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Chain is a tiny tool for performing data transformation and data analysis by successive function calls and successive generator consumption. For example:

>>> from chain import given, ANS
>>> given("abcd")(reversed)(c.upper() for c in ANS)(list).end
['D', 'C', 'B', 'A']

The reversed function runs with "abcd" as argument. Then the generator expression iterates over the ANS constant. ANS stores the result returned for reversed. At next, the generator turns each character in the string to uppercase. Then call the list function whit the generator. Finally, lookup the .end property that stores the result of the execution.

Table Of Contents


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Successive Function Calls

Executes a function with the given object:

>>> from chain import given
>>> given(1)(lambda x: x + 2).end

The given function call the lambda function with 1 as argument. The .end property returns the result of the execution.

You can compose multiple functions by successive calls:

>>> (given([1.5, 2.5, 3.9])
...     (max)
...     (round)
...     (lambda x: x + 2)
... .end)

Each function sourounded by parenthesis is called with the result of the precedent function as argument. The below construction is equivalent to.

>>> _ = [1.5, 2.5, 3.9]
>>> _ = max(_)
>>> _ = round(_)
>>> (lambda x: x + 2)(_)

Call Functions With Multiples Arguments

You can pass multiples arguments to each function. The first argument of the succesive call should be a Callable. The Callable passed as argument is executed whit the output of the previous call as first argument, and the passed argument as second. E.g.:

>>> add = lambda x, y: x + y
>>> given(10)(add, 20).end

The lambda function assign 10 value to x and 20 to y. You can do the same with as many arguments as you want:

>>> add_3_ints = lambda x, y, z: x + y + z
>>> given(10)(add_3_ints, 20, 30).end

The ANS Constant

In all previous examples the lambda function is executed with the object returned by the previous call as first argument. What if you want to pass the returned object as second, third, or any order? You can use the ANS constant:

>>> from chain import given, ANS
>>> given('Three')(lambda x, y, z: x + y + z, 'One', 'Two', ANS).end

The ANS constant is like the ans key in scientific calculators. They stores the output of the previous operation.

You can use the ANS constant as multiple times as you want:

>>> given('o')(lambda x, y, z: x + y + z, ANS, ANS, ANS).end

Keyword arguments are allowed:

>>> given("a")(lambda x, y, z: x + y + z, y="b", z="c").end
>>> given("c")(lambda x, y, z: x + y + z, x="a", y="b", z=ANS).end

Successive Generator Consumption

If you pass a generator expression as unique argument, you can consume those generators successively.

>>> (given([1, 2, 3])
...     (i*2 for i in ANS)
...     (i*3 for i in ANS)
...     (list)
... .end)
[6, 12, 18]

The given function can only consume those generators that iterates over the ANS constant:

>>> given("abc")(i for i in (1, 2))(list).end
ValueError: Can not iterate over 'tuple_iterator', 'ANS' constant only.

What if you want to do some like?:

>>> (given("abc")
...     ((i, j) for i, j in enumerate(ANS))
...     (list)
... .end)
ValueError: Can not iterate over 'enumerate', 'ANS' constant only.

To do that you must call the enumerate function first.

>>> (given("abcd")
...     (enumerate)
...     ((i, j) for i, j in ANS)
...     (list)
... .end)
[('a', 0), ('b', 1), ('c', 2), ('d', 3)]

Another limitation is that you can not iterate over "nested for statements":

>>> (given("abc")
...     (i + j for i in ANS for j in "xyz")
...     (list)
... .end)
SyntaxError: "Multiple for statements" are not allowed.

To do that you should use the product function of the itertools module.

>>> from itertools import product
>>> (given("abc")
...     (product, "xyz", ANS)
...     (i + j for i, j in ANS)
...     (list)
... .end)
['xa', 'xb', 'xc', 'ya', 'yb', 'yc', 'za', 'zb', 'zc']

Reuse The Methods Of The Returned Object

You can lookup and call the methods of the given and returned object:

char = (given("abc")
        .upper()  # 1
        (list)    # 2
        .pop()    # 3

assert char == 'A'
  1. Call the upper method of 'abc'. It give 'ABC'.
  2. Executes the list built-in function with 'ABC'. It give ['A', 'B', 'C'].
  3. Call the pop method of the list. Returns 'A'.

Handle Multiples Returned Objects

Sometimes you want to pass more than one argument to the next function. In that cases you can use a list and acces to each object by index:

>>> from chain import given, ANS
>>> (given([1, 2, 3])
...     (lambda x: x[0] + x[1] + x[2])
... .end)
>>> 6

Or you can use a dict.

>>> (given(dict(a=1, b=2, c=3))
...     (lambda x: x['a'] + x['b'] + x['c'])
... .end)
>>> 6

The same problem can be solved with the unpack function:

>>> from chain import given, unpack
>>> sum_list = (given([1, 2, 3])
...     (unpack, lambda a, b, c: a + b + c)
... .end)
>>> sum_list

Method cascading

In november of 2013 Steven D'Aprano was created a recipe to allow method cascading. Method cascading is an apy which allows multiple methods to be called on the same object.

For example, supose that you want to call multiple methods of the same object like:

items = []


assert items == [1, 2, 3]

The chain chain have the Cascade class that turns any object into one with methods that can be chained.

from chain import Cascade

items = (

assert items == [1, 2, 3]

API Documentation

function given(obj) -> Link

Returns a Link instance that implement the successive calls pattern.

>>> link = given("abcd")
>>> link
<Link object at 0x7fe2ab0b29d8>

function unpack(obj, function)

Call the function with the upacket object and returns their result.

>>> add = lambda a, b: a + b

>>> args = (1, 2)
>>> assert unpack(args, add) == add(*args)  # 3

>>> kwargs = dict(a=1, b=2)
>>> assert unpack(kwargs, add) == add(**kwargs)  # 3

class Link(instruction, *args, **kwargs)

Implements the successive call pattern. Allways returns itself.

>>> link = Link("abcd")
>>> link(reversed)
<Link object at 0x7fe2a91b6f28>
>>> link(list) is link

attribute Link.end

Stores the result of the execution.

>>> link = Link("abcd")(reversed)(list)
>>> link
<Link object at 0x7fe2a91b6f28>
>>> link.end
['D', 'C', 'B', 'A']

constant ANS

This constant should be used to collect the output of the previous function or store the previous generator defined in the chain. See the tutorial for more info.

class Cascade(obj)

An adapter class which turns any object into one with methods that can be chained.

>>> from chain import Cascade
>>> result = Cascade([]).append(2).append(1).reverse().append(3).end
>>> result
[1, 2, 3]


Chain is a framework for performing data transformation and data analysis pipelines by successive function calls and successive generator consumption.







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