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Kirin deals with real-time updates for navitia. When feeds are provided to Kirin by a client, it requests navitia to find the corresponding vehicle journey and apply the update, that is then posted in a queue for navitia to pick.

The feeds can be of the following type:

  • COTS : Also a proprietary realtime information feed for SNCF. JSON files are posted to the Kirin web service (example of such feed here). A cause message subservice is also requested during the processing of this feed.
  • GTFS-RT : A realtime information format that comes with the GTFS format (base-schedule informations). Documentation is available here. Typically, a transport authority will provide a server where GTFS-RT protobuf files can be consumed and regularly polled.


  • Install dependencies with

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    (virtualenv is strongly advised)

  • Create a configuration file by copying and editing kirin/

  • You also need a redis-server to use cache on some requests and a rabbitmq-server to post updated data in the queue. It can be installed with :

    sudo apt-get install redis-server rabbitmq-server
  • Setup the Kirin database (postgresql >= 9.1 is required):

    sudo -i -u postgres
    # Create a user
    createuser -P navitia (password "navitia")
    # Create database
    createdb -O navitia kirin
    # Create database for tests
    createdb -O navitia chaos_testing
    ctrl + d
  • Create a file .env with the path to you configuration file:
    KIRIN_LOG_FORMATTER='json'  # If you wish to have logs formated as json (more details)
  • Build the protocol buffer files

    git submodule init
    git submodule update
    ./ build_pbf
  • Build the version file:

    ./ build_version
  • Update the database schema (requires honcho):

    pip install honcho
    honcho run ./ db upgrade
  • Run the development server:

    honcho start

    This command runs several processes :

    • a server to listen to incoming requests
    • a scheduler and its worker to perform tasks scheduled in KIRIN_CONFIG_FILE Note: one of the tasks scheduled is a poller to retrieve GTFS-RT files, only useful when there's a feed provider URL defined. If not needed, this specific task can be disabled in KIRIN_CONFIG_FILE by removing the 'poller' task in the 'CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE' section. This will avoid having logs and errors about GTFS-RT.
    • a job to read the info already available in Kirin database. Note that this step of data reloading at boot is mandatory for Kirin to be able to process future real-time feeds.
  • Enjoy: you can now request the Kirin API


Kirin API provides several endpoints (that can be requested through port 5000 by default, or port 54746 if using honcho).
To list all available endpoints:

curl 'http://localhost:5000/'
Status (GET)

Returns info about the Kirin and the previous jobs performed

curl 'http://localhost:5000/status'

In the response received:

  • last_update: last time Kirin received a file (or pulled it, depending the client) in order to update navitia data.
  • last_valid_update: last time Kirin received a file that was valid and managed to update navitia data properly.
  • last_update_error: information about error from the last time Kirin processed a file and a problem occurred. It can either be a problem about the file or the data update. The field will be empty if last_update = last_valid_update.
  • navitia_url: root url of the navitia server used to consolidate real-time information received by Kirin.
    Other info are available about Kirin ("version"), the database ("db_version", "db_pool_status") and the rabbitmq ("rabbitmq_info").
SNCF's realtime feeds

For the SNCF's realtime feeds to be taken into account by navitia, some parameters need to be set for both Kirin and Kraken (the navitia core calculator).

  • In Kirin:
    NAVITIA_URL = '<url of the navitia server>' # ex: 'http://localhost:5000/'
    NAVITIA_INSTANCE = '<name of the instance which vehicle journeys will be updated>'
    DEBUG = True
    log_formatter = 'json'
  • In Kraken:
    • kraken.ini:
    [GENERAL] # The following parameters need to be added to the already existing ones in the GENERAL section
    is_realtime_enabled = true
    kirin_timeout = 180000 # in ms (optional)
    [BROKER] # It represents the rabbitmq-server, fill the following parameters according to your settings
    host = localhost
    port = 5672
    username = guest
    password = guest
    exchange = navitia
Cots (POST)

Post a COTS update file with modifications about a vehicle journey (delay, disruption, deletion, ...) that will be modified and posted in the rabbitmq queue.

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5000/cots' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @<PATH/TO/my_cots.json>

For the COTS to be taken into account by navitia, please add the common SNCF's parameters above, plus:

  • In Kirin:
    # Parameters for COTS cause message subservice (ParIV)
    COTS_PAR_IV_MOTIF_RESOURCE_SERVER = '<COTS ParIV-Motif cause endpoint's URL>'
    COTS_PAR_IV_TOKEN_SERVER = '<COTS ParIV oauth2 token endpoint's URL>'
    COTS_PAR_IV_CLIENT_ID = '<COTS ParIV username>'
  • In Kraken:
    • kraken.ini:
    [BROKER] # in the BROKER section existing from common part
    rt_topics = realtime.cots  # it's possible to add multiple topics simultaneously

If the COTS was successfully sent and processed by Kirin, the http response 200 will have a message "OK".


Alembic database revisions

To generate a new database revision script (after an upgrade of the file):

honcho run ./ db migrate

This will generate a new migration file, that you can amend to your will.

⚠️ To ensure safe db migrations for both upgrade (deploy) and downgrade (rollback), please make sure that:
Kirin version n is able to read/write in db version n+1 FILLED by Kirin n+1 (it's the case on rollback)

Roles and architecture

Kirin is split in 4 separate "components", as seen in honcho's Procfile.


Alias 'kirin' or 'web'

Its roles are:

  • display the /status.
  • provide a POST endpoint for each type of accepted realtime provider.
    On given endpoints, the webservice receives and directly processes the feed. The result is then saved in db and sent to corresponding Navitia's Kraken. It is mainly used for COTS.
  • provide a POST endpoint to ask for a full reload on a given realtime provider.
    When a Kraken restarts it pops a rabbitmq queue and asks Kirin to provide all info in it. Then the webservice asks Kirin background to fulfill this task.

There can be several of these (if they are behind a load-balancer).


Alias 'load_realtime'

Its role is to provide all information available in db for a given provider in the rabbitmq queue, so that Kraken can restart fully aware of realtime.

There can be several of these if the load is important.


Alias 'scheduler'

Its role is to regularly publish polling jobs destined to Kirin-workers.

There is only one of these on each platform.


Alias 'worker'

Its role is to poll an external location and check if new information was published. In that case, the worker processes it, stores the result in db and sends the corresponding info to Kraken.

There can be several of these if the load is important. At least one per polled provider is recommended.


Most tests are implemented in /tests directory.
Please read tests readme for more information.


Retrieve processed feed

To use pgAdmin, simply File/add server then enter any name then Host, user and password used by Kirin on given platform (default kirin / kirin).
If you use pgAdmin, you can increase massively the number of characters per column (as the feed is big): File/preferences then Request editor/Request editor/Maximum number of characters per column


To generate a new release:

  1. merge the version you want to release into release branch (adapt script):
    git checkout release
    git pull
    git merge canaltp/master
  2. tag and annotate the version:
    git tag -a <version> # then annotate with 'Version <version>'
    # check that the version is OK
    git describe # should output the desired version
  3. if needed merge back release into master branch:
    git checkout master
    git pull
    git merge release
  4. push master, release and tags to central repo
    git push canaltp release master --tags


A docker image of Kirin can be built using the Dockerfile: docker build -t kirin . When running this image, the Kirin web server is launched and an optional port can be given to expose the API. docker run -p <port>:9090 kirin

Note: a Kirin database is needed on localhost for the requests to be done successfully.


The magical unicorn







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  • Python 99.8%
  • Other 0.2%