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Forwards events from one Zenoss to another.


This ZenPack reads events from the eventForwarder queue and dumps them into a flat file that's easy for splunk to consume locally.


Prerequisite Restriction
Product Zenoss 4.1.1 or higher
Required ZenPacks ZenPacks.SteelHouseLabs.EventForwarder
Other dependencies pika 0.98


These notification actions are not able to provide immediate feedback as to whether or not configuration information is correct, so the zenactiond.log file must be checked to ensure that the actions are working correctly.


See the Zenoss Service Dynamics Administration Guide for more information about triggers and notifications. Any issues detected during the run of the notification will result in an event sent to the event console as well as a message in the zenactiond.log file. The splunkforwarder.log file will contain a s log of streamed messages.

Select the Event Forwarder Action

This assumes that the appropriate triggers have already been set up.

  1. Navigate to Events -> Triggers page.
  2. Click on the Notifications menu item.
  3. Click on the plus sign ('+') to add a new notification.
  4. From the dialog box, specify the name of the notification and select the Event Forwarder action.
  5. Enable the notification and add a trigger to be associated with this action.
  6. Click on the Submit button.


Install the ZenPack via the command line and restart Zenoss:

NOTE: DO NOT link install EventForwarder or SplunkForwarder!

easy_install pika zenpack --install ZenPacks.SteelHouseLabs.EventForwarder-<version>.egg zenpack --install ZenPacks.SteelHouseLabs.SplunkForwarder-<version>.egg zenoss restart


To remove the ZenPack, use the following command:

NOTE: Remove any configuration changes for SplunkForwarder configured in $ZENHOME/etc/global.conf NOTE: Add splunkforwarder to daemons.txt

zenpack --remove ZenPacks.SteelHouseLabs.EventForwarder zenpack --remove ZenPacks.SteelHouseLabs.SplunkForwarder

zenoss restart



Parameter Description
splunkLoggerFile Target file for event stream. Default '/opt/zenoss/var/splunklogger'


The Zenoss support team will need the following output:

  1. Set the zenhub daemon into DEBUG level logging by typing zenhub debug from the command-line. This will ensure that we can see the incoming event in the zenhub.log file.
  2. Set the zenactiond daemon into DEBUG level logging by typing zenactiond debug from the command-line. This will ensure that we can see the incoming notification request and processing activity in the zenactiond.log file.
  3. Create an event from the remote source, by the zensendevent command or by the event console Add an Event button. This event must match the trigger definition that will invoke your notification action.
  4. Verify that the event was processed by the zenhub daemon by examining the zenhub.log file.
  5. Wait for the zenactiond daemon to receive and then process the notification request.
  6. In the case of errors an event will be generated and sent to the event console.

7. Running rabbitmqctl -p /zenoss list_queues should show a 'eventForwarder' queue once after the Notification is enabled on the Triggers -> Notifications page.

  1. Verify pika >= 0.98 is installed
Type Name
Notification zenactiond
============ ===============================================================
Forwarder splunkforwarder


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