Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Arguments can be structured as follows:

        - deviceNumber
        - talonSrx
        :param deviceNumber:
            CAN Device Id of Pigeon [0,62]
        :param talonSrx:
            Object for the TalonSRX connected via ribbon cable.

        deviceNumber_arg = ("deviceNumber", [int])
        talonSrx_arg = ("talonSrx", [TalonSRX])
        templates = [[deviceNumber_arg], [talonSrx_arg]]
        index, results = match_arglist('PigeonIMU.__init__', args, kwargs,
        self.generalStatus = [0] * 10
        self.fusionStatus = [0] * 10

        if index == 0:
            self.deviceNumber = results['deviceNumber']
        elif index == 1:
            self.deviceNumber = results['talonSrx'].getDeviceID()
            hal.report(64, self.deviceNumber + 1)
                   self.deviceNumber + 1)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Arguments can be structured as follows:

        - deviceNumber
        - talonSrx
        :param deviceNumber:
            CAN Device Id of Pigeon [0,62]
        :param talonSrx:
            Object for the TalonSRX connected via ribbon cable.

        .. note:: To use this in simulation, you can initialize the device
                  gyro support via one of the following in your physics.py::



        deviceNumber_arg = ("deviceNumber", [int])
        talonSrx_arg = ("talonSrx", [TalonSRX])
        templates = [[deviceNumber_arg], [talonSrx_arg]]
        index, results = match_arglist("PigeonIMU.__init__", args, kwargs, templates)
        self.generalStatus = [0] * 10
        self.fusionStatus = [0] * 10

        if index == 0:
            self.deviceNumber = results["deviceNumber"]
        elif index == 1:
            self.deviceNumber = results["talonSrx"].getDeviceID()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def putData(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        Maps the specified key (name of the :class:`.Sendable` if not provided) 
        to the specified value in this table.
        The value can be retrieved by calling the get method with a key that
        is equal to the original key.

        Two argument formats are supported: 
        - key, data
        - value
        :param key: the key (cannot be None)
        :type  key: str
        :param data: the value
        :type data: :class:`.Sendable`
        :param value: the value
        :type value: :class:`.Sendable`
        with cls.mutex:
            key_arg = ("key", [str])
            data_arg = ("data", [HasAttribute("initSendable")])
            value_arg = ("value", [HasAttribute("initSendable")])
            templates = [[key_arg, data_arg],

            index, results = match_arglist('SmartDashboard.putData',
                                       args, kwargs, templates)
            if index == 0:
                key = results['key']
                data = results["data"]
            elif index == 1:
                data = results["value"]
                key = data.getName()
                raise ValueError("only (key, data) or (value) accepted")

            sddata = cls.tablesToData.get(key, None)
            if sddata is None or sddata.sendable != data:
                if sddata is not None:

                sddata = Data(data)
                cls.tablesToData[key] = sddata
                dataTable = cls.getTable().getSubTable(key)
        if data is None:
            raise KeyError("SmartDashboard data does not exist: '%s'" % key)
        return data.sendable
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, Kp, Ki, Kd, *args, **kwargs):
        f_arg = ("Kf", [float, int])
        source_arg = ("source",
        output_arg = ("output",
        period_arg = ("period", [float, int])

        templates = [[f_arg, source_arg, output_arg, period_arg],
                     [source_arg, output_arg, period_arg],
                     [source_arg, output_arg], [f_arg, source_arg, output_arg]]

        _, results = match_arglist('PIDController.__init__', args, kwargs,

        self.P = Kp  # factor for "proportional" control
        self.I = Ki  # factor for "integral" control
        self.D = Kd  # factor for "derivative" control
        self.F = results.pop("Kf", 0.0)  # factor for feedforward term
        self.pidOutput = results.pop("output")
        self.origSource = results.pop("source")
        self.period = results.pop("period", self.kDefaultPeriod)

        self.filter = LinearDigitalFilter.movingAverage(self.origSource, 1)
        self.pidInput = self.filter

        self.pidInput = PIDSource.from_obj_or_callable(self.pidInput)

        if hasattr(self.pidOutput, 'pidWrite'):
            self.pidOutput = self.pidOutput.pidWrite

