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BNP kaggle competition actvity log


  1. Tested AWS Machine Learning with default arguments. Tested result stored in aws_result:
  • aws_result_1.csv ( Result set downloaded from aws )
  • sample_submission.csv ( Sample format )
  • ( Merge aws_result_1.csv and sameple_submission.csv, get a valid submission )
  • aws_submit_1.csv ( Submitted to kaggle )
    • Rank: 1169
    • Log loss score: 0.50312 The result is almost same as "Random Forest Benchmark".
  1. Tested Azure Machine Learning with following pipeline. Since a lot of fields have more than 20% of missing value, a proper way to process them can make a lot of difference.
  2. Use PCA to replace numerical missing value (10 iteration)
  3. Use NA to replace categorical missing value
  4. Use Boosted Decision Tree to make prediction

The result is better: - Rank: 980 - Log loss score: 0.47278


  1. Read Missing_Data_Our_View_of_the_State_of_art.pdf:
  2. Missing data might be missing for different reason. - It might randomly missing due to the flaw during data collection.
    • Eg. Survey identity not reachable after first round of survey. - It might randomly missing due to the nature of the data.
    • Eg. Field is "The marriage year", but survey person is too young. - It might missing with a probability correlate to specific property of the event.
    • Eg. HIV patient don't want to disclose the sexual orientation.
  3. Traditional way to recover missing data: - Delete missing row: Reduced the power of traning size. - Replace with average: preserved average, but disturb the covariance and the standard deviation. - Simple hot deck: Randomly select one from existing fields. This preserve the mean and standard deviation. - Linear regression: Use the estimate value based on linear regresion over other fields.
  4. Tested on Azure Machine Learning:
  5. Use ( mean / 0 / -1 ) to replace numerical missing value
  6. Use NA to replace categorical missing value
  7. Use Boosted Decision Tree to make prediction ( Tried more leaves per tree, tried more sample per tree )

Use 0 or -1 yield better result. Tuning decision tree hyperparam doesn't improve overall performance.


  1. Tried boosted decision tree with 1000 node. The log loss is averaged around 0.50, which is even worse than the default setting (0.47278)
  2. Tried SVM and depp SVM model:
  • SVM has log loss around 0.50 - 0.51, which does not perform better than decision tree.
  • Deep SVM has log loss around 0.51 - 0.53, the log loss vary a lot during 10 fold cross validation. This shows Deep SVM is overfitting the result and does not derive more information.
  1. Kicked off neural network:
  • 100 node in hidden layer. Train with 100 epoch. 10 fold validation. The mean error is still decreasing after 90 epochs, so kick off another job.
  • 100 node in hidden layer. Train with 300 epoch. Generate test result directly.


  • There might be some magic value that make big difference of some fields, which makes decision tree perform better.
  • The SVM model is restricted by the kernel it use, which might make it hard to accomodate some corner case.
  • Kicked off neural network


  1. Tested neural network performance.
  • 100 node in hidden layer produce log score 1.2
  • 300 node in hidden layer produce log score 1.9

Validated the produced lable and probability in traning set. The prediction error is quite low. The poor performance on test set means this model is overfitting the training set too much.

Another explaination is the input data format. I didn't normalize the input data, which might cause skew in some way.

Forum discussion suggest it can achieve Leader Board score 0.46 using NN, so might need to dig further. 2. Forum discussion thread:

  • Replace missing value with out of range value (-1 / -999) improved result. Espcially for tree based algorithm.
  • Add additional column to indicate missing value can help.
  • How to distinguish "Data is missing" and "Data is not applicable"?
  • drop v22 seems to help, need to understand why


  1. Forum discussion thread:


  1. Forum discussion thread:
    • BernoulliNB feature reduction / categorical feature transformation:

      • Transform categorical feature to one hot encoding
      • Use BernoulliNB to train a predictor that predict a one-hot-encoding feature vs target.
      • Use predictor to produce the probability of target, use it to replace original categorical feature

      This seems to try to be a clustering method for categorical feature. Eg. The feature that tends to generate same result tends to be grouping together. If a feature A has high probability to produce 1, and feature B also has high probability to produce 1, they will both have a value after BernoulliNB transform. This can help tree-based learner, as there will be less noise from this categorical feature.


  1. Implemented missing pattern as a new categorical feature. There are moer than 150 patterns available. I see small improvement like 0.0003
  2. Tested BernoulliNB feature reduction trick. It can't be apply to all features. If the feature vs target has low correlation and similar distribution, the result probability might be same for multiple features.


  1. TODO: Preprocess highly correlated feature.
  • In this dataset, there are large amount of fields have high correlation score to each other. Background:
  • These highly correlated field does not improve tree-based predictor.
    • Eg. X1 represent income, X2 represent apartment rent, Y represent credit card decision 1 or 0. X1 is likely to be highly correlated to X2, so tree-based predictor will just select X1 as feature, adding X2 won't improve prediction too much.
  • Derived feature using the residual from correlation function can be useful.
    • Eg. X1 represent income, X2 represent apartment rent, Y represent credit card decision 1 or 0. We first derive a linear regression for X2 based on X1, we will get predicted_X2 = a * X1 + b, and residual_X2 = X2 - predicted_X2 = X2 - a * X1 -b. residual_X2 can represent a person's willing ness to save money, which can help predict if a credit card should be issued. This information cannot be derived automatically from tree-based model, because tree-based model is using absolute variable value as prediction indicator.
  • Neural network can derive linear / non-linear feature automatically. Neural network is based on matrix multiplication like: predict_y = M * x + C, M is a matrix with dimension R(x)*R(y), C is a matrix with dimension 1*R(y). Thus, a derived feature residual_X2 = X2 - a * X1 - b can be represent as neural_layer_1 = [[0, 1], [-a, 0]] * [X1, X2] - [b, 0]. The interconnection matrix can be learned by neural network directly, thus provide more helpful features.


  1. Implmented new feature based on inter correlation's residual. residual = data - PCA_inverse_transform(data). No improvement on original data.
  2. Implemented "smart" grid search, take similar idea as gradient decent. Since we can't calculate the gradient, we use the performance difference as a measure of gradiant.
  • Start from a default configuration.
  • Tune one param at a time by searching the neighborhood grid.
  • Tune another param when no improvement on current param.
  • Turn all param in a loop.


  1. Good reading about tip on data science:


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