def checklink (xrefelement) :
	#since the href attribute can exist in any element, let's simply only for this attribute and not for any specific element

	#now there can be three link destinations
	#1. external (scope = external)
	#2.	internal within this xml
	#3.	internal in another xml but within this folder
	if 'scope' in xrefelement.attrib :	#1. external (scope = external)
		pass	#for now we are not checking for external links
	else :
		parts = xrefelement.attrib['href'].split('#')
		topics = None
		if parts[0] == '' :	#within this file
			topics = root.findall(".//topic[@id='" + parts[1] + "']")
		else :	#within this folder
			otherroot = getxmlroot(foldername + parts[0])	#get the xml root
			topics = otherroot.findall(".//topic[@id='" + parts[1] + "']")
		if len(topics) == 1:	#if links are fine, the check for sticky text
			title = topics[0].find('title')
			xreftext = None
			if xrefelement.tag == 'xref' :
				xreftext = xrefelement.text
			elif xrefelement.tag == 'link' :
				linktextelement = xrefelement.find('linktext')
				xreftext = linktextelement.text
			if xreftext != title.text :
				if xrefelement.tag == 'xref' :
					xrefelement.text = title.text
					xrefelement.attrib['outputclass'] = 'fm:'
					global changemade
					changemade = 1
				elif xrefelement.tag == 'link' :
					linktextelement = xrefelement.find('linktext')
					xrefelement.attrib['outputclass'] = 'fm:'
					linktextelement.text = title.text
					global changemade
					changemade = 1
def checklink (xrefelement) :
	global NoOfErrors
	global NoOfLinkErrors
	global NoOfTextErrors
	#since the href attribute can exist in any element, let's simply only for this attribute and not for any specific element

	#now there can be three link destinations
	#1. external (scope = external)
	#2.	internal within this xml
	#3.	internal in another xml but within this folder
	if 'scope' in xrefelement.attrib :	#1. external (scope = external)
		pass	#for now we are not checking for external links
	else :
		parts = xrefelement.attrib['href'].split('#')
		topics = None
		if parts[0] == '' :	#within this file
			topics = root.findall(".//topic[@id='" + parts[1] + "']")
		else :	#within this folder
			#first we need to check if the destination file exists
			file_path = foldername + parts[0]
			if os.path.exists(file_path) :
				otherroot = getxmlroot(file_path)	#get the xml root
				topics = otherroot.findall(".//topic[@id='" + parts[1] + "']")
			else :
		if topics != None :
			if len(topics) == 0 :
				logerrormessage('linkbreak',getxreftext(xrefelement),"Pointing to:\n" + parts[1])
			elif len(topics) > 1 :
			elif len(topics) == 1:	#if links are fine, the check for sticky text
				title = topics[0].find('title')
				xreftext = getxreftext(xrefelement)
				titletext = cleanstring (title.text)
				if xreftext != titletext :
					logerrormessage('stickytext',"Link text\n" + xreftext, "Title text:\n" + titletext)
def iteratetree (currentelement) :
	classElements = currentelement.findall("*")
	for classElement in classElements :

foldername = 'C:/aaWork/p4v_ws/theoden/depot/EN/Docs/TechComm Suite/2015/fm/scripting/'

xmlfiles = glob.glob(foldername + '*.xml')
root = None
logger = FileWriter('dita-link-checker.log')
for xmlfile in xmlfiles :
	NoOfErrors = 0
	NoOfLinkErrors = 0
	NoOfTextErrors = 0
	print (xmlfile)
	logger.WriteLine ('Start: ' + xmlfile)
	root = getxmlroot(xmlfile)	#get the xml dom
	classElements = root.findall("*")
	for classElement in classElements :
	#logger.WriteLine('Number of Errors: ' + str(NoOfErrors))
	logger.WriteLine('Number of Link Errors: ' + str(NoOfLinkErrors))
	logger.WriteLine('Number of Text Errors: ' + str(NoOfTextErrors))
	logger.WriteLine ('DONE: ' + xmlfile)

print ("DONE. You can find the results in:\n" + logger.LogFileName())
def iteratetree (currentelement) :
	classElements = currentelement.findall("*")
	for classElement in classElements :

foldername = 'C:/aaWork/p4v_ws/theoden/depot/EN/Docs/TechComm Suite/2015/rh/user-guide/'

xmlfiles = glob.glob(foldername + '*.xml')
root = None
logger = FileWriter('dita-stickytext-fixer-upper.log')
changemade = 0

for xmlfile in xmlfiles :
	print (xmlfile)
	logger.WriteLine ('Start: ' + xmlfile)
	root = getxmlroot(xmlfile)
	classElements = root.findall("*")
	for classElement in classElements :
	if changemade == 1:
	logger.WriteLine ('DONE: ' + xmlfile)

print ("DONE. You can find the results in:\n" + logger.LogFileName())