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This is a bunch of utilities that I have put together that may (not) be useful for you.
See the wiki pages for more information on the tools:

Tool to parse dumb Dropbox logs that embed JSON in to the 10th field. Converts it to plan CSV.

dirsymsync is a service that will synchronise two folders with one symlinking files to the other to get the effect of a "write once" "disallow delete" type scenario.

FileHashTools is a tool that lets you work with checksums and files. It can be used to verify checksums that are embedded in filenames, or it can be used to create/verify checksum files.

printhash is just a simple script that will print out the md5 or crc for a given file.

stdhelper can take a file and normal stdin and pass it to a specified program, optionally able to delay input. UNIX ONLY (at this point in time.)

subextractreplace lets you extract subtitles from a lot of mkv's. It also lets you replace certain tokens in those subtitles, and then if you wish, you can remux it back into mkv.

treeprinter lets you view a filesystem hierarchy starting where you please, and will display information about files in a format you specify. See wiki (or conf file) for information available to print.

A simple helper module with utilities to help me do basic things quickly.

whatever2utf8 is a simple script that will take one file and try to convert it from the encoding you specify to UTF-8 (with optional BOM marker)