Exemplo n.º 1
def like(req):
    r = {
    if req.get_method() == "POST":
        blog_id = req.get_form_var('bid', '')
        single = req.get_form_var('single', '0')
        single = single == '1'
        blog = Blog.get(blog_id)
        if blog and req.user and not blog.is_liked(req.user.id):
            blog = Blog.get(blog.id)
            r = {
                'inner_html': stf("/blog/utils.html", "blog_ui_inline", b=blog, req=req, single=single),
            for t in blog.topics:
                html = str(stf("/blog/utils.html", "blog_ui_inline", b=blog, single=False, req=req))
                data = {
                        'blog_id': blog.id,
                        'inner_html': html
                publish_channel_msg('me-topic-%s' % t.id, data)

    return json.dumps(r)
Exemplo n.º 2
def comment(req):
    r = {
    if req.get_method() == "POST":
        blog_id = req.get_form_var('bid', '')
        blog = Blog.get(blog_id)
        content = req.get_form_var('content', '').strip()
        single = req.get_form_var('single', '0')
        single = single == '1'
        upload_file = req.get_form_var("update_file", None)
        #print 'j comment', blog_id, content
        if blog and req.user and content:
            filename = ''
            ftype = ''
            if upload_file:
                filename = upload_file.tmp_filename
                ftype = upload_file.content_type
            blog.comment(req.user.id, content, filename, ftype)
            blog = Blog.get(blog.id)
            r = {
                'inner_html': stf("/blog/utils.html", "blog_ui_inline", b=blog, req=req, single=single),
            for t in blog.topics:
                html = str(stf("/blog/utils.html", "blog_ui_inline", b=blog, single=False, req=req))
                data = {
                        'blog_id': blog.id,
                        'inner_html': html
                publish_channel_msg('me-topic-%s' % t.id, data)
    return json.dumps(r)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def remove(self, req):
     blog = self.blog
     if blog.btype == blog.TYPE_THREAD:
         return req.redirect("/thread/%s/remove" % blog.id)
     if req.user and req.user.id == self.blog.user_id:
         Blog.remove(self.blog.id, req.user.id)
     return req.redirect("/update")
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: card.py Projeto: fordream/me
    def update_photo_data(self, data):
        success = False
        old_id = self.photo_id
            new_id = old_id + 1
            doubanfs.set("/me/card/%s/photo/%s/%s" % (self.id, new_id, Cate.ORIGIN), data)
            from webapp.models.utils import scale
            d = scale(data, Cate.LARGE, DEFAULT_CONFIG)
            doubanfs.set("/me/card/%s/photo/%s/%s" % (self.id, new_id, Cate.LARGE), d)
            print "update photo success photo_id=%s" % new_id
            store.execute("update me_card set `photo`=%s where `user_id`=%s", (new_id, self.id))
            success = True
            print "doubanfs write fail!!! %s" % self.id
            self.photo_id = old_id
            store.execute("update me_card set `photo`=`photo`-1 where `user_id`=%s", self.id)
            doubanfs.delete("/me/card/%s/photo/%s/%s" % (self.id, new_id, Cate.LARGE))
            doubanfs.delete("/me/card/%s/photo/%s/%s" % (self.id, new_id, Cate.ORIGIN))
            print 'rollback photo to old_id', old_id

        if success:
            Notify.new(self.id, self.id, Notify.TYPE_CHANGE_PHOTO, extra={'photo_id':new_id})
            print "send change photo blog"
            from webapp.models.blog import Blog
            Blog.new(self.id, Blog.TYPE_BLOG, Blog.BLOG_ICON, extra={'photo_id':new_id})

        doubanmc.delete(self.MC_KEY % self.id)
        doubanmc.delete(self.MC_KEY % self.uid)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def send_blog(cls, card_id, author_id, ntype, extra={}, ctime=None):
     from webapp.models.blog import Blog
             cls.TYPE_PHOTO_LIKE, cls.TYPE_PHOTO_TAG, cls.TYPE_REC,
     #print 'send_blog', ntype, TYPES, ntype in TYPES
     if ntype in TYPES:
         extra = extra
         extra['author_id'] = author_id
         #print 'do send_blog', ntype
         Blog.new(card_id, Blog.TYPE_NOTIFY, ntype, extra=extra, ctime=ctime)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def update(self, req):
        req.nav = '/update'
        start = req.get_form_var('start')
        limit = req.get_form_var('count', 20)
        cate = req.get_form_var('cate', 'b')
        topic_num, topics = Topic.gets()
        start = start and str(start).isdigit() and int(start) or 0
        limit = limit and str(limit).isdigit() and int(limit) or 0
        error = None
        prefix = "/update?cate=%s&" % cate
        print 'update', error, req.get_method(), req.get_method() == "POST"
        if req.get_method() == "POST":
            text = req.get_form_var("update_text", '').strip()
            upload_file = req.get_form_var("update_file", None)
            print 'post', text, upload_file
            if not text and not upload_file:
                error = "no_data"
            if error is None:
                filename = ''
                ftype = ''
                if upload_file:
                    filename = upload_file.tmp_filename
                    ftype = upload_file.content_type
                bid = Blog.new(req.user.id, Blog.TYPE_BLOG, content=text, filename=filename, ftype=ftype)
                blog = Blog.get(bid)
                for t in blog.topics:
                    html = str(stf("/blog/utils.html", "blog_ui", b=blog, req=req))
                    data = {
                            'html': html
                    #publish_channel_msg('me-topic-%s' % t.id, data)
                return req.redirect('%sstart=%s' % (prefix, start))

        total, blogs = Blog.gets(start=start, limit=limit, blog_type=cate)
        if req.get_form_var("output", None) == 'json':
            fireworks = req.get_form_var("fireworks", None)
            req.response.set_content_type('application/json; charset=utf-8')
            d = {
            if fireworks:
                d['blogs'] = [b.fireworks_dict() for b in blogs]
                d['blogs'] = [b.json_dict(req.user) for b in blogs]
            return json.dumps(d)
        return st('/update.html', **locals())
Exemplo n.º 7
def _q_lookup(req, id):
    blog = Blog.get(id)
    if blog:
        if blog.btype == blog.TYPE_THREAD:
            return req.redirect("/thread/%s/" % id)
        return BlogUI(req, blog)
    return TraversalError("no such blog")
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: event.py Projeto: leonsim/me
 def update_photo(self, filename):
     data = open(filename).read()
     if len(data) > MAX_SIZE:
         return "too_large"
     store.execute("update me_event set `photo`=`photo`+1 where `id`=%s", self.id)
     self.photo_id = self.photo_id + 1
     doubanfs.set("/me/evc%s-%s-%s" % (self.id, self.photo_id, Cate.ORIGIN), data)
     o = scale(data, Cate.LARGE, DEFAULT_CONFIG)
     doubanfs.set("/me/evc%s-%s-%s" % (self.id, self.photo_id, Cate.LARGE), o)
     for c in CATES[:2]:
         d = scale(o, c, DEFAULT_CONFIG)
         doubanfs.set("/me/evc%s-%s-%s" % (self.id, self.photo_id, c), d)
     if self.photo_id == 1:
         from webapp.models.blog import Blog
         Blog.new(self.author_id, Blog.TYPE_BLOG, Blog.BLOG_EVENT, extra={'photo_id':self.photo_id, 'event_id':self.id})
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _q_index(self, req):
        print 'Enter into index.'
        if req.card and not req.card.is_basic:
            return req.redirect('/mine')
        req.nav = '/'
        card = req.card
        photo_num, photo_cards = Card.gets(cate='photo', limit=20)

        all_badages = Badage.gets()

        num, blogs = Blog.gets(limit=30)
        num, photo_blogs = Blog.get_photo_blogs(limit=40)
        photo_blogs = [b for b in photo_blogs if b.n_unlike == 0]
        num, event_photos = EventPhoto.gets(limit=20)
        new_photos = sorted(photo_blogs + event_photos + photo_cards, key=attrgetter('sort_time'), reverse=True)
        print 'Index...'
        return st('/index.html', **locals())
Exemplo n.º 10
def unlike(req):
    r = {
    if req.get_method() == "POST":
        blog_id = req.get_form_var('bid', '')
        single = req.get_form_var('single', '0')
        single = single == '1'
        blog = Blog.get(blog_id)
        if blog and req.user and not blog.is_unliked(req.user.id):
            blog = Blog.get(blog.id)
            r = {
                'inner_html': stf("/blog/utils.html", "blog_ui_inline", b=blog, req=req, single=single),
    return json.dumps(r)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def mine(self, req):
     req.nav = '/mine'
     card = None
     card = req.card
     if card and not card.is_basic:
         return make(req)
     n, blogs = Blog.gets(card.id, blog_type='b')
     award = Award.get_actived()
     return st('/home.html', **locals())
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _q_index(self, req):
     card = self.card
     if req.get_form_var("output", None) == 'json':
         req.response.set_content_type('application/json; charset=utf-8')
         return json.dumps(card.json_dict(req.user))
     elif req.get_form_var("html_widget", None):
         return stf("/card/utils.html", "card_widget", card=card, req=req)
     n, blogs = Blog.gets(card.id, blog_type='b')
     return st('/card/card.html', **locals())
Exemplo n.º 13
 def blogs(self, req):
     start = req.get_form_var('start')
     start = start and str(start).isdigit() and int(start) or 0
     limit = 20
     error = None
     card = self.card
     prefix = "%sblogs?" % card.path
     total, blogs = Blog.gets(card_id=self.card.id, start=start, limit=limit, blog_type='b')
     return st('/blog/blogs.html', **locals())
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: group.py Projeto: fordream/me
 def __init__(self, id, title, group_id, author_id, flag, rtime):
     self.id = str(id)
     self.title = title
     self.group_id = str(group_id)
     self.author_id = str(author_id)
     self.flag = flag
     self.rtime = rtime
     from webapp.models.blog import Blog
     self.blog = Blog.get(self.id)
Exemplo n.º 15
def uncomment(req):
    r = {
    if req.get_method() == "POST":
        blog_id = req.get_form_var('bid', '')
        comment_id = req.get_form_var('comment_id', '')
        single = req.get_form_var('single', '0')
        single = single == '1'
        blog = Blog.get(blog_id)
        #print 'j uncomment', comment_id
        if req.user and blog:
            blog.uncomment(req.user.id, comment_id)
            blog = Blog.get(blog.id)
            r = {
                'inner_html': stf("/blog/utils.html", "blog_ui_inline", b=blog, req=req, single=single),
    return json.dumps(r)
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: group.py Projeto: fordream/me
 def new(cls, user_id, group_id, title, content, filename, ftype):
     from webapp.models.blog import Blog
     id = Blog.new(user_id, Blog.TYPE_THREAD, content=content, filename=filename, ftype=ftype)
     if id:
         store.execute("insert into me_thread(id, title, group_id, author_id)"
                 " values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", (id, title, group_id, user_id))
         store.execute("update me_group set `n_thread`=`n_thread`+1, rtime=rtime where id=%s", group_id)
         Notify.new(user_id, user_id, Notify.TYPE_NEW_THREAD, extra={"thread_id":id})
         return id
Exemplo n.º 17
 def new(cls, question_id, author_id, content, filename='', ftype=''):
     q = Question.get(question_id)
     if q and q.user_id == author_id:
         blog_id = '0'
         store.execute("insert into me_answer(question_id, author_id, blog_id)"
             " values(%s,%s,%s)", (question_id, author_id, blog_id))
         id = store.get_cursor(table="me_answer").lastrowid
         from webapp.models.blog import Blog
         blog_id = Blog.new(author_id, Blog.TYPE_BLOG, '', content, filename, ftype, extra={'question_id':q.id})
         store.execute("update me_answer set blog_id=%s, rtime=rtime where id=%s", (blog_id, id))
         Notify.new(q.author_id, q.user_id, Notify.TYPE_ANSWER, extra={"question_id":q.id, "blog_id":blog_id})
         return id
