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This is the Upmark survey platform - a web-based survey tool for comparing organisations that manage large numbers of assets, such as water utilities.

For historical reasons, the source code and build instructions may refer to Upmark's working title, "Aquamark".


The easiest way to run during development is to use Docker Compose. First copy the config files to be out of the source tree and initialise the database:

cp -r src/app/config ../u-conf
echo 'DEV_MODE=True' >> ../u-conf/upmark.conf
sudo docker-compose run --rm web alembic upgrade head

Now start the web service:

sudo docker-compose run --rm web

INFO [app] Try opening

Open the URL suggested by the app in your browser. The default username and password are admin/admin.

When you run in DEV_MODE:

  • The aggressive cache-busting mechanism for most resources is disabled. This makes it easier to set breakpoints in your browser's debugger - but it means you'll probably need to disable caching in your browser.
  • The app will reload every time the source code changes. The web service is configured to read the source code directly from the host (using Docker volumes).
  • Exception tracebacks will be sent to the client in the HTTP response body.


Run server tests with:

sudo docker-compose run --rm test [module[.class[.method]]] [...]


See also:


Client-side scripts are managed with Bower, which will automatically download them when building with Docker. When not running in dev mode (see upmark.conf), the application will automatically use CDNs for some scripts and CSS files, and will minify the others. If you add a dependency or change its version number, you must make sure the versions specified in bower.json and in server/ are the same.


You can debug the web server with the intereactive debugger, pudb. To do so, edit the file you want to debug and import the pudb module. Then add a call to set_trace to add a breakpoint. For example:

class ResponseHistoryHandler(base_handler.Paginate, base_handler.BaseHandler):
    def get(self, assessment_id, measure_id):
+       import pudb
+       pudb.set_trace()
        with model.session_scope() as session:
            # Current version

Then start the container with an interactive TTY:

sudo docker-compose run --rm web

If you're not using docker-compose, add the -it to your Docker run command.

Next time you make an appropriate web request, the breakpoint will be triggered and you will have an interactive debugger in your console.