        self.maximumOutput = 1.0  # |maximum output|
        self.minimumOutput = -1.0  # |minimum output|
        self.maximumInput = 0.0  # maximum input - limit setpoint to this
        self.minimumInput = 0.0  # minimum input - limit setpoint to this
        self.continuous = False  # do the endpoints wrap around? eg. Absolute encoder
        self.enabled = False  # is the pid controller enabled
        self.prevError = 0.0  # the prior error (used to compute velocity)
        self.totalError = 0.0  #the sum of the errors for use in the integral calc
        self.buf = deque(maxlen=1)
        self.setpoint = 0.0
        self.prevSetpoint = 0.0
        self.error = 0.0
        self.result = 0.0
        self.mutex = WithStub()
        self.pidWriteMutex = WithStub()
        self.setpointTimer = Timer()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def set(self, *args, **kwargs):
        See :meth:`.BaseMotorController.set`

        Can be called three ways:

        - speed
        - mode, value
        - mode, demand0, demand1

        largely a wrapper around :meth:`.BaseMotorController.set`

        :param value:
        :type value: float
        :param mode: ControlMode.PercentOutput if not provided
        :type mode: ControlMode
        :param speed:
        :type speed: float
        :param demand0:
        :type demand0: float
        :param demand1:
        :type demand1: float
        speed_arg = ("speed", [float, int])
        value_arg = ("value", [float, int])
        mode_arg = ("mode", [ControlMode])
        demand0_arg = ("demand0", [float, int])
        demand1_arg = ("demand1", [float, int])

        templates = [[speed_arg], [mode_arg, value_arg],
                     [mode_arg, demand0_arg, demand1_arg]]

        index, results = match_arglist('WPI_VictorSPX.__init__', args, kwargs,

        if index == 2:
            super().set(results['mode'], results['demand0'],
            if index == 0:
                self.speed = value = results['speed']
                mode = ControlMode.PercentOutput
            elif index == 1:
                value = results['value']
                mode = results['mode']
            super().set(mode, value)

Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, output: float, encoder, P=1, I=0.0, D=0.0):
        k4X = 2
        self.Kp = P
        self.Ki = I
        self.Kd = D
        self.encoder = wpilib.encoder(0, 6, True, k4X)
        self.output = 0
        self.sample_time = 0.00
        self.current_time = time.time()
        self.last_time = self.current_time
        self.results = self.period
        self.integral = 0
        self.previous_error = 0
        self.mutex = threading.RLock()
        self.rcw = 0

        f_arg = ("Kf", [0.0, 0])
        source_arg = ("source",
        output_arg = ("output",
        period_arg = ("period", [0.0, 0])

        templates = [
            [f_arg, source_arg, output_arg, period_arg],
            [source_arg, output_arg, period_arg],
            [source_arg, output_arg],
            [f_arg, source_arg, output_arg],

        _, results = match_arglist("PIDController.__init__", args, kwargs,

        Kf = results.pop("Kf", 0.0)  # factor for feedforward term
        output = results.pop("output")
        source = results.pop("source")
        super().__init__(Kp, Ki, Kd, Kf, source, output)

        self.period = results.pop("period", self.kDefaultPeriod)

        self.controlLoop = Notifier(self._calculate)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, Kp, Ki, Kd, *args, **kwargs, output):
        """Allocate a PID object with the given constants for P, I, D, and F

        Arguments can be structured as follows:

        - Kp, Ki, Kd, Kf, source, output, period
        - Kp, Ki, Kd, source, output, period
        - Kp, Ki, Kd, source, output
        - Kp, Ki, Kd, Kf, source, output

        :param Kp: the proportional coefficient
        :param Ki: the integral coefficient
        :param Kd: the derivative coefficient
        :param Kf: the feed forward term
        :param source: Called to get values
        :param output: Receives the output percentage
        :param period: the loop time for doing calculations. This particularly
            effects calculations of the integral and differential terms.
            The default is 0.05 (50ms).

        f_arg = ("Kf", [0.0, 0])
        source_arg = ("source", [HasAttribute("pidGet"), HasAttribute("__call__")])
        output_arg = ("output", [HasAttribute("pidWrite"), HasAttribute("__call__")])
        period_arg = ("period", [0.0, 0])

        templates = [
            [f_arg, source_arg, output_arg, period_arg],
            [source_arg, output_arg, period_arg],
            [source_arg, output_arg],
            [f_arg, source_arg, output_arg],

        _, results = match_arglist("PIDController.__init__", args, kwargs, templates)

        Kf = results.pop("Kf", 0.0)  # factor for feedforward term
        output = results.pop("output")
        source = results.pop("source")
        super().__init__(Kp, Ki, Kd, Kf, source, output)

        self.period = results.pop("period", self.kDefaultPeriod)

        self.controlLoop = Notifier(self._calculate)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.encoder = wpilib.encoder(0, 6, True, k4X)
        """Encoder constructor. Construct a Encoder given a and b channels
        and optionally an index channel.

