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This is a graphical interface for the MJOLNIR:, which deals with multiplexing inelastic neutron spectrometers. MJOLNIRGui is meant to introduce the scripting software in a user-friendly way and to give access to data-overview methods either during an experiment or when inspecting data files. Further information can be found at

Citing this package

If you use this software for data treatment, please do cite it using its doi and the article found at


There are in total four ways of installing this interface to MJOLNIR

Using installers

Installers for the app is currently supported on Windows and Ubuntu. For both, installation files are available at To install, double click the .exe file in windows, or run the .deb file through the system package manager on Ubuntu.

Anaconda and Pip

The app can be install in an Anaconda environment on all platforms. In order to do this, first the anaconda environment is to be set up

    conda create --name MJOLNIRGui python=3.6 geos numpy scipy shapely

For windows, it is important that the geos and shapely modules are installed through conda instead of pip. Next, the app is installed by

    conda activate MJOLNIRGui
    pip install MJOLNIRGui

This installs the needed packages and creates a command line script to run the app. To run, be sure to be in the right environment and call


Through git

As an alternative to the two above methods, it is possible to clone the git repository og MJOLNIRGui and run it locally. This is done by creating a folder in which to clone and invoke the clone command

    git clone

As was the case for the anaconda and pip method, on Windows the geos and shapely modules need to be installed through anaconda. Further needed packages are fbs PyQt5 PyInstaller==3.4 setuptools<45.0.0, MJOLNIR. With all of these installed navigate to the root directory of the git repository (containing, src, ...) and call

    fbs run

Ubunto through the apt-get

You can also add the MJOLNIRGui to be automatically update through the software updater. This is done by

    sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
    wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
    echo 'deb [arch=amd64] stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mjolnirgui.list
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install mjolnirgui

If you already have installed the app, a forced update can be triggered via:

    sudo apt-get update -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mjolnirgui.list" -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="-" -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="0"
    sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade mjolnirgui

Lastly, your can also install without automatic updates by downloading: