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  1. Most convinient way is just to run ./setup script. If you have any troubles with it, here is the full list of manual operations to complete:
  • Install pyhon 2.7
  • Create virtual environment virtualenv venv --no-site-packages
  • Activate it source venv/bin/activate
  • Install python setup utils / easy_install (instructions:
  • Install pip sudo easy_install pip
  • Install scikit_learn, scipy, numpy, spacy pip install -U numpy scipy scikit-learn spacy && python -m all


Firstly, you want to activate virtual environment created on previous step (to use local python libraries, not global). You could do this with source venv/bin/activate. It modifies your PATH in this purpose. After end of work you could leave venv with deactivate command.

Secondly, there are 3 main utilities: train, predict, and check_accuracy With you are training model on your data, and then predict authorship probabilities with for anonymous texts. performs cross-validation on training data, so you can test and compare performans on different approaches.

Here is full list of command-line options for them:

CLI options for check_accuracy:

  1. -i, --input - path to file with train data. Data have to be in the same format as

  2. -s, --selection [chi2, logreg, svd1000] - feature selection method.

    • chi2 - chi2-based statistical test
    • logreg - most important features with L1 logisitic regression
    • svd1000 - Singular Value Decomposition. 1000 or other number specifies final dimensionality
    • pca500 - Principal Component Analysis. 500 or other number specifies dimensionality like with svd.
  3. -c, --cls [logreg, svc, rf100] - classifier type:

    • logreg - logistic regression with L2 regularization
    • svc - SVM classifier.
    • rf100 - Random Forest classifier with 100 estimators. You could also use rf500, rf1000, and so on.
  4. -n - number of samples to use (for quick accuracy check you may want to use small number of samples)

  5. -v, --vectorizer [bow, word2vec, word2vec2] - text vectorizer type

    • bow - Bag of Words - vector representation of texts based of frequencies of n-grams, POS tags, and some other additonal statistics
    • word2vec - straitforward sum of word2vec vectors for words in paragraph
    • word2vec2 - TF-IDF weighted sum of word2vec vectors in text
    • combined - frequency features + sum of word vectors

CLI options for train:

  1. -i (same as check_accuracy)
  2. -s (same as check_accuracy)
  3. -c (same as check_accuracy)
  4. -o, --output - output file for model. Default is model.pkl

CLI options for predict:

  1. -i, --input - location of file with test data, the file have to be in the same format as example_test.txt
  2. -m, --model - location of model file
  3. -o, --output - name of file where to store predictions

Binary distributions:

As alternative way to launching python scripts, you can use binary distributions. How to do that:

  • Unzip
  • Unzip into dist folder
  • Run train and predict binaries with ./dist/train -i train.txt and ./dist/predict -i test.txt
  • Check accuracy with ./dist/check_accuracy -i enrone.txt

How to create binaries:

  1. Install cxfreeze (
  2. Run cxfreeze , for example cxfreeze
  3. By default binaries are saved in ./dist As well you could specify another directory (see cxfreeze documentation)


  1. Try approach with cumulative TF-IDF weighted word2vec semantic vectors
  2. Provide command options for: a) feature generation algorithm (-f) [ngrams, word2vec]
  3. provide options for logreg, rf, svc parameters as a part of their name


  1. Use full reddit corpus for training? 42 Gb compressed


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