %s" % \
                  (network, next_hop, switch.name)

    # Network of BGP3 should NOT be permitted by BGP1
    network = ""
    next_hop = ""
    verify_route_exists = False

    step("### Verifying routes for switch %s ###\n" % switch.name)
    step("### Network: %s, Next-hop: %s - Should NOT exist... ###\n" %
         (network, next_hop))

    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop,

    assert not found, "Route %s -> %s does not exist on %s" % \
                      (network, next_hop, switch.name)

    # Network of BGP1 should be permitted by BGP2
    switch = switches[1]
    network = ""
    next_hop = ""

    step("### Verifying route for switch %s ###\n" % switch.name)
    step("### Network: %s, Next-hop: %s - Should exist... ###\n" %
         (network, next_hop))

    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop)

    assert found, "Route %s -> %s exists on %s" % \
                  (network, next_hop, switch.name)

    # Network of BGP1 should be permitted by BGP3
    switch = switches[2]
    network = ""
    next_hop = ""

    step("### Verifying route for switch %s ###\n" % switch.name)
    step("### Network: %s, Next-hop: %s - Should exist... ###\n" %
         (network, next_hop))

    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop)

    assert found, "Route %s -> %s exists on %s" % \
                  (network, next_hop, switch.name)
Exemplo n.º 3
def verify_no_route_map_match(step):
    step("\n########## Verifying no route-map match ##########\n")
    step("### Removing route-map configuration ###\n")
    switch = switches[0]
    routemap = bgp_config1.routemaps[0]
    prefixlist = routemap[1]
    action = routemap[3]

    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("route-map %s %s %d" %
                     (prefixlist.name, action, prefixlist.seq_num))
    cfg_array.append("no match ip address prefix-list %s" % prefixlist.name)

    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)


    step("### Verifying first network of BGP1 received on BGP2 ###\n")
    switch = switches[1]
    network = bgp_config1.networks[0]
    next_hop = bgp_config1.routerid

    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop)

    assert found, "Route %s -> %s was not found on %s" % \
                  (network, next_hop, switch.name)

    step("### Previously denied network is now present in BGP2 ###\n")
Exemplo n.º 4
def apply_bgp_config(step):
    global all_cfg_array
    step("\n########## Applying BGP configurations... ##########\n")
    all_cfg_array = []

    i = 0
    for bgp_cfg in bgpconfigarr:
        step("### Applying configurations for BGP: %s ###\n" %
        cfg_array = []

        if i == 0:
            step("### Applying community list configurations for BGP1")
            cfg_array.append("ip community-list BGP_IN permit 2:0")
            cfg_array.append("ip community-list BGP_IN deny 3:0")
            step("### Applying route-map configurations for BGP1")
            cfg_array.append("route-map BGP_RMAP permit 10")
            cfg_array.append("match community BGP_IN")

        if i == 1:
            cfg_array.append("route-map BGP_2 permit 10")
            cfg_array.append("set community 2:0")

        if i == 2:
            cfg_array.append("route-map BGP_3 permit 10")
            cfg_array.append("set community 3:0")

        SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switches[i], cfg_array)

        del cfg_array[:]

        # Initiate BGP configuration
        cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp_cfg.asn)
        cfg_array.append("bgp router-id %s" % bgp_cfg.routerid)

        # Add the networks this bgp will be advertising
        for network in bgp_cfg.networks:
            cfg_array.append("network %s/%s" % (network, default_pl))

        if i == 0:
            cfg_array.append("neighbor remote-as 3")
            cfg_array.append("neighbor route-map BGP_RMAP in")
            cfg_array.append("neighbor remote-as 2")
            cfg_array.append("neighbor route-map BGP_RMAP in")

        if i == 1:
            cfg_array.append("neighbor remote-as 1")
            cfg_array.append("neighbor route-map BGP_2 out")

        if i == 2:
            cfg_array.append("neighbor remote-as 1")
            cfg_array.append("neighbor route-map BGP_3 out")

        SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switches[i], cfg_array)

        # Add the configuration arrays to an array so that it can be used
        # for verification later.

        i += 1
def unconfigure_neighbor_bgp(step):
    step("\n########## Unconfiguring neighbor for BGP1... ##########\n")

    switch = switches[0]