Exemplo n.º 18
def _q_lookup(req, name):
    if not req.user:
        raise TraversalError("need login")
    if not ("-" in name and name.lower()[-4:] in [".mp3"]):
        raise TraversalError("no such audio")
    n = name[:-4]
    ftype = name[-3:]
    target_id, audio_id, cate = n.split("-")
    if target_id.startswith("b"):
        blog = Blog.get(target_id.replace("b", ""))
        if blog:
            data = blog.audio_data(cate)
    if not data:
        raise TraversalError("no such audio")
    resp = req.response
    resp.set_header("Cache-Control", "max-age=%d" % (365 * 24 * 60 * 60))
    resp.set_header("Expires", "Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT")
    if "pragma" in resp.headers:
        del resp.headers["pragma"]
    if cate == Cate.ORIGIN:
        resp.set_header("Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename="%s.%s"' % (name, ftype))
    return data
def create_fake_data():
    tag1 = Tag('前端')
    tag2 = Tag('后端')
    tag3 = Tag('JavaScript')
    tag4 = Tag('Python')
    tag5 = Tag('面试')
    tag6 = Tag('SQL')
    tag7 = Tag('读书笔记')
    blog1 = Blog('xilixjd', 'MySQL必知必会读书笔记', blog1_content)
    blog1.time = time.time()*1000
    blog1.tags.extend([tag2, tag6, tag7])
    # time.sleep(3)
    blog2 = Blog('xilixjd', '单页web应用 JavaScript 从前端到后端', blog2_content)
    blog2.time = time.time()*1000
    blog2.tags.extend([Tag.query.filter_by(title='前端').first(), Tag.query.filter_by(title='后端').first(), Tag.query.filter_by(title='JavaScript').first(), tag7])
    # time.sleep(3)
    blog3 = Blog('xilixjd', 'JavaScript 语言精粹', blog3_content)
    blog3.time = time.time()*1000
    blog3.tags.extend([tag1, tag3, tag7])
    # time.sleep(3)
    blog4 = Blog('xilixjd', 'JavaScript高级程序设计', blog4_content)
    blog4.time = time.time()*1000
    blog4.tags.extend([tag1, tag3, tag7])
    # time.sleep(3)
    blog5 = Blog('xilixjd', '超长干货超多的前端面试汇总', blog5_content)
    blog5.time = time.time()*1000
    blog5.tags.extend([Tag.query.filter_by(title='前端').first(), Tag.query.filter_by(title='面试').first(), Tag.query.filter_by(title='JavaScript').first()])
    blog6 = Blog('xilixjd', 'clean-code-javascript', blog6_content)
    blog6.time = time.time()*1000
    blog6.tags.extend([Tag.query.filter_by(title='前端').first(), Tag.query.filter_by(title='JavaScript').first()])
Exemplo n.º 20
    def send_irc(self):
        from webapp.models.blog import Blog
        if self.card and self.card and self.card.email:
            message = ''
            if self.ntype == self.TYPE_ADD_GROUP:
                from webapp.models.group import Group
                gid = self.extra.get('group_id', 0)
                group = Group.get(gid)
                if group:
                    message = "#me: 厂工 %s 把你拉进了小组 %s 查看:%s" % (self.author.name, group.name, group.url)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_ANSWER:
                from webapp.models.question import Question
                qid = self.extra.get('question_id', 0)
                bid = self.extra.get('blog_id', 0)
                question = Question.get(qid)
                blog = Blog.get(bid)
                if question and blog:
                    message = "#me: 厂工 %s 回答了你的问题 查看:%s" % (self.author.name, blog.url)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_QUESTION:
                from webapp.models.question import Question
                qid = self.extra.get('question_id', 0)
                question = Question.get(qid)
                if question:
                    if question.is_anonymous:
                        message = "#me: 某厂工问了你一个问题 查看:%s#answers" % (self.card.url)
                        message = "#me: 厂工 %s 问了你一个问题 查看:%s#answers" % (self.author.name, self.card.url)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_AWARD_VOTED:
                from webapp.models.badage import Badage, Award
                aid = self.extra.get('badage_id', 0)
                bid = self.extra.get('blog_id', 0)
                blog = Blog.get(bid)
                award = Award.get(aid)
                if award:
                    if blog:
                        message = "#me: 厂工 %s 在评选%s大奖时,投了你一票哦~ 查看:%s" % (self.author.name,
