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LArFlow: predicting pixel correspondence between planes using CNNs

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LArFlow: prediction pixel correspondence between LArTPC wireplane images

This repository contains the code for developing a full 3D neutrino interaction reconstruction centered using outputs of a convolutional neural network.

The convolutional neural network aims to provide information that seeds the reconstruction of particles and interactions. This includes:

  • good 3D space points representing the locations where charge particle tracks passed through the detector
  • associations between the 3D space points and the spatial patterns in the TPC images where the points project into.
  • scores indicating which 3D points are near important, key-points: track ends, shower starts, and neutrino interaction vertices.

Documentation for the library can be found at


  • larmatchnet: definition of network, scripts to train and deploy network
  • larflow: c++ libraries providing methods to prepare data, perform downstream reconstruction

Within the larflow folder, are the following c++ modules:

  • PrepFlowMatchData: classes/methods for preparing spacepoint data from TPC images
  • KeyPoints: classes/methods for preparing keypoint training info using spacepoint data from PrepFlowMatchData
  • SpatialEmbed: classes/methods for preparing spatial embedding training info using spacepoint data from PrepFlowMatchData
  • Reco: downstream reconstruction using output of networks to form candidate neutrino interactions
  • CRTMatch: tools to combine CRT data with spacepoints and TPC data in order to provide tagged cosmic muon tracks
  • Voxelizer: voxelize larmatch spacepoints, not finished. intended to help spacepoint output connect to 3D convolutional networks.
  • LArFlowConstants: constants, enumerations used in the other modules
  • FlowContourMatch:deprecated tools

Other folders are considered deprecated and need to be cleaned up and archived.

  • testdata: default location for testdata used for development
  • utils: utility scripts
  • container: script to build Singularity container that will work on tufts grid

deprecated folders, kept for archival reasons

  • deprecated/old_larflownet_models: different version of LArFlow models
  • deprecated/old_larflownet_dataprep: scripts to make larflow input and truth images from larsoft files and then prepare crops for training
  • deprecated/old_larflownet_training: training scripts
  • deprecated/old_larflownet_deploy: take trained models and process test files
  • deprecated/old_larflownet_ana: analysis scripts for processed test files
  • deprecated/old_larflownet_weights: default location for weights
  • deprecated/postprocessor: old code that used old larflow 3d points for reco

To Do list:

  • clustering via spatial embed method [Jared]
  • clustering via part affinity flows [Taritree]
  • extend keypoints to be more than one class [Polina]
  • develop interactoin selection
  • develop analysis metrics [Ralitsa]


Not included in repo

  • ROOT (6.12/04 known to work)
  • opencv (3.2.0 known to work)
  • pytorch (1.3, 1.4 known to work)
  • numpy (1.14.03 known to work)
  • tensorboardX (from here)
  • tensorboard
  • cuda (currently using 10.1)
  • Eigen 3

UBDL dependencies

  • larlite: following X branch
  • Geo2D:
  • LArOpenCV:
  • larcv:
  • ublarcvapp:
  • cilantros:
  • nlohmann/json
  • (to do: add missing)

Included as submodules

  • larcvdataset: wrapper class providing interface to images stored in the larcv format. converts data into numpy arrays for use in pytorch (deprecated)
  • Cilantro: a library with various Clustering routines w/ C++ API (deprecated)
  • Pangolin: a OpenGL viewer package, used by Cilantro (deprecated)


  • This repository is intended to be build as a part of the ubdl environment. Go here to see this repo.
  • clone ubdl: git clone
  • go to the ubdl folder
  • setup the ubdl environment pre-reqs: source
  • configure the ubdl submodule environments: source
  • build all the submodules: source

Issues building Pangolin (deprecated)

Pangolin depends on GLEW and X11. These can be provided by a package manager. However, especially for GLEW other versions can be on the system from other libraries like CUDA and/or ROOT. This can cause compilation errors.

If there are issues you can try the following:

  • go into CMakeCache.txt and check the include and library entries for GLEW (search for GLEW). Change them to point to the system GLEW. On Ubuntu this will be something like:

    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ for the LIB dir and /usr/include for the INC dir

    If you do this, remove the directory CMakeFiles and run make clean. Then run cmake . and finally make.

  • go into Pangolin/include/pangolin/gl/glplatform.h and change <GL/glew.h> to /usr/include/GL/glew.h to hack it to not rely on the include directories passed to the compiler. Note: the above path is for Ubuntu 16.04/18.4.

Each time you start a new shell and want to use the code

  • setup the environment through ubdl
  • go to ubdl folder (which should contain this repo as a submodule)
  • source
  • source

Pushing back changes

If you made changes to a submodule, you need to check in that code and then check in the new commit hash of the submodule to this repo.

Say you made a change to larcv. (Same instructions basically for all submodules).

  • First make sure you are not in a DEATCHED_HEAD state)

    git branch

    * tufts_ub

  • If it says detached head, go back to head of larflow repo and run source and come back

  • stage your commits and then push

    git add [[some file you edited]]
    git commit -m "[[short description of change]]"
    git push
  • go back to head of larflow and commit the updated submodule (in this example larcv) to this repo cd .. git add larcv git commit -m "[[which submodule you updated]]" git push