Exemplo n.º 1
def test_2d(n=32, tol=1E-10):
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n)
    cell_f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 2, 2)
    CompiledSubDomain('x[0] < 0.5+DOLFIN_EPS').mark(cell_f, 1)

    left = EmbeddedMesh(cell_f, 1)
    right = EmbeddedMesh(cell_f, 2)

    facet_f = MeshFunction('size_t', left, 1, 0)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.5)').mark(facet_f, 1)

    iface = EmbeddedMesh(facet_f, 1)

    # Now suppose
    facet_f = MeshFunction('size_t', right, 1, 0)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.5)').mark(facet_f, 2)

    # We want to embed
    mappings = iface.compute_embedding(facet_f, 2)
    # Is it correct?

    xi, x = iface.coordinates(), right.coordinates()
    assert min(np.linalg.norm(xi[list(mappings[0].keys())]-x[list(mappings[0].values())], 2, 1)) < tol

    tdim = right.topology().dim()-1
    right.init(tdim, 0)
    f2v = right.topology()(tdim, 0)

    icells = iface.cells()

    vertex_match = lambda xs, ys: all(min(np.linalg.norm(ys - x, 2, 1)) < tol for x in xs)
    assert all([vertex_match(xi[icells[key]], x[f2v(val)]) for key, val in list(mappings[tdim].items())])

        iface.compute_embedding(facet_f, 2)
    except ValueError:

    V = FunctionSpace(right, 'CG', 1)
    u = interpolate(Expression('x[1]', degree=1), V)
    dx_ = Measure('dx', domain=iface)
    assert abs(ii_assemble(Trace(u, iface)*dx_) - 0.5) < tol
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_2d_enclosed(n=32, tol=1E-10):
    | [] |
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n)
    # Lets get the outer part
    cell_f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 2, 1)
    inside = '(x[0] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[1] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS)'
    CompiledSubDomain(inside).mark(cell_f, 2)

    # Stokes ---
    mesh1 = EmbeddedMesh(cell_f, 1)

    bdries1 = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh1, mesh1.topology().dim()-1, 0)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0)').mark(bdries1, 10)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 1)').mark(bdries1, 20)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0)').mark(bdries1, 30)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 1)').mark(bdries1, 40)

    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.25) && ((x[1] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))').mark(bdries1, 1)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.75) && ((x[1] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))').mark(bdries1, 2)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0.25) && ((x[0] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))').mark(bdries1, 3)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0.75) && ((x[0] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))').mark(bdries1, 4)

    # Darcy ---
    mesh2 = EmbeddedMesh(cell_f, 2)
    bdries2 = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh2, mesh2.topology().dim()-1, 0)

    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.25) && ((x[1] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))').mark(bdries2, 1)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.75) && ((x[1] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))').mark(bdries2, 2)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0.25) && ((x[0] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))').mark(bdries2, 3)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0.75) && ((x[0] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))').mark(bdries2, 4)

    # -----------------

    # And interface
    bmesh = EmbeddedMesh(bdries2, (1, 2, 3, 4))
    # Embedded it viewwed from stokes
    mappings = bmesh.compute_embedding(bdries1, (1, 2, 3, 4))

    xi, x = bmesh.coordinates(), mesh1.coordinates()
    assert min(np.linalg.norm(xi[list(mappings[0].keys())]-x[list(mappings[0].values())], 2, 1)) < tol

    tdim = mesh1.topology().dim()-1
    mesh1.init(tdim, 0)
    f2v = mesh1.topology()(tdim, 0)

    icells = bmesh.cells()

    vertex_match = lambda xs, ys: all(min(np.linalg.norm(ys - x, 2, 1)) < tol for x in xs)
    assert all([vertex_match(xi[icells[key]], x[f2v(val)]) for key, val in list(mappings[tdim].items())])

        bmesh.compute_embedding(bdries1, 2)
    except ValueError:

    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh1, 'CG', 1)
    u = interpolate(Expression(('x[1]', 'x[0]'), degree=1), V)
    dx_ = Measure('dx', domain=bmesh)
    n_ = OuterNormal(bmesh, [0.5, 0.5])
    # Because it is divergence free
    assert abs(ii_assemble(dot(n_, Trace(u, bmesh))*dx_)) < tol
Exemplo n.º 3
A, B = (nx-1)/2./nx, (nx+1)/2./nx

