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run the following command for an up-to-date help message and an overview of all commands:

python -h

requires plink 1.9, numpy and pandas, on spudhead/spudlings, run using python 2.7.6

known issue:

logging is very messy and not consistent

example usages:

  • from the human origins data set, get all snp on chromosome X that have an ancestral allele typed

      python --bed /data/external_public/human_origins_affy/EuropeFullyPublic/vdata \
                          --check-reference                                                      \
                          --reference_path ancestral_hg19                                        \
                          --keep_snp_id false                                                    \
                          --out out/vdata_polarized                                              \
                          --chromosome X                                                         \
                          --twd tmp                                                              \
                          --plink ~/bin/plink
  • merge the data sets from bhakar2013 ,the human origins data set and 1000g, check the reference and keep only snp present in all three data sets, write a vcf file in the end

      python --vcf /data/external_public/1000genomes/release/Phase3/ALL.chr21.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated.20130502.genotype.vcf.gz \
                          --bed /data/external_public/human_origins_affy/EuropeFullyPublic/vdata                                                       \
                          --bed /data/external_public/behar_et_al_2013/new_data_in_paper                                                               \
                          --check-reference                                                                                                            \
                          --reference_path hg19                                                                                                        \
                          --keep_snp_id false                                                                                                          \
                          --chromosome 21                                                                                                              \
                          --twd tmp                                                                                                                    \
                          --plink ~/bin/plink                                                                                                          \
                          --merge_type inner                                                                                                           \
                          --output_type vcf
  • merge the data sets from bhakar2013 and the human origins data set, keep all snp and set missing data to the reference allele

      python --bed /data/external_public/human_origins_affy/EuropeFullyPublic/vdata \
                          --bed /data/external_public/behar_et_al_2013/new_data_in_paper         \
                          --check-reference                                                      \
                          --reference_path hg19                                                  \
                          --keep_snp_id false                                                    \
                          --twd tmp                                                              \
                          --merge_type outer                                                     \
                          --plink ~/bin/plink                                                    \ 
                          --out out/ex_outer                                                     \
                          --set_missing_to_reference                                             \
                          --output_type vcf


The help message output is pasted below for convenience:

usage: [-h] [--bed [BED [BED ...]]] [--vcf [VCF [VCF ...]]]
                    [--out OUT] [--output_type {bed,vcf}]
                    [--merge_type {inner,outer,left,right}]
                    [--retained_snp RETAINED_SNP]
                    [--keep_snp_id {left,false,merge}] [--pwd PWD] [--twd TWD]
                    [--check_reference] [--reference_path REFERENCE_PATH]
                    [--dropped_snp DROPPED_SNP] [--set_missing_to_reference]
                    [--chromosomes [CHROMOSOMES [CHROMOSOMES ...]]]
                    [--plink PLINK] [--logfile LOGFILE] [-d] [-v]

A python wrapper around plink 1.9 for merging data sets in various file
formats. Assumptions (currently NOT checked): - same positions implies same
variant - indels are removed - alleles given on same strand in all files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bed [BED [BED ...]], --bedfiles [BED [BED ...]]
                        The bedfiles to merge. The bim and fam files are
                        assumed to have the same name
  --vcf [VCF [VCF ...]], --vcffiles [VCF [VCF ...]]
                        The files in vcf format to merge
  --out OUT             the output file name prefix. Will have ending
                        bed/bim/fam (for bed)or vcf.gz (for vcf output)
  --output_type {bed,vcf}
                        the format of the output file
  --merge_type {inner,outer,left,right}
                        how the SNP are merged. Default is an outer join,
                        keeping all SNP. `inner` only keeps SNP that are
                        shared between populations. `left` and `right` keep
                        all SNP from the first/second data set, respectively
                        in each merge.
  --retained_snp RETAINED_SNP
                        file name of the file with all snp included in the
  --keep_snp_id {left,false,merge}
                        if SNP id's should be retained. `false` will set it to
                        chr_pos_a1_a2, left keeps the id from the leftmost
                        file, as long as it is not na. `merge` concatenates
                        the SNP ids.
  --pwd PWD, --working-directory PWD
                        The working directory for relative paths
  --twd TWD, --temp-directory TWD
                        The directory where temporary files are stored.
                        created if it does not exist
  --check_reference, --check-reference
                        should SNP alleles be checked against reference
  --reference_path REFERENCE_PATH, --reference-path REFERENCE_PATH
                        A folder with the reference sequence files in fasta
                        format, only required when --check_reference is used.
                        hg18, hg19, ancestral_hg19 and ancestral_hg38 lead to
                        reference sequences and ancestral sequences for these
                        genomes, respectively.
  --dropped_snp DROPPED_SNP
                        File with all SNP that were dropped from the analysis
                        should SNP absent from a data set be called as
  --chromosomes [CHROMOSOMES [CHROMOSOMES ...]], --chromosome [CHROMOSOMES [CHROMOSOMES ...]]
                        list of chromosomes to be included in data
  --plink PLINK         path to the plink executable to be used
  --logfile LOGFILE     file name for log file, default is stdout
  -d, --debug           Print lots of debugging statements
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose


wrapper around plink to merge files






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