    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp1_asn)
    cfg_array.append("no neighbor %s" % bgp1_neighbor)
    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)
def configure_bgp(step):
    step("\n########## Applying BGP configurations... ##########\n")

    i = 0
    for switch in switches:
        cfg_array = bgp_configs[i]
        i += 1

        SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)
Exemplo n.º 7
def configure_bgp(step):
    step("\n########## Configuring BGP on all switches.. ##########\n")

    i = 0
    for switch in switches:
        cfg_array = bgp_configs[i]
        i += 1

        SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)
Exemplo n.º 8
def configure_bgp(step):
    step("\n########## Configuring BGP on all switches.. ##########\n")

    i = num_of_switches - 1
    for iteration in range(num_of_switches):
        switch = switches[i]
        cfg_array = bgp_configs[i]
        i -= 1

        SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)
Exemplo n.º 9
def unconfigure_remove_private_as(step):
    step("### Unconfiguring remove private AS for BGP2... ###\n")

    switch = switches[1]

    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp2_asn)
    cfg_array.append("no neighbor %s remove-private-AS" % bgp2_neighbor)

    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)
Exemplo n.º 10
def unconfigure_peer_group(step):
    switch = switches[0]

    step("\n########## Unconfiguring peer-group on %s ##########\n" %

    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp1_asn)
    cfg_array.append("no neighbor %s peer-group %s" %
                     (bgp1_neighbor, bgp_peer_group))

    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)
Exemplo n.º 11
def change_to_no_neighbor_password(step):
    step("### Unsetting password ###\n")

    switch = switches[0]
    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp1_asn)
    cfg_array.append("no neighbor %s password" % bgp1_neighbor)
    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)

    switch = switches[1]
    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp2_asn)
    cfg_array.append("no neighbor %s password" % bgp2_neighbor)
    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)
def verify_routes_received(step):
    step("### Verifying routes received... ###\n")

    # Check route on switch 1
    switch = switches[0]
    neighbor = bgp_config1.neighbors[0]
    network = neighbor.networks[0]
    next_hop = neighbor.routerid

    step("### Verifying route for switch %s ###\n" % switch.name)
    step("### Network: %s, Next-hop: %s - Should exist... ###\n" %
         (network, next_hop))

    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop)

    assert found, "Route %s -> %s does not exist on %s" \
                  % (network, next_hop, switch.name)

    # Check routes on switch 2
    switch = switches[1]
    neighbor = bgp_config2.neighbors[0]

    # Second network should not exist.
    network = neighbor.networks[1]
    next_hop = neighbor.routerid
    route_should_exist = False

    step("### Verifying routes for switch %s ###\n" % switch.name)
    step("### Network: %s, Next-hop: %s - Should NOT exist... ###\n" %
         (network, next_hop))

    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop,

    assert \
        not found, "Route %s -> %s exists on %s" % (network, next_hop,

    # First network should not exist.
    network = neighbor.networks[0]

    step("### Network: %s, Next-hop: %s - Should NOT exist... ###\n" %
         (network, next_hop))

    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop,

    assert not found, "Route %s -> %s exists on %s" \
                      % (network, next_hop, switch.name)
def verify_bgp_route(step, switch, network, next_hop):
    step("### Checking for route: %s --> %s ###\n" % (network, next_hop))

    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop)

    assert found, "Could not find route (%s -> %s) on %s" % \
                  (network, next_hop, switch.name)
Exemplo n.º 14
def verify_bgp_route_doesnt_exists(step, switch, network, next_hop):
    route_should_exist = False
    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop,

    assert not found, "Route should not exist (%s -> %s) on %s" % \
                      (network, next_hop, switch.name)
Exemplo n.º 15
def verify_no_set_metric_and_community_values(step):
    step("\n########## Verifying no community and no "
         "set metric values ##########\n")

    step("### Setting no set metric and no community on BGP1 ###\n")
    switch = switches[0]
    # Network 2 of BGP1 is the permitted route
    network = bgp_config1.networks[1]
    next_hop = bgp_config1.routerid
    routemap = bgp_config1.routemaps[0]
    prefixlist = routemap[1]
    action = routemap[3]
    metric = routemap[4]

    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("route-map %s %s %d" %
                     (prefixlist.name, action, prefixlist.seq_num))
    cfg_array.append("no set metric")
    cfg_array.append("no set community")