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(nx, ny)

cell_f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 2, 0)
CompiledSubDomain('x[0] > A - tol && x[0] < B + tol', A=A, B=B, tol=DOLFIN_EPS).mark(cell_f, 1)

left = CompiledSubDomain('A-tol < x[0] && x[0] < A+tol', A=A, tol=DOLFIN_EPS)
right = CompiledSubDomain('A-tol < x[0] && x[0] < A+tol', A=B, tol=DOLFIN_EPS)

# We would be extending to
facet_f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 1, 0)
left.mark(facet_f, 1)
right.mark(facet_f, 1)

ext_mesh = EmbeddedMesh(facet_f, 1)
Q = FunctionSpace(ext_mesh, 'CG', 1)

# The auxiliary problem would be speced at
aux_mesh = SubMesh(mesh, cell_f, 1)
facet_f = MeshFunction('size_t', aux_mesh, 1, 0)
DomainBoundary().mark(facet_f, 1)
left.mark(facet_f, 2)
right.mark(facet_f, 2)

# Extending from
gamma_mesh = StraightLineMesh(np.array([0.5, 0]), np.array([0.5, 1]), 3*ny)
V1 = FunctionSpace(gamma_mesh, 'CG', 1)
f = interpolate(Constant(1), V1)

# The extension problem would be
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_2d_incomplete(n=32, tol=1E-10):
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n)
    cell_f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 2, 2)
    CompiledSubDomain('x[0] < 0.5+DOLFIN_EPS').mark(cell_f, 1)

    left = EmbeddedMesh(cell_f, 1)
    right = EmbeddedMesh(cell_f, 2)

    facet_f = MeshFunction('size_t', left, 1, 0)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.0)').mark(facet_f, 1)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.5)').mark(facet_f, 2)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0.0)').mark(facet_f, 3)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 1.0)').mark(facet_f, 4)
    # More complicated iface
    iface = EmbeddedMesh(facet_f, (1, 2, 3, 4))

    # Right will interact with it in a simpler way
    facet_f = MeshFunction('size_t', right, 1, 0)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.5)').mark(facet_f, 2)

    # We want to embed
    mappings = iface.compute_embedding(facet_f, 2)
    # Is it correct?

    xi, x = iface.coordinates(), right.coordinates()
    assert min(np.linalg.norm(xi[list(mappings[0].keys())]-x[list(mappings[0].values())], 2, 1)) < tol

    tdim = right.topology().dim()-1
    right.init(tdim, 0)
    f2v = right.topology()(tdim, 0)

    icells = iface.cells()

    vertex_match = lambda xs, ys: all(min(np.linalg.norm(ys - x, 2, 1)) < tol for x in xs)
    assert all([vertex_match(xi[icells[key]], x[f2v(val)]) for key, val in list(mappings[tdim].items())])

        iface.compute_embedding(facet_f, 2)
    except ValueError:

    V = FunctionSpace(right, 'CG', 2)
    u = interpolate(Expression('x[1]*x[1]', degree=1), V)
    # FIXME: this passes but looks weird
    dx_ = Measure('dx', domain=iface, subdomain_data=iface.marking_function)
    assert abs(ii_assemble(Trace(u, iface, tag=2)*dx_(2)) - 1./3) < tol
Exemplo n.º 5
        # On to next cell
    return PETScMatrix(mat)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from dolfin import *
    from xii import EmbeddedMesh

    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(10, 10, 10)

    f = EdgeFunction('size_t', mesh, 0)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.5) && near(x[1], 0.5)').mark(f, 1)

    bmesh = EmbeddedMesh(f, 1)

    # Trace
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)
    TV = FunctionSpace(bmesh, 'DG', 1)

    f = interpolate(Expression('x[0]+x[1]+x[2]', degree=1), V)
    Tf0 = interpolate(f, TV)

    Trace = avg_mat(V, TV, bmesh, {'radius': None, 'surface': 'cylinder'})
    Tf = Function(TV)
    Trace.mult(f.vector(), Tf.vector())
    Tf0.vector().axpy(-1, Tf.vector())
    print '??', Tf0.vector().norm('linf')

    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)
Exemplo n.º 6
from dolfin import *
from xii import OuterNormal, EmbeddedMesh
import numpy as np