                                award.fullname, blog.url)
                        message = "#me: 厂工 %s 在评选%s大奖时,投了你一票哦~ " % (self.author.name,
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_PHOTO_LIKE:
                from webapp.models.event import Event, EventPhoto
                pid = self.extra.get('photo_id', 0)
                photo = EventPhoto.get(pid)
                if photo:
                    message = "#me: 厂工 %s 给你上传的照片 + 1了哦~ 查看:%s" % (self.author.name, photo.photo_url)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_PHOTO_TAG:
                from webapp.models.event import Event, EventPhoto
                pid = self.extra.get('photo_id', 0)
                photo = EventPhoto.get(pid)
                if photo:
                    message = "#me: 厂工 %s 在上传的照片圈出了你哦~ 查看:%s" % (self.author.name, photo.photo_url)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_BLOG_LIKE:
                bid = self.extra.get('blog_id', 0)
                blog = Blog.get(bid)
                if blog:
                    message = "#me: 厂工 %s 赞了你的%s~ 查看:%s" % (self.author.name, blog.type_name, blog.url)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_BLOG_UNLIKE:
                bid = self.extra.get('blog_id', 0)
                blog = Blog.get(bid)
                if blog:
                    message = "#me: 你的%s被人踩了哦~ 查看:%s" % (blog.type_name, blog.url)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_BLOG_COMMENT:
                cid = self.extra.get('comment_id', 0)
                bid = self.extra.get('blog_id', 0)
                blog = Blog.get(bid)
                if blog:
                    message = "#me: 厂工 %s 回复了你的%s哦~ 查看:%s#comment_%s" % (self.author.name,
                            blog.type_name, blog.url, cid)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_BLOG_REPLY:
                cid = self.extra.get('comment_id', 0)
                bid = self.extra.get('blog_id', 0)
                blog = Blog.get(bid)
                if blog:
                    message = "#me: 你回复的%s有了新回复哦~ 查看:%s#comment_%s" % (blog.type_name, blog.url, cid)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_BLOG_MENTION:
                bid = self.extra.get('blog_id', 0)
                blog = Blog.get(bid)
                if blog:
                    message = "#me: 厂工 %s 的%s提到了你哦~ 查看:%s" % (self.author.name, blog.type_name, blog.url)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_BLOG_COMMENT_MENTION:
                cid = self.extra.get('comment_id', 0)
                bid = self.extra.get('blog_id', 0)
                blog = Blog.get(bid)
                if blog:
                    message = "#me: 厂工 %s 在 %s 的%s回复里提到了你哦~ 查看:%s" % (self.author.name,
                        blog.owner.name, blog.type_name, blog.url)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_LIKE:
                message = "#me: 厂工 %s ( %s )收藏了你的卡片哦~ 你说他/她/它是不是对你感兴趣?(//▽//)" % (self.author.name,
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_COMMENT:
                cid = self.extra.get('comment_id', 0)
                message = "#me: 厂工 %s 给你的卡片留言了哦~ 查看:%s#comment_%s" % (self.author.name, self.card.url, cid)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_MENTION:
                cid = self.extra.get('comment_id', 0)
                card_id = self.extra.get('card_id', 0)
                if card_id == self.card_id:
                    message = "#me: 厂工 %s 在给你的卡片留言中提到了你~ 查看:%s#comment_%s" % (self.author.name, self.card.url, cid)
                    from webapp.models.card import Card
                    card = Card.get(card_id)
                    message = "#me: 厂工 %s 在给 %s 的卡片留言中提到了你了哦~ 查看:%s#comment_%s" % (self.author.name, card.screen_name, card.url, cid)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_PHOTO_COMMENT:
                cid = self.extra.get('comment_id', 0)
                pid = self.extra.get('photo_id', 0)
                from webapp.models.event import Event, EventPhoto
                photo = EventPhoto.get(pid)
                if photo:
                    message = "#me: 厂工 %s 给你上传的照片留言了哦~ 查看:%s%s#comment_%s" % (self.author.name, SITE, photo.path, cid)

