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With you can implement mobile buttons, which show a list of options when clicked. The package depends on ftw.theming, which provides the basic styles.

It also provides a mobile navigation, which is also displayed as a mobile button, but behaves differently.


  • Add the package to your buildout configuration:
eggs +=


Warning: This package installs ftw.gopip, which replaces the getObjPositionInParent catalog index with a FieldIndex. This is because needs to do large catalog queries sorted by getObjPositionInParent, which is too slow in standard Plone. See the ftw.gopip readme for further details.


Two buttons are registered by default.

  • User Menu
  • Navigation

The buttons are rendered in a viewlet, which is visible at a certain viewport size.

Registering a new button

Minimal example:

from import BaseButton

class UserButton(BaseButton):

    def label(self):
        return u"User menu"

    def position(self):
        return 1000

    def data(self):
        """json data to display"""
        context_state = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request),

        user_actions = context_state.actions('user')

        def link_data(item):
            return {'url': item.get('url'),
                    'label': item.get('title')}
        return map(link_data, user_actions)

You need to define at least the label, the position and the data for a working mobile button.

The data method needs to return a valid json data structure as follows:

        "url": "$LINK_URL",
        "label": "$LINK_LABEL"
        "url": "$LINK_URL",
         "label": "$LINK_LABEL"

The user button has the position 1000 which is rendered in the rightmost position and the navigation has the position 100, which is rendered in the leftmost position.

The navigation button introduces a lot of complexity. It is not considered a simple button ;-)

Details Navigation Button

The JS for the navigation button wraps all children of the body tag with adds two additional divs on pageload.



  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone your fork
  3. Shell: ln -s development.cfg buidlout.cfg
  4. Shell: python
  5. Shell: bin/buildout

Run bin/test to test your changes.

Or start an instance by running bin/instance fg.



This package is copyright by 4teamwork. is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.