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 1, 0)
CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0)').mark(f, 1)
CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 1)').mark(f, 1)

bmesh = EmbeddedMesh(f, 1)
n = OuterNormal(bmesh, [0.5, 0.5])

# Top?
for x in bmesh.coordinates():
    if near(x[1], 1.0):
        assert np.linalg.norm(n(x) - np.array([0, 1.])) < 1E-13

# Bottom
for x in bmesh.coordinates():
    if near(x[1], 0.0):
        assert np.linalg.norm(n(x) - np.array([0, -1.])) < 1E-13
Exemplo n.º 7
    # # Attache the mapiing of cut_mesh cells to facets ...
    # cut_mesh.facet_map = sc2bf[cut_mesh.data().array('parent_cell_indices', fdim)]

    # return cut_mesh

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from dolfin import *
    from xii import EmbeddedMesh

    bckg = UnitSquareMesh(32, 20)
    # Make the cut as x = 0.5
    mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(0.5, 0), Point(1, 1), 5, 100)
    facet_f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 1, 0)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.5)').mark(facet_f, 1)

    cut = EmbeddedMesh(facet_f, 1)

    #print point_cloud(cut, bckg)
    f = CutSurfaceMesh(bckg, cut)
    #print f.num_cells()

    # File('foo.pvd') << f

    # mapping = f.facet_map
    # # Sanity of the map
    # #assert all(cell.midpoint().distance(Facet(bckg, mapping[i]).midpoint()) < 1E-13
    # #           for i, cell in enumerate(cells(f)))
Exemplo n.º 8
def immersed_geometry(i, which):
    We discretize the geometrical setup where inner domain [0.25, 0.75]^2
    is enclosed by the outer domain such that their union fills a unit 
    square. Return mesh and (coupling relevant marking function)
    # The surfaces are tagged as follows
    # Outer                      Inner
    #       ^
    #       8
    #       v                       ^
    #       4                       4
    # <5 1>   <2  6>            <1     2>   
    #       3                       3 
    #       ^                       v
    #       7
    #       v
    n = 4*2**i
    mesh = df.UnitSquareMesh(n, n)

    inner = df.CompiledSubDomain(' && '.join(['(x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS)',
                                              '(0.25-DOLFIN_EPS < x[0])',
                                              '(x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS)',
                                              '(0.25-DOLFIN_EPS < x[1])']))

    cell_f = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 2, 1)
    inner.mark(cell_f, 2)

    outer_domain = EmbeddedMesh(cell_f, 1)
    outer_ff = df.MeshFunction('size_t', outer_domain, 1, 0)
    outer_boundaries = {
        1: df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.25) && ((0.25-DOLFIN_EPS < x[1]) && (x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))'),
        2: df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.75) && ((0.25-DOLFIN_EPS < x[1]) && (x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))'),
        3: df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0.25) && ((0.25-DOLFIN_EPS < x[0]) && (x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))'),
        4: df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0.75) && ((0.25-DOLFIN_EPS < x[0]) && (x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))'),
        5: df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.0)'),
        6: df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 1.0)'),
        7: df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0.0)'),
        8: df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 1.0)')}
    [bdry.mark(outer_ff, tag) for tag, bdry in outer_boundaries.items()]

    inner_domain = EmbeddedMesh(cell_f, 2)
    inner_ff = df.MeshFunction('size_t', inner_domain, 1, 0)
    inner_boundaries = {
        1: df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.25) && ((0.25-DOLFIN_EPS < x[1]) && (x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))'),
        2: df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.75) && ((0.25-DOLFIN_EPS < x[1]) && (x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))'),
        3: df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0.25) && ((0.25-DOLFIN_EPS < x[0]) && (x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))'),
        4: df.CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0.75) && ((0.25-DOLFIN_EPS < x[0]) && (x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))')
    [bdry.mark(inner_ff, tag) for tag, bdry in inner_boundaries.items()]
    if which == 'outer':
        return (outer_domain, outer_ff)

    if which == 'inner':
        return (inner_domain, inner_ff)

    assert which == 'interface'
    imesh = EmbeddedMesh(inner_ff, (1, 2, 3, 4))
    return (imesh, imesh.marking_function)
Exemplo n.º 9
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from dolfin import (CompiledSubDomain, DomainBoundary, SubsetIterator,
                        UnitSquareMesh, Facet)
    from xii import EmbeddedMesh

