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#Xilinx Builder

##Description: sCons based command line tools to interface with Xilinx tools

##How to use:

  • Edit the config.json file to setup a build environment, the keywords are as follows:

    • name: Name of the project to be created ex: "project"

    • build_dir: Output directory of the project ex: "build"

    • device: Device part number ex: "xc6slx9-tqg144-3"

    • verilog: A list of verilog files or paths

      • If the entry is a directory then all items in the diretory will be added
      • If the "recursive" flag is set to true then it will also be recusively searched
    • top_module: Top verilog module in the project

    • constraint_files: List of constraint files to be used

    • coregen: Settings for coregen

      • flags: Flags that can be set for the coregen, any flag specified by the user will override the default values set in
    • xst: Setting for xst synthesizer

      • flags: Flags that can be set for the synthesizer, any flag specified by the user will override the default values set in site_scons/xst_default_flags.json
    • ngdbuild: Settings for ngdbuild translator

      • flags: Flags that can be set for the translator, any flag specified by the user will override the default values set in site_scons/ngd_default_flags.json
    • map: Settings for map

      • flags: Flags that can be set for the translator, any flag specified by the user will override the default values set in site_scons/map_default_flags.json
    • par: Settings for place and route

      • flags: Flags that can be set for the translator, any flag specified by the user will override the default values set in site_scons/par_default_flags.json
    • trce: Settings for trace timing analysis

      • flags: Flags that can be set for the translator, any flag specified by the user will override the default values set in site_scons/trace_default_flags.json
    • bitgen: Settings for bitgen

      • flags: Flags that can be set for the translator, any flag specified by the user will override the default values set in site_scons/bitgen_default_flags.json
      • configuration: Override the default configuration, any value set in this block will override the default vlues set in site_scons/bitgen_configuration.json
    • NOTE: by setting a flag to "_true" then the flag will be inserted as a standalone flag: eg "-my_flag":"_true" will show up as: ...-my_flag... for the tool, NOT ...-my_flag _true...

    • NOTE: Do not specify a flag to allow the default flags to override (the default flags can be viewed in site_scons/??_default_flags.json)

    • NOTE: Setting a flag to blank will override the default flag with nothing

  • Build the project by typing either 'scons' to build all targets or scons plus a Target (listed below)

##Command Line Options:


  • cores: generate cores in the cores directory (cores -> .ngc)
  • xst: synthesize (verilog, [cores]) -> .ncd
  • ngd_build: netlist translation (from abstract constructs to Xilinx specific constructs) (.ngc -> .ngd)
  • map: mapping the xilinx specific netlist (logical design) into the specified xilinx component (using slices, BRAMs, and I/Os) (.ngd -> .ncd)
  • par: place and route the component within the FPGA (.ncd -> _par.ncd)
  • bitgen: generating a bit file that can be downloaded to the FPGA (_par.ncd -> .bit)
  • trace: analyzing the design for timing violations (_par.ncd -> .twr)


  • --debug_build: view debug messages helpful to debug the builder
  • --config_file: specify a different configuration file than 'config.json'
  • --clean_build: remove all directories create by the build process config["build_dir"] directory _xmsgs directory
  • --clean_cores: clean the cores, cores take a long time to build so it doesn't make sense to rebuild them every run so unless explicitly declared the default clean (scons -c) scons will not remove the generated cores

##Notes About Cores: Cores are very useful and can add a lot of functionality to code here is how to use them in this build environment.

Use Coregen GUI to generate your core. It's alright if the part number/family doesn't match up with the final build the build tool will fix this (Just make sure that your device can accomodate the core, i.e. don't put a PCIE core on a spartan 3)

After coregen generates your core copy the (core_name).xco (as is) to the 'cores' directory. copy the (core_name).v file to the rtl directory. This is the interface to your core. It looks strange becaus the sythesis implementation only declares ports and parameters but this is like a header file in c where the synthesizer will know to look for an NGC file created by coregen to attach the backend of that module to.

For example if you generated a complex multiplier for use with a xc6slx4-tgq144-2 part and you are currently building for a xc6slx9-tqg144-3 part the tool will fix the necessary project settings and generate your core.

###Example: If you named the complex multiplier cm in coregen, it will output a lot of files two of them being cm.xco and cm.v. Put cm.xco in the 'cores' directory and cm.v in the 'rtl' directory.

##To Do:

[_] Add support for vhdl
[x] Add Support for SmartGuide (reusing previous builds to speed up new builds)
[_] Add support for multiple verilog/VHDL libraries
[x] Add support for cores
[_] Add support for bmm
[_] Test build environment on 32-bit Linux Box
[_] Test build environment on 32-bit Windows Box
[_] Test build environemnt on 64-bit Windows Box


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