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Processing GoC-Spending data output Travis-CI Status


  • Python 3.6
  • MySQL


  • Create a python virtual environment
    • python -m venv env
    • source env/bin/activate
  • Install required python packages
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • pip install -e .


General tips

  • Run source env/bin/activate each time you open the repo in a shell, to activate the virtual environment
  • Run --help after any command to get documentation specific to it. tribble --help will give you information about the package in general. tribble [command_name] --help (where [command_name] is a command like create_db) will give you information about the command specified.

First run

Welcome to fuzzy-tribble! Here are steps to follow once you’ve cloned the repo and installed it:

  1. Clone the spending data repo into a separate directory. This will give you the data that fuzzy-tribble will load into the database.
  2. Run tribble create_db. This will create the database in MySQL.
    • By default, this database will be named spending. You can choose a custom name for it with the --schema option: tribble --schema [your_database_name] create_db.
    • Specify the MySQL user (--user), password (--password), and, if necessary, the host (--host). We’ve set up sensible defaults for these, which may work for you. Note: These options precede the create_db command (i.e. tribble --user [mysql_user] create_db). This note applies for all other commands.
  3. Run tribble init_db. This will add the necessary tables to the database.
  4. Run tribble load [input-dir], substituting [input-dir] for the path to the data repo that you cloned in step 1.
  5. Load your MySQL installation with your viewer of choice and check out the tables in your database!
    • raw_contracts will contain the input data, unprocessed.
    • contracts will contain the processed contract data, run through fuzzy-tribble’s transformers.

Important notes

  • Make sure to provide the parameters before the relevant command. For global options (e.g. --user), they must come before the command (e.g. create_db). tribble --user USER create_db will work; tribble create_db --user USER will not. For command options (e.g. --runtime-user for the create_db command), they must come after the command.


Processing GoC-Spending data output







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Contributors 4