        The encoder will start counting immediately.

        The a, b, and optional index channel arguments may be either channel
        numbers or :class:`.DigitalSource` sources. There may also be a boolean
        reverseDirection, and an encodingType according to the following
        - aSource, bSource
        - aSource, bSource, reverseDirection
        - aSource, bSource, reverseDirection, encodingType
        - aSource, bSource, indexSource, reverseDirection
        - aSource, bSource, indexSource
        - aChannel, bChannel
        - aChannel, bChannel, reverseDirection
        - aChannel, bChannel, reverseDirection, encodingType
        - aChannel, bChannel, indexChannel, reverseDirection
        - aChannel, bChannel, indexChannel

        For positional arguments, if the passed object has a
        `getPortHandleForRouting` function, it is assumed to be a DigitalSource.

        Alternatively, sources and/or channels may be passed as keyword
        arguments.  The behavior of specifying both a source and a number
        for the same channel is undefined, as is passing both a positional
        and a keyword argument for the same channel.

        In addition, keyword parameters may be provided for reverseDirection
        and inputType.

        :param aSource: The source that should be used for the a channel.
        :type aSource: :class:`.DigitalSource`
        :param bSource: The source that should be used for the b channel.
        :type bSource: :class:`.DigitalSource`
        :param indexSource: The source that should be used for the index
        :type indexSource: :class:`.DigitalSource`
        :param aChannel: The digital input index that should be used for
            the a channel.
        :type aChannel: int
        :param bChannel: The digital input index that should be used for
            the b channel.
        :type bChannel: int
        :param indexChannel: The digital input index that should be used
            for the index channel.
        :type indexChannel: int
        :param reverseDirection:
            Represents the orientation of the encoder and inverts the
            output values if necessary so forward represents positive
            values.  Defaults to False if unspecified.
        :type reverseDirection: bool
        :param encodingType:
            Either k1X, k2X, or k4X to indicate 1X, 2X or 4X decoding. If
            4X is selected, then an encoder FPGA object is used and the
            returned counts will be 4x the encoder spec'd value since all
            rising and falling edges are counted. If 1X or 2X are selected
            then a counter object will be used and the returned value will
            either exactly match the spec'd count or be double (2x) the
            spec'd count.  Defaults to k4X if unspecified.
        :type encodingType: :class:`Encoder.EncodingType`
        a_source_arg = ("aSource", HasAttribute("getPortHandleForRouting"))
        b_source_arg = ("bSource", HasAttribute("getPortHandleForRouting"))
        index_source_arg = ("indexSource",
        a_channel_arg = ("aChannel", int)
        b_channel_arg = ("bChannel", int)
        index_channel_arg = ("indexChannel", int)

        # fmt: off
        argument_templates = [
            [a_source_arg, b_source_arg],
            [a_source_arg, b_source_arg, ("reverseDirection", bool)],
                a_source_arg, b_source_arg, ("reverseDirection", bool),
                ("encodingType", int)
            ], [a_source_arg, b_source_arg, index_source_arg],
                a_source_arg, b_source_arg, index_source_arg,
                ("reverseDirection", bool)
            ], [a_channel_arg, b_channel_arg],
            [a_channel_arg, b_channel_arg, ("reverseDirection", bool)],
                a_channel_arg, b_channel_arg, ("reverseDirection", bool),
                ("encodingType", int)
            ], [a_channel_arg, b_channel_arg, index_channel_arg],
                a_channel_arg, b_channel_arg, index_channel_arg,
                ("reverseDirection", bool)
        # fmt: on

        _, results = match_arglist("Encoder.__init__", args, kwargs,

        # keyword arguments
        aSource = results.pop("aSource", None)
        bSource = results.pop("bSource", None)
        indexSource = results.pop("indexSource", None)
        aChannel = results.pop("aChannel", None)
        bChannel = results.pop("bChannel", None)
        indexChannel = results.pop("indexChannel", None)
        reverseDirection = results.pop("reverseDirection", False)
        encodingType = results.pop("encodingType", self.EncodingType.k4X)