    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)


    step("### Verifying no set metric. Metric should not exist ###\n")
    switch = switches[1]
    cmd = "show ip bgp"
    routes = switch(cmd).split("\r\n")

    metric_found = False
    for rte in routes:
        if (network in rte) and (next_hop in rte) and (metric in rte):
            metric_found = True

    assert not metric_found, "Metric was found"

    step("### Metric was successfully unset on BGP1 ###\n")
    step("### Verifying no set community ###\n")

    cmd = "sh ip bgp %s" % network
    network_info = switch(cmd)

    assert rm_community not in network_info, "Community should not be set"

    step("### Community value was successfully unset ###\n")
Exemplo n.º 16
def verify_route(step):
    step("### Verifying BGP route exists ###\n")

    switch = switches[0]
    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, bgp3_network,
    assert found, "Route %s -> %s was not found" % (bgp3_network,
Exemplo n.º 17
def apply_bgp_config(step):
    global all_cfg_array
    step("\n########## Applying BGP configurations... ##########\n")
    all_cfg_array = []

    i = 0
    for bgp_cfg in bgpconfigarr:
        step("### Applying configurations for BGP: %s ###\n" %
        cfg_array = []

        # Add any prefix-lists
        add_prefix_list_configs(bgp_cfg, cfg_array)

        SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switches[i], cfg_array)

        del cfg_array[:]

        # Initiate BGP configuration
        cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp_cfg.asn)
        cfg_array.append("bgp router-id %s" % bgp_cfg.routerid)

        # Add the networks this bgp will be advertising
        for network in bgp_cfg.networks:
            cfg_array.append("network %s/%s" % (network, default_pl))

        # Add the neighbors of this switch
        for neighbor in bgp_cfg.neighbors:
            cfg_array.append("neighbor %s remote-as %s" %
                             (neighbor.routerid, neighbor.asn))

        if bgp_cfg.asn is "1":
            # Add the neighbor prefix-list configs
            add_neighbor_prefix_list_configs(step, cfg_array)

        SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switches[i], cfg_array)


        # Add the configuration arrays to an array so that it can be used
        # for verification later.

        i += 1
Exemplo n.º 18
def verify_no_peer_group(step):
    step("\n########### Verifying no peer-group ##########\n")
    step("### Removing peer-group ###\n")

    switch = switches[0]
    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp1_asn)
    peer_group_cfg = "neighbor %s" % bgp_peer_group
    cfg_array.append("no %s" % peer_group_cfg)

    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)

    step("### Verifying peer-group config removed ###\n")

    exists = SwitchVtyshUtils.verify_cfg_exist(switch, [peer_group_cfg])

    assert not exists, "Peer-group was not unconfigured"

    step("### Peer-group unconfigured successfully ###\n")
Exemplo n.º 19
def verify_configs(step):
    step("\n########## Verifying all configurations.. ##########\n")

    for i in range(0, len(bgp_configs)):
        bgp_cfg = bgp_configs[i]
        switch = switches[i]

        for cfg in bgp_cfg:
            res = SwitchVtyshUtils.verify_cfg_exist(switch, [cfg])
            assert res, "Config \"%s\" was not correctly configured!" % cfg
Exemplo n.º 20
def verify_neighbor_password(step):
    step("\n########## Verifying neighbor password ##########\n")

    switch = switches[1]
    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, bgp1_network,

    assert found, "TCP connection not established(%s -> %s) on %s" % \
                  (bgp1_network, bgp1_router_id, switch.name)

    step("### Connection established succesfully ###\n")
Exemplo n.º 21
def verify_no_connection(step):
    step("### Verifying no connection ###\n")

    switch = switches[1]
    verify_route_exists = False

    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, bgp1_network,

    assert not found, "TCP connection should not be established"
Exemplo n.º 22
def verify_no_ip_community(step):
    step("\n########## Verifying no ip prefix-list ##########\n")
    switch = switches[0]

    cmd = "no ip community-list BGP_IN"

    step("### Unconfiguring ip community-list BGP_IN ###\n")
    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, [cmd])

