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Installing QtPlaskin on Fedora 30 and above:

These instructions were written for future reference and for the people in my group at CWI. They can be easily modified for installation in Ubuntu. Similar installation instructions are given in the INSTALL.txt file in this repo:

  • conda install -c conda-forge numpy scipy h5py matplotlib
  • pip install pyqt5
  • git clone
  • cd qtplaskin
  • pip install -e . (pay attention to the . at the end.)
  • To test if the installation was a success, type qtplaskin in the terminal and you will have a GUI opening.

Running a simple ZDPlaskin simulation and visualizing the results using qtplaskin:

  • The website of ZDPlaskin gives 3 examples. All of them are in this repository with folder names 'example1', 'example2', 'example3'.
  • You can read the manual of ZDPlaskin, type out the commands in there and move ahead. However, I tried to streamline this process a bit by using Makefiles.
  • Before we try to run the code, we need to tell the computer where to find the libraries/files that we require. This is done by the following command: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • We want to simulate the evolution of chemical species under the influence of a certain electric field. To this end, we need four main files.
    • First, the chemistry reaction mechanisms. This is specified in the kinetics.inp file. The auxilliary script preprocessor converts the kinetics.inp file into the zdplaskin_m.f90 file.
    • Second, we need to obtain the rate constants for the reactions. A few of these, which depend on the E/N values are computed using BOLSIG-. For this we need to use either the or the We supply the cross-sections for the reactions using the bolsigdb.dat file. This is the default filename and can be changed in the kinetics.inp file
    • Third, we need to specify the simulation parameters like gas temperature, initial charged specie densities, electric field, etc. This is done in the main.f90 file.
    • Finally, we need an ODE solver that solves our chemistry equations. This is done by using the dvode_f90_m.f90 file.
  • For a simple simulation, you only need to edit the kinetics.inp and the main.f90 files. Once these 4 files are setup/present you can run your simulation by typing make run.
  • Go to the 'Air_simpleChemistry' folder for a simple example.


A Zero-dimensional plasma chemistry code.






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