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FSND - Project 4 Catalog.


This web app will display movie genres. This acts as the items. When the user clicks on the genre(item) it will display movies within the genre. When the user clicks on that movie, it will display more information about the movie.

The user will also have the option to sign in. The user will need to have a facebook account. The web application uses facebook authentication.

Once the user signed in a signout button will be displayed. when the user signs out genric public pages will be displayed for genres, movies, and individual movies.

When the user signs in the user will be presented with the ability to edit, delete, and create new. This ability is applicable to genres and movies.


* vagrant VM
* python 2.7
* flask
* httplib2
* facebook account

How to

If you want run this locally. Used VSCode to code. Need to virtualenv to set up a python 2.7 env.

py -2 -m virtualenv env

Activate the env using:

.\env\Scripts\activate - for windows.
.\env\bin\activate - for linux.

Please have vagrant set up. This repo already has a vagrant file to use. This file is copied from what Udacity originally provided. run the following command

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant

If the files from this repo are not found in '/vagrant' dir, try to cd into catalog after /vagrant.

  1. run - Creates a database.
  1. run - this will populate the database, so that the applicaiton can display information.

Once you are there run:

python application

when this runs - open a browser and type in:


you should see a list of genres with login option. This will show the user a facebook button to login. Once the user logs in they will be rerouted to the homepage, which is the genres page. THey will now have the ability to edit, delete, and add new. This functionailty will also be availble on the movies page and individual movie page.


This contains Key and secret from my application in facebook.
Google+ auth is not used google+ is not longer in use.
Not using google auth either.


Edit/update page:
Click on the edit link - you will be routed to a page where you can edit the genre title or a movie title or the description dependening on which page you are on.

Once the use logs in they can delete an item. if clicked the user is confronted with a confirmation page. If agreed - the database will udpate and the item will be deleted.

Add New:
if the user is logged in they will have the ability to add new items. click on add new. if you are in the genres page. add a new genre. if you are in the movies section under genres. you can add a new movie. The user will have the option to add movie name, description, and year. This will update the database.

Each items is read from the database. list of genre is read from the database. when you click the genres it uses the genre_id and list all movies under that. when you click on the movei it uses genre_id and movie_id to read description, title, and year for that specific movie.

JSON Endpoints

  • localhost:8000/genres/json - will show all genres in json format.
  • localhost:8000/movies/josn - shows all movies in json format.
  • localhost:8000/genres/int:genre_id/movies/josn - prints movies in a specific genres in json form.
  • localhost:8000/genres/int:genre_id/movies/int:movies_id/json - shows a speicific movie details in json format.

genre_id and movie_ids can be obtained by running the first two. Subsitute those values in.




FSND - project 2 item catalog.






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