    cfg = "ip community-list BGP_IN permit 2:0"
    step("### Checking ip community-list config ###\n")
    exists = SwitchVtyshUtils.verify_cfg_exist(switch, [])
    assert not exists, "Config \"%s\" was not removed" % cfg

    cfg = "ip community-list BGP_IN permit 3:0"
    step("### Checking ip community-list config ###\n")
    exists = SwitchVtyshUtils.verify_cfg_exist(switch, [])
    assert not exists, "Config \"%s\" was not removed" % cfg

    step("### ip community-list  configs were successfully removed ###\n")
def verify_bgp_route_removed(step, switch, network, next_hop):
    step("\n########## Verifying route %s --> %s "
         "on switch %s removed... ##########\n" %
         (network, next_hop, switch.name))

    verify_route_exists = False
    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop,

    assert not found, "Route (%s) was not successfully removed" % network

    step("### Route successfully removed ###\n")
Exemplo n.º 24
def reconfigure_neighbor(step):
    step("### Reset connection from BGP2 via reconfiguring neighbor ###\n")
    switch = switches[1]
    neighbor = bgp_config2.neighbors[0]

    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp_config2.asn)
    cfg_array.append("no neighbor %s" % neighbor.routerid)

    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)

    step("### Waiting for route to be removed ###\n")
    network = neighbor.networks[1]
    next_hop = neighbor.routerid
    route_should_exist = False

    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop,

    assert not found, "Route %s -> %s exists on %s" \
                      % (network, next_hop, switch.name)

    step("### Reconfiguring neighbor (BGP1) on BGP2 ###\n")
    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp_config2.asn)
    cfg_array.append("neighbor %s remote-as %s" %
                     (neighbor.routerid, neighbor.asn))
    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)

    step("### Waiting for route to be received again ###\n")

    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop)

    assert found, "Route %s -> %s was not found on %s" \
                  % (network, next_hop, switch.name)
Exemplo n.º 25
def verify_advertised_routes(step):
    step("### Verifying advertised routes... ###\n")
    i = 0
    for bgp_cfg in bgpconfigarr:
        switch = switches[i]
        next_hop = ""

        for network in bgp_cfg.networks:
            found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop)

            assert found, "Could not find route (%s -> %s) on %s" % \
                          (network, next_hop, switch.name)

        i += 1
Exemplo n.º 26
def verify_bgp_configs(step):
    step("\n########## Verifying all configurations.. ##########\n")

    i = 0
    for switch in switches:
        bgp_cfg_array = all_cfg_array[i]

        for cfg in bgp_cfg_array:
            res = SwitchVtyshUtils.verify_cfg_exist(switch, [cfg])
            assert res, "Config \"%s\" was not correctly configured!" % cfg

        i += 1

    step("### All configurations were verified successfully ###\n")
Exemplo n.º 27
def reconfigure_neighbor(step):
    step("### Reconfiguring neighbor to refresh routes ###\n")
    switch = switches[0]
    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp1_asn)
    cfg_array.append("no neighbor %s" % bgp1_neighbor)
    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)

    step("### Verifying route removed prior to proceeding ###\n")
    network = bgp3_network
    next_hop = bgp2_router_id
    route_should_exist = False
    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop,

    assert not found, "Route %s -> %s still exists" % (network, next_hop)

    step("### Configuring neighbor again... ###\n")
    cfg_array = []
    cfg_array.append("router bgp %s" % bgp1_asn)
    cfg_array.append("neighbor %s remote-as %s" %
                     (bgp1_neighbor, bgp1_neighbor_asn))
    SwitchVtyshUtils.vtysh_cfg_cmd(switch, cfg_array)
Exemplo n.º 28
def verify_bgp_route_removed(step):
    step("\n########## Verifying route removed after "
         "peer removed from peer-group ##########\n")

    switch = switches[1]
    network = bgp1_network
    next_hop = bgp1_router_id
    verify_route_exists = False

    # Verify that the neighbor's route info should be removed.
    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop,

    assert not found, "Route still exists! (%s -> %s) on %s" % \
                      (network, next_hop, switch.name)
Exemplo n.º 29
def verify_bgp_route_exists(step, switch, network, next_hop):
    found = SwitchVtyshUtils.wait_for_route(switch, network, next_hop)

    assert found, "Could not find route (%s -> %s) on %s" % \
                  (network, next_hop, switch.name)