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grimagents is collection of command line applications that wrap the Unity Machine Learning Agents toolkit with more automation.

grimagents CLI features include:

  • Initiate training using arguments loaded from a configuration file
  • (Optional) Automatically add time-stamp to training run-ids
  • (Optional) Override loaded configuration values with command line arguments

grimsearch CLI features include:

  • Search for optimal hyperparameter settings using Grid, Random, and Bayesian strategies

grimwrapper CLI features include:

  • Display estimated time remaining
  • (Optional) Automatically copy trained models to another location after training finishes (for example, into a Unity project)


  • Pipenv accessible through the PATH environment variable
  • A virtual environment setup for the MLAgents project folder using Pipenv
  • ML-Agents 0.16.1
  • Tensorflow 2.2.0 (See Notes)
  • Scikit-learn 0.22.2 (See Notes)


  • Copy or clone this repository in the MLAgents project into a folder named grim-agents
  • Install grimagents with pipenv install grim-agents/ or in "editable" mode with pipenv install -e grim-agents/
  • (Optional) Give the grim-agents folder another name and update accordingly


Once installed, grimagents can be executed from the MLAgents project root folder several ways:

Using console script entry points:

pipenv run grimagents -h
pipenv run grimsearch -h
pipenv run grimwrapper -h

Using the modules directly:

pipenv run python -m grimagents -h
pipenv run python -m -h
pipenv run python -m grimagents.training_wrapper -h

Using the batch files in the grim-agents folder:

grim-agents\grimagents.bat -h
grim-agents\grimsearch.bat -h
grim-agents\grimwrapper.bat -h


usage: grimagents [-h] [--list] [--edit-config <file>]
                  [--edit-trainer-config <file>] [--tensorboard-start]
                  [--resume] [--dry-run] [--trainer-config TRAINER_CONFIG]
                  [--env ENV] [--run-id RUN_ID] [--base-port BASE_PORT]
                  [--num-envs NUM_ENVS] [--inference]
                  [--graphics | --no-graphics] [--timestamp | --no-timestamp]
                  [--multi-gpu | --no-multi-gpu]
                  configuration_file ...

CLI application that wraps Unity ML-Agents with more automation.

positional arguments:
  configuration_file    Configuration file to extract training arguments from
  args                  Additional arguments applied to training (ex. --debug,

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --list, -l            List mlagents-learn training options
  --edit-config <file>  Open a grimagents configuration file for editing
  --edit-trainer-config <file>
                        Open a trainer configuration file for editing
  --tensorboard-start, -s
                        Start tensorboard server
  --resume, -r          Resume the training run specified by --run-id
  --dry-run, -n         Print command without executing
  --trainer-config TRAINER_CONFIG
                        Overrides configuration setting
  --env ENV             Overrides configuration setting
  --run-id RUN_ID       Overrides configuration setting
  --base-port BASE_PORT
                        Overrides configuration setting
  --num-envs NUM_ENVS   Overrides configuration setting
  --inference           Overrides configuration setting
  --graphics            Overrides configuration setting
  --no-graphics         Overrides configuration setting
  --timestamp           Append timestamp to run-id. Overrides configuration
  --no-timestamp        Do not append timestamp to run-id. Overrides
                        configuration setting.
  --multi-gpu           Use multi-gpu if supported. Overrides configuration
  --no-multi-gpu        Do not use multi-gpu. Overrides configuration setting.

Example usage

Create and edit a new grimagents configuration file or edit an existing one:

grimagents --edit-config grim-agents\etc\3DBall_grimagents.json

Initiate training with the 3DBall_grimagents.json configuration file:

grimagents grim-agents\etc\3DBall.json

Initiate training with the 3DBall_grimagents.json configuration file, but override the configuration value for run-id (in this case, to resume an earlier training run):

grimagents grim-agents\etc\3DBall_grimagents.json --run-id 3DBall-2019-06-20_19-23-58 --resume


usage: grimsearch [-h] [--edit-config <file>] [--search-count]
                  [--resume <search index>] [--export-index <search index>]
                  [--random <n>]
                  [--bayesian <exploration_steps> <optimization_steps>]
                  [--bayes-save] [--bayes-load]

CLI application that performs a hyperparameter search

positional arguments:
  configuration_file    A grimagents configuration file containing search

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --edit-config <file>  Open a grimagents configuration file for editing. Adds
                        a default search entry if one is not present.
  --search-count        Output the total number of grid searches a grimagents
                        configuration file will attempt
  --resume <search index>
                        Resume grid search from <search index> (counting from
  --export-index <search index>
                        Export trainer configuration for grid search <index>
  --random <n>, -r <n>  Execute <n> random searches instead of performing a
                        grid search
  --bayesian <exploration_steps> <optimization_steps>, -b <exploration_steps> <optimization_steps>
                        Execute Bayesian Search using a number of exploration
                        steps and optimization steps
  --bayes-save, -s      Save Bayesian optimization progress log to folder
  --bayes-load, -l      Loads Bayesian optimization progress logs from folder

