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Natural Resources Wales FishMap Mon

FishMap Môn is a pilot project funded by the European Fisheries Fund and run in partnership between Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and the fishing community in North Wales. Project partners include the North Wales Fisherman’s Cooperative Limited, Bangor Mussel Producers Limited and the Welsh Federation of Sea Anglers. The project sets out to inform the sustainable management of the Welsh marine environment by collecting and mapping fishing activity and combining it with information on seabed habitats and their sensitivity to such activity.

The live application can be found at:


Copyright (c) 2013 Astun Technology Ltd. See the file for license rights and limitations (MIT).


The following system wide dependencies are must be installed:

From ppa:ubuntugis/ppa:

  • cgi-mapserver
  • postgresql-9.1-postgis

For fuzzy search:

  • postgresql-contrib

For Python PostgreSQL driver

  • python-dev
  • libpq-dev

For Export Image functionality:

  • redis-server
  • phantomjs
  • casperjs

Install PhantomJS & CasperJS

# All software installed in /usr/local/src
cd /usr/local/src

# Install PhantomJS
sudo wget
sudo tar -xvf phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
sudo mv phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-x86_64 phantomjs
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/src/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/phantomjs

# Install CasperJS
sudo git clone git://
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/src/casperjs/bin/casperjs /usr/local/bin/casperjs

Install Python dependencies

It is recommended that python-virtualenv (or virtualenvwrapper) are used to create a standalone Python 2.7 environment for the application. Installing either package will provide access to pip the Python package manager which can be used to install all Python dependencies. The file webapp/REQUIREMENTS contains a list of all of the packages and their versions. Once the virtual environment is activated run pip pip install -r REQUIREMENTS from the webapp directory.

Running the application


During development the application can be run using the builtin Flask web server. Simply run python from the webapp directory once you have activated the virtual environment and installed the dependencies. The application will then be available at: http://localhost:5000/


In production there are various ways to run a Python Flask web application including running under Gunicorn using Nginx as a front-end web server. The application sets HTTP headers to enable caching of most content including map images using something like Varnish.


The application requires the following configuration be set in it's environment:

Required Environment Variables

  • SECRET_KEY - A random string used to cryptographically sign session cookies (see for further details)
  • FISHMAP_SALT - The password salt used with authenticated users passwords
  • FISHMAP_PASSWORD - Password for the fishmap database user
  • FISHMAP_DEV_USER - Username of development superuser
  • FISHMAP_DEV_PASS - Password of development superuser

Optional Environment Variables

  • HTTP_AUTH_USER - Username for basic HTTP auth (only required if the app is protected with basic auth)
  • HTTP_AUTH_PASS - Password for basic HTTP auth (only required if the app is protected with basic auth)
  • FISHMAP_CONFIG_FILE - Path to a configuration file that overrides settings in

Overriding Configuration

The default configuration in can be overridden by specifying a configuration to load via the FISHMAP_CONFIG_FILE environment variable which must point to a Python ini style configuration file with a value per line.

MapServer encryption key

The password used to connect to the PostgreSQL database within the MapServer mapfile is encrypted. In order to render maps do the following:

Create a key file:

msencrypt -keygen fishmap.key

Generate an encrypted password and update config/mapserver/ with the value output:

msencrypt -key fishmap.key "<password>"

Update the MS_ENCRYPTION_KEY setting in config/mapserver/ with the path to your key file.

Further details on msencrypt are available in the MapServer docs.



To create the OS raster tile index:

cd data/BaseMapping
gdaltindex ./OS250k/os250k.shp ./OS250k/*.tif


From the webapp directory first scan templates and python files for strings to translate by running:

pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -k lazy_gettext -o strings.pot .

Create files for all languages that contain the translated text:

pybabel update -i strings.pot -d translations

Edit translations/cy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po to add the msgstr value for each string that needs translating. Then to compile run:

pybabel compile -f -d translations

Custom parameters

For requests made to show impact of project area selection the following custom parameters are used:

  • Vessels (vessels_lvl_project_det and vessels_lvl_project_gen)
    • FISHING (name of type of fishing as used in other layers and underlying tables)
    • COUNT (number of vessels in custom area(s))
    • WKT (WKT representation of project area(s))
  • Intensity (project_intensity_lvls_new_det, project_intensity_lvls_new_gen, project_intensity_lvls_combined_det and project_intensity_lvls_combined_gen)
    • FISHING (name of type of fishing as used in other layers and underlying tables)
    • WKT (WKT representation of project area(s))
    • ARGn (number of numeric arguments, see below as to what they refer to for each FISHING type)

Arguments for each fishing activity in intensity calculations

| FISHING          | ARG1      | ARG2       | ARG3       | ARG4      | ARG5    |
| king_scallops    | days/year | speed      | avg. hours | net width | # boats |
| queen_scallops   | days/year | speed      | avg. hours | net width | # boats |
| mussels          | days/year | speed      | avg. hours | net width | # boats |
| lot              | days/year | speed      | avg. hours | net width |         |
| nets             | days/year | net length | # nets     |           |         |
| pots_combined    | days/year | # anchors  | # pots     |           |         |
| rsa_charterboats | days/year | rods       | avg. hours |           |         |
| rsa_combined     | days/year | rods       | avg. hours |           |         |
| rsa_noncharter   | days/year | rods       | avg. hours |           |         |
| rsa_shore        | days/year | rods       | avg. hours |           |         |
| cas_hand_gath    | days/year | avg. hours | # people   |           |         |
| pro_hand_gath    | days/year | avg. hours | # people   |           |         |