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This product helps integrating the collective.geo.* packages and aims to provide some sensible defaults. Besides some integration glue it defines a new interface IGeocodableLocation that can be used to create adapters that knows how to represent the location of a content type with address-like fields as a string suitable for passing to a geocoding API.


  • Automatic geocoding of IGeoreferenceable content types via an IGeocodableLocation adapter
  • Caching of geocoding responses
  • Only trigger geocoding lookups if location related fields on the content item changed
  • Facilitate doing automatic geocoding based on location fields and still allow for manually setting custom coordinates


Automatically geocoding your content types

In order for your content types to be automatically geocoded on ObjectEdited or ObjectInitialized events, you need to create an adapter for your content type that implements IGeocodableLocation and knows how to build a geocodable location string from the content type's location related fields.

In order to implement the interface you need to define a getLocationString method on your adapter that returns the complete location as a comma separated string, with the location parts getting less specific from left to right.

For example:

'1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, US'
'Engehaldestr. 53, 3012 Bern, Switzerland'

If the getLocationString method returns the empty string or None, the event handler won't attempt to do a geocode lookup, so this is the suggested way to abort geocoding if not enough location information is available.

Example code:

from ftw.geo.interfaces import IGeocodableLocation
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import implements

class MyTypeLocationAdapter(object):
    """Adapter that is able to represent the location of an MyType in
    a geocodable string form.

    def __init__(self, context):
        self.context = context

    def getLocationString(self):
        """Build a geocodable location string from the MyType's address
        related fields.
        street = self.context.getAddress()
        zip_code = self.context.getZip()
        city = self.context.getCity()
        country = self.context.getCountry()

        location = ', '.join([street, zip_code, city, country])
        return location

Register the adapter with ZCML:


Caching of geocoding responses

Responses from the geocoding API are being RAM cached. The cache key being used is the result of the getLocationString method, which means that for every unique location string the geocoding lookup is only done once and subsequently fetched from the cache.

Only triggering geocoding when location fields changed

If we were to do a geocode lookup on every ObjectEdited event, any custom coordinates that have been set would be overriden every time any field on the content item is changed (even if the geocoding response itself was fetched from the cache).

To avoid this, ftw.geo stores the result of getLocationString as an annotation on the object and on ObjectEdited checks if the location string (and therefore the location related fields) actually changed, and only does the lookup when necessary. This means:

On ObjectInitialized the content type will first be geocoded initally (unless getLocationString returned None or the empty string). If you manually set coordinates after that through the 'Coordinates' tab provided by collective.geo.contentlocations they will be saved and overwrite the coordinates determined previously by geocoding. After that, if you edit the content item and change any fields not related to the location, the custom coordinates will be preserved. Only if you change one of the location related fields used in getLocationString the geocoding will be performed again and any custom coordinates overwritten.

Google API Key

Google's geocoding API can be used without an API Key, but then is limited to 2500 requests per day. If you defined your Google Maps API Key in collective.geo.settings it will be used, otherwise the geocoding API will be called without an API key.

Rendering a content map viewlet in a custom template

If you don't want your content map displayed in one of the default viewlet managers (plone.abovecontentbody / plone.abovecontentbody) on the content item's main view but instead in a custom view and/or a different viewlet manager, this is how you do it:

First, you need to make sure your browser view implements a specific interface and provide a KMLMapViewletLayer adapter (view, request, context, widget) for it:


Your view class have to provide the collective.geo.kml.interfaces.IKMLOpenLayersView:

from collective.geo.kml.interfaces import IKMLOpenLayersView
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from zope.interface import implements

class ContactView(BrowserView):

Then, in your view's template, simply use the macros provided by collective.geo.mapwidget:

<div id="kml-content-viewlet">
  <metal:use use-macro="context/@@collectivegeo-macros/openlayers" />
  <metal:use use-macro="context/@@collectivegeo-macros/map-widget" />







If you're having trouble installing the collective.geo.* dependencies (namely libgeos and shapely) trough your distribution's package manager, you can build them yourself using this buildout configuration:


parts +=

recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
url =
md5sum = 2ba61afb7fe2c5ddf642d82d7b16e75b
extra_options =
    CC='gcc -m32'
    CXX='g++ -m32'

recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
egg = Shapely
include-dirs = ${geos:location}/include
library-dirs = ${geos:location}/lib
rpath = ${geos:location}/lib

Use it in your main buildout.cfg like this:

extends =
#   ...

eggs +=

environment-vars +=
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${geos:location}/lib



  • Lukas Graf [lukasg], Author


This package is copyright by 4teamwork.

ftw.geo is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.


Integration package for collective.geo.* packages






No packages published