Example usage

Edit a grimagents training configuration file (default search parameters are added automatically):

grimsearch --edit-config grim-agents\etc\3DBall_grimagents.json

Initiate grid search with the 3DBall_grimagents.json configuration file:

grimsearch grim-agents\etc\3DBall_grimagents.json

Initiate 5 random searches with the 3DBall_grimagents.json configuration file:

grimsearch grim-agents\etc\3DBall_grimagents.json --random 5

Initiate a Bayesian search with the 3DBall_grimagents.json configuration file using 5 exploration steps and 10 optimization steps:

grimsearch grim-agents\etc\3DBall_grimagents.json --bayesian 5 10


usage: grimwrapper [-h] [--run-id <run-id>] [--export-path EXPORT_PATH]
                   trainer_config_path ...

CLI application that wraps mlagents-learn with automatic exporting of trained
policies and exposes more training information in the console.

positional arguments:
  trainer_config_path   Configuration file that holds brain hyperparameters
  args                  Additional arguments passed on to mlagents-learn (ex.
                        --debug, --load)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --run-id <run-id>     Run id for the training session
  --export-path EXPORT_PATH
                        Export trained policies to this path


grimagents Configuration

--trainer-config-path and --run-id are the only mandatory configuration values. Configuration values left empty will not be passed on to mlagents-learn. Override arguments sent to grimagents from the command line will be sent to mlagents-learn instead of those loaded from the configuration file.

All paths stored in configuration files should be relative paths from the current working directory. It is advisable to run grimagents modules from the MLAgents project root folder and configure paths accordingly.

--timestamp and --inference configuration values are consumed by the grimagents module and not passed on to grimwrapper or mlagents-learn.

Example configuration files can be found in the etc folder.

Example grimagents configuration:

    "trainer-config-path": "grim-agents/etc/3DBall.yaml",
    "--env": "builds/3DBall/3DBall.exe",
    "--export-path": "UnitySDK/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/TFModels",
    "--run-id": "3DBall",
    "--timestamp": true

grimsearch Configuration

Grid Search is the default strategy used by grimsearch. Each hyperparameter value added to the search configuration will dramatically increase the number of training runs executed during a Grid Search. Often it can be helpful to run a limited grid search with hyperparameter values bracketing either side of their current value.

Random Search can be applied using the --random argument. When used, a random value is chosen between the minimum and maximum values (inclusive) defined for each hyperparameter in the search configuration. A hyperparameter with only one value defined will not be randomized.

When the --bayesian argument is present, Bayesian Optimization will be used to search for optimal hyperparameters. Two values are required for each hyperparameter specified for the search; a minimum and maximum.

grimsearch only supports searching hyperparameters for one behaviour at a time. grimsearch will respect --num-envs while running searches and will also export the trained policy for every search if --export-path is present in the configuration file. This may not be desirable as each successive search will overwrite the previous policy's file.

Hyperparameters should be defined using period-separated strings to designate nested relationships.

    "search": {
        "behavior_name": "3DBall",
        "search_parameters": {
            "hyperparameters.batch_size": [512, 5120],
            "network_settings.hidden_units": [32, 512],
            "time_horizon": [32, 2048],
            "reward_signals.extrinsic.gamma": [0.98, 0.99]

As buffer_size should always be a multiple of the batch_size, it impossible to perform searches on one or the other using static values. A special buffer_size_multiple value can be defined that allows grimsearch to dynamically set the buffer_size based directly on the batch_size.

    "search": {
        "behavior_name": "3DBall",
        "search_parameters": {
            "hyperparameters.batch_size": [512, 5120],
            "hyperparameters.buffer_size_multiple": [4, 10],

Additionally, encoding_size values (such as hyperparameters.reward_signals.curiosity.encoding_size) should always be a multiple of 4 and will be forced to the highest valid multiple below the value chosen by Bayesian Optimization.


grimagents, grimwrapper, and grimsearch initiate training using a Pipenv subprocess call.

The grimagents --resume argument will not remember how far through a curriculum the previous training run progressed but will accept a --lesson override argument.

grimagent's log file is written into grim-agents/logs by default, but this can be changed in

Bayesian search will write the best configuration discovered into a yaml file named <run-id>_bayes.yaml next to the trainer config file used for the search. If the --bayes-save argument is used, an observations log file will be automatically generated with a timestamp in a folder next to the trainer config file. Likewise, the --bayes-load argument will load log files from the same folder. The folder name generated will take the form <run_id>_bayes. This folder should be cleared or deleted before beginning a new Bayesian search from scratch.

BayesianOptimization requires numpy >=1.19.0 while Tensorflow 2.3.0 and greater requires numpy <1.19.0. Tensorflow 2.2.0 must be used until current versions are updated to work with higher versions of numpy (source).

Newer versions of scikit-learn throw a ValueError when using Bayesian search. Until this issue is resolved, use scikit-learn 0.22.2. (source).

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CLI application that wraps Unity's 'mlagents-learn' toolkit with more automation







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