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Remote Roofing Preliminary Challenge

Estimating the bounding boxes for the "following" button in a set of 5 images.

Following Button


Take the above images as the training set and output the coordinates for the bounding boxes containing the twitter “following button”.

Your output should be a list of arrays containing the bounding boxes of the following buttons for each picture:

[ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax]


The code is pushed onto the repo as a lightweight version without any data. You need to follow the setup scripts in this section to download the model and data.

Outputs are present in the Model_Outputs/ directory for ease of access.


By casting the problem as an object tracking problem across the frames (sample images), we are able to estimate bounding boxes.

As a result, there is no need for training. Furthermore, any other button or feature can be tracked across frames as well.


I am using pretrained SiamFC based on the paper, Fully-Convolutional Siamese Networks for Object Tracking.

SiamFC A quick recap, provided a target image $z$ and an image $x$, it outputs an activation map with probabilities of $z$ at each location in $x$.


  1. Identifying the coordinates of the "following button" in any one image : I used Photoshop to identify the coordinates. The tracker takes in the coordinates of the object in frame #1 and tracks it across frames Photoshop

  2. Cloning the SiamFC repo: I used bilylee's implementation and set it up as indicated.

  3. Setting up data: Made a directory assets/TwitterCV/img and extracted the images there. Renamed them in the format 0001.png (because the tracker datasets usually follow that syntax.)

  4. Adding the initial bounding box : Created a file assets/TwitterCV/groundtruth_rect.txt and added the coordinates obtained in step 1 in the first row. Made rows for all other samples with junk values as they are necessary for tracker to consume images.

    1062,836,208,62 #proper bbox in image 1 (x,y,w,h)
    204,41,23,30  #junk lines
    204,41,23,30  #junk lines
    201,40,23,30  #junk lines
    201,40,23,30  #junk lines
  5. Modifying tracker code: Changes made to existing code to solve this problem. Siam FC tracks only one object even if identical copies exist in the frame.


      • (default behavior): Identify highest activation point and draw bounding box around that point using heuristics.
      • (Modded behavior): Use OpenCV to threshold activation map to identify all regions of high activation. Using OpenCV again to identify centres of these regions and let the system calculate bbox around each centre.
    • Driver code to track

      • Now also reads the bboxes produced by tracker and marks them on the images. Additionally generates a json with the required output [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax]


Intermediate Outputs

Found in Logs/SiamFC/track_model_inference/SiamFC-3s-color-pretrained/TwitterCV/Intermediate/

Activation Activation map from SiamFC
Thresholded Regions of highest activations after thresholding

Final Outputs

Found in Logs/SiamFC/track_model_inference/SiamFC-3s-color-pretrained/TwitterCV/Outputs/

The output.json in the same folder contains the output bounding boxes.

Code Setup

The code runs on python 3.6+ .Main requirements can be installed by:

With Conda

cd Remote-Roofing/
conda env create --file environment.yaml

From Requirements.txt

cd Remote-Roofing/
pip install -r requirements.txt

If pip defaults to Python 2.x

cd Remote-Roofing/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Manual Installation

# (OPTIONAL) 0. It is highly recommended to create a virtualenv or conda environment
# For example, 
#       conda create -n tensorflow1.4 python=2.7
#       source activate tensorflow1.4

# 1. Install TensorFlow 1.4.0 
# Version 1.4.0 is required for training since we use API
# You can use TensorFlow > 1.0 for tracking though.
# Note the tracking performance slightly varies in different versions.
# pip install tensorflow    # For CPU
pip install tensorflow-gpu  # For GPU

# 2. Install scipy for loading mat files
pip install scipy

# 3. Install sacred for experiments logging
pip install sacred==0.7.5

# 4. Install matplotlib for visualizing tracking results
pip install matplotlib

# 5. Install opencv for preprocessing training examples
pip install opencv-python

# 6. Install pillow for some image-related operations
pip install pillow

# (OPTIONAL) 7. Install nvidia-ml-py for automatically selecting GPU
pip install nvidia-ml-py


# 1. Clone this repository to your disk
git clone

# 2. Change working directory
cd Remote-Roofing/

# 3. Download pretrained models and one test sequence 
python scripts/

# 4. Convert pretrained MatConvNet model into TensorFlow format.
# Note we use SiamFC-3s-color-pretrained as one example. You
# Can also use SiamFC-3s-gray-pretrained. 
python experiments/

# 5. Run tracking on the test sequence with the converted model
python scripts/


SiamFC-TensorFlow is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).


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