    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 4)
    surfaces = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 2, 0)
    CompiledSubDomain('x[0] > 0.5-DOLFIN_EPS').mark(surfaces, 1)

    # What should be trasfered
    f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 1, 0)
    DomainBoundary().mark(f, 1)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.5)').mark(f, 1)
    # Assign funky colors
    for i, e in enumerate(SubsetIterator(f, 1), 1): f[e] = i

    ch_mesh = EmbeddedMesh(surfaces, 1)
    ch_f = transfer_markers(ch_mesh, f)

    # Every color in child is found in parent and we get the midpoint right
    p_values, ch_values = list(f.array()), list(ch_f.array())

    for ch_value in set(ch_f.array()) - set((0, )):
        assert ch_value in p_values

        x = Facet(mesh, p_values.index(ch_value)).midpoint()
        y = Facet(ch_mesh, ch_values.index(ch_value)).midpoint()
        assert x.distance(y) < 1E-13
Exemplo n.º 10
from dolfin import *
from xii.assembler.trace_matrix import trace_mat
from xii import EmbeddedMesh

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)

bdry = FacetFunction('size_t', mesh, 0)
DomainBoundary().mark(bdry, 1)
bmesh = EmbeddedMesh(bdry, 1)

V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)
TV = FunctionSpace(bmesh, 'CG', 2)

Trace = trace_mat(V, TV, bmesh, {'restriction': '', 'normal': None})

f = Expression('sin(pi*(x[0]+x[1]))', degree=3)

v = interpolate(f, V)
Tv0 = interpolate(f, TV)

Tv = Function(TV)
Trace.mult(v.vector(), Tv.vector())

Tv0.vector().axpy(-1, Tv.vector())
print Tv0.vector().norm('linf')

V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)
TV = VectorFunctionSpace(bmesh, 'CG', 2)

Trace = trace_mat(V, TV, bmesh, {'restriction': '', 'normal': None})
Exemplo n.º 11
    positions = [0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300]

    cylinder_noslip_tag = 4
    first_jet = cylinder_noslip_tag + 1
    njets = len(positions)

    width = 10
    radius = 10

    tagged_positions = zip(range(first_jet, first_jet + njets), positions)

    for tag, theta0 in tagged_positions:
        tag, theta0 = tagged_positions[0]

        cylinder = EmbeddedMesh(surfaces, markers=[tag])

        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(cylinder)

        # cylinder_surfaces = cylinder.marking_function

        V = VectorFunctionSpace(cylinder, 'CG', 2)

        v = JetBCValue(radius, width, theta0, Q=tag, degree=5)
        v.Q = 2 * tag

        f = interpolate(v, V)
        # Outer normal of the cylinder
        n = as_vector((x, y)) / Constant(radius)

        print theta0, abs(assemble(dot(v, n) * dx) - 2 * tag), assemble(
Exemplo n.º 12
# We will have the 1d guy live in the middle and the multiplier slighly
# off
middle = CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.5)')
off_middle = CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], A) or near(x[0], B)',
                               A=(n / 2 + 1.) / n,
                               B=(n / 2 - 1.) / n)

facet_f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 1, 0)
middle.mark(facet_f, 1)
off_middle.mark(facet_f, 2)

# Mesh to extend from, (so the d1)
mesh_1d = StraightLineMesh(np.array([0.5, 0]), np.array([0.5, 1]), n)
# WORKS: EmbeddedMesh(facet_f, 1)
# And thhe multiplier one
mesh_lm = EmbeddedMesh(facet_f, 2)

V_2d = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
V_1d = FunctionSpace(mesh_1d, 'CG', 1)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh_lm, 'CG', 1)

# We are after (Trace(V_2d) - Ext(V_1d), Q)
q = TestFunction(Q)
u2d, u1d = TrialFunction(V_2d), TrialFunction(V_1d)
Tu2d = Trace(u2d, mesh_lm)
Eu1d = Extension(u1d, mesh_lm, type='uniform')

dxLM = Measure('dx', domain=mesh_lm)

T = ii_assemble(inner(Tu2d, q) * dxLM)
E = ii_assemble(inner(q, Eu1d) * dxLM)
Exemplo n.º 13
from dolfin import *
from xii import EmbeddedMesh
from xii.assembler.extension_matrix import uniform_extension_matrix
from scipy.linalg import svdvals
import numpy as np

n = 8
mesh = UnitCubeMesh(n, n, n)

f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 1, 0)
CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.5) && near(x[1], 0.5)').mark(f, 1)
# Mesh to extend from
Vmesh = EmbeddedMesh(f, 1)