        # convert channels into sources
        self.allocatedA = False
        self.allocatedB = False
        self.allocatedIndex = False

        if aSource is None:
            if aChannel is None:
                raise ValueError("didn't specify A channel")
            aSource = DigitalInput(aChannel)
            self.allocatedA = True
        if bSource is None:
            if bChannel is None:
                raise ValueError("didn't specify B channel")
            bSource = DigitalInput(bChannel)
            self.allocatedB = True
        if indexSource is None and indexChannel is not None:
            indexSource = DigitalInput(indexChannel)
            self.allocatedIndex = True

        # save to instance variables
        self.aSource = aSource
        self.bSource = bSource
        self.indexSource = indexSource
        self.encodingType = encodingType
        self.pidSource = self.PIDSourceType.kDisplacement
        self._encoder = None
        self.counter = None
        self.speedEntry = None
        self.distanceEntry = None
        self.distancePerTickEntry = None

        self._encoder = hal.initializeEncoder(

        self.__finalizer = weakref.finalize(self, _freeEncoder, self._encoder)

        # Need this to free on unit test wpilib reset

        if self.indexSource is not None:

        self.index = self.getFPGAIndex()
        hal.report(hal.UsageReporting.kResourceType_Encoder, self.index,
        self.setName("Encoder", self.index)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, Kp, Ki, Kd, *args, **kwargs):
        """Allocate a PID object with the given constants for P, I, D, and F

        Arguments can be structured as follows:

        - Kp, Ki, Kd, Kf, source, output, period
        - Kp, Ki, Kd, source, output, period
        - Kp, Ki, Kd, source, output
        - Kp, Ki, Kd, Kf, source, output

        :param Kp: the proportional coefficient
        :type  Kp: float or int
        :param Ki: the integral coefficient
        :type  Ki: float or int
        :param Kd: the derivative coefficient
        :type  Kd: float or int
        :param Kf: the feed forward term
        :type  Kf: float or int
        :param source: Called to get values
        :type  source: A function, or an object that implements :class:`.PIDSource`
        :param output: Receives the output percentage
        :type  output: A function, or an object that implements :class:`.PIDOutput`
        :param period: the loop time for doing calculations. This particularly
            effects calculations of the integral and differential terms.
            The default is 50ms.
        :type  period: float or int

        f_arg = ("Kf", [float, int])
        source_arg = ("source",
        output_arg = ("output",
        period_arg = ("period", [float, int])

        templates = [[f_arg, source_arg, output_arg, period_arg],
                     [source_arg, output_arg, period_arg],
                     [source_arg, output_arg], [f_arg, source_arg, output_arg]]

        _, results = match_arglist('PIDController.__init__', args, kwargs,

        self.P = Kp  # factor for "proportional" control
        self.I = Ki  # factor for "integral" control
        self.D = Kd  # factor for "derivative" control
        self.F = results.pop("Kf", 0.0)  # factor for feedforward term
        self.pidOutput = results.pop("output")
        self.origSource = results.pop("source")
        self.period = results.pop("period", self.kDefaultPeriod)
        self.filter = LinearDigitalFilter.movingAverage(self.origSource, 1)
        self.pidInput = self.filter

        self.pidInput = PIDSource.from_obj_or_callable(self.pidInput)

        if hasattr(self.pidOutput, 'pidWrite'):
            self.pidOutput = self.pidOutput.pidWrite

        self.maximumOutput = 1.0  # |maximum output|
        self.minimumOutput = -1.0  # |minimum output|
        self.maximumInput = 0.0  # maximum input - limit setpoint to this
        self.minimumInput = 0.0  # minimum input - limit setpoint to this
        self.inputRange = 0.0  # input range - difference between maximum and minimum
        self.continuous = False  # do the endpoints wrap around? eg. Absolute encoder
        self.enabled = False  # is the pid controller enabled
        self.prevError = 0.0  # the prior error (used to compute velocity)
        self.totalError = 0.0  #the sum of the errors for use in the integral calc
        self.setpoint = 0.0
        self.prevSetpoint = 0.0
        self.error = 0.0
        self.result = 0.0

        self.mutex = threading.RLock()
        self.pidWriteMutex = threading.RLock()

        self.pid_task = Notifier(self._calculate)

        self.setpointTimer = Timer()

        # Need this to free on unit test wpilib reset

        PIDController.instances += 1
        self.setName("PIDController", PIDController.instances)