            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_PHOTO_COMMENT_MENTION:
                cid = self.extra.get('comment_id', 0)
                pid = self.extra.get('photo_id', 0)
                from webapp.models.event import Event, EventPhoto
                photo = EventPhoto.get(pid)
                if photo:
                    message = "#me: 厂工 %s 照片里提到你了哦~ 查看:%s%s#comment_%s" % (self.author.name, SITE, photo.path, cid)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_TAG:
                tags = self.extra.get('tags').encode('utf-8')
                message = "#me: 你的卡片有了新的标签(%s),你猜谁给你打的? ≖‿≖✧  查看:%s" % (tags, self.card.url)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_REQUEST_PHOTO:
                message = "#me: 厂工 %s ( %s ) 求你的真相照片哦~ 传一张吧,拜托了!m(_ _)m  上传:%s/make" % (self.author.name, self.author_card.url, SITE)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_REQUEST_CHANGE_PHOTO:
                message = "#me: 厂工 %s ( %s )和大家都觉得你的真相照片不真,简直是@#^&*! 换一张吧,拜托了!m(_ _)m  上传:%s/make" % (self.author.name, self.author_card.url, SITE)
            elif self.ntype == self.TYPE_BADAGE:
                from webapp.models.card import Badage
                badage = Badage.get(self.author_id)
                if badage:
                    message = "#me: 你得到了一枚%s徽章哦~ 点击查看:%s/badage/%s" % (badage.name, SITE, badage.name)
            iu = self.card.email.replace('@douban.com','')
            print 'send_irc', iu, message
                irc_send_message(iu, message)
                print 'sent irc error!!!'
Exemplo n.º 21
 def blog(self):
     from webapp.models.blog import Blog
     return Blog.get(self.blog_id)
Exemplo n.º 22
def _q_lookup(req, name):
    if not ('-' in name and name.lower()[-4:] in ['.jpg','.png','.gif']):
        raise TraversalError("no such photo")
    ftype = name[-3:]
    n = name[:-4]
    if '$' in name:
        n = name[:name.rindex('$')]
    target_id, photo_id, cate = n.split('-')
    print 'p target_id=%s photo_id=%s cate=%s' % (target_id, photo_id, cate)
    data = None

    scale_type = None
    width = None
    height = None

    if cate.startswith("r_"):
            r, scale_type, sizes = cate.split('_')
            width, height = sizes.split('x')
            width = int(width)
            height = int(height)
            print 'do resize x=%s, y=%s' % (width, height)
            print 'do resize fail !!!! ', name
        cate = Cate.LARGE

    if target_id.startswith('evc'):
        event = Event.get(target_id.replace('evc',''))
        if event:
            data = event.photo_data(cate)
    elif target_id.startswith('evp'):
        photo = EventPhoto.get(photo_id)
        if photo:
            data = photo.photo_data(cate)
    elif target_id.startswith('bc'):
        blog_comment = BlogComment.get(target_id.replace('bc', ''))
        if blog_comment:
            data = blog_comment.photo_data(cate)
    elif target_id.startswith('b'):
        blog = Blog.get(target_id.replace('b', ''))
        if blog:
            data = blog.photo_data(cate)
    elif target_id.startswith('g'):
        group = Group.get(target_id.replace('g', ''))
        if group:
            data = group.photo_data(cate)
        if target_id.startswith('_u_'):
            target_id = target_id.replace('_u_', '')
        card = Card.get(target_id)
        if not card:
            card = Card.get_by_ldap(target_id)
        if card:
            data = card.photo_data(photo_id, cate)
    if not data:
        print "no such photo"
        raise TraversalError("no such photo")
    scale_type = SCALES.get(scale_type, None)
    if scale_type:
        configs = {}
        configs[Cate.RESIZE] = {
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'scale': scale_type,
            'gif_scale': scale_type,
        data = scale(data, Cate.RESIZE, configs)
    resp = req.response
    resp.set_header('Cache-Control', 'max-age=%d' % (365*24*60*60))
    resp.set_header('Expires', 'Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT')
    if 'pragma' in resp.headers:
        del resp.headers['pragma']
    if cate == Cate.ORIGIN:
        resp.set_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s.%s"' % (name, ftype));
    return data