# Get the tube as submesh of the full cube boundary
Emesh = BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior')
f = MeshFunction('size_t', Emesh, 2, 1)
CompiledSubDomain('near(x[2], 0) || near(x[2], 1)').mark(f, 2)

# Mesh to extend to
Emesh = SubMesh(Emesh, f, 1)

# Check scalar
V = FunctionSpace(Vmesh, 'CG', 1)
EV = FunctionSpace(Emesh, 'CG', 1)

E = uniform_extension_matrix(V, EV)

f = Expression('x[2]', degree=1)
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_3d(n=4, tol=1E-10):
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(n, n, n)
    cell_f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 3, 2)
    CompiledSubDomain('x[0] < 0.5+DOLFIN_EPS').mark(cell_f, 1)

    left = EmbeddedMesh(cell_f, 1)

    facet_f = MeshFunction('size_t', left, 2, 0)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0.5)').mark(facet_f, 1)

    iface = EmbeddedMesh(facet_f, 1)

    # We want to embed
    mappings = iface.parent_entity_map[left.id()]
    # Is it correct?

    xi, x = iface.coordinates(), left.coordinates()
    assert min(
            xi[list(mappings[0].keys())] - x[list(mappings[0].values())], 2,
            1)) < tol

    tdim = left.topology().dim() - 1
    left.init(tdim, 0)
    f2v = left.topology()(tdim, 0)

    icells = iface.cells()

    vertex_match = lambda xs, ys: all(
        min(np.linalg.norm(ys - x, 2, 1)) < tol for x in xs)

    assert all([
        vertex_match(xi[icells[key]], x[f2v(val)])
        for key, val in list(mappings[tdim].items())

    V = FunctionSpace(left, 'CG', 1)
    u = interpolate(Expression('x[0] + x[1]', degree=1), V)
    dx_ = Measure('dx', domain=iface)
    assert abs(ii_assemble(Trace(u, iface) * dx_) - 1.0) < tol
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_2d_color(n=32, tol=1E-10):
    | [] |
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n)
    # Lets get the outer part
    cell_f = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 2, 1)
    inside = '(x[0] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[1] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS)'
    CompiledSubDomain(inside).mark(cell_f, 2)

    # Stokes ---
    mesh1 = EmbeddedMesh(cell_f, 1)

    bdries1 = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh1, mesh1.topology().dim() - 1, 0)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 0)').mark(bdries1, 10)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[0], 1)').mark(bdries1, 20)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 0)').mark(bdries1, 30)
    CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1], 1)').mark(bdries1, 40)

        'near(x[0], 0.25) && ((x[1] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))'
    ).mark(bdries1, 1)
        'near(x[0], 0.75) && ((x[1] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[1] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))'
    ).mark(bdries1, 2)
        'near(x[1], 0.25) && ((x[0] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))'
    ).mark(bdries1, 3)
        'near(x[1], 0.75) && ((x[0] > 0.25-DOLFIN_EPS) && (x[0] < 0.75+DOLFIN_EPS))'
    ).mark(bdries1, 4)

    # And interface
    bmesh = EmbeddedMesh(bdries1, (1, 2, 3, 4))
    # Embedded it viewwed from stokes
    mappings = bmesh.parent_entity_map[mesh1.id()]

    xi, x = bmesh.coordinates(), mesh1.coordinates()
    assert min(
            xi[list(mappings[0].keys())] - x[list(mappings[0].values())], 2,
            1)) < tol

    tdim = mesh1.topology().dim() - 1
    mesh1.init(tdim, 0)
    f2v = mesh1.topology()(tdim, 0)

    icells = bmesh.cells()

    vertex_match = lambda xs, ys: all(
        min(np.linalg.norm(ys - x, 2, 1)) < tol for x in xs)

    assert all([
        vertex_match(xi[icells[key]], x[f2v(val)])
        for key, val in list(mappings[tdim].items())

    # Now color specific
    cf = bmesh.marking_function
    assert set(cf.array()) == set((1, 2, 3, 4))

    assert all(bdries1[v] == cf[k] for k, v in list(mappings[tdim].items()))