Exemplo n.º 1
def fetch_events(query):
    # type: (Mapping[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]
    queue_id = query["queue_id"]  # type: str
    dont_block = query["dont_block"]  # type: bool
    last_event_id = query["last_event_id"]  # type: int
    user_profile_id = query["user_profile_id"]  # type: int
    new_queue_data = query.get("new_queue_data")  # type: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
    user_profile_email = query["user_profile_email"]  # type: Text
    client_type_name = query["client_type_name"]  # type: Text
    handler_id = query["handler_id"]  # type: int

        was_connected = False
        orig_queue_id = queue_id
        extra_log_data = ""
        if queue_id is None:
            if dont_block:
                client = allocate_client_descriptor(new_queue_data)
                queue_id = client.event_queue.id
                raise JsonableError(_("Missing 'queue_id' argument"))
            if last_event_id is None:
                raise JsonableError(_("Missing 'last_event_id' argument"))
            client = get_client_descriptor(queue_id)
            if client is None:
                raise BadEventQueueIdError(queue_id)
            if user_profile_id != client.user_profile_id:
                raise JsonableError(_("You are not authorized to get events from this queue"))
            was_connected = client.finish_current_handler()

        if not client.event_queue.empty() or dont_block:
            response = dict(events=client.event_queue.contents(),
                            handler_id=handler_id)  # type: Dict[str, Any]
            if orig_queue_id is None:
                response['queue_id'] = queue_id
            if len(response["events"]) == 1:
                extra_log_data = "[%s/%s/%s]" % (queue_id, len(response["events"]),
                extra_log_data = "[%s/%s]" % (queue_id, len(response["events"]))
            if was_connected:
                extra_log_data += " [was connected]"
            return dict(type="response", response=response, extra_log_data=extra_log_data)

        # After this point, dont_block=False, the queue is empty, and we
        # have a pre-existing queue, so we wait for new events.
        if was_connected:
            logging.info("Disconnected handler for queue %s (%s/%s)" % (queue_id, user_profile_email,
    except JsonableError as e:
        return dict(type="error", exception=e)

    client.connect_handler(handler_id, client_type_name)
    return dict(type="async")
Exemplo n.º 2
def cleanup_event_queue(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
                        queue_id: str=REQ()) -> HttpResponse:
    client = get_client_descriptor(str(queue_id))
    if client is None:
        raise BadEventQueueIdError(queue_id)
    if user_profile.id != client.user_profile_id:
        return json_error(_("You are not authorized to access this queue"))
    request._log_data['extra'] = "[%s]" % (queue_id,)
    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def authenticate_client(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        if self.authenticated:
            self.session.send_message({'req_id': msg['req_id'], 'type': 'response',
                                       'response': {'result': 'error',
                                                    'msg': 'Already authenticated'}})

        user_profile = get_user_profile(self.browser_session_id)
        if user_profile is None:
            raise JsonableError(_('Unknown or missing session'))
        self.session.user_profile = user_profile

        if 'csrf_token' not in msg['request']:
            # Debugging code to help with understanding #6961
            logging.error("Invalid websockets auth request: %s" % (msg['request'],))
            raise JsonableError(_('CSRF token entry missing from request'))
        if not _compare_salted_tokens(msg['request']['csrf_token'], self.csrf_token):
            raise JsonableError(_('CSRF token does not match that in cookie'))

        if 'queue_id' not in msg['request']:
            raise JsonableError(_("Missing 'queue_id' argument"))

        queue_id = msg['request']['queue_id']
        client = get_client_descriptor(queue_id)
        if client is None:
            raise BadEventQueueIdError(queue_id)

        if user_profile.id != client.user_profile_id:
            raise JsonableError(_("You are not the owner of the queue with id '%s'") % (queue_id,))

        self.authenticated = True
        register_connection(queue_id, self)

        response = {'req_id': msg['req_id'], 'type': 'response',
                    'response': {'result': 'success', 'msg': ''}}

        status_inquiries = msg['request'].get('status_inquiries')
        if status_inquiries is not None:
            results = {}  # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]
            for inquiry in status_inquiries:
                status = redis_client.hgetall(req_redis_key(inquiry))  # type: Dict[bytes, bytes]
                if len(status) == 0:
                    result = {'status': 'not_received'}
                elif b'response' not in status:
                    result = {'status': status[b'status'].decode('utf-8')}
                    result = {'status': status[b'status'].decode('utf-8'),
                              'response': ujson.loads(status[b'response'])}
                results[str(inquiry)] = result
            response['response']['status_inquiries'] = results

        ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
Exemplo n.º 4
def cleanup_event_queue(
    request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile, queue_id: str = REQ()
) -> HttpResponse:
    client = get_client_descriptor(str(queue_id))
    if client is None:
        raise BadEventQueueIdError(queue_id)
    if user_profile.id != client.user_profile_id:
        raise JsonableError(_("You are not authorized to access this queue"))
    log_data = get_request_notes(request).log_data
    assert log_data is not None
    log_data["extra"] = f"[{queue_id}]"
    return json_success()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def authenticate_client(self, msg):
        # type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> None
        if self.authenticated:
            self.session.send_message({'req_id': msg['req_id'], 'type': 'response',
                                       'response': {'result': 'error', 'msg': 'Already authenticated'}})

        user_profile = get_user_profile(self.browser_session_id)
        if user_profile is None:
            raise JsonableError(_('Unknown or missing session'))
        self.session.user_profile = user_profile

        if not _compare_salted_tokens(msg['request']['csrf_token'], self.csrf_token):
            raise JsonableError(_('CSRF token does not match that in cookie'))

        if 'queue_id' not in msg['request']:
            raise JsonableError(_("Missing 'queue_id' argument"))

        queue_id = msg['request']['queue_id']
        client = get_client_descriptor(queue_id)
        if client is None:
            raise BadEventQueueIdError(queue_id)

        if user_profile.id != client.user_profile_id:
            raise JsonableError(_("You are not the owner of the queue with id '%s'") % (queue_id,))

        self.authenticated = True
        register_connection(queue_id, self)

        response = {'req_id': msg['req_id'], 'type': 'response',
                    'response': {'result': 'success', 'msg': ''}}

        status_inquiries = msg['request'].get('status_inquiries')
        if status_inquiries is not None:
            results = {}
            for inquiry in status_inquiries:
                status = redis_client.hgetall(req_redis_key(inquiry))
                if len(status) == 0:
                    status['status'] = 'not_received'
                if 'response' in status:
                    status['response'] = ujson.loads(status['response'])
                results[str(inquiry)] = status
            response['response']['status_inquiries'] = results

        ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_client_descriptor(queue_id: str) -> ClientDescriptor:
        return clients[queue_id]
    except KeyError:
        raise BadEventQueueIdError(queue_id)
Exemplo n.º 7
def fetch_events(query: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    queue_id: str = query["queue_id"]
    dont_block: bool = query["dont_block"]
    last_event_id: int = query["last_event_id"]
    user_profile_id: int = query["user_profile_id"]
    new_queue_data: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = query.get("new_queue_data")
    client_type_name: str = query["client_type_name"]
    handler_id: int = query["handler_id"]

        was_connected = False
        orig_queue_id = queue_id
        extra_log_data = ""
        if queue_id is None:
            if dont_block:
                client = allocate_client_descriptor(new_queue_data)
                queue_id = client.event_queue.id
                raise JsonableError(_("Missing 'queue_id' argument"))
            if last_event_id is None:
                raise JsonableError(_("Missing 'last_event_id' argument"))
            client = get_client_descriptor(queue_id)
            if client is None:
                raise BadEventQueueIdError(queue_id)
            if user_profile_id != client.user_profile_id:
                raise JsonableError(_("You are not authorized to get events from this queue"))
            if (
                client.event_queue.newest_pruned_id is not None
                and last_event_id < client.event_queue.newest_pruned_id
                raise JsonableError(_("An event newer than %s has already been pruned!") % (last_event_id,))
            if (
                client.event_queue.newest_pruned_id is not None
                and last_event_id != client.event_queue.newest_pruned_id
                raise JsonableError(_("Event %s was not in this queue") % (last_event_id,))
            was_connected = client.finish_current_handler()

        if not client.event_queue.empty() or dont_block:
            response: Dict[str, Any] = dict(
            if orig_queue_id is None:
                response['queue_id'] = queue_id
            if len(response["events"]) == 1:
                extra_log_data = "[{}/{}/{}]".format(queue_id, len(response["events"]),
                extra_log_data = "[{}/{}]".format(queue_id, len(response["events"]))
            if was_connected:
                extra_log_data += " [was connected]"
            return dict(type="response", response=response, extra_log_data=extra_log_data)

        # After this point, dont_block=False, the queue is empty, and we
        # have a pre-existing queue, so we wait for new events.
        if was_connected:
            logging.info("Disconnected handler for queue %s (%s/%s)",
                         queue_id, user_profile_id, client_type_name)
    except JsonableError as e:
        return dict(type="error", exception=e)

    client.connect_handler(handler_id, client_type_name)
    return dict(type="async")